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a guest
Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. Véct: report
  2. Véct: cancer fish
  3. Véct: and rengar
  4. Pwon3d: i carry my team
  5. Mlda: j4 2 man carry =
  6. Mlda: ?
  7. Véct: jax too
  8. Véct: canceric
  9. Véct: ebola
  10. Pwon3d: and all excepet jarvan feeder
  11. Véct: from hell
  12. Véct: fizz
  13. Véct: kill ur self
  14. Véct: kid
  15. Véct: die
  16. Véct: now
  17. Véct: u too
  18. Véct: rengar
  19. Véct: u cant insta kill lucian
  20. Véct: with jax
  21. ognTSM Davis: do you even know that there are real people behind eevery player?
  22. Véct: he kites u like bronzes
  23. Véct: yes so die
  24. ognTSM Davis: do you say these things in real lifee too?
  25. Véct: go die now
  26. Véct: in real life
  27. Véct: id kill u
  28. ognTSM Davis: XD
  29. Véct: myself
  30. Véct: i just didnt happen
  31. Véct: to meet any1 from solo q
  32. Véct: in real life
  33. Véct: else
  34. Véct: id be
  35. Véct: in jail
  36. Véct: fukin autistic blond skinny bich with vagina
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