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Mar 25th, 2022
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  1. Name: Isabel MacFinn
  2. Code Name: Lily
  3. Gender: Female
  4. Alignment: Neutral Good
  5. Size : Medium-Small
  6. Height: 5' 1"
  7. Weight: 123 lbs
  8. Faith: Imperial Cult
  9. Age: 19
  10. Blood Type: O Negative
  11. Family: TBD
  12. Likes: Song, dance, drink, good times, jokes, people, smiles
  13. Dislikes: Gambling, insincerity, scandals, gossip, nobles
  14. Strengths: Knows a good story for every situation, few stays angry with her for long due to her energetic personality and charm.
  15. Weaknesses: Vices, especially hard drink from the city. Has caused scandals due to her curiosity, and trouble tends to follow her. Once satirized a noble who still wants her head; a mistake she admits she will likely repeat.
  16. Basic Professions: Troubadour, Tavern Maid
  17. Starting Class: Bard
  18. Build: Bard (College of Lore) / Barbarian (Path of the Skald [Pathfinder])
  20. Profile:
  21. The middle daughter in a family of eleven, Isabel MacFinn was born eighteen years and three months before the beginning of the series. She was raised in the port city of Iria by a former gallowglass who hung up his axe after collecting his bounty, then settled with the daughter of a dwarven blacksmith. Isabel is short in stature at 5' 1". With regards to her voice, it can be best described as "pert, cute, high pitched, but with a self-aware, sardonic edge. There's a bit of a deliberately disarming little con artist beneath the daintiness she carries herself with day to day."
  23. While on stage, Isabel has been described as becoming a different person on stage by those close to her between songs. Her voice malleable thanks to genetics gifting her with a wide natural range, she can belt out powerful songs that fill customers with a patriotic pride in her lower register, or charm with a sultry high pitched voice. Isabel has practiced the art of hiding her thick local accent, along with her natural speaking voice, for so long that even those familiar with the girl are stunned when it comes through. As Isabel eloquently stated once to a man who insulted her, who claimed to had fallen out of love with her, "If ye cannae handle at mah bawdiest, ye dinnae deserve me at mah daintiest."
  25. By day, she works with her father and younger brother on the family's beef farm, occasionally helping her mother at her shop along with her sisters. By late afternoon well until the night, Isabel serves, sings, and plays for customers at the premier tavern of Iria, The Briar Rose. Thanks to a written agreement to play exclusively at the tavern, owned by her father's former war-brother, she has continued to hone her craft and a confidence that few will stay angry with her for long.
  27. While Isabel is generous to those in need, loyal, and has learned many a good story for every situation thanks to years of drawing crowds, she is often tempted by the vices from the city, especially hard drink. She has caused several scandals due to her curiosity, though many were forgiven due to her ability to talk herself out first, her connections second. That trouble still tends to follow her, however. One scandal that remains unforgiven is that she once satirized a noble who still wants her head; a mistake she admits she will likely repeat.
  29. Roles:
  31. Damage and Crowd Control
  32. Striker and Healing Support
  33. Defense Support and Damage
  35. Tabletop Game Playstyle: Isabel primarily plays as a Support character during raids and dungeon crawls, while adapting to fill in other roles if necessary. The crux of her gameplay in the beginning involves using her Inspired Rage in combat to bolster the party's advantage, add piercing and elemental damage, damage rolls, Strength checks and saving throws, bonuses to Strength Damage roles, and expand her health pool. Throughout her journey, as she builds comraderie with her allies, Isabel will develop new ways to inspire based on what troubles they come across.
  37. One key aspect of Isabel's fighting style is her ability to grapple and shove: while these do poor damage, many enemies AC remain as if they were unarmed level one characters. This means she will be able to pass Strength checks and saving throws via Athletics (STR) or Acrobatics (DEX) easily to negate the enemy's free reign of movement, which enemies rely upon. This, along with any movement (Longstride) and speed boosts (party members), gives options to shut down the more dangerous threats before they can reach your healer, or overwhelm your tank, and make enemies easier tto hit. Want to armlock an Ogre? Drag that cowardly sniper over a cliff? Hold down two orcs while kicking the third?
  39. This opens many doors to an insane amount of combo potential.
  41. She can grapple a spellcaster in a zone of Silence, and no one will hear him cry out in horror, trying to tap out in vain. Once she's got hold of their backs or legs she can hold and toss around two guys in place while your Wizard rains hellfire on their heads. Plant the badguy ass up on the ground giving your rogue just enough spanking space to land some glorious marks on his shiny swollen ass. Jump out of a window while holding your targets. The possibilities are endless!
  43. There are caveats to this. Damage done via grappling is low, and doesn't work as well when she is facing chaotic battles with multiple attackers. Once she has grappled an opponent, her movement is also lowered, meaning she cannot dart around without releasing her opponent. Comes up against a monster that's immune to shove and grapple?She'll have a hard time sitting back fun poking him for the rest of the encounter. Have a bad day running into that one spellcaster who pre-cast Freedom of Movement? Better hope someone friendly around can Dispel Magic. Dragon won't land from the sky? Well, she can grow horns but unless they come with a pair of wings or is easily baited by insults thrown at him, that flying lizard ain't coming down. These situations will force her in the back seat until conditions are met, which she doesn't deal well with. Once Isabel gets shut down, she get's shut down HARD.
  45. Her support abilities come further into play out of combat with her cantrips and Bardic Inspiration spells. From casting Longstride before combat to boost movement speed, heal, revitalize weary allies by giving them more health, prevent terrain from slowing down your party, give them resistances and resilience, interpret unfamiliar languages, etc., she'll bound to have enough skills or the right spell to fill whatever niche is needed of her in a dedicated party.
  47. Fighting Game Playstyle: Technical momentum-based hybrid rushdown/grappler with emphasis on pressure loops, high-priority command grabs, chained rekkas, a diverse range of normals, one of the strongest metered reversals, specials with strong utility that can bolster her normals, pressure, and chains depending on the situation, dash-thoughs, evade moves, unblockables, a fast ground speed, and able to deliver constant guessing games along with followups that can get behind guards and counter.
  49. She will struggle a great deal in neutral, however, especially against opponents that can zone her out long-range, maintain air dominance in long to mid range, or dedicated grapplers up close. The beginning of every match will be difficult, and will have to resort to a limited set of pressure loops to score a confirm, or her many gimmicks. She will rely on her utility specials and staying within an optimal mid-to-close range to deal with dedicated rushdown opponents, to bait and counter them. If an Isabel player is too predictable, her paperthin defenses will be ripped apart.
  51. Examples: (El Fuerte (SF4), Bullet (BlazBlue), R. Mika (SFV), Angel (KoF), May (Guilty Gear)
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