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Nov 7th, 2014
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  1. class SDV_01_base_F: Boat_F
  2. {
  3. features = "Randomization: No <br />Camo selections: 1 - the whole body <br />Script door sources: None <br />Script animations: Doors, periscope <br />Executed scripts: None <br />Firing from vehicles: No <br />Slingload: Slingloadable <br />Cargo proxy indexes: 1 and 2";
  4. mapSize = 8.45;
  5. class SpeechVariants
  6. {
  7. class Default
  8. {
  9. speechSingular[] = {"veh_ship_submarine_s"};
  10. speechPlural[] = {"veh_ship_submarine_p"};
  11. };
  12. };
  13. textSingular = "SDV";
  14. textPlural = "SDVs";
  15. nameSound = "veh_ship_submarine_s";
  16. author = "Bohemia Interactive";
  17. _generalMacro = "SDV_01_base_F";
  18. displayName = "SDV";
  19. vehicleClass = "Submarine";
  20. model = "\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\SDV_01_F.p3d";
  21. picture = "\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\ui\portrait_SDV_ca.paa";
  22. Icon = "\A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\ui\map_SDV_ca.paa";
  23. unitInfoType = "RscOptics_SDV_driver";
  24. radarType = 8;
  25. leftEngineEffect = "LEngEffectsSmall";
  26. rightEngineEffect = "REngEffectsSmall";
  27. class TransportWeapons
  28. {
  29. };
  30. class TransportMagazines
  31. {
  32. };
  33. class TransportItems
  34. {
  35. class _xx_FirstAidKit
  36. {
  37. name = "FirstAidKit";
  38. count = 2;
  39. };
  40. };
  41. memoryPointSupply = "door_back_axis";
  42. supplyRadius = 10;
  43. slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {"SlingLoadCargo1","SlingLoadCargo2","SlingLoadCargo3","SlingLoadCargo4"};
  44. attenuationEffectType = "TankAttenuation";
  45. insideSoundCoef = 1;
  46. soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\sdv-start2-ext",0.1,1};
  47. soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\sdv-start2-ext",1,1,100};
  48. soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\sdv-stop2-ext",0.1,1};
  49. soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\sdv-stop2-ext",1,1,100};
  50. buildCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_01",1.77828,1,200};
  51. buildCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_02",1.77828,1,200};
  52. buildCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_03",1.77828,1,200};
  53. buildCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_building_04",1.77828,1,200};
  54. soundBuildingCrash[] = {"buildCrash0",0.25,"buildCrash1",0.25,"buildCrash2",0.25,"buildCrash3",0.25};
  55. WoodCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_01",1.77828,1,200};
  56. WoodCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_02",1.77828,1,200};
  57. WoodCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_03",1.77828,1,200};
  58. WoodCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_04",1.77828,1,200};
  59. WoodCrash4[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_05",1.77828,1,200};
  60. WoodCrash5[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_mix_wood_06",1.77828,1,200};
  61. soundWoodCrash[] = {"woodCrash0",0.166,"woodCrash1",0.166,"woodCrash2",0.166,"woodCrash3",0.166,"woodCrash4",0.166,"woodCrash5",0.166};
  62. ArmorCrash0[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_01",1.77828,1,200};
  63. ArmorCrash1[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_02",1.77828,1,200};
  64. ArmorCrash2[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_03",1.77828,1,200};
  65. ArmorCrash3[] = {"A3\sounds_f\Vehicles\soft\noises\crash_vehicle_04",1.77828,1,200};
  66. soundArmorCrash[] = {"ArmorCrash0",0.25,"ArmorCrash1",0.25,"ArmorCrash2",0.25,"ArmorCrash3",0.25};
  67. class Sounds
  68. {
  69. class IdleOut
