

Nov 18th, 2014
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  1. Main Troll's ancetor's
  3. The Silentone - Pototos ancestor. The silentone got his name with a highblood cut his tongue out for speaking about his younglings. He wanders around, bandages around his mouth with a painted " X " over it. he wears a hoodie made from lusus fur and a pair of black jeans. his left horn is broken and his other one is cracked.
  5. The peacebringer - Almere's ancestor. The peacebringer is a tiny ancestor that lives in the woods far away from everyone else.
  6. she cares about others and does what ever she can to help them. she is the shortes of the Adonis bloodline and the only one to stop her self from going isane
  8. The Shapeshifter - Nexxy's ancestor. The shapeshifter can change his form freely. he can manly be seen as a young troll. he wanders around, being very nice to everyone and helping them be happy. he takes care of young trolls and grubs if there lusus is killed.
  10. The darkheiress - Noremos ancestor. The darkheiress killed her-self to save her friend. a spear threw the chest ended her. she was the ruler of the time line. her friend killed there self shortly after she did.
  12. The Dreamer - Thrica's ancestor. the dreamer tends to fall asleep at random times to go into the dream bubbles. she helps out trolls that are lost or having nightterrors.
  14. The brokenone - Strara's ancestor. The brokenone has been metal scared since he was a wirggler. no-one knows why or what happend to him. he has a collar around his neck, keeping his psionics from going out of control. red and blue veins surround his eyes from stress and over working his powers.
  16. The killer - Zizakos ancestor. The killer is the one that the darkheiress killed her self for. the reason for this is because she loved him and didnt want him to be taken away. the killer is feared by everyone and was going to be killed by a blue blood, the death of the darkheiress stoped this.
  18. The DoomBringer - Kimomo's ancestor. The doombringer used to run around and kill highbloods. but the cops caught her. she was trained by the killer. she is locked up in a iron cell that is in the middle of a mountain. only a few people watch her and make sure she doesnt get out.
  20. The Jadesea - Athala's ancestor. The Jadesea is a kind and helpful troll. she will make sure the the grubs in her part of the cavern live and make it to a lusus. if she finds a jade blood, then she will take it home with her and raise it.
  22. The Olivespy - Tovroo's ancestor. The olivespy wears the skin of a fallen wolf lusus, its fur is stained with the blood from other lusii. he has wrighten his life story on the walls of his cave. at the opening of his cave are bloody paw prints from all of the lusii he killed to write his story.
  24. The howlingdog - Italay's ancestor. The howlingdog lives near the olivespy. her home lane is large and far away from any highbloods. she keeps the pelt of a large dog lusus on, the head covering her own, keeping her eyes hiden from anyone the might be around. she lives in a under-ground cave with a few small lusii.
  26. The Rustedscout - Pofowu's ancestor. The rustedspy lives in a large city, working for a teal blood. his house is small and falling apart. he makes a living by creating robots and scouting out land for highvloods. he is working on a female robot that will look and act live a troll.
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  30. The side-Line troll ancestor's
  32. The dancer - Oxsana's ancestor. The dancer works for a fushia tyrant. she is the head dancer for this tyrant. she works her butt of to provide for her wrigglers. this tyrant killed her lusus and is now forcing the dancer to work for her. the dancer can normaly been seen with chains around her wrist and ankles, just enough clothes to keep her self warm
  34. The forgotten - Gerbec's ancestor. the forgotten used to protect everyone he knew, but took a turn for the worse when the highbloods killed them. the forgotten wears a long cloak that trails behind him. he has the ears and tail of a bunny and somtimes the speed of one. he can duel wield scythe's and scare the living daylights out of others. The forgotten has the power to turn into a demonic rabbit. everyone in his blood line can. he only uses this power when his sycthes are taken away or broken.
  36. The FushiaTyrant, A.K.A, The DeadQueen - Ruqaya's ancestor. The Deadqueen was created by the forgotten when he was young. he wanted to make a queen that would over rule all of the other ones. her life was short lived. The highqueen of there time line killed her when she was old enough for the crown. She wonders around, watching young fushia bloods, her dead eyes showing no emoiton.
  38. The gravedigger - Plsama's ancestor. The gravedigger digs grave for the dead. he can be seen wearing a pitch black man dress with long sleeves that go over his hands. he has a solid black doctors mask that has blood on the beak.
  40. He cares about his grubs, so much that he sent them away to be raised by a close friend. he spends most of his time dealing with familes that wish to burry the dead.
  44. The bookkeeper - Havvoc's ancestor. The book keeper has made it his goal to teach the young about the world before letting them leave. it takes him a sweep or two to train them. He Havvoc for 3 sweeps and Naodeo for 5 sweeps.
  46. Only the grubs that he trained know where he lives and how he lives. book keeper wears a long red umber and gray rope, bright bronze cloth rippon goes around his waist and drags along the ground.
  50. The helper - Yecama's ancestor. The helper has been helping others out since he was old enough to walk. he has been helping his own kids get back on there feet and keeping them out of danger. he finds joy in helping others and family.
  54. The snowwarning - Dagana's ancestor. The snowwarning lives so far up on a mountain that no-one can reach her. she fears that someone will kill her or lock her up due to her cow like features. Snow warning has the ears, tail and feet of a cow, she moos when in danger. she wears a long cloak that drags behind her ,a hat and a blue scarf. her cloak is made from sheep fur.
  58. The DarkMother - Miauen's ancestor. The darkmother wears a long, eleagant dress that is black and dark purple. un-like her grubs, her face paint is neat and lady like, a diamond shape over each eye and dots at each corner of her mouth. She keeps her horns cut so they dont grow anymore and bond with each other.
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  63. The Mack-daddy seadweller ancestor's
  65. The Losthighblood - Aquata's ancestor. The losthighblood lives alone, keeping to her self. she lives far under the ocean, to far for younglings to get to her. only the royalknight can get to her. thiefs have tried, but failed, to get to her place for the gold that she owns.
  67. The RoyalKnight - Ozeans ancestor. The Royalknight protects his queen. his hopes is that one day he can show his love to her and create a heir for the throne. but his dreams are short lived do to a rare poision that is injected into his blood by a thief.
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