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Jun 17th, 2013
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  1. There was an error while updating the database to the latest. file: liquibase-update-to-latest.xml. Error: Migration failed for change set liquibase-update-to-latest.xml::20090402-1517::bwolfe: Reason: liquibase.exception.UnexpectedLiquibaseException: liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException: Unable to set uuid on table: cohort: Caused By: liquibase.exception.CustomChangeException: Unable to set uuid on table: cohort: Caused By: Unable to set uuid on table: cohort: Caused By: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table "COHORT" not found; SQL statement: update cohort set uuid = ? where cohort_id = ? [42102-135]: Caused By: Table "COHORT" not found; SQL statement: update cohort set uuid = ? where cohort_id = ? [42102-135] Error while trying to update to the latest database version
  3. There was an error while updating the database to the latest. file: liquibase-core-data.xml. Error: Migration failed for change set liquibase-core-data.xml::1226348923233-2::ben (generated): Reason: liquibase.exception.DatabaseException: Error executing SQL INSERT INTO field_type (creator, date_created, description, field_type_id, is_set, name) VALUES (1, '2005-02-22', '', 1, FALSE, 'Concept'): Table "FIELD_TYPE" not found; SQL statement: INSERT INTO field_type (creator, date_created, description, field_type_id, is_set, name) VALUES (1, '2005-02-22', '', 1, FALSE, 'Concept') [42102-135]: Caused By: Error executing SQL INSERT INTO field_type (creator, date_created, description, field_type_id, is_set, name) VALUES (1, '2005-02-22', '', 1, FALSE, 'Concept'): Table "FIELD_TYPE" not found; SQL statement: INSERT INTO field_type (creator, date_created, description, field_type_id, is_set, name) VALUES (1, '2005-02-22', '', 1, FALSE, 'Concept') [42102-135]: Caused By: Table "FIELD_TYPE" not found; SQL statement: INSERT INTO field_type (creator, date_created, description, field_type_id, is_set, name) VALUES (1, '2005-02-22', '', 1, FALSE, 'Concept') [42102-135] See the error log for more details
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