
logs for TP

Jan 19th, 2014
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  1. [17:02] <~Pilz> Gathered in the sitting room in Orianna's mansion, you listen as the General explains the situation, as he knows it.
  2. [17:04] <~Pilz> General Julien reaches into his coat pocket and removes a crystal orb about the size of a ping-pong ball. Holding it up to the light coming in through the window, a dazzling array of rainbows fills the room, clearly it has some prismatic properties.
  3. [17:06] <~Pilz> "Every major city in Gabriel has one of these. We suspect cities in the other principalities-the wealthy ones at least-have something similar. It is part of a system of emergency communication."
  4. [17:06] * Enwch_Yma stares in abject fascination at this marvelous show of colourful ligh- Enwch stares blankly towards the General.
  5. [17:08] <~Pilz> "Miss Orianna, could I trouble your estate for a glass of water?"
  6. [17:08] * Euthanasia just kinda tries to hide behind Steve's large frame and think of a good way to move away from the general public of the room.
  7. [17:13] * Stun stands, intrigued by the orb, as he is used as a shield by Euthy.
  8. [17:13] <~Pilz> (Miss d'Valt, sorry)
  9. [17:13] * Orianna_d`Valt nods. "Certainly, certainly." She waves to a nearby servant to fetch a glass of water for the General.
  10. [17:14] <~Pilz> The maids have been waiting near the door, and one of them is soon back with a glass of water. He nods in thanks.
  11. [17:16] <~Pilz> "Now, the way this particular object fuctions is quite clever. Normally, sending a signal over large distances would require quite a bit of force, and a certain amount of...talent. With this, however, one merely needs to deposit it in a liquid, like so."
  12. [17:17] <~Pilz> The General drops the orb into the glass, where it promptly dissolves into nothing, the liquid suddenly glowing a sickly green.
  13. [17:18] <~Pilz> "This causes a small disturbance in the air...a disturbance that, with the proper equipment, properly attuned, a signal can be recieved many miles away."
  14. [17:19] <~Pilz> The general picks up the glass and examines it.
  15. [17:20] <~Pilz> "In addition, the signal will be changed by the liquid it is placed in-that is, placing this in water produces a different sort of ripple than placing it in tea, or wine."
  16. [17:21] * Orianna_d`Valt watches curiously. "Interesting."
  17. [17:22] <~Pilz> "Now, I have sent a signal informing additional stations of my men that their presence is needed. However, as per your account, we know that the isolation of the city took place without warning."
  18. [17:23] <~Pilz> "The orbs that the cities are provided with have an additional function: while they are intact, they also produce a ripple. If the ripple disappears, we can simply determine that someone is attempting to isolate the city from contact with us."
  19. [17:24] <~Pilz> The General places the glass of water down on the table, the glow having completely disappeared.
  20. [17:25] * Orianna_d`Valt nods.
  21. [17:25] <~Pilz> "16 hours ago, the signal disappeared. Since the gems are nearly indestructable, aside from contact with a liquid, we can safely say some force has prevented the signal from reaching us. And thus I am here."
  22. [17:28] <~Pilz> "This is the extent of our knowlege thus far. Now, do any of you have any questions for me?"
  23. [17:30] * Orianna_d`Valt taps her fingers lightly, thinking. "Have you seen something like this, on this scale, happen before?"
  24. [17:31] <~Pilz> "Never. Or on a smaller scale. Though I suppose I knew things with this effect were theoretically possible."
  25. [17:32] * Orianna_d`Valt nods. "Indeed. Hmm..." The small noblewoman looks thoughtful for a moment.
  26. [17:33] * Stun stands up straighter for a few seconds as the orb is dropped into the glass, looking around the room, then relaxes again with a shake of the head, muttering, "Birds."
  27. [17:34] <~Pilz> The GEneral focuses on Stun for a moment, studying him seriously, before smiling grimly. "You have good eyes, friend."
