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a guest
Feb 21st, 2014
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text 4.40 KB | None | 0 0
  1. NetPS3Leaderboard state = 0
  2. **** XOM PS3 Entry ****
  3. sys_spu_initialize = 0
  4. l1
  5. l2 30020950
  6. l3 30020970
  7. l4 30020990
  8. A
  9. B
  10. l_pStdOutStream=00000000, l_pDebuggerStream=30020970
  11. C
  12. D
  13. registerevent xom.log
  14. asdf
  15. logging init
  16. 0 | + =======
  17. 0 | + XOMMO is born
  18. 1 | + Initialising class XActionDispatchTable (sizeof = 68), category = 0
  19. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XLua'
  20. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XSound'
  21. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XSPx'
  22. 1 | + Initialising module 'EmitterRnd'
  23. 1 | + Initialising module 'XSPxVoodoo'
  24. 1 | XSPx | LinkerVoodoo: 00873340
  25. 1 | XSPx | LinkerVoodoo: 00873390
  26. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XSPS3Ogl'
  27. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XZip'
  28. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XXml'
  29. 1 | + Initialising module 'XXml_tagging'
  30. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XSAux'
  31. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XSAnim'
  32. 1 | + Initialising module 'XSAnimVoodoo'
  33. 1 | + XSAnim | LinkerVoodoo: 0086f680
  34. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XS'
  35. 1 | + Initialising module 'SkinInvSqrt'
  36. 1 | + Initialising module 'StateManager'
  37. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XomHelp'
  38. 1 | + Initialising unit 'Xrm'
  39. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XRender'
  40. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XInput'
  41. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XCtr'
  42. 1 | + Initialising module 'MFImpl'
  43. 1 | + Initialising module 'XContainer'
  44. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XApp'
  45. 1 | + Initialising module 'XLogicEntityClass'
  46. 1 | + Initialising module 'XServiceClass'
  47. 1 | + Initialising module 'XEntityClass'
  48. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XMath'
  49. 1 | + Initialising module 'InvSqrt'
  50. 1 | + Initialising unit 'XBase'
  51. 1 | + XBase | Initialising module 'XStringAlloc'
  52. 1 | + XBase | Initialising module 'ValueType'
  53. 1 | + XBase | Initialising class XTypeConverter (sizeof = 32), category = 7
  54. 1 | + XBase | Initialising module 'BaseTypeConverters'
  55. 1 | + XBase | Initialising module 'XomClass'
  56. 1 | + XBase | Initialising unit 'XLandscape'
  57. 1 | + XBase | Initialising unit 'WormsPSP'
  58. 1 | + XBase | Initialising class XNullStream (sizeof = 20), category = 0
  59. 1 | + XBase | Initialising class XMultiStorage (sizeof = 144), category = 0
  60. 1 | thr_HDDCheck() start
  61. 1 | g_MemoryContainer = 1309
  62. 1 | cellHddGameCheckCreate() : 0
  63. 1 | ret == CELL_HDDGAME_RET_OK
  64. 1 | 1 | thr_HDDCheck() endcellSysutilCheckCallback() =
  65. 0 1 |
  66. 1 | + XBase | Initialising class XAudioMan (sizeof = 512), category = 7
  67. audiopath is '/Audio/'
  68. 1 | + XomHelp | Initialising all classes...
  69. 1 | + XApp | TASK Created @ 0 : TimerService
  70. 1 | + XomHelp | Parsing Default.cfg...
  71. Loading File: //app_home/Default.cfg Mode = 0
  72. 1 | + XBase | Cell file open error: //app_home/Default.cfg code -2147418106
  73. creating ogl screen
  74. m_pScreen=300c5100
  75. Video mode configured as 1280x720
  76. could not load shader pool file /app_home/shaders.bin
  77. TrackMan::Initialize - thread status=-2147418099
  78. InitialiseAudioSystem - Initialising
  79. cellAudioInit() : 0
  80. cellAudioPortOpen() : 0 port 0
  81. cellAudioGetPortConfig() : 0
  82. thread_id = 1, ppu_thr_prio = 0
  83. InitialiseAudioSystem - Multistream needs 3700297 bytes
  84. InitialiseAudioSystem - MS memory @ 9bfe80
  85. Multistream: atrac failed to load -2147418106
  86. cellMSSystemInitSPURS - returned 0
  87. InitialiseAudioSystem - setting bus volumes
  88. InitialiseAudioSystem - Init OK
  89. Multistream thread (0x17c6) created OK.
  90. 1 | + XApp | TASK Created @ 0 : InputService
  91. cellPadInit() = 0
  92. max=4, now=1
  93. 1 | * XInput | Failed to register callback - unrecognised device type.
  94. 1 | * XInput | Failed to register callback - unrecognised device type.
  95. 1 | =================================
  96. 1 | Worms PSP Application initialised
  97. 1 | =================================
  98. Loading File: // Mode = 0
  99. > XZip | Found Directory Footer, files: 224 directory size: 17231
  100. ZIP: m_pFiles allocated 00003800 at 300e69e0
  101. Loading File: /DataPC/global.laf Mode = 0
  102. 1 | + XBase | Cell file open error: /DataPC/global.laf code -2147418106
  103. 1 | + XApp | TASK Created @ 0 : StartUp
  104. music volume 1.000000 -> 0.800000
  105. music volume 1.000000 -> 1.000000
  106. libusbpad supported pad (0) detected
  107. VENDOR_ID=(0x54c), PRODUCT_ID=(0x268)
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