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a guest
May 30th, 2016
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text 134.20 KB | None | 0 0
  1. PSConstants -> value -> CharID TypeIDToStringID
  2. ---------- -> ----- -> ------ ----------------
  3. phDialogDontDisplay -> 0 ->
  4. phEnumBitDepthA1R5G5B5 -> 825570869 -> "1565"
  5. phEnumBitDepthA4R4G4B4 -> 875836468 -> "4444"
  6. phEnumAmiga -> 1097688929 -> "Amga"
  7. phKeyArrowhead -> 1098019447 -> "Arrw"
  8. phEventBackLight -> 1113678668 -> "BacL"
  9. phClassBackLight -> 1113680716 -> "BakL"
  10. phEnumBitDepth16 -> 1111765302 -> "BD16"
  11. phEnumBitDepth32 -> 1111765810 -> "BD32"
  12. phFormClass -> 1131180915 -> "Clss"
  13. phClassColorCast -> 1131375683 -> "ColC"
  14. phEventColorCast -> 1131375685 -> "ColE"
  15. phKeyDarker -> 1147236971 -> "Dark"
  16. phFormEnumerated -> 1164864882 -> "Enmr"
  17. phEventFillFlash -> 1181314117 -> "FilE"
  18. phClassFillFlash -> 1181314118 -> "FilF"
  19. phKeyFlipVertical -> 1181511766 -> "FlpV"
  20. phClassContour -> 1182290787 -> "FxSc"
  21. phClassGradientFill -> 1198679142 -> "Grdf"
  22. phKeyGradientFill
  23. phEventHSBHSL -> 1215521360 -> "HsbP"
  24. phClassIFFFormat -> 1229342278 -> "IFFF"
  25. phFormAbsolutePosition -> 1768842360 -> "indx"
  26. phFormIndex
  27. phKeyLighter -> 1281976168 -> "Ligh"
  28. phKeyLegacySerialString -> 1817398899 -> "lSNs"
  29. phEnumMaya -> 1298233697 -> "Maya"
  30. phKeyPaintCursorKind -> 1349403467 -> "PnCK"
  31. phFormProperty -> 1886547824 -> "prop"
  32. phFormPropertyID
  33. phTypePath -> 1349806112 -> "Pth "
  34. phClassPattern -> 1349809234 -> "PttR"
  35. phFormOffset -> 1919249509 -> "rele"
  36. phFormRelativePosition
  37. phKeyWebdavPrefs -> 1466066000 -> "WbdP"
  38. phClassWebdavPrefs -> 1466196598 -> "Wdbv"
  39. phEnumBitDepthX4R4G4B4 -> 2016687156 -> "x444"
  40. phEnumBitDepthR5G6B5 -> 2016753205 -> "x565"
  41. phEnumBitDepthX8R8G8B8 -> 2016950328 -> "x888"
  42. phEnum16BitsPerPixel -> 825639540 -> "16Bt" 16BitsPerPixel
  43. phEnum1BitPerPixel -> 1332626036 -> "OnBt" 1BitPerPixel
  44. phEnum2BitsPerPixel -> 843215987 -> "2Bts" 2BitsPerPixel
  45. phEnum32BitsPerPixel -> 858931828 -> "32Bt" 32BitsPerPixel
  46. phKey3DAntiAlias -> 1097623923 -> "Alis" 3DAntiAlias
  47. phEvent3DTransform -> 1415861280 -> "TdT " 3DTransform
  48. phEnum4BitsPerPixel -> 876770419 -> "4Bts" 4BitsPerPixel
  49. phEnum5000 -> 892350512 -> "5000" 5000
  50. phEnum5500 -> 892678192 -> "5500" 5500
  51. phEnum6500 -> 909455408 -> "6500" 6500
  52. phEnum72Color -> 926040940 -> "72Cl" 72Color
  53. phEnum72Gray -> 926041970 -> "72Gr" 72Gray
  54. phEnum7500 -> 926232624 -> "7500" 7500
  55. phEnum8BitsPerPixel -> 1164404802 -> "EghB" 8BitsPerPixel
  56. phEnum9300 -> 959655984 -> "9300" 9300
  57. phEnumA -> 1092624416 -> "A " a
  58. phKeyA
  59. phEnumAboutApp -> 1096958320 -> "AbAp" aboutApp
  60. phEnumAbsColorimetric -> 1094937714 -> "AClr" absColorimetric
  61. phEnumAbsolute -> 1096971116 -> "Absl" absolute
  62. phDialogDisplay -> 1 -> accelerated
  63. phEventAccentedEdges -> 1097032517 -> "AccE" accentedEdges
  64. phClassAction -> 1097036910 -> "Actn" action
  65. phTypeActionData -> 1097036868 -> "ActD" actionData
  66. phTypeActionReference -> 591487860 -> "#Act" actionReference
  67. phClassActionSet -> 1095984500 -> "ASet" actionSet
  68. phEnumActualPixels -> 1097036880 -> "ActP" actualPixels
  69. phEnumAdaptive -> 1097101428 -> "Adpt" adaptive
  70. phEnumAdd -> 1097098272 -> "Add " add
  71. phEventAdd
  72. phEventAddNoise -> 1097092723 -> "AdNs" addNoise
  73. phEventAddTo -> 1097098324 -> "AddT" addTo
  74. phClassAdjustment -> 1097099891 -> "Adjs" adjustment
  75. phKeyAdjustment
  76. phClassAdjustmentLayer -> 1097099852 -> "AdjL" adjustmentLayer
  77. phEnumAdjustmentOptions -> 1097099855 -> "AdjO" adjustmentOptions
  78. phEnumAdobeRGB1998 -> 1397575764 -> "SMPT" adobeRGB1998
  79. phEnumADSBottoms -> 1097089652 -> "AdBt" ADSBottoms
  80. phEnumADSCentersH -> 1097089864 -> "AdCH" ADSCentersH
  81. phEnumADSCentersV -> 1097089878 -> "AdCV" ADSCentersV
  82. phEnumADSHorizontal -> 1097091186 -> "AdHr" ADSHorizontal
  83. phEnumADSLefts -> 1097092198 -> "AdLf" ADSLefts
  84. phEnumADSRights -> 1097093735 -> "AdRg" ADSRights
  85. phEnumADSTops -> 1097094256 -> "AdTp" ADSTops
  86. phEnumADSVertical -> 1097094770 -> "AdVr" ADSVertical
  87. phEnumAirbrushEraser -> 1098015347 -> "Arbs" airbrushEraser
  88. phClassAirbrushTool -> 1096963180 -> "AbTl" airbrushTool
  89. phTypeAlias -> 1634494835 -> "alis" alias
  90. phEventAlign -> 1097623406 -> "Algn" align
  91. phKeyAlignment
  92. phTypeAlignDistributeSelector -> 1094996852 -> "ADSt" alignDistributeSelector
  93. phKeyAligned -> 1097623396 -> "Algd" aligned
  94. phTypeAlignment -> 1097623328 -> "Alg " alignmentType
  95. phEventAll -> 1097624608 -> "All " all
  96. phKeyAllPS
  97. phEnumAll -> 1097605152 -> "Al " allEnum
  98. phKeyAllExcept -> 1097624645 -> "AllE" allExcept
  99. phKeyAllToolOptions -> 1097618540 -> "AlTl" allToolOptions
  100. phKeyAlphaChannelOptions -> 1094936686 -> "AChn" alphaChannelOptions
  101. phClassAlphaChannelOptions -> 1094936684 -> "AChl" alphaChannelOptionsClass
  102. phKeyAlphaChannels -> 1097625667 -> "AlpC" alphaChannels
  103. phKeyAmbientBrightness -> 1097687618 -> "AmbB" ambientBrightness
  104. phKeyAmbientColor -> 1097687619 -> "AmbC" ambientColor
  105. phKeyAmount -> 1097690740 -> "Amnt" amount
  106. phTypeAmount
  107. phEnumAmountHigh -> 1634551913 -> "amHi" amountHigh
  108. phEnumAmountLow -> 1634552943 -> "amLo" amountLow
  109. phEnumAmountMedium -> 1634553188 -> "amMd" amountMedium
  110. phKeyAmplitudeMax -> 1097682296 -> "AmMx" amplitudeMax
  111. phKeyAmplitudeMin -> 1097682286 -> "AmMn" amplitudeMin
  112. phKeyAnchor -> 1097753448 -> "Anch" anchor
  113. phEnumAngle -> 1097754476 -> "Angl" angle
  114. phKeyAngle
  115. phKeyAngle1 -> 1097754417 -> "Ang1" angle1
  116. phKeyAngle2 -> 1097754418 -> "Ang2" angle2
  117. phKeyAngle3 -> 1097754419 -> "Ang3" angle3
  118. phKeyAngle4 -> 1097754420 -> "Ang4" angle4
  119. phEventAngledStrokes -> 1097754451 -> "AngS" angledStrokes
  120. phUnitAngle -> 591490663 -> "#Ang" angleUnit
  121. phClassAntiAliasedPICTAcquire -> 1097757761 -> "AntA" antiAlias
  122. phKeyAntiAlias
  123. phEnumAntiAliasCrisp -> 1097745266 -> "AnCr" antiAliasCrisp
  124. phEnumAntiAliasHigh -> 1097746537 -> "AnHi" antiAliasHigh
  125. phEnumAntiAliasLow -> 1097747567 -> "AnLo" antiAliasLow
  126. phEnumAntiAliasMedium -> 1097747812 -> "AnMd" antiAliasMedium
  127. phEnumAntiAliasNone -> 1097756271 -> "Anno" antiAliasNone
  128. phEnumAntiAliasSmooth -> 1097749357 -> "AnSm" antiAliasSmooth
  129. phEnumAntiAliasStrong -> 1097749364 -> "AnSt" antiAliasStrong
  130. phTypeAntiAlias -> 1097756276 -> "Annt" antiAliasType
  131. phEnumAny -> 1097759008 -> "Any " any
  132. phKeyAppend -> 1097887845 -> "Appe" append
  133. phEnumAppleRGB -> 1097887826 -> "AppR" appleRGB
  134. phClassApplication -> 1667330160 -> "capp" application
  135. phKeyApply -> 1097886841 -> "Aply" apply
  136. phEnumApplyImage -> 1097886793 -> "AplI" applyImageEnum
  137. phEventApplyImage -> 1097887817 -> "AppI" applyImageEvent
  138. phEventApplyStyle -> 1095988345 -> "ASty" applyStyle
  139. phKeyArea -> 1097998368 -> "Ar " area
  140. phTypeAreaSelector -> 1098011500 -> "ArSl" areaSelector
  141. phEnumAroundCenter -> 1098018371 -> "ArnC" aroundCenter
  142. phEnumArrange -> 1098018407 -> "Arng" arrange
  143. phClassArrowhead -> 1665233527 -> "cArw" arrowhead