  28. [17:36] * Euthanasia tries to raise her hand, but her shyness takes hold of her body as soon as Stun talks up about the birds, realizing there isn't much more to say.
  29. [17:37] * Enwch_Yma seems lost in though as she observes from behind her mask, very seriously contemplating what effect the flavour of tea might have on the orb.
  30. [17:41] <~Pilz> "If you have no more questions...I should get to work."
  31. [17:42] * Pilz General Julien hauls himself from the comfortable chair and gives another stiff and painful-looking bow.
  32. [17:45] <~Pilz> "I thank you for your hospitality. Now, for Gabriel."
  33. [17:45] * Orianna_d`Valt offers a bow to him as well. "Indeed. Should you have need of us, you have but to ask..." She glances over to Euthy. "In the meantime, however, there are some things I would like to... get a handle on."
  34. [17:45] <~Pilz> "Of course."
  35. [17:46] <~Pilz> *The General is Escorted from the mansion by the head butler*
  36. [17:47] <~Pilz> ==================================================
  37. [17:47] * Euthanasia hides behind stun when Orianna looks at her, trying to appear to not be there.
  38. [17:48] * Orianna_d`Valt smiles. "Now, now, no need to hide, Sister. I said I'd help you get practiced at public speaking, hmm? And the first part of that is presentation."
  39. [17:52] * Euthanasia whines afraid of the other women as she makes herself a small ball, doing a "no" movement with her head, doing the classical "If I can't see you, you can't see me" posture of a young kid "Nuuuhh uhhh" she barely gets to answer, fear shaking her bones.
  40. [17:56] * Stun moves aside, letting Orianna speak to Euthy proper, and heads over to the glass of water with the orb in it, crouching down to study it.
  41. [17:57] * Enwch_Yma departs with Pyped, leaving Euthy to her fate and simply glad the noble woman hadn't yet set eyes on her as prey.
  42. [17:57] * Orianna_d`Valt approaches Euthy. "Come on now, I've seen you fight. Surely you're not afraid of someone lik eme?" She smiles--though a careful look shows it doesn't reach her eyes. "Come on, Sister. I promise nothing I do to you will hurt."
  43. [18:00] * Euthanasia whines again as she weakly gets up, her legs shacking awkwardly as she gets up trying to whisper a "N-no m-mist s-s-sa-saint" she added, whispering the last "titmonster" to herself, as she looked around trying to find a support pilar or an open window.
  44. [18:03] * Orianna_d`Valt reaches to grab Euthy's hand. "Come on, now. At teh very least allow me to lead you to the baths, hmm?"
  45. [18:03] * Alphonse is now known as Carp
  46. [18:03] * Carp is now known as Alphonse
  47. [18:04] * Euthanasia slowly indulged the nobless into a weak slow walk behind Orianna, as if she was a little girl being taken by her mom. Still as much she wanted to fleed she also needed a bath rather urgently, so she accepted her fate, at least for now.
  48. [18:05] * Stun looks around at the emptying room, then finally extends a hand out to grab the glass, rattling the orb inside around lightly. "Suppose he'd like this back."
  49. [18:06] <~Pilz> (It dissolved)
  50. [18:06] <Stun> (Oh.)
  51. [18:06] <~Pilz> (:P)
  52. [18:06] <Stun> (I reread that shit like four times, how did I miss that)
  53. [18:06] <Stun> (Goddamnit)
  54. [18:07] <Stun> (New plan then)
  55. [18:09] * Stun looks around at the emptying room, eyes landing on Alphonse. He stares for a few moments, amber eyes gleaming beneath the shadow of his hat and robes, then adjusts the hat downwards once more and trudges off in the direction Euthy was dragged along.
  56. [18:11] * Alphonse looks curiously at Stun's retreat, before shrugging and extracting the vial of glittering ghast residue - holding it up to watch the light shimmer through it.
