
SnekFilly Part 4

May 4th, 2016
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  1. nekfilly part 4
  3. >Be Fluttershy
  4. >Be cleaning off a unconscious but very alive Angel
  5. >He probably wouldn't feel like it when he woke up, but he was actually very lucky
  6. >Turns out Anons venom was non-lethal in of itself, it just causes some convulsions and a temporary loss of muscle control
  7. >After you finish cleaning your now nearly hairless bunny you place him in his basket by your bed to rest
  8. >Now to attend to Anon
  9. >You go back to your kitchen
  10. >Anon has fallen asleep on your kitchen table
  11. >Curled up in an adorable little coil
  12. >You didn't want to move her and she looked comfortable enough, but you wanted to be there with her when she wakes up
  13. >You go grab a book on snake physiology, foal care and foal psychiatry from your bookshelf, pull up a chair and start reading
  14. >But as you read your mind can't help but wander
  15. >You really had to ask Anon about herself tomorrow
  16. >You really didn't know much about her, but you quickly made a short list of things you DID know about her
  17. >Anon didn't seem to understand her own biology very well, given that she didn't know what her venom did or that her jaw could unhinge, poor thing
  18. >Anon could speak perfect Equish, so she must have had some interaction with somepony or someone, she clearly wasn't just some wild animal
  19. >Anon was very young, you didn't know exactly how snakes age, but judging by her face you'd assume she was no older than 6 years old
  20. >That was it, not a whole lot to go off of
  21. >What did Anon ever eat?
  22. >Oh no! Anon was probably starving right now and you didn't have anything for her to eat!
  23. >Books forgotten, you run to your ice box and start planning a smorgasbord for Anon when she wakes up
  25. >Be Anon
  26. >Be waking up
  27. >Groggily, you lift your head up and yawn
  28. >”Oh wonderful! I'm glad to see you awake Anon”
  29. >A familiar Yellow mini-horse enters your vision
  30. “Oh, uh, morning Fluttershy”
  31. >”Actually its about 9pm right now but that's not important right now, the important thing is that I make up for our unpleasant introduction earlier”
  32. “You don't have to do that, I did eat your bunny rabbit”
  33. >”That's in the past now, he'll fully recover in time and I know you're sorry about what you did”
  34. >You have to admit you now feel kinda bad about that, he might have been a dick but it wasn't anything to kill someone over
  35. “He's gonna be okay?”
  36. >”Yeah, other than a few missing patches of fur and a small bite on his leg he's doing pretty well right now”
  37. >Well that's what the little fucker deserves
  38. >You might feel bad for the attempted murder, but not for biting him
  39. “Well I'm glad he's going to be alright, but what now?”
  40. >”Well I knew you were going to be hungry when you got up, so I thought I'd make you a nice dinner but since I don't really know what you eat I had just prepared a bit of everything so hopefully there would be something you could eat”
  41. >And there did indeed appear to be a bit of everything, there was a ton of food on the table with you. There was a huge plate filled with different kinds of sandwiches, some pasta, what appeared to be a veggie burger and some french fries, some various kinds of cooked fish(apparently fish was still okay to eat around here), some pasta dishes, at least a dozen different fruits all diced up, and lastly there was a plate of various kinds of cookies
  42. >You have to admit you were curious about what you could now eat as well
  43. “Well you certainly made a lot of food”
  44. >”Don't worry about eating it all, the whole point was so I could see what you like, if you eat something you don't like you don't have to finish it. Any leftovers I can either save for later or give to some of my animal friends. So go on and dig in”
  45. >You slither towards the nearest plate, the one with the burger and french fries and sniff it
  46. >Smells pretty greasy and not really appetizing but you take a bite out of the burger anyway
  47. “Eugh!”
  48. >You spit out the bite you just took, tastes like someone took lawn waste, dipped it in grease, grilled it and slapped it on a bun
  49. >”That was a hayburger with flowers, I'm so sorry about that. I knew you probably couldn't eat it but I had to at least see if you could eat hay. It's a common pony food”
  50. >Fluttershy removes a few of the sandwiches from another plate and places them in her fridge
  51. >”Please continue, I promise you nothing now has any hay or flowers”
  52. >Undeterred and still hungry, you move to the plate of sandwiches
  53. >You found a grilled cheese sandwich
  54. >You really hope they still taste as good as you remember
  55. >They do
  56. >”Well I'm glad you found something you like”
  57. >No words now
  58. >Only cheesy goodness
  59. >”I hope you don't mind, but I also made all this in hopes that you would get to like me more, I know we didn't start on the right hoof and I wanted to apologize for all you've been through today and I couldn't quite put it all into words”
  60. “I forgive you Fluttershy, and hey, they say the path to a mans heart is through his stomach”
  61. >”What's a man?”
  62. “[spoiler]A miserable little pile of secrets![/spoiler].... uh nothing, forget I said that”
  63. >”Um. Okay”
  64. >Short awkward silence
  65. >”Is that what you are? A man? I've never heard of those before”
  66. >You look at yourself
  67. >Were you still what you could considered a man?
  68. >No, you were once. But clearly you couldn't really call yourself a man anymore
  69. “No, I'm not”
  70. >”Then, um, what are you then? I'm sorry but I've never seen anything like you”
  71. “I-I don't know what I am anymore”
  72. >You finally broke down, all the ignored changes to yourself hitting you suddenly like a sack of bricks
  73. >No arms
  74. >No legs
  75. >No dick
  76. >No humanity
  77. >And apparently you were now a little kid
  78. >”I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you!”
  79. >Fluttershy flies over to you and scoops you up into a hug
  80. >”Hey its okay, I don't care what you are, all I see is a confused little filly that needs help. And I'm willing to be there for you for as long as you need”
  81. >That's what you are now
  82. >A confused little filly, more or less
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