  144. phClassArtHistoryBrushTool -> 1094866028 -> "ABTl" artBrushTool
  145. phKeyAs -> 1098063904 -> "As " as
  146. phEnumASCII -> 1095975753 -> "ASCI" ASCII
  147. phEnumAsk -> 1098083104 -> "Ask " ask
  148. phEnumAskWhenOpening -> 1098083159 -> "AskW" askWhenOpening
  149. phClassAssert -> 1098084980 -> "Asrt" assert
  150. phEventAssert
  151. phKeyAssumedCMYK -> 1098085187 -> "AssC" assumedCMYK
  152. phKeyAssumedGray -> 1098085191 -> "AssG" assumedGray
  153. phClassAssumedProfile -> 1098085200 -> "AssP" assumedProfile
  154. phKeyAssumedRGB -> 1098085202 -> "AssR" assumedRGB
  155. phTypeAssumeOptions -> 1098085199 -> "AssO" assumeOptions
  156. phKeyAt -> 1098129440 -> "At " at
  157. phKeyAuto -> 1098216559 -> "Auto" auto
  158. phKeyAutoContrast -> 1098204015 -> "AuCo" autoContrast
  159. phKeyAutoErase -> 1098150515 -> "Atrs" autoErase
  160. phKeyAutoKern -> 1098140530 -> "AtKr" autoKern
  161. phKeyAutoUpdate -> 1098143088 -> "AtUp" autoUpdateFiles
  162. phKeyAxis -> 1098410355 -> "Axis" axis
  163. phEnumB -> 1109401632 -> "B " b
  164. phKeyB
  165. phEnumBack -> 1113678699 -> "Back" back
  166. phEnumBackground -> 1113811815 -> "Bckg" background
  167. phKeyBackground
  168. phEnumBackgroundColor -> 1113811779 -> "BckC" backgroundColor
  169. phKeyBackgroundColor
  170. phClassBackgroundEraserTool -> 1397052524 -> "SETl" backgroundEraserTool
  171. phClassBackgroundLayer -> 1113811788 -> "BckL" backgroundLayer
  172. phKeyBackgroundLevel
  173. phKeyBackward -> 1115120672 -> "Bwd " backward
  174. phEnumBackward -> 1113811831 -> "Bckw" backwardEnum
  175. phKeyBalance -> 1114402403 -> "Blnc" balance
  176. phKeyBaselineShift -> 1114860654 -> "Bsln" baselineShift
  177. phEventBasRelief -> 1114853996 -> "BsRl" basRelief
  178. phEventBatch -> 1114923880 -> "Btch" batch
  179. phEventBatchFromDroplet -> 1114923846 -> "BtcF" batchFromDroplet
  180. phKeyBeepWhenDone -> 1114658664 -> "BpWh" beepWhenDone
  181. phKeyBeginRamp -> 1114074706 -> "BgnR" beginRamp
  182. phKeyBeginSustain -> 1114074707 -> "BgnS" beginSustain
  183. phEnumBehind -> 1114140260 -> "Bhnd" behind
  184. phEnumBest -> 1114862624 -> "Bst " best
  185. phEnumBetter -> 1148479586 -> "Dthb" better
  186. phKeyBevelDirection -> 1651928132 -> "bvlD" bevelDirection
  187. phClassBevelEmboss -> 1700946540 -> "ebbl" bevelEmboss
  188. phKeyBevelEmboss
  189. phTypeBevelEmbossStampStyle -> 1111839603 -> "BESs" bevelEmbossStampStyle
  190. phTypeBevelEmbossStyle -> 1111839596 -> "BESl" bevelEmbossStyle
  191. phKeyBevelStyle -> 1651928147 -> "bvlS" bevelStyle
  192. phKeyBevelTechnique -> 1651928148 -> "bvlT" bevelTechnique
  193. phEnumBicubic -> 1113809507 -> "Bcbc" bicubic
  194. phKeyBigNudgeH -> 1114066504 -> "BgNH" bigNudgeH
  195. phKeyBigNudgeV -> 1114066518 -> "BgNV" bigNudgeV
  196. phEnumBilinear -> 1114402418 -> "Blnr" bilinear
  197. phEnumBinary -> 1114534521 -> "Bnry" binary
  198. phKeyBitDepth -> 1114915952 -> "BtDp" bitDepth
  199. phTypeBitDepth
  200. phEnumBitDepth1 -> 1111765280 -> "BD1 " bitDepth1
  201. phEnumBitDepth24 -> 1111765556 -> "BD24" bitDepth24
  202. phEnumBitDepth4 -> 1111766048 -> "BD4 " bitDepth4
  203. phEnumBitDepth8 -> 1111767072 -> "BD8 " bitDepth8
  204. phEnumBitmap -> 1114926448 -> "Btmp" bitmap
  205. phClassBitmapMode -> 1114926413 -> "BtmM" bitmapMode
  206. phEnumBlack -> 1114399595 -> "Blck" black
  207. phKeyBlack
  208. phEnumBlackAndWhite -> 1113681495 -> "BanW" blackAndWhite
  209. phEnumBlackBody -> 1114399554 -> "BlcB" blackBody
  210. phKeyBlackClip -> 1114399555 -> "BlcC" blackClip
  211. phKeyBlackGeneration -> 1114399598 -> "Blcn" blackGeneration
  212. phKeyBlackGenerationCurve -> 1114399559 -> "BlcG" blackGenerationType
  213. phTypeBlackGeneration
  214. phKeyBlackIntensity -> 1114399561 -> "BlcI" blackIntensity
  215. phKeyBlackLevel -> 1114399564 -> "BlcL" blackLevel
  216. phKeyBlackLimit
  217. phEnumBlacks -> 1114401651 -> "Blks" blacks
  218. phEnumBlocks
  219. phEnumBlast -> 1114403700 -> "Blst" blast
  220. phKeyBleed -> 1114399776 -> "Bld " bleed
  221. phTypeBlendMode -> 1114402381 -> "BlnM" blendMode
  222. phClassBlendRange -> 1114402404 -> "Blnd" blendRange
  223. phKeyBlendRange
  224. phEnumBlockEraser -> 1114401568 -> "Blk " blockEraser
  225. phEnumBlue -> 1114382368 -> "Bl " blue
  226. phKeyBlue
  227. phKeyBlueBlackPoint -> 1114391148 -> "BlBl" blueBlackPoint
  228. phKeyBlueGamma -> 1114392429 -> "BlGm" blueGamma
  229. phEnumBlues -> 1114403616 -> "Bls " blues
  230. phKeyBlueWhitePoint -> 1114396520 -> "BlWh" blueWhitePoint
  231. phKeyBlueX -> 1114396704 -> "BlX " blueX
  232. phKeyBlueY -> 1114396960 -> "BlY " blueY
  233. phKeyBlur -> 1651275122 -> "blur" blur
  234. phEventBlur -> 1114403360 -> "Blr " blurEvent
  235. phEventBlurMore -> 1114403405 -> "BlrM" blurMethod
  236. phKeyBlurMethod
  237. phTypeBlurMethod
  238. phKeyBlurQuality -> 1114403409 -> "BlrQ" blurQuality
  239. phTypeBlurQuality
  240. phClassBlurTool -> 1114395756 -> "BlTl" blurTool
  241. phClassBMPFormat -> 1112363078 -> "BMPF" bMPFormat
  242. phKeyBook -> 1114316832 -> "Bk " book
  243. phClassBookColor -> 1114325868 -> "BkCl" bookColor
  244. phTypeBoolean -> 1651470188 -> "bool" boolean
  245. phEventBorder -> 1114793074 -> "Brdr" border
  246. phKeyBorderThickness -> 1114793044 -> "BrdT" borderThickness
  247. phKeyBottom -> 1114926957 -> "Btom" bottom
  248. phEnumBottom -> 1114928237 -> "Bttm" bottomEnum
  249. phKeyBrightness -> 1114793832 -> "Brgh" brightness
  250. phClassBrightnessContrast -> 1114793795 -> "BrgC" brightnessEvent
  251. phEventBrightness
  252. phClassBrush -> 1114796904 -> "Brsh" brush
  253. phKeyBrushes
  254. phEnumBrushDarkRough -> 1114784850 -> "BrDR" brushDarkRough
  255. phEnumBrushesDefine -> 1114796868 -> "BrsD" brushDetail
  256. phKeyBrushDetail
  257. phEnumBrushesAppend -> 1114796865 -> "BrsA" brushesAppend
  258. phEnumBrushesDelete -> 1114796902 -> "Brsf" brushesDelete
  259. phEnumBrushesLoad -> 1114796900 -> "Brsd" brushesLoad
  260. phEnumBrushesNew -> 1114796878 -> "BrsN" brushesNew
  261. phEnumBrushesOptions -> 1114796879 -> "BrsO" brushesOptions
  262. phEnumBrushesReset -> 1114796882 -> "BrsR" brushesReset
  263. phEnumBrushesSave -> 1114796918 -> "Brsv" brushesSave
  264. phEnumBrushLightRough -> 1114796876 -> "BrsL" brushLightRough
  265. phEnumBrushSimple -> 1114788717 -> "BrSm" brushSimple
  266. phEnumBrushSize -> 1114796883 -> "BrsS" brushSize
  267. phKeyBrushSize
  268. phEnumBrushSparkle -> 1114788720 -> "BrSp" brushSparkle
  269. phKeyBrushType -> 1114796884 -> "BrsT" brushType
  270. phTypeBrushType
  271. phEnumBrushWideBlurry -> 1114792535 -> "BrbW" brushWideBlurry
  272. phEnumBrushWideSharp -> 1114796887 -> "BrsW" brushWideSharp
  273. phEnumBuiltin -> 1114403950 -> "Bltn" builtin
  274. phTypeBuiltinProfile -> 1114403920 -> "BltP" builtinProfile
  275. phTypeBuiltInContour -> 1114403907 -> "BltC" builtInShapeCurve
  276. phKeyBumpAmplitude -> 1114468417 -> "BmpA" bumpAmplitude
  277. phKeyBumpChannel -> 1114468419 -> "BmpC" bumpChannel
  278. phEnumBurnInH -> 1114795592 -> "BrnH" burnInH
  279. phEnumBurnInM -> 1114795597 -> "BrnM" burnInM
  280. phEnumBurnInS -> 1114795603 -> "BrnS" burnInS
  281. phClassBurnInTool -> 1114788972 -> "BrTl" burnInTool
  282. phEnumButtonMode -> 1114926669 -> "BtnM" buttonMode
  283. phKeyBy -> 1115234336 -> "By " by
  284. phKeyByline -> 1115253870 -> "Byln" byline
  285. phKeyBylineTitle -> 1115253844 -> "BylT" bylineTitle
  286. phKeyByteOrder -> 1115255887 -> "BytO" byteOrder