  57. [18:12] * Orianna_d`Valt leads Euthy to the baths. "Here you go, then. You can strip behind there, the maids should have ran warm water already. Would you mind if I joined you?"
  58. [18:14] * Euthanasia nodded as she heard where to go. When Orianna talked back to her, about joining the cun couldn't say anything a small line of awkward blood comming out of her nose as she mumbled a "mnuhh nuhhh uhh" without being able to say anything coherent at all.
  59. [18:18] * Orianna_d`Valt just grins, glancing behind her. "Ah, Stun, are you wanting to join us as well? Given the nature of the ongoing emergency, I don't suppose it would be THAT scandalous, hmm?"
  60. [18:20] * Stun chuckles gratingly, but shakes his head. "Wouldn't be so cruel. House have a more private one?"
  61. [18:21] * Antumbra ( has joined #PilzAnimaIC
  62. [18:23] * Alphonse ( Quit ( Ping timeout )
  63. [18:23] * Euthanasia tries to use the confusion to move away from the duo. More from Orianna than Stun.
  64. [18:27] * Orianna_d`Valt puts a hadn on Euthy's hip--given the height difference. "Of course there is, though I don't see what's cruel about it," Orianna says to Stun, motioning for a maid to show him a private bath.
  65. [18:28] <Stun> "Let's keep it that way," he replies cryptically, following the maid.
  66. [18:31] * Euthanasia jumps up when she feels Orianna's small body around her hip, almost doing a small yell, but the fear creeping on her body makes her stay on the place as she nods slowly moving towards the changing room, trying to ignore the nobless.
  67. [18:32] * Antumbra is now known as Alphonse
  68. [18:34] * Orianna_d`Valt grins, getting ready to bathe with Euthy. Get her nice and clean and... examined.
  69. [18:36] * Antumbra ( has joined #PilzAnimaIC
  70. [18:37] * Antumbra_ ( has joined #PilzAnimaIC
  71. [18:38] * Enwch_Yma , meanwhile, has once again shut herself away in the workshop Orianna had so graciously provided, a partially dismantled grandfather clock currently taking up her attention on the workbench.
  72. [18:39] * Alphonse ( Quit ( Ping timeout )
  73. [18:40] * Antumbra ( Quit ( Ping timeout )
  74. [18:43] <Antumbra_> Tradition, as far as his books suggest, seemed to dictate the act of summoning and binding the supernatural forces of the world to be a deeply intimate affair. One conducted alone, in a distant chamber far from the torches and eyes of man.
  75. [18:43] <Antumbra_> Alphonse felt decidedly modern then, having the young - and rather nontraditional - nun lurking over the carefully inscribed circle with her scythe at the ready. He'd explained carefully that he was seeking for aid from the spirits - technically true - but that the call might not reach heaven, in which case her help would be most welcome in banishing it and stopping it from some future evils.
  76. [18:43] <Antumbra_> Not that he was summoning an angel mind you. The locket that lay cold on his breast, while of minor power had convinced him that audacity might just pay off - with the forces arrayed against the city, anything less that his full effort would be unjustifiable.
  77. [18:43] <Antumbra_> Hence, he called out to the desert. The cold wind that sweeps through the dunes, peeling the flesh from the bones of lost travelers. The spirits called Yinnum, who toy with their mortal prey. Bound into a lamp, suggested an old book, they were of much use to the wise man.
  78. [18:45] <~Pilz> =============3 days pass=================
  79. [18:47] <~Pilz> You stand and sit on the balcony overlooking Orianna's garden, and the front walk. The general's forces have swolen dramatically-after the first day, there were 200 men. Now, full 500 armed men and women have surrounded the city. A team of 5 dedicated "Occultists" as the General called them, have been poking and prodding at the barrier-a search which has born fruit.
  80. [18:48] <~Pilz> It seems the spell that maintains the barrier was...-IS- constantly weakening. Unsuprising, considering the size of it. Finding no way to dispell the thing, the General and his forces elected to position themselves at key points around the perimiter-near entrances and exits to the city-and wait for the veil to lift.
