
Coercing a Changeling

Jun 17th, 2014
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  1. (This is a little experiment I did with some "harder" fetishes. Read at your own risk.) (Non-con, bondage, forced chastity, sounding, facefucking/mild breathplay, extremely OOC Shining Armor)
  3. Deep within the dungeons of Canterlot Castle, a single changeling stirred, consciousness slowly returning to him. He was lying flat on his back, and what little he could make out of his surroundings through the dizziness was bleak stone and faint light. Small flashes of memory raced though his mind—The breaking of a magical shield, an assault on Canterlot, and finally a bright orb of magic hurtling towards him. The changeling tried moving his hooves, but horror slowly filled him as he realized he was unable to move. Panic starting to set in, he tried summoning the magic inside him, to find a form that could escape, but instead a burst of pain shot through him, and he hissed out in discomfort.
  5. “Looks like our prisoner is finally awake.” A deep, male voice rang out through the stone room. The changeling tried turning his head to see who was there, but his restraints severely restricted his movement. The stallion slowly trotted over into his view, and he bristled as he saw his captor. He immediately recognized the one his Queen had designated, their key into the city.
  7. “Shining Armor...” The changeling hissed out. “What's going on!?”
  9. The white unicorn casually walked up close, until he was face to face with the prisoner. “You lost. Despite all your trickery, Canterlot is still ours. You're just a prisoner of war now.”
  11. The changeling struggled against his restraints and tried lighting his horn again, but was met with the same flash of pain as soon as he tried to concentrate. Shining lightly tapped the black horn jutting from his forehead, which was currently adorned with a dark metal ring clasped tightly at the base. “Magic suppression ring. You're not going anywhere.”
  13. Shooting him the dirtiest look he could manage, the changeling practically growled through clenched teeth, “What the fuck do you want?”
  15. Keeping an even tone, Shining continued, “This little invasion was the biggest crisis of national security we've ever faced. As Captain of the Guard, it's my job to find out how his happened, and prevent it from over happening again.” Without warning, he slammed his hoof down on the table, making his prisoner flinch in surprise. “You're going to tell me everything you know. Now.”
  17. The changeling started to laugh, his spirit of defiance undermined by the faint shaking of his voice. “Y-You think I'm gonna spill for some stallion who played the part of my Queen's bitch? I'm not telling you shi--”
  19. He was suddenly cut off, a darkish purple aura keeping his mouth firmly shut. Breathing heavily through his nostrils, he looked up at Shining Armor, who had a cold glint in his eyes as his horn shone brightly. “Fine. If you're not going to talk, then we'll just have to make you.”
  21. He strode down to the end of the table his prisoner was strapped so, and gently rapped his hoof against the hard, black carapace covering most of his body. “You have no idea how lucky you are that you have this exoskeleton. Traditional methods of...interrogation...have no effect on you. And if we were to break it, you'd die. That does nobody any good. However...”
  23. Shining Armor turned to face the changeling as he pressed a hoof firmly against his lower regions, where the chitin turned soft and almost flesh-like, to give way for a black sheath and a pair of firm testicles. “...There's still a few sensitive spots on you insects. Quite the opportunity, huh?”
  25. The changeling tried squirming and straining as much as he could, but the various straps wrapped around his limbs and torso prevented any serious resistance. The magic holding his muzzle shut suddenly dissipated, and he choked out a few deep breaths in response. However, fear slowly built up inside him as he noticed the magical aura around Shining's horn still glowing, despite the previous spell ending. A glint caught his eye, and what looked like a small metal cage levitated towards them both.
  27. “Don't worry. I'm not going to outright harm *them*,” the unicorn said, hoof pressing down harder on the changeling's sensitive bits. “But that doesn't mean you're going to get off easy.”
  29. Shining Armor levitated the piece of metal inches from the changeling's face, giving him a very clear look at what was in store from him. The cage was made of a large ring connected to a cylindrical end piece, with a somewhat large opening at the tip. Looking closely, the changeling blanched as he noticed the inside was filled with small, pointed protrusions.
  31. Shining coldly stated, “This is just a warm-up.” His horn flashing, the device levitated down towards the changeling's crotch, holding steady. With a small *click*, the metal ring detached, and slowly passed over his sheath, then his balls, snugly holding them in place. Seeing the second half lining itself up, the changeling could only watch helplessly before another *click* connected the two pieces, securely confining his manhood in the small cage.
  33. “Uncomfortable, isn't it?” The unicorn teased. “How does it feel, knowing that Chrysalis' 'bitch' is locking you up, completely in control?” He laughed. “Well, you'd better get used to it, because it's not coming off. Unless you'd rather just tell me what you know now? This doesn't have to be difficult, you know. I'm perfectly willing to be reasonable.”
  35. “Fu...Fuck you...”
  37. The white unicorn sighed. “Fine. If that's how you want to play, I'll be happy to continue. But you know, you haven't really gotten a good taste of that piece of equipment yet. This cage really does wonders when the wearer starts getting...erect. Let's test it out...”