  287. phClassCachePrefs -> 1130588240 -> "CchP" cachePrefs
  288. phKeyCachePrefs
  289. phClassCalculation -> 1131176812 -> "Clcl" calculation
  290. phEnumCalculations
  291. phKeyCalculation
  292. phTypeCalculation -> 1131176814 -> "Clcn" calculationType
  293. phKeyCalibrationBars -> 1131176562 -> "Clbr" calibrationBars
  294. phEventCanvasSize -> 1131312723 -> "CnvS" canvasSize
  295. phKeyCaption -> 1131443310 -> "Cptn" caption
  296. phKeyCaptionWriter -> 1131443287 -> "CptW" captionWriter
  297. phEnumCascade -> 1131635556 -> "Cscd" cascade
  298. phKeyCategory -> 1131702130 -> "Ctgr" category
  299. phKeyCellSize -> 1131172730 -> "ClSz" cellSize
  300. phEnumCenter -> 1131312242 -> "Cntr" center
  301. phKeyCenter
  302. phKeyContrast
  303. phEventConteCrayon -> 1131312195 -> "CntC" centerCropMarks
  304. phKeyCenterCropMarks
  305. phEnumCenteredFrame -> 1131704902 -> "CtrF" centeredFrame
  306. phEnumCenterGlow -> 1400005443 -> "SrcC" centerGlow
  307. phKeyChalkArea -> 1130916929 -> "ChlA" chalkArea
  308. phEventChalkCharcoal -> 1130916931 -> "ChlC" chalkCharcoal
  309. phClassChannel -> 1130917484 -> "Chnl" channel
  310. phKeyChannel
  311. phTypeChannel
  312. phClassChannelMatrix -> 1130909048 -> "ChMx" channelMatrix
  313. phKeyChannelMatrix
  314. phClassChannelMixer -> 1130917453 -> "ChnM" channelMixer
  315. phEventChannelMixer
  316. phKeyChannelName -> 1130917454 -> "ChnN" channelName
  317. phEnumChannelOptions -> 1130917455 -> "ChnO" channelOptions
  318. phTypeChannelReference -> 591620178 -> "#ChR" channelReference
  319. phKeyChannels -> 1130917491 -> "Chns" channels
  320. phKeyChannelsInterleaved -> 1130917449 -> "ChnI" channelsInterleaved
  321. phEnumChannelsPaletteOptions -> 1130917456 -> "ChnP" channelsPaletteOptions
  322. phTypeChar -> 1413830740 -> "TEXT" char
  323. phTypeText
  324. phEventCharcoal -> 1130918499 -> "Chrc" charcoal
  325. phKeyCharcoalAmount -> 1130905965 -> "ChAm" charcoalAmount
  326. phKeyCharcoalArea -> 1130918465 -> "ChrA" charcoalArea
  327. phEnumCheckerboardLarge -> 1130914636 -> "ChcL" checkerboardLarge
  328. phEnumCheckerboardMedium -> 1130914637 -> "ChcM" checkerboardMedium
  329. phEnumCheckerboardNone -> 1130914638 -> "ChcN" checkerboardNone
  330. phTypeCheckerboardSize -> 1130914667 -> "Chck" checkerboardSize
  331. phEnumCheckerboardSmall -> 1130914643 -> "ChcS" checkerboardSmall
  332. phKeyChokeMatte -> 1131113844 -> "Ckmt" chokeMatte
  333. phEventChrome -> 1130918509 -> "Chrm" chrome
  334. phClassChromeFX -> 1130907224 -> "ChFX" chromeFX
  335. phKeyChromeFX
  336. phEnumCIERGB -> 1129465666 -> "CRGB" CIERGB
  337. phKeyCity -> 1130984569 -> "City" city
  338. phTypeClass -> 1954115685 -> "type" class
  339. phTypeType
  340. phTypeClassColor -> 591621234 -> "#Clr" classColor
  341. phTypeClassElement -> 591621189 -> "#ClE" classElement
  342. phTypeClassExport -> 591621221 -> "#Cle" classExport
  343. phTypeClassFormat -> 591621190 -> "#ClF" classFormat
  344. phTypeClassHueSatHueSatV2 -> 591950678 -> "#HsV" classHueSatHueSatV2
  345. phTypeClassImport -> 591621193 -> "#ClI" classImport
  346. phTypeClassMode -> 591621197 -> "#ClM" classMode
  347. phTypeClassStringFormat -> 591621203 -> "#ClS" classStringFormat
  348. phTypeClassTextExport -> 591615045 -> "#CTE" classTextExport
  349. phTypeClassTextImport -> 591621204 -> "#ClT" classTextImport
  350. phKeyClearAmount -> 1131180609 -> "ClrA" clearAmount
  351. phEnumClear -> 1131176306 -> "Clar" clearEnum
  352. phEventClear -> 1131177330 -> "Cler" clearEvent
  353. phEnumClearGuides -> 1131180615 -> "ClrG" clearGuides
  354. phEnumClipboard -> 1131180130 -> "Clpb" clipboard
  355. phClassClippingInfo -> 1131180143 -> "Clpo" clippingInfo
  356. phKeyClippingPath -> 1131171956 -> "ClPt" clippingPath
  357. phClassClippingPath -> 1131180112 -> "ClpP" clippingPathEPS
  358. phEnumClippingPath
  359. phKeyClippingPathEPS
  360. phKeyClippingPathFlatness -> 1131180102 -> "ClpF" clippingPathFlatness
  361. phKeyClippingPathIndex -> 1131180105 -> "ClpI" clippingPathIndex
  362. phKeyClippingPathInfo -> 1131180135 -> "Clpg" clippingPathInfo
  363. phKeyCloneSource -> 1131179603 -> "ClnS" cloneSource
  364. phClassCloneStampTool -> 1131172972 -> "ClTl" cloneStampTool
  365. phEventClose -> 1131180832 -> "Cls " close
  366. phEnumCloseAll -> 1131180865 -> "ClsA" closeAll
  367. phKeyClosedSubpath -> 1131180912 -> "Clsp" closedSubpath
  368. phEventClouds -> 1131177075 -> "Clds" clouds
  369. phEnumCMYK -> 1129142603 -> "CMYK" CMYK
  370. phEnumCMYK64 -> 1129141062 -> "CMSF" CMYK64
  371. phClassCMYKColor -> 1129142595 -> "CMYC" CMYKColorClass
  372. phEnumCMYKColor -> 1162038617 -> "ECMY" CMYKColorEnum
  373. phClassCMYKColorMode -> 1129142605 -> "CMYM" CMYKColorMode
  374. phClassCMYKSetup -> 1129142611 -> "CMYS" CMYKSetup
  375. phKeyCMYKSetup
  376. phTypeCMYKSetupEngine -> 1129142597 -> "CMYE" CMYKSetupEngine
  377. phEnumCoarseDots -> 1131574084 -> "CrsD" coarseDots
  378. phClassColor -> 1131180576 -> "Clr " color
  379. phEnumColor
  380. phKeyColor
  381. phTypeColor
  382. phClassColorBalance -> 1131180610 -> "ClrB" colorBalance
  383. phEventColorBalance
  384. phEnumColorBurn -> 1128428142 -> "CBrn" colorBurn
  385. phTypeColorChannel -> 591621187 -> "#ClC" colorChannel
  386. phKeyColorChannels -> 1131180648 -> "Clrh" colorChannels
  387. phClassColorCorrection -> 1131180611 -> "ClrC" colorCorrection
  388. phKeyColorCorrection
  389. phEnumColorDodge -> 1128555623 -> "CDdg" colorDodge
  390. phEventColorHalftone -> 1131180616 -> "ClrH" colorHalftone
  391. phEnumColorimetric -> 1131180653 -> "Clrm" colorimetric
  392. phKeyColorIndicates -> 1131180617 -> "ClrI" colorIndicates
  393. phKeyColorize -> 1131180666 -> "Clrz" colorize
  394. phKeyColorManagement -> 1131171175 -> "ClMg" colorManagement
  395. phEnumColorMatch -> 1131171188 -> "ClMt" colorMatch
  396. phEnumColorNoise -> 1131171443 -> "ClNs" colorNoise
  397. phEventColoredPencil -> 1131180624 -> "ClrP" colorPalette
  398. phTypeColorPalette
  399. phKeyColorPickerPrefs -> 1131180658 -> "Clrr" colorPickerPrefs
  400. phClassColorPickerPrefs -> 1131180651 -> "Clrk" colorPickerPrefsClass
  401. phEventColorRange -> 1131180626 -> "ClrR" colorRange
  402. phKeyColors -> 1131180659 -> "Clrs" colors
  403. phTypeColors
  404. phClassColorSampler -> 1131172717 -> "ClSm" colorSampler
  405. phKeyColorsList -> 1131180620 -> "ClrL" colorsList
  406. phKeyColorSpace -> 1131180627 -> "ClrS" colorSpace
  407. phTypeColorSpace
  408. phClassColorStop -> 1131180660 -> "Clrt" colorStop
  409. phTypeColorStopType -> 1131180665 -> "Clry" colorStopType
  410. phKeyColorTable -> 1131180628 -> "ClrT" colorTable
  411. phKeyColumnWidth -> 1131179351 -> "ClmW" columnWidth
  412. phClassCommand -> 1131245156 -> "Cmnd" command
  413. phKeyCommandKey -> 1131242571 -> "CmdK" commandKey
  414. phKeyCompensation -> 1131245678 -> "Cmpn" compensation
  415. phTypeCompensation
  416. phEnumComposite -> 1131245683 -> "Cmps" composite
  417. phKeyCompression -> 1131245682 -> "Cmpr" compression
  418. phKeyConcavity -> 1131307894 -> "Cncv" concavity
  419. phKeyCondition -> 1131308148 -> "Cndt" condition
  420. phKeyConstant -> 1131311988 -> "Cnst" constant
  421. phKeyConstrain
  422. phKeyConstrainProportions -> 1131311952 -> "CnsP" constrainProportions
  423. phKeyConstructionFOV -> 1130786678 -> "Cfov" constructionFOV
  424. phKeyContiguous -> 1131312231 -> "Cntg" contiguous
  425. phKeyContinue -> 1131312238 -> "Cntn" continue
  426. phKeyContinuity -> 1131312249 -> "Cnty" continuity