  81. [18:49] <~Pilz> Teams have been equipped with supply wagons and medical teams are on standby, prepared to flood into the city and bring aid to those who need it the very second the barrier lifts. Now, everyone's eyes are glued to various sundials and clocks which have been positioned with every force, and synchronized.
  82. [18:50] <~Pilz> If the Occultists are correct, the veil will lift in ten minutes exactly.
  83. [18:52] * Enwch_Yma shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot, the masked woman obviously displeased with the current situation as Pyped stands by dispassionately. "I do so wish I had been capable of finishing my preparations.."
  84. [18:52] * Orianna_d`Valt sips a glass of fine wine as she waits, glancing to her companions--especially the now much more impeccably dressed Euthy. "Hmm."
  85. [18:53] * Antumbra_ looks over the gathering, a lantern, conspicuous in daytime hanging from his belt. "I admit, I wouldn't have expected such organisation. I hope it is enough - the worst possibilities are quite worrisome."
  86. [18:53] * Antumbra_ is now known as Alphonse
  87. [18:54] * Euthanasia still rides along, far away from Orianna and david, still, now she's actually clean and dressed up in a rather good nun dress up with a splitten skirt to move around.
  88. [18:56] * Stun leans over the railing to watch the city's barrier go down, the same robes as the days before concealing his form.
  89. [18:58] <~Pilz> The clocks strike the hour as one, and a gasp goes up from the men. The shimmer that has prevented enterance to the city is slowly opening, evaporating into the early morning mists. A hush falls over the amassed army as they see the city in all its ruined splendor.
  90. [18:59] <~Pilz> Furniture lies in the streets. Not a single window is unbroken, and the shattered glass of temples and slumhousees lies mixed in the streets. Commercial buildings have had their guts spilt out-likely as much by the monsters as by looters.
  91. [18:59] <~Pilz> As you look upon the devistation, you begin to despair of finding someone alive, but then you see movement. A head pokes out of a skylight, faces are showing through windows. There are survivors here, and with a shouted command, relief pours into the city.
  92. [18:59] <~Pilz> Relief isn't the only thing forthcoming, however. You can't help but note that the way the army has positioned itself, it will be nigh impossible to leave the city limits. Clearly, a quarentine has been imposed, and an effective one at that.
  93. [19:03] * Orianna_d`Valt sips her wine again. "Well, it seems they have everything under control..." She glances to her companions. "Who else is waiting for the other shoe to drop?"
  94. [19:05] <Enwch_Yma> "It certainly was a bit less.. Climactic than I had expected." Enwch admits, relaxing as the army moves into the city without any problem. "Though I fear it may be difficult to spin this into an epic tale to be spread!" She says with a laugh.
  95. [19:05] * Stun raises a hand at Orianna's words.
  96. [19:06] * Antumbra ( has joined #PilzAnimaIC
  97. [19:07] * Antumbra looks at Orianna and smiles. "Maybe - probably. But it seems that the city at large will be saved, even if there is something worse afoot."
  98. [19:07] * Alphonse ( Quit ( Ping timeout )
  99. [19:07] * Antumbra is now known as Alphonse
  100. [19:08] * Euthanasia looks around, as if trying to find something broken or wrong with the place and the people around her.
  101. [19:18] <~Pilz> A couple hours pass, as carts of aid go into the city full and leave the city empty, only to be stacked high with supplies again. You are about to go inside when you note a small band of soldiers leaving the city and heading for the mansion. In the middle of them, looking dirty and beaten down but carrying himself with determination, is a survivor you recognize-Louis Mordaunt, and beside him an ugly, deformed old man with a face covered in warts and a hunch on his back.
  102. [19:19] <~Pilz> old man with a face covered in warts and a hunch on his back.
