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Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. [4:53:45] james marrison: Hello dear
  2. [4:54:31] cab404: Why do you insert 'dear' into every your sentence?
  3. [4:55:22] cab404: Well, anyways, hello. Once again, I am listening.
  4. [4:56:16] james marrison: so how are you doing today?
  5. [4:56:36] cab404: Good.
  6. [4:56:52] cab404: Wish you too.
  7. [4:57:17] james marrison: sorry i was in a meeting on our last conversation
  8. [4:57:35] cab404: np.
  9. [4:58:25] james marrison: so tell me dear where are you from?
  10. [4:59:01] cab404: I told you before. Russia.
  11. [5:00:41] james marrison: Oh very sorry sweetheart (heart) i forgot so quick cause i gat too much on my mind
  12. [5:01:20] james marrison: been very busy lately
  13. [5:01:35] cab404: I understand, no problems.
  14. [5:03:57] james marrison: To view this shared photo, go to:
  15. [5:04:01] james marrison: i ran into a meeting the last time we spoke.
  16. [5:06:22] cab404: That image was composed in late October, 2014.
  17. [5:07:23] james marrison: that is my office
  18. [5:08:22] james marrison: just trying to show you where i work dear
  19. [5:08:26] cab404: Anyways, I have never asked you for any pictures. Can you please just tell me, what do you really want?
  20. [5:09:22] james marrison: so tell me dear you married, or seeing someone
  21. [5:10:25] cab404: No, I am not married, nor I am dating.
  22. [5:10:49] james marrison: why sweetheart?
  23. [5:11:09] cab404: No luck so far.
  24. [5:17:29] cab404: Well, is that all you wanted to know?
  25. [5:20:03] james marrison: Not really honey same here havent seen the right woman that i will spend the rest of my life with.
  26. [5:20:49] cab404: Good luck with that.
  27. [5:22:35] james marrison: nice to hear that my dear friend
  28. [5:26:02] james marrison: are you there with me?
  29. [5:26:15] cab404: I am still online.
  30. [5:26:52] james marrison: good
  31. [5:27:12] james marrison: so what do you think to get married for now?
  32. [5:29:28] cab404: That would be good, I think. As soon I find the right person.
  33. [5:30:58] james marrison: you are already with the right person here
  34. [5:31:28] cab404: Oh lol, really?
  35. [5:31:38] james marrison: yes really
  36. [5:32:17] cab404: Okay, then tell me, why do you think so?
  37. [5:32:57] james marrison: because i need someone in my life now
  38. [5:35:40] cab404: Okay! So is it changing anything? I don't really know you, and besides from that I am far away.
  39. [5:36:53] james marrison: oh no problem about that i can come over to visit you where ever you are… what do you think?
  40. [5:38:38] cab404: Don't you find it rather childish to fly to the other end of the world, don't really knowing anything about a person you flying to?
  41. [5:39:24] james marrison: when i get there i will know
  42. [5:42:10] cab404: Well, go for it. You are so-o-o-o impulsive, Onii-san.
  43. [5:42:30] james marrison: what
  44. [5:45:20] cab404: Nothing, just giggling. Anyways, it's up to you to decide ways of finding out information about me.
  45. [5:46:23] cab404: If you are certain on flying to other country and losing time and money on tickets — go for it.
  46. [5:47:10] james marrison: you are funny don't worry about the money
  47. [5:47:40] cab404: Yet you should be worry about time.
  48. [5:48:44] cab404: Don't you?
  49. [5:49:06] james marrison: No
  50. [5:50:22] cab404: Okay then, you can do it whenever you want to.
  51. [5:51:20] james marrison: thanks my dear friend
  52. [5:51:40] cab404: I haven't done anything.
  53. [5:52:08] james marrison: for accepting me to visit you there
  54. [5:54:13] cab404: It's not like you can just fly to Russia any time?
  55. [5:54:55] james marrison: when am ready you will tell me what to do Okay
  56. [5:55:56] cab404: All you need to do is to go to the Moscow.
  57. [5:56:09] cab404: That's it.
  58. [5:56:52] cab404: Now please, tell me what do you like in me?
  59. [5:57:40] james marrison: i like the way you talk that show you are a nice person
  60. [5:58:15] cab404: The way of talking can be easily simulated.
  61. [5:58:50] cab404: Besides from that, how did you found me?
  62. [5:59:35] james marrison: i saw your lovely profile here on skype i decided to add you
  63. [6:01:09] cab404: You've just added a random person to your contacts and asked, if she wants to marry you? Well, that escalated quickly.
  64. [6:01:49] james marrison: really
  65. [6:03:19] cab404: Yeah, I understand. So well, what are you planning to do next?
  66. [6:03:54] james marrison: it's ok if you don't want me in your life
  67. [6:06:07] cab404: Hehehe, I have too little information about you and your interests to decide, whever I need you in my live.