  427. phTypeContourEdge -> 1131312197 -> "CntE" contourEdge
  428. phEventContract -> 1131312227 -> "Cntc" contract
  429. phKeyConvert -> 1131312754 -> "Cnvr" convert
  430. phTypeConvert
  431. phEventConvertMode -> 1131312717 -> "CnvM" convertMode
  432. phEnumConvertToCMYK -> 1131312707 -> "CnvC" convertToCMYK
  433. phEnumConvertToGray -> 1131312711 -> "CnvG" convertToGray
  434. phEnumConvertToLab -> 1131312716 -> "CnvL" convertToLab
  435. phEnumConvertToRGB -> 1131312722 -> "CnvR" convertToRGB
  436. phKeyCopy -> 1131444512 -> "Cpy " copy
  437. phEventCopyEffects -> 1131431512 -> "CpFX" copyEffects
  438. phEventCopy -> 1668247673 -> "copy" copyEvent
  439. phEventCopyMerged -> 1131444557 -> "CpyM" copyMerged
  440. phKeyCopyright -> 1131444594 -> "Cpyr" copyright
  441. phKeyCopyrightNotice -> 1131442766 -> "CprN" copyrightNotice
  442. phEventCopyToLayer -> 1131435084 -> "CpTL" copyToLayer
  443. phKeyCornerCropMarks -> 1131572803 -> "CrnC" cornerCropMarks
  444. phTypeCorrectionMethod -> 1131569997 -> "CrcM" correctionMethod
  445. phKeyCount -> 1131312160 -> "Cnt " count
  446. phKeyCountryName -> 1131312206 -> "CntN" countryName
  447. phKeyCrackBrightness -> 1131569986 -> "CrcB" crackBrightness
  448. phKeyCrackDepth -> 1131569988 -> "CrcD" crackDepth
  449. phKeyCrackSpacing -> 1131570003 -> "CrcS" crackSpacing
  450. phEventCraquelure -> 1131573612 -> "Crql" craquelure
  451. phEnumCreateDuplicate -> 1131574340 -> "CrtD" createDroplet
  452. phEventCreateDroplet
  453. phEnumCreateInterpolation -> 1131574345 -> "CrtI" createInterpolation
  454. phKeyCreateLayersFromLayerFX -> 1651271276 -> "blfl" createLayersFromLayerFX
  455. phKeyCredit -> 1131570292 -> "Crdt" credit
  456. phEventCrop -> 1131573104 -> "Crop" crop
  457. phEnumCross -> 1131574048 -> "Crs " cross
  458. phEventCrosshatch -> 1131574120 -> "Crsh" crosshatch
  459. phKeyCrossover -> 1131574131 -> "Crss" crossover
  460. phEventCrystallize -> 1131574132 -> "Crst" crystallize
  461. phKeyCurrent -> 1131572852 -> "Crnt" current
  462. phKeyCurrentHistoryState -> 1131572808 -> "CrnH" currentHistoryState
  463. phEnumCurrentLayer -> 1131573836 -> "CrrL" currentLayer
  464. phKeyCurrentLight -> 1131572812 -> "CrnL" currentLight
  465. phKeyCurrentToolOptions -> 1131572820 -> "CrnT" currentToolOptions
  466. phTypeCursorKind -> 1131574091 -> "CrsK" cursorKind
  467. phKeyCurve -> 1131574816 -> "Crv " curve
  468. phKeyCurveFile -> 1131574854 -> "CrvF" curveFile
  469. phClassCurvePoint -> 1131565172 -> "CrPt" curvePoint
  470. phClassCurves -> 1131574899 -> "Crvs" curves
  471. phEventCurves
  472. phClassCurvesAdjustment -> 1131574849 -> "CrvA" curvesAdjustment
  473. phEnumCustomPattern -> 1131639917 -> "Cstm" custom
  474. phEventCustom
  475. phKeyCustom
  476. phEnumCustom -> 1131639840 -> "Cst " customEnum
  477. phKeyCustomForced -> 1131639878 -> "CstF" customForced
  478. phKeyCustomMatte -> 1131639885 -> "CstM" customMatte
  479. phClassCustomPhosphors -> 1131639888 -> "CstP" customPalette
  480. phKeyCustomPalette
  481. phClassCustomPalette -> 1131639916 -> "Cstl" customPaletteClass
  482. phEnumCustomStops -> 1131639891 -> "CstS" customStops
  483. phClassCustomWhitePoint -> 1131639895 -> "CstW" customWhitePoint
  484. phEventCut -> 1668641824 -> "cut " cut
  485. phEventCutout -> 1131683872 -> "Ct " cutout
  486. phEventCutToLayer -> 1131697228 -> "CtTL" cutToLayer
  487. phEnumCyan -> 1132031520 -> "Cyn " cyan
  488. phKeyCyan
  489. phEnumCyans -> 1132031603 -> "Cyns" cyans
  490. phEnumDark -> 1148349216 -> "Drk " dark
  491. phEnumDarken -> 1148349294 -> "Drkn" darken
  492. phKeyDarkness
  493. phEnumDarkenOnly -> 1148349263 -> "DrkO" darkenOnly
  494. phKeyDarkIntensity -> 1148349257 -> "DrkI" darkIntensity
  495. phEventDarkStrokes -> 1148349267 -> "DrkS" darkStrokes
  496. phEnumDashedLines -> 1148414028 -> "DshL" dashedLines
  497. phKeyDateCreated -> 1148470130 -> "DtCr" dateCreated
  498. phKeyDatum -> 1148461088 -> "Dt " datum
  499. phKeyDCS -> 1145262880 -> "DCS " DCS
  500. phTypeDCS
  501. phTypeDeepDepth -> 1148208240 -> "DpDp" deepDepth
  502. phEventDefinePattern -> 1147563600 -> "DfnP" definePattern
  503. phKeyDefinition -> 1147563636 -> "Dfnt" definition
  504. phEventDefringe -> 1147564647 -> "Dfrg" defringe
  505. phEventDeInterlace -> 1148089458 -> "Dntr" deInterlace
  506. phEventDelete -> 1147958304 -> "Dlt " delete
  507. phKeyDensity -> 1148089204 -> "Dnst" density
  508. phUnitDensity -> 592606060 -> "#Rsl" densityUnit
  509. phKeyDepth -> 1148220520 -> "Dpth" depth
  510. phTypeDepth
  511. phEnumDesaturate -> 1148417140 -> "Dstt" desaturate
  512. phEventDesaturate
  513. phKeyDestWhiteMax
  514. phEventDeselect -> 1148415075 -> "Dslc" deselect
  515. phEventDespeckle -> 1148416099 -> "Dspc" despeckle
  516. phKeyDestBlackMax -> 1148417132 -> "Dstl" destBlackMax
  517. phKeyDestBlackMin -> 1148417090 -> "DstB" destBlackMin
  518. phKeyDestinationMode -> 1148417101 -> "DstM" destinationMode
  519. phKeyDestWhiteMin -> 1148417111 -> "DstW" destWhiteMin
  520. phKeyDetail -> 1148480544 -> "Dtl " detail
  521. phKeyDiameter -> 1148023922 -> "Dmtr" diameter
  522. phEnumDiamond -> 1148022372 -> "Dmnd" diamond
  523. phEnumDifference -> 1147564654 -> "Dfrn" difference
  524. phEventDifferenceClouds -> 1147564611 -> "DfrC" differenceClouds
  525. phEventDiffuse -> 1147564832 -> "Dfs " diffuse
  526. phEventDiffuseGlow -> 1147564871 -> "DfsG" diffuseGlow
  527. phTypeDiffuseMode -> 1147564877 -> "DfsM" diffuseMode
  528. phEnumDiffusion -> 1147564910 -> "Dfsn" diffusion
  529. phKeyDiffusionDither -> 1147561540 -> "DffD" diffusionDither
  530. phEnumDiffusionDither -> 1147563588 -> "DfnD" diffusionDitherEnum
  531. phKeyDirection -> 1148347252 -> "Drct" direction
  532. phTypeDirection
  533. phKeyDirectionBalance -> 1148347202 -> "DrcB" directionBalance
  534. phEventDisableLayerFX -> 1684825720 -> "dlfx" disableLayerFX
  535. phEventDisplace -> 1148416108 -> "Dspl" displace
  536. phKeyDisplaceFile -> 1148416070 -> "DspF" displaceFile
  537. phKeyDisplacementMap -> 1148416077 -> "DspM" displacementMap
  538. phTypeDisplacementMap
  539. phEnumDisplayCursorsPreferences -> 1148416067 -> "DspC" displayCursorsPreferences
  540. phClassDisplayPrefs -> 1148416080 -> "DspP" displayPrefs
  541. phKeyDisplayPrefs
  542. phEnumDissolve -> 1148415094 -> "Dslv" dissolve
  543. phKeyDistance -> 1148417134 -> "Dstn" distance
  544. phUnitDistance -> 592604276 -> "#Rlt" distanceUnit
  545. phEnumDistort -> 1148417138 -> "Dstr" distort
  546. phEventDistribute
  547. phKeyDistortion
  548. phKeyDistribution
  549. phTypeDistribution
  550. phKeyDither -> 1148479602 -> "Dthr" dither
  551. phTypeDither
  552. phKeyDitherAmount -> 1148479553 -> "DthA" ditherAmount
  553. phKeyDitherPreserve -> 1148479600 -> "Dthp" ditherPreserve
  554. phKeyDitherQuality -> 1148479601 -> "Dthq" ditherQuality
  555. phTypeDitherQuality
  556. phClassDocument -> 1147366766 -> "Dcmn" document
  557. phKeyDocumentID -> 1148150601 -> "DocI" documentID
  558. phTypeDocumentReference -> 591684434 -> "#DcR" documentReference
  559. phEnumDodgeH -> 1147430728 -> "DdgH" dodgeH
  560. phEnumDodgeM -> 1147430733 -> "DdgM" dodgeM
  561. phEnumDodgeS -> 1147430739 -> "DdgS" dodgeS
  562. phClassDodgeTool -> 1147425900 -> "DdTl" dodgeTool
  563. phKeyDotGain -> 1148471150 -> "DtGn" dotGain
  564. phKeyDotGainCurves -> 1148471107 -> "DtGC" dotGainCurves
  565. phEnumDots -> 1148482336 -> "Dts " dots
  566. phEnumDraft -> 1148348020 -> "Drft" draft