  70. {
  71. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\SDV_engine_2",1,2.5,100};
  72. frequency = "1";
  73. volume = "engineOn* (thrust factor[1, 0])*0.1";
  74. };
  75. class Engine
  76. {
  77. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\SDV_engine_2",1,3,300};
  78. frequency = "0.70 + (thrust *0.30)";
  79. volume = "engineOn* thrust*0.1";
  80. };
  81. class LodnSroub
  82. {
  83. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SDV\lopatky1",1,2,200};
  84. frequency = "0.85 + (thrust *0.15)";
  85. volume = "engineOn* thrust*0.3";
  86. };
  87. class WaternoiseOutW0
  88. {
  89. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SFX\voda-o-bok-lodi-0-speed1",1,1,100};
  90. frequency = "1";
  91. volume = "(speed factor[3, 0])";
  92. };
  93. class WaternoiseOutW1
  94. {
  95. sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\vehicles\boat\SFX\voda-o-bok-lodi-10-speed",1,1,200};
  96. frequency = "1";
  97. volume = "(speed factor[1, 4])";
  98. };
  99. };
  100. class RenderTargets
  101. {
  102. class MDF1
  103. {
  104. renderTarget = "rendertarget0";
  105. class PilotCameraView1
  106. {
  107. pointPosition = "PIP0_pos";
  108. pointDirection = "PIP0_dir";
  109. renderQuality = 0;
  110. renderVisionMode = 0;
  111. fov = 0.5;
  112. };
  113. };
  114. class periscope
  115. {
  116. renderTarget = "rendertarget1";
  117. class CameraView1
  118. {
  119. pointPosition = "PIP1_pos";
  120. pointDirection = "PIP1_dir";
  121. renderQuality = 0;
  122. renderVisionMode = 0;
  123. fov = 0.7;
  124. };
  125. };
  126. };
  127. driverCompartments = "Compartment1";
  128. cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment2"};
  129. driverAction = "driver_SDV";
  130. cargoAction[] = {"passenger_SDV","passenger_SDV"};
  131. ejectDeadDriver = 0;
  132. ejectDeadCargo = 0;
  133. memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo";
  134. memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir";
  135. driverLeftHandAnimName = "drivingwheel";
  136. driverRightHandAnimName = "drivingwheel";
  137. getInAction = "GetInLow";
  138. getOutAction = "GetOutLow";
  139. cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInLow"};
  140. cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};
  141. commanderCanSee = 31;
  142. driverOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f_beta\reticle\reticle_SDV_driver";
  143. memoryPointDriverOptics = "PIP0_dir";
  144. driverForceOptics = 0;
  145. enableGPS = 1;
  146. transportSoldier = 2;
  147. typicalCargo[] = {"B_diver_F","B_diver_F"};
  148. cost = 10000;
  149. threat[] = {0.1,0.1,0.1};
  150. armor = 30;
  151. showNVGCargo[] = {0};
  152. showNVGDriver = 0;
  153. showNVGGunner = 0;
  154. class ViewOptics: ViewOptics
  155. {
  156. visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
  157. };
  158. precision = 5;
  159. verticalTurnCoef = 0.05;
  160. turnCoef = 0.5;
  161. steerAheadSimul = 0.5;
  162. steerAheadPlan = 0.35;
  163. predictTurnPlan = 0.8;
  164. predictTurnSimul = 0.6;
  165. brakeDistance = 25;
  166. acceleration = 15;
  167. maxSpeed = 30;
  168. waterSpeedFactor = 1;
  169. periscopeDepth = 1.2;
  170. idleRpm = 200;
  171. redRpm = 1200;
  172. thrustDelay = 2;
  173. formationX = 15;
  174. formationZ = 15;
  175. simulation = "submarinex";
  176. overSpeedBrakeCoef = 0.8;
  177. enginePower = 45;
  178. engineShiftY = 0.4;
  179. waterLeakiness = 0;
  180. waterResistanceCoef = 0.015;
  181. waterLinearDampingCoefX = 2;
  182. waterLinearDampingCoefY = 0.8;
  183. waterAngularDampingCoef = 1;
  184. rudderForceCoef = 0.2;
  185. rudderForceCoefAtMaxSpeed = 0.05;
  186. class Exhausts
  187. {
  188. class Exhaust1
  189. {
  190. position = "exhaust";