  68. [6:08:21] cab404: A-a-a-anyways, what will you do next?
  69. [6:08:59] james marrison: nothing just want to be happy with you
  70. [6:11:26] cab404: So you are gonna to do nothing?
  71. [6:11:59] james marrison: what do you think?
  72. [6:12:47] cab404: About what? About marriage?
  73. [6:13:10] james marrison: yes
  74. [6:15:12] cab404: Of course I want to marry you, stranger from US with both money and time!
  75. [6:16:06] james marrison: good
  76. [6:26:26] cab404: So, when do we marry?
  77. [6:26:47] cab404: I just can't wait, dear!
  78. [6:27:08] james marrison: when i come over we can talk about when to marry Okay
  79. [6:27:15] cab404: Yup.
  80. [6:27:34] cab404: I will wait patiently.
  82. [22:19:45] james marrison: good
  83. [22:20:26] james marrison: as for me i am the only one in my family i and my son
  84. [22:21:07] james marrison: can you take good care of my only son until i come over to visit you over there?
  85. [22:22:24] cab404: I… I don't know. We barely have money to feed our family…
  86. [22:22:56] james marrison: oh i see
  87. [0:48:19] james marrison: Hello
  88. [4:02:03] cab404: Hi!
  90. [9:39:42] james marrison: how are you doing honey
  91. [11:22:51] cab404: Good, thank you! Hope you too!
  92. [21:46:24] james marrison: yes
  93. [21:46:34] james marrison: nice to hear that
  94. [21:47:33] cab404: Hi!
  95. [21:47:48] cab404: How are you doing, sweetie?
  96. [21:48:21] james marrison: i am doing great over here .thanks
  97. [21:48:29] james marrison: what about you?
  98. [21:49:57] cab404: What are you doing for live?
  99. [21:51:34] cab404: Just interested, I want to know more about you, dear)
  100. [21:52:22] james marrison: i am a military Doctor currently here in Iraq for contract mission
  101. [21:52:37] james marrison: what about you?
  102. [21:55:20] james marrison: hello
  103. [21:55:43] cab404: I work in cosmetics shop.
  104. [21:56:15] cab404: Sorry, feels. We've got pretty big family.
  105. [21:56:24] james marrison: that's a nice job my love
  106. [21:57:09] cab404: Oh, I don't really feel like so. It's boring, but I am still in colledge.
  107. [21:57:17] james marrison: when i come over i will open a biger shop for you there
  108. [21:58:07] cab404: No, I want to be doctor too. Helping people, just like you.
  109. [21:58:57] james marrison: ok if you want it then i will make you a Doctor
  110. [22:00:15] cab404: I really hope our family will finally will not be thinking about next day, and saving money for food.
  111. [22:01:19] james marrison: Yes
  112. [22:01:47] cab404: And I will finally have some time to get proper education.
  113. [22:02:10] cab404: I… I really hope this is not a dream.
  114. [22:02:58] james marrison: do you know i have a son of 14 years old… but he has no mom… i lost his mom in a car accident long time ago
  115. [22:03:35] james marrison: is not a dream my love…
  116. [22:07:38] cab404: I am so happy, you just can't imagine. And how grateful I am to you right now.
  118. [22:38:34] cab404: My love, are you still here?
  119. [22:38:50] james marrison: yes i am
  120. [22:40:05] cab404: Is your work interesting?
  121. [22:40:41] james marrison: yes very very is not that easy with us here
  122. [22:42:53] cab404: Can you tell me, where are you right now, so I can track news from that region? I am worried about you.
  123. [22:43:34] james marrison: i told you i am currently now in Iraq
  124. [22:45:34] cab404: But it's a relatively big place, you know. I can't just ask if you are okay after every hostile action commited in whole country, It would be pretty frequent.
  125. [22:46:59] james marrison: i am not that ok here i need to live this place
  126. [22:47:45] james marrison: the only thing is that they pay good money
  127. [22:48:58] cab404: I really hope you will be okay.
  128. [22:49:43] james marrison: i pray so
  129. [22:57:06] cab404: When will your contract expire?
  130. [22:58:38] james marrison: next year my contract will be over
  131. [23:02:10] cab404: That IS a pretty long contract you have…
  132. [23:02:23] james marrison: yes
  133. [23:03:03] james marrison: i don't know if you can help me to receive my parcel over there
  134. [23:06:26] james marrison: can we talk later please… i need to go back to my duty post
  135. [23:06:41] cab404: Good luck, my dear.
  136. [23:06:51] james marrison: thanks
  137. [23:07:11] james marrison: take good care of yourself there (kiss)
  138. [23:07:28] cab404: I'll try my best.
  139. [23:07:42] james marrison: good
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