  567. phEventDraw -> 1148346743 -> "Draw" draw
  568. phClassDropShadow -> 1148343144 -> "DrSh" dropShadow
  569. phKeyDropShadow
  570. phEventDryBrush -> 1148352834 -> "DryB" dryBrush
  571. phEnumDuotone -> 1148481056 -> "Dtn " duotone
  572. phClassDuotoneInk -> 1148481097 -> "DtnI" duotoneInk
  573. phClassDuotoneMode -> 1148481101 -> "DtnM" duotoneMode
  574. phEventDuplicate -> 1148218467 -> "Dplc" duplicate
  575. phKeyDuplicate
  576. phEventDustAndScratches -> 1148417107 -> "DstS" dustAndScratches
  577. phKeyDynamicColorSliders -> 1148087619 -> "DnmC" dynamicColorSliders
  578. phEnumEBUITU -> 1161974816 -> "EBT " eBUITU
  579. phKeyEdge -> 1164207904 -> "Edg " edge
  580. phKeyEdgeBrightness -> 1164207938 -> "EdgB" edgeBrightness
  581. phKeyEdgeFidelity -> 1164207942 -> "EdgF" edgeFidelity
  582. phEnumEdgeGlow -> 1400005445 -> "SrcE" edgeGlow
  583. phKeyEdgeIntensity -> 1164207945 -> "EdgI" edgeIntensity
  584. phKeyEdgeSimplicity -> 1164207955 -> "EdgS" edgeSimplicity
  585. phKeyEdgeThickness -> 1164207956 -> "EdgT" edgeThickness
  586. phKeyEdgeWidth -> 1164207959 -> "EdgW" edgeWidth
  587. phKeyEffect -> 1164338787 -> "Effc" effect
  588. phClassElement -> 1164733806 -> "Elmn" element
  589. phTypeElementReference -> 591752274 -> "#ElR" elementReference
  590. phEnumEliminateEvenFields -> 1164733765 -> "ElmE" eliminateEvenFields
  591. phEnumEliminateOddFields -> 1164733775 -> "ElmO" eliminateOddFields
  592. phClassEllipse -> 1164734579 -> "Elps" ellipse
  593. phEnumEllipse
  594. phKeyEmbedCMYK -> 1164796483 -> "EmbC" embedCMYK
  595. phKeyEmbedGray -> 1164796487 -> "EmbG" embedGray
  596. phKeyEmbedLab -> 1164796492 -> "EmbL" embedLab
  597. phKeyEmbedProfiles -> 1164796496 -> "EmbP" embedProfiles
  598. phKeyEmbedRGB -> 1164796498 -> "EmbR" embedRGB
  599. phEnumEmboss -> 1164796531 -> "Embs" emboss
  600. phEventEmboss
  601. phKeyEmulsionDown -> 1164799044 -> "EmlD" emulsionDown
  602. phKeyEnabled -> 1701732706 -> "enab" enabled
  603. phKeyEncoding -> 1164862308 -> "Encd" encoding
  604. phTypeEncoding
  605. phKeyEnd -> 1164862496 -> "End " end
  606. phKeyEndArrowhead -> 1164862529 -> "EndA" endArrowhead
  607. phKeyEndRamp -> 1164862546 -> "EndR" endRamp
  608. phKeyEndSustain -> 1164862547 -> "EndS" endSustain
  609. phKeyEngine -> 1164863342 -> "Engn" engine
  610. phTypeEnumerated -> 1701737837 -> "enum" enumerated
  611. phClassEPSGenericFormat -> 1162892103 -> "EPSG" EPSGenericFormat
  612. phClassEPSPICTPreview -> 1162892099 -> "EPSC" EPSPICTPreview
  613. phTypeEPSPreview -> 1162892112 -> "EPSP" EPSPreview
  614. phClassEPSTIFFPreview -> 1162892116 -> "EPST" EPSTIFFPreview
  615. phEventEqualize -> 1165061242 -> "Eqlz" equalize
  616. phKeyEraserKind -> 1165128523 -> "ErsK" eraserKind
  617. phTypeEraserKind
  618. phClassEraserTool -> 1165120620 -> "ErTl" eraserTool
  619. phKeyEraseToHistory -> 1165128532 -> "ErsT" eraseToHistory
  620. phEnumExact -> 1165517684 -> "Exct" exact
  621. phKeyExactPoints -> 1165517648 -> "ExcP" exactPoints
  622. phEventExchange -> 1165517672 -> "Exch" exchange
  623. phEnumExclusion -> 1482910837 -> "Xclu" exclusion
  624. phEventExpand -> 1165521006 -> "Expn" expand
  625. phClassExport -> 1165521010 -> "Expr" export
  626. phEventExport
  627. phKeyExport
  628. phKeyExportClipboard -> 1165520963 -> "ExpC" exportClipboard
  629. phKeyExposure -> 1165521011 -> "Exps" exposure
  630. phKeyExtend -> 1165522020 -> "Extd" extend
  631. phKeyExtendedQuality -> 1162964084 -> "EQlt" extendedQuality
  632. phKeyExtension -> 1165522030 -> "Extn" extension
  633. phKeyExtensionsQuery -> 1165522001 -> "ExtQ" extensionsQuery
  634. phEventExtrude -> 1165522034 -> "Extr" extrude
  635. phKeyExtrudeDepth -> 1165521988 -> "ExtD" extrudeDepth
  636. phKeyExtrudeMaskIncomplete -> 1165521997 -> "ExtM" extrudeMaskIncomplete
  637. phKeyExtrudeRandom -> 1165522002 -> "ExtR" extrudeRandom
  638. phTypeExtrudeRandom
  639. phKeyExtrudeSize -> 1165522003 -> "ExtS" extrudeSize
  640. phKeyExtrudeSolidFace -> 1165521990 -> "ExtF" extrudeSolidFace
  641. phKeyExtrudeType -> 1165522004 -> "ExtT" extrudeType
  642. phTypeExtrudeType
  643. phKeyEyeDropperSample -> 1165575282 -> "EyDr" eyeDropperSample
  644. phTypeEyeDropperSample -> 1165575280 -> "EyDp" eyeDropperSampleType
  645. phEventFacet -> 1180922912 -> "Fct " facet
  646. phEventFade -> 1180787813 -> "Fade" fade
  647. phKeyFadeoutSteps -> 1180988499 -> "FdtS" fadeoutSteps
  648. phKeyFadeTo -> 1180980256 -> "FdT " fadeTo
  649. phKeyFalloff -> 1181503334 -> "FlOf" falloff
  650. phEnumFaster -> 1148479590 -> "Dthf" faster
  651. phEventFeather -> 1182034034 -> "Fthr" feather
  652. phKeyFeather
  653. phKeyFiberLength -> 1180856908 -> "FbrL" fiberLength
  654. phKeyFile -> 1181314149 -> "File" file
  655. phKeyFileCreator -> 1181500274 -> "FlCr" fileCreator
  656. phEnumFile -> 1181508896 -> "Fle " fileEnum
  657. phClassFileInfo -> 1181501806 -> "FlIn" fileInfo
  658. phEnumFileInfo
  659. phEnumFillInverse
  660. phKeyFileInfo
  661. phKeyFileReference -> 1181314130 -> "FilR" fileReference
  662. phKeyFileSavePrefs -> 1181504336 -> "FlSP" fileSavePrefs
  663. phClassFileSavePrefs -> 1181504374 -> "FlSv" fileSavePrefsClass
  664. phKeyFileType -> 1181504633 -> "FlTy" fileType
  665. phEventFill -> 1181491232 -> "Fl " fill
  666. phKeyFill
  667. phTypeFill
  668. phEnumFillBack -> 1181500003 -> "FlBc" fillBack
  669. phKeyFillColor -> 1181500268 -> "FlCl" fillColor
  670. phTypeFillColor
  671. phTypeFillContents -> 1181500270 -> "FlCn" fillContents
  672. phEnumFillFore -> 1181501042 -> "FlFr" fillFore
  673. phTypeFillMode -> 1181502820 -> "FlMd" fillMode
  674. phKeyFillNeutral -> 1181503092 -> "FlNt" fillNeutral
  675. phEnumFillSame -> 1181504365 -> "FlSm" fillSame
  676. phEventFilmGrain -> 1181510983 -> "FlmG" filmGrain
  677. phEventFilter -> 1181512818 -> "Fltr" filter
  678. phEventFindEdges -> 1181639749 -> "FndE" findEdges
  679. phEnumFineDots -> 1181631604 -> "FnDt" fineDots
  680. phKeyFingerpainting -> 1181640562 -> "Fngr" fingerpainting
  681. phEnumFirst -> 1181905780 -> "Frst" first
  682. phEnumFirstIdle -> 1181895012 -> "FrId" firstIdle
  683. phEnumFitOnScreen -> 1182027630 -> "FtOn" fitOnScreen
  684. phKeyFlareCenter -> 1181512259 -> "FlrC" flareCenter
  685. phClassFlashPixFormat -> 1181512528 -> "FlsP" flashPixFormat
  686. phKeyFlatness -> 1181512814 -> "Fltn" flatness
  687. phKeyFlatten -> 1181512820 -> "Fltt" flatten
  688. phEventFlattenImage -> 1181512777 -> "FltI" flattenImage
  689. phEventFlip -> 1181510000 -> "Flip" flip
  690. phTypeDouble -> 1685026146 -> "doub" floatType
  691. phTypeFloat
  692. phTypeUnitDouble -> 1433302086 -> "UntF" floatUnit
  693. phTypeUnitFloat
  694. phKeyFocus -> 1180922656 -> "Fcs " focus
  695. phKeyFolders -> 1181508722 -> "Fldr" folders
  696. phClassFontDesignAxes -> 1181643844 -> "FntD" fontDesignAxes
  697. phKeyFontDesignAxes
  698. phKeyFontDesignAxesVectors -> 1181643862 -> "FntV" fontDesignAxesVectors
  699. phKeyFontName -> 1181643854 -> "FntN" fontName
  700. phKeyFontScript -> 1399026288 -> "Scrp" fontScript
  701. phKeyFontStyleName -> 1181643859 -> "FntS" fontStyleName
  702. phKeyFontTechnology -> 1181643860 -> "FntT" fontTechnology
  703. phKeyForcedColors -> 1181901635 -> "FrcC" forcedColors
  704. phTypeForcedColors
  705. phEnumForegroundColor -> 1181902659 -> "FrgC" foregroundColor
  706. phKeyForegroundColor
  707. phKeyForegroundLevel -> 1181902668 -> "FrgL" foregroundLevel
  708. phClassFormat -> 1181578272 -> "Fmt " format
  709. phKeyFormat
