
mass effect anon 1

Nov 20th, 2012
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  1. >hi I'm commander anon and this is my favorite store on the citadel.
  2. *sigh* why did I ever do that commercial they play it all the time.
  3. >its been a month since you destroyed the reapers and almost died again
  4. after the medics found you under some rubble they immediately took you to a hospital on earth for help.
  5. >you were pretty banged up but would live just mostly cuts and bruises.
  6. >all of the crew on the Normandy have left to help around and clean up.
  7. >the Normandy sure is quite with out every one even EDI found a way to not have all of her data on the Normandy
  8. so the Normandy is completely empty except for you.
  9. >joker taught you the basics on how to fly the Normandy during off time between missions.
  10. your not the best but you can get it from here to there not so good with doing all that and the weapons at the same time but it works.
  11. >a week ago you took the Normandy a little away from the citadel because Hackett said you needed to relax after all this and there problem wont be any more missions for a while that the spec ops couldn't handle.
  12. >as you glance at the TV again you see its a game review about an asari porn game.
  13. >you look up at the glass window from your bed and see the citadel off in the distance.
  14. man I miss the missions all the excitement.
  15. >you get up to turn off the TV and make your way to the elevator to go to the crew deck where the kitchen is.
  16. >Hs you get there you take a look around and see how quite it is with no one around.
  17. >You go to the fridge to make a varren sandwich their meat is low in calories and has a ton of protein.
  18. >As you sit there eating your sandwich in silence your Omni tool lights up and says you have a new message.
  19. >As you open the email you notice its from admiral Hackett it says.
  20. >Dear commander anon just wanted to let you know that the mass relay closes to the citadel is back up and running thought you might of wanted to go some where you cant see the citadel so you can relax more.
  21. >As you exit the message you get up to just take a walk around the Normandy.
  22. >You decided to walk to the main batteries room.
  23. >You cant help but say.
  24. Man garrus and his calibrations.
  25. >You look around a little just cause you have nothing else to do for now and notice something.
  26. >You pick up a data chip and look at it you decide to look at the data with your Omni tool.
  27. >Theres nothing on it except one thing a note it says read me.
  28. Might as well.
  29. >As you open it you notice at the top it says to anon from garrus
  30. Dear anon we had some fun times from when you decided to help me when I was working on a c-sec mission to when you decided to run right up to where I was taking out those guys on omega
  31. I'm off to go help and fix up the citadel since it was badly damaged because of the reapers
  32. I'm glad you survived we thought we lost you when you weren't responding when you went to fire the crucible i visited you in the hospital but they said not to wake you because you needed all the rest you could get
  33. if you ever need me you know where to find me.
  34. PS. I herd they fixed up the Normandy very fast after we crashed on vermire after you set off the crucible glad they got her up and running.
  35. >You close the message and have to wipe your eyes to keep a few rouge tears from escaping.
  36. I think I'm going to go and take the Normandy somewhere else to relax like Hackett said.
  37. >You walk away to the elevator and take it to the CIC deck so you can take the Normandy to Annos Basin you always did like that system for some reason.
  38. >You step out of the elevator and go to the galaxy map and select annos basin.
  39. >And you stand there.
  40. >And stand.
  41. Oh yea I forgot I have to pilot it there sure miss joker...
  42. >You walk up to the cock pit and sit down on the chair in front of the control to fly the ship.
  43. Ok lets get near the relay first before so we can make sure we get this 100% right.
  44. >You fly the ship till your in viewing distance of the relay.
  45. >As you look you see there are still repairs going on the relay just then you get another email.
  46. Its from Hackett lets see what he says.
  47. >Dear anon I forgot to mention that there are still slight repairs going on that relay but it should be in working order sorry I forgot to tell you and also since none of the other relays are fixed yet you wont Be able to travel back to
  48. the citadel or anywhere else until we get the closes one to where ever you go back up and running.
  49. Well if Hackett says so you never question his orders.
  50. >You grab the controls of the Normandy and start to proceed to the relay and set in the coordinates of the annos basin.
  51. >As you go faster and fast getting closer the the relay getting the message saying the coordinates are good to go you activate the Normandys FTL drives
  52. the relay senses the Normandy and sends the energy to travel and now your on your way to annos basin.
  53. >You stand up and notice the timer for when you come out of FTL travel is around 25mins till you arrive.
  54. Wont take that long better then walking.
  55. >You chuckle at your lame joke.
  56. *sigh* Might as well go work out now since its going to be awhile.
  57. >You make your way to the elevator to go to the hanger.
  58. >As you step out of the elevator you stop by your weapon lockers and Armour lockers filled with your personal weapons and Armour you always liked working out by here.
  59. >As you start to do some push ups your start to recall how the hanger on the Normandy SR1 looked like.
  60. Man that place was dull and empty I like this a lot more.
  61. >Its around 17 mins later when your getting close to your 500th push up when you decide to switch it up to sit ups
  62. Ok its time to do som-
  63. >Alarms start to go off at full force making you jump up.
  64. Holy fuck what is going on better get to the cockpit.
  65. >You get in the elevator and go to CIC deck.
  66. >When you step out of the elevator your thrown to the grown by a powerful hit to the ship.
  67. Ahh shit!
  68. >You start to run to the controls of the ship and when you look out the window you see your starting to enter the atmosphere of a planet
  69. Aaahhhh fucuucuucuckk!
  70. >You grab the control and try to turn the Normandy but nothing is working all of them are not responding.
  71. >Just then a warning appears to the side of you on a computer saying main power overload.
  72. Oh fuck my ass.
  73. >Just then all the power in the Normandy goes out and your looking at the rapidly approaching planet.
  74. you start to run to hide by the elevator door so when you do crash you might live.
  75. >As you sit down and brace for impact you feel a powerful shake then the Normandy starts to tilt a little and starts to angle.
  76. >You can feel the Normandy slow down even though your sitting by the elevator door.
  77. >Just when you know your about to crash you glance up and see the memorial with all of the names or your fallen crew members and happen to see Anderson's first.
  78. Didn't think I would go down like this Anderson...
  79. >Just when the ship hits you get knocked forward and smack your head with the force of 1000 suns on the edge of the memorial and black out.
  80. >What anon doesn't know is that he landed less then a mile by a town and all of the life forms were watching the giant fireball in the sky head closer to them and crash by the outskirts of a forest.
  81. >All of the life forms who hid now came out their small homes to see a cloud of smoke from where the Normandy landed.
  82. >6 of the life forms where out having a day at the spa when this happen and just walked out when all of this was happening and saw something ready about to crash they all stared in awe as it got closer to landing not knowing what it was.
  83. >One of them pipes up and says.
  84. ?:Quick everypony lets go see what crashed!
  85. ?:Hey fluttershy that looks pretty close to your house!
  86. ?:*sharp intake of air* No m-my animal friends!
  87. ?:Maybe this has something to do with that red wave that happened about a month ago everypony.
  88. >They all ran as fast as they could not knowing what they were going to find.
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