  39. Shining Armor's horn lit up again, and the changeling squirmed as he felt the magic brushing against his balls, a pleasant yet thoroughly unwelcome sensation flooding through him as they were gently massaged. He screwed up his eyes and tried to resist, but it wasn't long before he felt his shaft stirring and hardening inside his black sheath, coaxed out by the pleasurable rubbing.
  41. Suddenly, a huge spike of pain shot through the changeling's cock, and he yelped loudly. Quickly looking down, he saw the small spikes embedded in the metal digging directly into his hardening erection, the pain worsening with every small movement. Mercifully, it didn't take much before he was as hard as the cage would allow, his shaft painfully straining against the metal.
  43. Stopping his magic, Shining eyed the confined, semi-hard shaft, looking pleased. “Pretty nice, right? Prevents any kind of positive stimulation, complete with its own negative reinforcement.” He pressed his hoof down on the cage, causing its captive to groan in pain. “But don't worry. We're not done.”
  45. Lighting up his horn again, his magical aura picked up a long metal rod with a flared tip, slowly bringing it into view. The changeling noticed it, but it wasn't until it came close to his cock that he understood what it was for. The realization hitting him, he thrashed violently against his restraints, completely disregarding the additional pain the movement was causing his shaft.
  47. Shining Armor taunted, “Ah, I'm glad you get the idea. Saves me the trouble of explaining myself.” With a measure more of magical force, the unicorn was able to keep most of the changeling's midsection completely restrained, preventing any interference. Taking the opportunity, he quickly lifted up the metal rod, lining it up with the tip of his captive's cock. “Last chance.”
  49. Voice shaking in earnest, the changeling managed to hiss out, “D-Do your w-worst,” planning defiance till the end. He was not going to let this unicorn get to him, no matter what.
  51. Grinning and shaking his head, Shining replied, “You asked for it.” With a small flourish of magic, he lowered the metal sound, pushing it deep into the exposed urethra. The changeling cried out, face twisting in pain as his hole was forcefully stretched and violated by the instrument. The intensity was almost too much to bear, and the fear of greater injury kept his limbs paralyzed as the sound was pushed further and further inside him.
  53. Finally, the flared tip met with the metal of the chastity cage, and with a final *click*, it locked into place. The changeling was panting, wincing as every small movement also meant feeling the intrusion inside him shift and press painfully. “You...sick fuck...” He gasped out.
  55. Shining Armor contemplated that for a moment. “Maybe I am.” He paused, glaring at his captive. “But then, you bugs don't deserve any better after attacking us, completely unprovoked.”
  57. The changeling hissed, but any attempt at appearing intimidating or defiant was lost with the metal cage still secured around his stallionhood.
  59. The white unicorn shook his head. “You really have no intention of talking, do you?” He voice suddenly darkened. “You worthless fucking maggot. I gave you a chance, and you spurned it. I should just leave you here to rot. However...” Shining stopped and closed his eyes, collecting himself. When they opened, he shot a look at his prisoner, a strange glint in his eyes. “There's still the matter of your...feeding. If we keep you here like this for too long, you'll starve to death.”
  61. He remained silent, but the changeling knew Shining was right. The love he had forcefully absorbed during the invasion had been plentiful, but he could already feel it fading. At this rate, it would only be days before...
  63. “Don't worry, I have a solution. Of course, you were the one who chose to be uncooperative, so this is going to be extremely unpleasant.” Shining stated, a touch of bitterness coloring his voice. His horn lit again, and the changeling strained to try and see what it was he was manipulating. Without warning, his mouth was suddenly forced open by purple magic, and a thick metal ring entered, keeping it open and clicking against his fangs. He realized it was a ring gag, and as he felt the straps being tied behind his head, he shot his captor an angry, slightly panicked look.
  65. Slowly trotting towards the changeling until he was right behind his head, Shining continued, “It's a little-known fact, but all semen carries love in it. That's just the nature of reproduction. It has surprisingly little to do with what the stallion giving it actually feels.” He pressed his hoof to the side of the table his captive was strapped to, causing the end to swing down, leaving the changeling's head and neck unsupported.
  67. A rush of vertigo overcoming him, the changeling strained to keep his head elevated, when he saw what was in front of him. Shining Armor's bare, white chest was inches from his face, but something more worrying was just beneath it. Through the dim light, he could make out a large, swaying shadow underneath the unicorn, and his eyes widened in horror as he put the pieces together. No longer bothering with the restraints, the changeling shot a look of pure desperation and panic at his captor, unable to voice any dissent or protest with the gag in his mouth.
  69. Shining Armor couldn't help but laugh cruelly as he stepped forward and placed both of his forelegs on the table, leaving his thick, black cock dangling mere inches from the changeling's face. “I told you you it would be unpleasant.” He gave his hips a quick shake, causing his shaft to roughly slap against the chitinous face, leaving a thick drop of pre leaking down its side. “I hope you're good at holding your breath.”