  710. phKeyForward -> 1182229536 -> "Fwd " forward
  711. phEnumForward -> 1181906802 -> "Frwr" forwardEnum
  712. phKeyFPXCompress -> 1182286701 -> "FxCm" FPXCompress
  713. phTypeFPXCompress
  714. phEnumFPXCompressLossyJPEG -> 1182288464 -> "FxJP" FPXCompressLossyJPEG
  715. phEnumFPXCompressNone -> 1182289519 -> "FxNo" FPXCompressNone
  716. phKeyFPXQuality -> 1182290284 -> "FxQl" FPXQuality
  717. phKeyFPXSize -> 1182290810 -> "FxSz" FPXSize
  718. phKeyFPXView -> 1182291575 -> "FxVw" FPXView
  719. phEventFragment -> 1181902701 -> "Frgm" fragment
  720. phTypeFrameFill -> 1181894252 -> "FrFl" frameFill
  721. phClassFrameFX -> 1181894232 -> "FrFX" frameFX
  722. phKeyFrameFX
  723. phTypeFrameStyle -> 1179874412 -> "FStl" frameStyle
  724. phKeyFrameWidth -> 1181904215 -> "FrmW" frameWidth
  725. phEnumFreeTransform -> 1181897842 -> "FrTr" freeTransform
  726. phKeyFreeTransformCenterState -> 1179935603 -> "FTcs" freeTransformCenterState
  727. phKeyFrequency -> 1181905262 -> "Frqn" frequency
  728. phEventFresco -> 1181905763 -> "Frsc" fresco
  729. phKeyFrom -> 1181904749 -> "From" from
  730. phKeyFromBuiltin -> 1181904194 -> "FrmB" fromBuiltin
  731. phKeyFromMode -> 1181904205 -> "FrmM" fromMode
  732. phEnumFront -> 1181904500 -> "Frnt" front
  733. phEnumFullDocument -> 1181510724 -> "FllD" fullDocument
  734. phEnumFullSize -> 1181504378 -> "FlSz" fullSize
  735. phKeyFunctionKey -> 1181639499 -> "FncK" functionKey
  736. phKeyFuzziness -> 1182428787 -> "Fzns" fuzziness
  737. phKeyGamma -> 1198353696 -> "Gmm " gamma
  738. phKeyGamutWarning -> 1198355543 -> "GmtW" gamutWarning
  739. phEventGaussianBlur -> 1198747202 -> "GsnB" gaussianBlur
  740. phEnumGaussianDistribution -> 1198747168 -> "Gsn " gaussianDistribution
  741. phKeyGCR -> 1195594272 -> "GCR " GCR
  742. phClassGeneralPrefs -> 1198420560 -> "GnrP" generalPreferences
  743. phClassPreferences
  744. phEnumGeneralPreferences
  745. phKeyGeneralPrefs
  746. phEventGet -> 1734702180 -> "getd" get
  747. phClassGIF89aExport -> 1195784249 -> "GF89" GIF89aExport
  748. phEnumGIFColorFileColors -> 1195787078 -> "GFCF" GIFColorFileColors
  749. phEnumGIFColorFileColorTable -> 1195787092 -> "GFCT" GIFColorFileColorTable
  750. phEnumGIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette -> 1195789651 -> "GFMS" GIFColorFileMicrosoftPalette
  751. phKeyGIFColorFileType -> 1195790420 -> "GFPT" GIFColorFileType
  752. phTypeGIFColorFileType
  753. phKeyGIFColorLimit -> 1195787084 -> "GFCL" GIFColorLimit
  754. phKeyGIFExportCaption -> 1195787587 -> "GFEC" GIFExportCaption
  755. phClassGIFFormat -> 1195787890 -> "GFFr" GIFFormat
  756. phKeyGIFMaskChannelIndex -> 1195789641 -> "GFMI" GIFMaskChannelIndex
  757. phKeyGIFMaskChannelInverted -> 1195789654 -> "GFMV" GIFMaskChannelInverted
  758. phEnumGIFPaletteAdaptive -> 1195790401 -> "GFPA" GIFPaletteAdaptive
  759. phEnumGIFPaletteExact -> 1195790405 -> "GFPE" GIFPaletteExact
  760. phKeyGIFPaletteFile -> 1195790406 -> "GFPF" GIFPaletteFile
  761. phEnumGIFPaletteOther -> 1195790415 -> "GFPO" GIFPaletteOther
  762. phEnumGIFPaletteSystem -> 1195790419 -> "GFPS" GIFPaletteSystem
  763. phKeyGIFPaletteType -> 1195790412 -> "GFPL" GIFPaletteType
  764. phTypeGIFPaletteType
  765. phEnumGIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed -> 1195787081 -> "GFCI" GIFRequiredColorSpaceIndexed
  766. phEnumGIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB -> 1195790919 -> "GFRG" GIFRequiredColorSpaceRGB
  767. phKeyGIFRequiredColorSpaceType -> 1195787091 -> "GFCS" GIFRequiredColorSpaceType
  768. phTypeGIFRequiredColorSpaceType
  769. phEnumGIFRowOrderInterlaced -> 1195788622 -> "GFIN" GIFRowOrderInterlaced
  770. phEnumGIFRowOrderNormal -> 1195789897 -> "GFNI" GIFRowOrderNormal
  771. phKeyGIFRowOrderType -> 1195788628 -> "GFIT" GIFRowOrderType
  772. phTypeGIFRowOrderType
  773. phKeyGIFTransparentColor -> 1195791427 -> "GFTC" GIFTransparentColor
  774. phKeyGIFTransparentIndexBlue -> 1195791426 -> "GFTB" GIFTransparentIndexBlue
  775. phKeyGIFTransparentIndexGreen -> 1195791431 -> "GFTG" GIFTransparentIndexGreen
  776. phKeyGIFTransparentIndexRed -> 1195791442 -> "GFTR" GIFTransparentIndexRed
  777. phKeyGIFUseBestMatch -> 1195786829 -> "GFBM" GIFUseBestMatch
  778. phEventGlass -> 1198289696 -> "Gls " glass
  779. phClassGlobalAngle -> 1734503489 -> "gblA" globalAngle
  780. phKeyGlobalAngle
  781. phTypeGlobalClass -> 1198285379 -> "GlbC" globalClass
  782. phKeyGlobalLightingAngle -> 1734436716 -> "gagl" globalLightingAngle
  783. phTypeGlobalObject -> 1198285391 -> "GlbO" globalObject
  784. phKeyGloss -> 1198288755 -> "Glos" gloss
  785. phKeyGlowAmount -> 1198290753 -> "GlwA" glowAmount
  786. phEventGlowingEdges -> 1198290757 -> "GlwE" glowingEdges
  787. phKeyGlowTechnique -> 1198290772 -> "GlwT" glowTechnique
  788. phClassGuide -> 1197744160 -> "Gd " good
  789. phEnumGood
  790. phKeyGradient -> 1198678372 -> "Grad" gradient
  791. phClassGradient -> 1198679150 -> "Grdn" gradientClassEvent
  792. phEventGradient
  793. phKeyGridMinor
  794. phEnumGradientFill -> 1198671468 -> "GrFl" gradientFill
  795. phTypeGradientForm -> 1198679110 -> "GrdF" gradientForm
  796. phClassGradientMap -> 1197755760 -> "GdMp" gradientMapClass
  797. phEventGradientMap -> 1198673264 -> "GrMp" gradientMapEvent
  798. phClassGradientTool -> 1198675052 -> "GrTl" gradientTool
  799. phTypeGradientType -> 1198679124 -> "GrdT" gradientType
  800. phEnumGreen -> 1198681632 -> "Grn " grain
  801. phEventGrain
  802. phKeyGrain
  803. phKeyGreen
  804. phEnumGrainClumped -> 1198681667 -> "GrnC" grainClumped
  805. phEnumGrainContrasty -> 1198670702 -> "GrCn" grainContrasty
  806. phEnumGrainEnlarged -> 1198681669 -> "GrnE" grainEnlarged
  807. phEnumGrainHorizontal -> 1198681672 -> "GrnH" grainHorizontal
  808. phEnumGreens -> 1198681715 -> "Grns" graininess
  809. phKeyGraininess
  810. phEnumGrainRegular -> 1198681682 -> "GrnR" grainRegular
  811. phEnumGrainSoft -> 1198674790 -> "GrSf" grainSoft
  812. phEnumGrainSpeckle -> 1198674800 -> "GrSp" grainSpeckle
  813. phEnumGrainSprinkles -> 1198674802 -> "GrSr" grainSprinkles
  814. phClassGraySetup -> 1198674804 -> "GrSt" grainStippled
  815. phEnumGrainStippled
  816. phKeyGraySetup
  817. phKeyGrainType -> 1198681716 -> "Grnt" grainType
  818. phTypeGrainType
  819. phEnumGrainVertical -> 1198681686 -> "GrnV" grainVertical
  820. phEnumGrainyDots -> 1198681668 -> "GrnD" grainyDots
  821. phEventGraphicPen -> 1198678352 -> "GraP" graphicPen
  822. phEnumGraphics -> 1198682144 -> "Grp " graphics
  823. phEnumGray -> 1198684448 -> "Gry " gray
  824. phKeyGray
  825. phEnumGray16 -> 1198684504 -> "GryX" gray16
  826. phEnumGray18 -> 1198666040 -> "Gr18" gray18
  827. phEnumGray22 -> 1198666290 -> "Gr22" gray22
  828. phEnumGray50 -> 1198667056 -> "Gr50" gray50
  829. phKeyGrayBehavior -> 1198670440 -> "GrBh" grayBehavior
  830. phTypeGrayBehavior
  831. phClassGrayscale -> 1198682979 -> "Grsc" grayscale
  832. phEnumGrayScale -> 1198684515 -> "Gryc" grayScale
  833. phClassGrayscaleMode -> 1198684531 -> "Grys" grayscaleMode
  834. phEnumGrayscales
  835. phKeyGreenBlackPoint -> 1198681666 -> "GrnB" greenBlackPoint
  836. phKeyGreenGamma -> 1198681671 -> "GrnG" greenGamma
  837. phKeyGreenWhitePoint -> 1198681687 -> "GrnW" greenWhitePoint
  838. phKeyGreenX -> 1198681688 -> "GrnX" greenX
  839. phKeyGreenY -> 1198681689 -> "GrnY" greenY
  840. phKeyGridColor -> 1198679107 -> "GrdC" gridColor
  841. phKeyGridCustomColor -> 1198679155 -> "Grds" gridCustomColor