  191. direction = "exhaust_dir";
  192. effect = "ExhaustsEffectBig";
  193. };
  194. };
  195. waterEffectSpeed = 25;
  196. engineEffectSpeed = 5;
  197. leftDustEffect = "DustEffectBottom";
  198. class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
  199. {
  200. class Doors
  201. {
  202. source = "user";
  203. animPeriod = 0;
  204. initPhase = 1;
  205. };
  206. class periscope
  207. {
  208. source = "user";
  209. animPeriod = 0;
  210. initPhase = 0;
  211. };
  212. };
  213. class UserActions
  214. {
  215. class CloseDriverdoor
  216. {
  217. displayName = "Close hatch";
  218. displayNameDefault = "Close hatch";
  219. position = "drivingwheel_axis";
  220. radius = 4;
  221. onlyForplayer = 0;
  222. condition = "this animationPhase ""door_1_1"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND player in (crew this)";
  223. statement = "this animate [""door_1_1"",0];this animate [""door_1_2"",0];this animate [""door_2_1"",0];this animate [""door_2_2"",0];";
  224. };
  225. class OpenDriverdoor: CloseDriverdoor
  226. {
  227. displayName = "Open hatch";
  228. displayNameDefault = "Open hatch";
  229. condition = "this animationPhase ""door_1_1"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND player in (crew this)";
  230. statement = "this animate [""door_1_1"",1];this animate [""door_1_2"",1];this animate [""door_2_1"",1];this animate [""door_2_2"",1];";
  231. };
  232. class periscope_up
  233. {
  234. displayName = "Periscope up";
  235. displayNameDefault = "Periscope up";
  236. position = "drivingwheel_axis";
  237. radius = 4;
  238. onlyForplayer = 0;
  239. condition = "this animationPhase ""periscope"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND gunner this == player";
  240. statement = "this animate [""periscope"",0];this animate [""Antenna"",0];this animate [""HideScope"",0]; this animate [""display_on_R"",0];";
  241. };
  242. class periscope_down: periscope_up
  243. {
  244. displayName = "Periscope down";
  245. displayNameDefault = "Periscope down";
  246. condition = "this animationPhase ""periscope"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND gunner this == player";
  247. statement = "this animate [""periscope"",3];this animate [""Antenna"",3];this animate [""HideScope"",3]; this animate [""display_on_R"",1];";
  248. };
  249. };
  250. class Turrets: Turrets
  251. {
  252. class CommanderTurret: NewTurret
  253. {
  254. gunnerCompartments = "Compartment1";
  255. gunnerName = "Gunner";
  256. proxyType = "CPCommander";
  257. commanding = -1;
  258. ejectDeadGunner = 0;
  259. body = "ObsTurret";
  260. gun = "ObsGun";
  261. animationSourceBody = "ObsTurret";
  262. animationSourceGun = "ObsGun";
  263. gunBeg = "PIP1_dir";
  264. gunEnd = "PIP1_pos";
  265. memoryPointGunnerOptics = "PIP1_dir";
  266. weapons[] = {"Laserdesignator_mounted"};
  267. magazines[] = {"Laserbatteries"};
  268. soundServo[] = {"A3\sounds_f\dummysound",0.01,1,10};
  269. gunnerAction = "commander_SDV";
  270. gunnergetInAction = "GetInLow";
  271. gunnergetOutAction = "GetOutLow";
  272. memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos commander";
  273. memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos commander dir";
  274. usePip = 1;
  275. Laser = 1;
  276. stabilizedInAxes = 4;
  277. gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f_beta\reticle\reticle_SDV";
  278. turretInfoType = "RscOptics_SDV_periscope";
  279. gunnerForceOptics = 0;
  280. LODTurnedIn = 1100;
  281. LODTurnedOut = 1100;
  282. outGunnerMayFire = 1;
  283. startEngine = 0;
  284. class ViewOptics: ViewOptics
  285. {
  286. initAngleX = 0;
  287. minAngleX = 0;
  288. maxAngleX = 0;
  289. initAngleY = 0;
  290. minAngleY = -180;
  291. maxAngleY = 180;