  103. [19:20] <~Pilz> The delegation seems set upon entering the palace, and after a brief discussion with the soldiers guarding the way out of the city, they are allowed to continue on
  104. [19:22] * Orianna_d`Valt quirks an eyebrow, drains her wine, and heads for the front door. "Well, let's see what's going to happen here."
  105. [19:25] <~Pilz> Geraud is already at the door, waiting for the knock. "Miss Orianna. May I help you?"
  106. [19:25] * Alphonse nods. "Not a bad place to be in the aftermath. Though I suppose it might be awkward if anyone remembers your presence in the Arena."
  107. [19:26] <Enwch_Yma> "We hardly present a memorable image." Enwch says with a laugh, sweeping her hand out to include the hulking Stun, Euthie in her brand new outfit and the rest of the group.
  108. [19:27] <Orianna_d`Valt> "I have a bad feeling about what we're about to hear, Geraud, and want to be ready for when I am inevitably called to the door."
  109. [19:28] <~Pilz> "Shall I bring them to the sitting room by the long way, then?"
  110. [19:29] <Stun> "That's good," Stun notes to Enwch, as he hauls himself up from the ledge, about-facing to look at the rest of the lot. "Head back down then?"
  111. [19:29] * Orianna_d`Valt nods. 'If you would." She glances to her companions. "Shall we go get settled in, then?"
  112. [19:35] * Orianna_d`Valt leads the group to the sitting room, and has henri prepare snacks and drinks, and gets settled in. "Sister? Stun? Enwch? Pypyd? Do be prepared for trouble." She closes her eyes for a moment, reaching out with her mind... [Testing, testing. Is everyone here able to hear my thoughts? I believe some capacity for private communications may be handy here.]
  113. [19:38] * Euthanasia nods, trying her best to close her mind to the nobless, or rather not sound as awkwardly in tow separate mediums.
  114. [19:38] <Enwch_Yma> Though no surprise is visible through past Enwch's mask, Pyped's eyes widen and she stares at the noble woman.
  115. [19:39] * Orianna_d`Valt smiles lightly. [Once we're all settled in and prepared, we can greet these guests of mine, so simply let me know once you're all ready.]
  116. [19:39] * Alphonse grimaces slightly, remembering the last time they spoke in this manner. [Yes, Lady d'Valt. I hear you.]
  117. [19:40] * Stun nods.
  118. [19:41] <Enwch_Yma> [I am as ready as I shall be, without several weeks notice.] Enwch replies after a moment of getting used to the strange silent speech.
  119. [19:41] * Orianna_d`Valt nods, and holds up a hand to a nearby maid, to go and inform Geraud that they are ready.
  120. [19:44] <~Pilz> Soon, there is a knock on the sitting room door. Geraud opens it and silently steps inside. He opens his mouth to announce the visitors...and the ugly man steps promptly passed hi and into the middle of the room, where he promptly faces Orianna and goes into a deep bow.
  121. [19:46] <~Pilz> "Miss d'Valt, your family has been with this city for many decades. Some records even show your ancestors were vital in its founding. In recent history, your father and mother helped resolve multiple crisises, from runs on the city bank, to when the budget fell short, to...other matters."
  122. [19:48] <~Pilz> "Miss d'Valt, once again this city has experienced pain. Once again I am forced to turn to your family for help. Miss d'Valt, I beg you: Help me find what happened to my city, so that it never happens again. Do this for me and I swear as my name is Jacques Mordaunt, your family will never want for influence as long as I live."
  123. [19:50] <~Pilz> The voice that comes from the hunchback is as beautiful as the man himself is ugly, and Geraud falls silent when he speaks, waiting until he finishes to announce visitors, who file into the room when called for. The General is there, as is Louis. They both take a seat, but Jacques Mordaunt remains fixed, head lowered in a bow.
  124. [19:50] * TransientPeople (TP@61587CBF.AED14A24.63277301.IP) has joined #PilzAnimaIC
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