  842. phKeyGridMajor -> 1198679117 -> "GrdM" gridMajor
  843. phKeyGridStyle -> 1198679123 -> "GrdS" gridStyle
  844. phKeyGridUnits -> 1198679156 -> "Grdt" gridUnits
  845. phKeyGroup -> 1198683504 -> "Grup" group
  846. phEventGroup -> 1198682188 -> "GrpL" groupEvent
  847. phKeyGroutWidth -> 1198683223 -> "GrtW" groutWidth
  848. phEventGrow -> 1198681975 -> "Grow" grow
  849. phTypeGuideGridColor -> 1197754226 -> "GdGr" guideGridColor
  850. phTypeGuideGridStyle -> 1197754195 -> "GdGS" guideGridStyle
  851. phKeyGuides -> 1197761907 -> "Gdes" guides
  852. phKeyGuidesColor -> 1197765443 -> "GdsC" guidesColor
  853. phKeyGuidesCustomColor -> 1197765491 -> "Gdss" guidesCustomColor
  854. phEnumGuidesGridPreferences -> 1198875719 -> "GudG" guidesGridPreferences
  855. phClassGuidesPrefs -> 1197756530 -> "GdPr" guidesPrefs
  856. phKeyGuidesPrefs
  857. phKeyGuidesStyle -> 1197765459 -> "GdsS" guidesStyle
  858. phKeyGutterWidth -> 1198814295 -> "GttW" gutterWidth
  859. phEnumHalftoneFile -> 1215063622 -> "HlfF" halftoneFile
  860. phKeyHalftoneFile
  861. phClassHalftoneScreen -> 1215063635 -> "HlfS" halftoneScreen
  862. phEnumHalftoneScreen
  863. phEventHalftoneScreen
  864. phKeyHalftoneScreen
  865. phKeyHalftoneSize -> 1215058810 -> "HlSz" halftoneSize
  866. phClassHalftoneSpec -> 1215063664 -> "Hlfp" halftoneSpec
  867. phKeyHalftoneSpec
  868. phEnumHardLight -> 1215456332 -> "HrdL" hardLight
  869. phKeyHardness -> 1215456366 -> "Hrdn" hardness
  870. phEnumHDTV -> 1212437590 -> "HDTV" HDTV
  871. phKeyHeader -> 1214542368 -> "Hdr " header
  872. phKeyHeadline -> 1214540910 -> "Hdln" headline
  873. phEnumHeavy -> 1215723808 -> "Hvy " heavy
  874. phKeyHeight -> 1214736500 -> "Hght" height
  875. phEventHide -> 1214521376 -> "Hd " hide
  876. phEnumHideAll -> 1214529900 -> "HdAl" hideAll
  877. phEnumHideSelection -> 1214534508 -> "HdSl" hideSelection
  878. phEnumHigh -> 1214867304 -> "High" high
  879. phKeyHighlightArea -> 1214736449 -> "HghA" highlightArea
  880. phKeyHighlightColor -> 1751608387 -> "hglC" highlightColor
  881. phKeyHighlightLevels -> 1214736460 -> "HghL" highlightLevels
  882. phKeyHighlightMode -> 1751608397 -> "hglM" highlightMode
  883. phKeyHighlightOpacity -> 1751608399 -> "hglO" highlightOpacity
  884. phEnumHighlights -> 1214736492 -> "Hghl" highlights
  885. phKeyHighlightStrength -> 1214736467 -> "HghS" highlightStrength
  886. phEventHighPass -> 1214736464 -> "HghP" highPass
  887. phEnumHighQuality -> 1214736416 -> "Hgh " highQuality
  888. phEnumHistogram -> 1215525991 -> "Hstg" histogram
  889. phEnumHistory -> 1215526009 -> "Hsty" history
  890. phKeyHistoryBrushSource -> 1215525954 -> "HstB" historyBrushSource
  891. phClassHistoryBrushTool -> 1212306540 -> "HBTl" historyBrushTool
  892. phEnumHistoryPaletteOptions -> 1215525967 -> "HstO" historyPaletteOptions
  893. phEnumHistoryPreferences -> 1215525968 -> "HstP" historyPreferences
  894. phKeyHistoryPrefs
  895. phClassHistoryPrefs -> 1128821584 -> "CHsP" historyPrefsClass
  896. phClassHistoryState -> 1215525971 -> "HstS" historyState
  897. phTypeHistoryStateSource
  898. phKeyHistoryStates -> 1215517556 -> "HsSt" historyStates
  899. phKeyHistoryStateSource -> 1215517523 -> "HsSS" historyStateSource
  900. phEnumHorizontal -> 1215461998 -> "Hrzn" horizontal
  901. phKeyHorizontal
  902. phTypeHorizontalLocation -> 1215461964 -> "HrzL" horizontalLocation
  903. phEnumHorizontalOnly -> 1215461967 -> "HrzO" horizontalOnly
  904. phKeyHorizontalScale -> 1215461971 -> "HrzS" horizontalScale
  905. phKeyHostName -> 1215525966 -> "HstN" hostName
  906. phKeyHostVersion -> 1215525974 -> "HstV" hostVersion
  907. phClassHSBColor -> 1213416003 -> "HSBC" HSBColorClass
  908. phEnumHSBColor -> 1213416044 -> "HSBl" HSBColorEnum
  909. phClassHSBColorMode -> 1213416013 -> "HSBM" HSBColorMode
  910. phEnumHSLColor -> 1213418563 -> "HSLC" HSLColor
  911. phEnumHue -> 1210064928 -> "H " hue
  912. phKeyHue
  913. phClassHueSatAdjustment -> 1213428801 -> "HStA" hueSatAdjustment
  914. phClassHueSatAdjustmentV2 -> 1215525938 -> "Hst2" hueSatAdjustmentV2
  915. phClassHueSaturation -> 1213428850 -> "HStr" hueSaturation
  916. phEventHueSaturation
  917. phEnumIBMPC -> 1229081936 -> "IBMP" IBMPC
  918. phEnumICC -> 1229144864 -> "ICC " ICC
  919. phKeyICCEngine -> 1229144901 -> "ICCE" ICCEngine
  920. phKeyICCSetupName -> 1229144948 -> "ICCt" ICCSetupName
  921. phEnumIcon -> 1231253024 -> "Icn " icon
  922. phFormIdentifier -> 1231318644 -> "Idnt" ID
  923. phKeyID
  924. phKeyIdle -> 1231318117 -> "Idle" idle
  925. phEnumIdleVM -> 1231312461 -> "IdVM" idleVM
  926. phEnumIgnore -> 1231515250 -> "Ignr" ignore
  927. phClassIllustratorPathsExport -> 1231844176 -> "IlsP" illustratorPathsExport
  928. phEnumImage -> 1231906592 -> "Img " image
  929. phKeyImageBalance -> 1231906626 -> "ImgB" imageBalance
  930. phClassImagePoint -> 1231906640 -> "ImgP" imageCachePreferences
  931. phEnumImageCachePreferences
  932. phTypeImageReference -> 592014674 -> "#ImR" imageReference
  933. phEventImageSize -> 1231906643 -> "ImgS" imageSize
  934. phClassImport -> 1231908978 -> "Impr" import
  935. phEventImport
  936. phKeyImport
  937. phKeyImpressionist -> 1231908979 -> "Imps" impressionist
  938. phEnumStampIn -> 1231953952 -> "In " in
  939. phKeyIn
  940. phEnumIndexedColor -> 1231971436 -> "Indl" indexedColor
  941. phClassIndexedColorMode -> 1231971395 -> "IndC" indexedColorMode
  942. phEnumInfoPaletteOptions -> 1231971920 -> "InfP" infoPaletteOptions
  943. phEnumInfoPaletteToggleSamplers -> 1231971924 -> "InfT" infoPaletteToggleSamplers
  944. phKeyInherits -> 1665147742 -> "c@#^" inherits
  945. phPInherits
  946. phKeyInkColors -> 1231973187 -> "InkC" inkColors
  947. phEventInkOutlines -> 1231973199 -> "InkO" inkOutlines
  948. phKeyInks -> 1231973235 -> "Inks" inks
  949. phClassInkTransfer -> 1231973204 -> "InkT" inkTransfer
  950. phEnumInnerBevel -> 1231974978 -> "InrB" innerBevel
  951. phClassInnerGlow -> 1232226156 -> "IrGl" innerGlow
  952. phKeyInnerGlow
  953. phKeyInnerGlowSource -> 1735161683 -> "glwS" innerGlowSource
  954. phTypeInnerGlowSource -> 1229411186 -> "IGSr" innerGlowSourceType
  955. phClassInnerShadow -> 1232229224 -> "IrSh" innerShadow
  956. phKeyInnerShadow
  957. phKeyInput -> 1231974516 -> "Inpt" input
  958. phKeyInputMapRange -> 1231973746 -> "Inmr" inputMapRange
  959. phKeyInputRange -> 1231974514 -> "Inpr" inputRange
  960. phEnumInsetFrame -> 1231975238 -> "InsF" insetFrame
  961. phEnumInside -> 1231975268 -> "Insd" inside
  962. phTypeInteger -> 1819242087 -> "long" integer
  963. phTypeIntegerChannel -> 594112067 -> "#inC" integerChannel
  964. phKeyIntensity -> 1231975534 -> "Intn" intensity
  965. phKeyIntent -> 1231975525 -> "Inte" intent
  966. phTypeIntent
  967. phKeyInterfaceBevelHighlight -> 1231975496 -> "IntH" interfaceBevelHighlight
  968. phKeyInterfaceBevelShadow -> 1231975542 -> "Intv" interfaceBevelShadow
  969. phKeyInterfaceBlack -> 1231975490 -> "IntB" interfaceBlack
  970. phKeyInterfaceBorder -> 1231975524 -> "Intd" interfaceBorder
  971. phKeyInterfaceButtonDarkShadow -> 1231975531 -> "Intk" interfaceButtonDarkShadow
  972. phKeyInterfaceButtonDownFill -> 1231975540 -> "Intt" interfaceButtonDownFill
  973. phKeyInterfaceButtonUpFill -> 1231962694 -> "InBF" interfaceButtonUpFill
  974. phClassInterfaceColor -> 1229155442 -> "IClr" interfaceColor
  975. phKeyInterfaceColorBlue2 -> 1229144652 -> "ICBL" interfaceColorBlue2
  976. phKeyInterfaceColorBlue32 -> 1229144648 -> "ICBH" interfaceColorBlue32