  292. initFov = 0.14;
  293. minFov = 0.0175;
  294. maxFov = 0.14;
  295. visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG","Ti"};
  296. thermalMode[] = {2,3,4};
  297. };
  298. class ViewGunner: ViewOptics
  299. {
  300. initAngleX = -15;
  301. minAngleX = -45;
  302. maxAngleX = 45;
  303. initAngleY = 0;
  304. minAngleY = -150;
  305. maxAngleY = 150;
  306. initFov = 0.9;
  307. minFov = 0.42;
  308. maxFov = 0.9;
  309. visionMode[] = {};
  310. };
  311. };
  312. };
  313. class Library
  314. {
  315. libTextDesc = "The SDV is a manned submersible vehicle used to transport teams of divers over long distances under water. Its construction is based on the SEALs Delivery Vehicle from the early 21st century, but the engine and maneuverability have been increased rapidly. Divers drive the SDV while exposed to the water and breathing from the vehicle's compressed air supply or using their own SCUBA gear. The SDV can take up to four passengers, but can be operated by just one person. It also contains a small compartment to store additional equipment.";
  316. };
  317. extCameraPosition[] = {0,2,-16};
  318. class HitPoints
  319. {
  320. class HitEngine
  321. {
  322. armor = 0.5;
  323. material = 10;
  324. name = "engine";
  325. visual = "";
  326. passThrough = 0.2;
  327. };
  328. class HitBody
  329. {
  330. armor = 10;
  331. material = -1;
  332. name = "karoserie";
  333. visual = "zbytek";
  334. passThrough = 1;
  335. };
  336. };
  337. class Damage
  338. {
  339. tex[] = {};
  340. mat[] = {"A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext.rvmat","A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_damage.rvmat","A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_ext_destruct.rvmat","A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_int.rvmat","A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_int_damage.rvmat","A3\boat_f_beta\SDV_01\data\SDV_int_destruct.rvmat"};
  341. };
  342. class Reflectors
  343. {
  344. class Left
  345. {
  346. color[] = {0.8,0.9,1};
  347. ambient[] = {1,1,1};
  348. position = "L svetlo";
  349. direction = "konec L svetla";
  350. hitpoint = "L svetlo";
  351. selection = "L svetlo";
  352. size = 1;
  353. innerAngle = 30;
  354. outerAngle = 160;
  355. coneFadeCoef = 8;
  356. intensity = 500;
  357. useFlare = 0;
  358. dayLight = 0;
  359. flareSize = 0.9;
  360. flareMaxDistance = 85;
  361. class Attenuation
  362. {
  363. start = 1;
  364. constant = 0;
  365. linear = 1;
  366. quadratic = 0.5;
  367. hardLimitStart = 45;
  368. hardLimitEnd = 50;
  369. };
  370. };
  371. class Right: Left
  372. {
  373. position = "P svetlo";
  374. direction = "konec P svetla";
  375. hitpoint = "P svetlo";
  376. selection = "P svetlo";
  377. };
  378. class Right2: Right
  379. {
  380. position = "P svetlo flare";
  381. useFlare = 1;
  382. };
  383. class Left2: Left
  384. {
  385. position = "L svetlo flare";
  386. useFlare = 1;
  387. };
  388. class interior_light: Right
  389. {
  390. color[] = {0.12,0.08,0.04};
  391. ambient[] = {0,0,0};
  392. position = "interior_light";
  393. direction = "interior_light";
  394. hitpoint = "P svetlo";
  395. selection = "P svetlo";
  396. size = 1;
  397. innerAngle = 180;
  398. outerAngle = 360;
  399. coneFadeCoef = 8;
  400. intensity = 0.3;
  401. useFlare = 0;
  402. dayLight = 1;
  403. class Attenuation
  404. {
  405. start = 0.7;
  406. constant = 0;
  407. linear = 0;
  408. quadratic = 200;
  409. hardLimitStart = 5;
  410. hardLimitEnd = 10;
  411. };
  412. };
  413. };
  414. aggregateReflectors[] = {{"Left","Right","Left2","Right2"},{"interior_light"}};
  415. hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1"};
  416. };
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