  71. The changeling barely managed to inhale before Shining roughly thrust forward, a little under half of his length fitting into his mouth. He tried not to gag as he tasted the sweat and musk on the unicorn—Shining had clearly not bothered washing after his long day of guard duty. He tried biting down on the intruding member, but the gag kept him wide open, completely at his captor's mercy.
  73. “Fuck, not bad for a bug...” Shining grunted, sounding pleased. He pulled his hips back and thrust forward, harder, until he felt himself pushing against the entrance to his captive's warm, tight throat. He could feel the changeling sputtering and gagging under him, and the added vibration on his cock felt sublime.
  75. Through his discomfort and choking, the changeling suddenly felt something warm and salty moving through his mouth, into his throat. Too thin to be cum, he realized it had to be the unicorn's pre. Suddenly, a wave of emotion rushed over him, satiating in small part his growing hunger. With a shudder, he realized that his captor wasn't lying—He really could feed off of his juices, but it felt dirty, unclean. As Shining thrust forward, he couldn't help but gag again, eyes watering from the discomfort.
  77. As he ground his dick in the changeling's mouth, balls hanging just above his face, Shining Armor's eye was drawn to the metal cage still secured around the black shaft. Curious, he reached a hoof over, a devilish grin lighting up his face when his suspicions were confirmed.
  79. “Can you feel this shit?” He called out, bemused. “My hoof is soaked with pre. Your pre.” He dragged his hoof across his chitinous chest, smearing the arousal over it. “You filthy slut, you're enjoying this, aren't you?”
  81. The changeling's face stung with humiliation. As he could feel Shining's lustful emotions forcefully entering him, he couldn't prevent the unintended side-effects—namely his own shaft responding to the arousal, hardening and leaking while pressing against its cage, the spikes and sound embedding themselves deeper in him.
  83. Shining Armor backed up, cock making a small *pop* as it slid out of his prisoner's mouth, drool and pre leaking out of the corners onto his black face. The changeling gasped, savoring the sweet, cool air. Shining taunted, “If you're enjoying this so much, I'm not gonna hold back anything. Get ready.” Drawing his hips back, the white unicorn suddenly bucked forward, ramming every last inch of his cock into the waiting throat, letting his balls smother his nostrils and eyes.
  85. Pure adrenaline and panic shot through the changeling as his air supply was cut off by the intruding horsecock, which was throbbing and now leaking directly into his stomach. His eyes bugged out and his limbs thrashed against the straps holding him down, desperately trying to break free, to fight back, anything to get the stallion off of him. Shining was moaning, ecstasy flooding through him as the bound changeling struggled, throat clenching tightly around his shaft.
  87. Inky blackness ate at the changeling's vision, and just before he thought he'd lose consciousness, the unicorn suddenly backed up just enough to free his airway, and he gasped loudly, breathing heavily through his nostrils. His reprieve didn't last long—Shining Armor quickly bucked forward again, completely filling his throat before he got too accustomed to air. It grew into a pattern of thrusting and denial, with the unicorn often grinding his hips into his captive's face. Only the faint emotion being force-fed him though his captor's pre kept the changeling from outright passing out.
  89. It wasn't long before Shining's thrusts became less and less coordinated, the waves of pleasure washing over him slowly draining him of his self-control. Slamming a hoof down on the table, he let out a deep moan, “Ah fuck, I'm gonna cum...” before burying his shaft to the hilt inside the changeling once more. Throbbing, his cock swelled even larger before shooting rope after rope of cum down the tight throat, quickly filling the thing's stomach to nearly bursting. Unceremoniously, he pulled out and with a few quick strokes of his hoof, shot the last few bursts of his seed over the black, chitinous face.
  91. Gasping and panting loudly, relief flooded the changeling as his ordeal was finally over. The ropes of white cum leaking down his face were merciful enough to avoid his eyes, and as much as he despised to admit it, the physical and emotional fullness he felt was...nearly intoxicating. He noticed the unicorn's blue eyes staring at him, a strange, pleased look occupying his face. The changeling winced and turned his head, unable to look his captor in the eye, the discomfort and pain in his caged sheath popping to the front of his mind as his body shifted. For all his defiance and bravado, he was used all the same, and the shame burned through his mind.
  93. “Hah...You did pretty good, for a bug.” Shining teased, dismounting from the table. “I hope you liked that, because you'll be getting much the same until you give us what we want.” He concentrated, his horn lighting up as he magically undid the ring gag tied to the changeling, who promptly shut his jaw, wincing in soreness.
  95. Trotting to the room's sole door, Shining Armor opened it with a flick of his magic, calling out, “We're done for today. Get him to a cell, he's gonna need the rest.”
  97. The changeling heard several sets of hoofsteps enter the dim room, struggling to focus as he felt some magical forces undoing his restraints, then gently lifting him up. As he was carried down what he could make out as a torch-lit stone hallway, probably far underground, he struggled with the idea of how much longer he'd have to go through this before he broke.
  99. He heard a cell door open, the chattering of a few stallions, before he was finally laid down on a small pile of hay. It wasn't long before the changeling passed out, completely exhausted, his battered body rejoicing in the respite, no matter how small it would end up being.
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