  977. phKeyInterfaceColorGreen2 -> 1229145932 -> "ICGL" interfaceColorGreen2
  978. phKeyInterfaceColorGreen32 -> 1229145928 -> "ICGH" interfaceColorGreen32
  979. phKeyInterfaceColorRed2 -> 1229148748 -> "ICRL" interfaceColorRed2
  980. phKeyInterfaceColorRed32 -> 1229148744 -> "ICRH" interfaceColorRed32
  981. phKeyInterfaceIconFillActive -> 1231975497 -> "IntI" interfaceIconFillActive
  982. phKeyInterfaceIconFillDimmed -> 1231975494 -> "IntF" interfaceIconFillDimmed
  983. phKeyInterfaceIconFillSelected -> 1231975523 -> "Intc" interfaceIconFillSelected
  984. phKeyInterfaceIconFrameActive -> 1231975533 -> "Intm" interfaceIconFrameActive
  985. phEventIntersect -> 1231975538 -> "Intr" interfaceIconFrameDimmed
  986. phKeyInterfaceIconFrameDimmed
  987. phKeyInterlace
  988. phKeyInterpolation
  989. phKeyInterfaceIconFrameSelected -> 1231975507 -> "IntS" interfaceIconFrameSelected
  990. phKeyInterfacePaletteFill -> 1231975504 -> "IntP" interfacePaletteFill
  991. phKeyInterfaceRed -> 1231975506 -> "IntR" interfaceRed
  992. phKeyInterfaceToolTipBackground -> 1231975508 -> "IntT" interfaceToolTipBackground
  993. phKeyInterfaceToolTipText -> 1230263380 -> "ITTT" interfaceToolTipText
  994. phKeyInterfaceTransparencyBackground -> 1230258791 -> "ITBg" interfaceTransparencyBackground
  995. phKeyInterfaceTransparencyForeground -> 1230259815 -> "ITFg" interfaceTransparencyForeground
  996. phEventIntersectWith -> 1231975511 -> "IntW" interfaceWhite
  997. phKeyInterfaceWhite
  998. phKeyInterlaceCreateType -> 1231975491 -> "IntC" interlaceCreateType
  999. phTypeInterlaceCreateType
  1000. phKeyInterlaceEliminateType -> 1231975493 -> "IntE" interlaceEliminateType
  1001. phTypeInterlaceEliminateType
  1002. phKeyInterpolationMethod -> 1231975501 -> "IntM" interpolationMethod
  1003. phTypeInterpolation -> 1231975536 -> "Intp" interpolationType
  1004. phEventInverse -> 1231976051 -> "Invs" inverse
  1005. phClassInvert -> 1231976050 -> "Invr" invert
  1006. phEventInvert
  1007. phKeyInvert
  1008. phKeyInvertMask -> 1231976013 -> "InvM" invertMask
  1009. phKeyInvertSource2 -> 1231976019 -> "InvS" invertSource2
  1010. phKeyInvertTexture -> 1231976020 -> "InvT" invertTexture
  1011. phKeyIsDirty -> 1232290930 -> "IsDr" isDirty
  1012. phKeyItemIndex -> 1232366921 -> "ItmI" itemIndex
  1013. phClassJPEGFormat -> 1246774599 -> "JPEG" JPEG
  1014. phEnumJPEG
  1015. phKeyJPEGQuality -> 1246774609 -> "JPEQ" JPEGQuality
  1016. phEventJumpto -> 1248883823 -> "Jpto" jumpto
  1017. phEnumJustifyAll -> 1249080385 -> "JstA" justifyAll
  1018. phEnumJustifyFull -> 1249080390 -> "JstF" justifyFull
  1019. phEnumKeepProfile -> 1263563375 -> "KPro" keepProfile
  1020. phTypeKelvin -> 1265399406 -> "Klvn" kelvin
  1021. phTypeKelvinCustomWhitePoint -> 592145526 -> "#Klv" kelvinCustomWhitePoint
  1022. phKeyKerning -> 1265790567 -> "Krng" kerning
  1023. phEnumKeyboardPreferences -> 1266246224 -> "KybP" keyboardPreferences
  1024. phKeyKeywords -> 1266251620 -> "Kywd" keywords
  1025. phKeyKind -> 1265525792 -> "Knd " kind
  1026. phEnumLab -> 1281450528 -> "Lab " lab
  1027. phEnumLab48 -> 1281508166 -> "LbCF" lab48
  1028. phClassLabColor -> 1281508204 -> "LbCl" labColor
  1029. phEnumLabColor
  1030. phClassLabColorMode -> 1281508173 -> "LbCM" labColorMode
  1031. phKeyLabels -> 1281518707 -> "Lbls" labels
  1032. phKeyLandscape -> 1282303091 -> "Lnds" landscape
  1033. phEnumLarge -> 1282565920 -> "Lrg " large
  1034. phEnumLast -> 1282634784 -> "Lst " last
  1035. phEnumLastFilter -> 1282634822 -> "LstF" lastFilter
  1036. phKeyLastTransform -> 1282634836 -> "LstT" lastTransform
  1037. phClassLayer -> 1283027488 -> "Lyr " layer
  1038. phKeyLayer
  1039. phClassLayerEffects -> 1281713784 -> "Lefx" layerEffects
  1040. phKeyLayerEffects
  1041. phClassLayerFXVisible -> 1818654838 -> "lfxv" layerFXVisible
  1042. phKeyLayerFXVisible
  1043. phKeyLayerID -> 1283027529 -> "LyrI" layerID
  1044. phKeyLayerName -> 1283027534 -> "LyrN" layerName
  1045. phEnumLayerOptions -> 1283027535 -> "LyrO" layerOptions
  1046. phKeyLayers -> 1283027571 -> "Lyrs" layers
  1047. phEnumLayersPaletteOptions -> 1283027536 -> "LyrP" layersPaletteOptions
  1048. phKeyLeading -> 1281650279 -> "Ldng" leading
  1049. phEnumLeft -> 1281713780 -> "Left" left
  1050. phKeyLeft
  1051. phEnumLeft_PLUGIN -> 1281782816 -> "Lft " leftPlugin
  1052. phKeyLength -> 1282303860 -> "Lngt" length
  1053. phEnumLines -> 1282306848 -> "Lns " lens
  1054. phKeyLens
  1055. phTypeLens
  1056. phEventLensFlare -> 1282306886 -> "LnsF" lensFlare
  1057. phKeyLevel -> 1282829344 -> "Lvl " level
  1058. phEnumLevelBased -> 1282829378 -> "LvlB" levelBased
  1059. phClassLevels -> 1282829427 -> "Lvls" levels
  1060. phEventLevels
  1061. phKeyLevels
  1062. phClassLevelsAdjustment -> 1282829377 -> "LvlA" levelsAdjustment
  1063. phEnumLight -> 1281848352 -> "Lgt " light
  1064. phEnumLightBlue -> 1281848386 -> "LgtB" lightBlue
  1065. phKeyLightDark -> 1281836146 -> "LgDr" lightDark
  1066. phEnumLightDirBottom -> 1279541876 -> "LDBt" lightDirBottom
  1067. phEnumLightDirBottomLeft -> 1279541836 -> "LDBL" lightDirBottomLeft
  1068. phEnumLightDirBottomRight -> 1279541842 -> "LDBR" lightDirBottomRight
  1069. phEnumLightDirectional -> 1281845316 -> "LghD" lightDirection
  1070. phKeyLightDirection
  1071. phTypeLightDirection
  1072. phEnumLightDirLeft -> 1279544422 -> "LDLf" lightDirLeft
  1073. phEnumLightDirRight -> 1279545959 -> "LDRg" lightDirRight
  1074. phEnumLightDirTop -> 1279546480 -> "LDTp" lightDirTop
  1075. phEnumLightDirTopLeft -> 1279546444 -> "LDTL" lightDirTopLeft
  1076. phEnumLightDirTopRight -> 1279546450 -> "LDTR" lightDirTopRight
  1077. phEnumLighten -> 1281845358 -> "Lghn" lighten
  1078. phKeyLightenGrout -> 1281845319 -> "LghG" lightenGrout
  1079. phEnumLightGray -> 1281848391 -> "LgtG" lightGray
  1080. phEventLightingEffects -> 1281845317 -> "LghE" lightingEffects
  1081. phKeyLightIntensity -> 1281845321 -> "LghI" lightIntensity
  1082. phEnumLightness -> 1281845364 -> "Lght" lightness
  1083. phKeyLightness
  1084. phEnumLightenOnly -> 1281845327 -> "LghO" lightOmni
  1085. phEnumLightOmni
  1086. phEnumLightPosBottom -> 1280328308 -> "LPBt" lightPosBottom
  1087. phEnumLightPosBottomLeft -> 1280328268 -> "LPBL" lightPosBottomLeft
  1088. phEnumLightPosBottomRight -> 1280328306 -> "LPBr" lightPosBottomRight
  1089. phKeyLightPosition -> 1281845328 -> "LghP" lightPosition
  1090. phTypeLightPosition
  1091. phEnumLightPosLeft -> 1280330854 -> "LPLf" lightPosLeft
  1092. phEnumLightPosRight -> 1280332391 -> "LPRg" lightPosRight
  1093. phEnumLightPosTop -> 1280332912 -> "LPTp" lightPosTop
  1094. phEnumLightPosTopLeft -> 1280332876 -> "LPTL" lightPosTopLeft
  1095. phEnumLightPosTopRight -> 1280332882 -> "LPTR" lightPosTopRight
  1096. phEnumLightRed -> 1281848402 -> "LgtR" lightRed
  1097. phClassLightSource -> 1281845331 -> "LghS" lightSource
  1098. phEnumLightSpot
  1099. phKeyLightSource
  1100. phKeyLightType -> 1281845332 -> "LghT" lightType
  1101. phTypeLightType
  1102. phKeyLine -> 1281977957 -> "Line" line
  1103. phEnumLinear -> 1282306592 -> "Lnr " linear
  1104. phClassLine -> 1282285600 -> "Ln " lineClass
  1105. phEnumLine
  1106. phEventLink -> 1282304800 -> "Lnk " link
  1107. phEnumLinked -> 1282304868 -> "Lnkd" linked
  1108. phKeyLinkedLayerIDs -> 1282304844 -> "LnkL" linkedLayerIDs
  1109. phKeyLocalLightingAltitude -> 1281453156 -> "Lald" localLightingAltitude
  1110. phKeyLocalLightingAngle -> 1818322796 -> "lagl" localLightingAngle
  1111. phKeyLocalRange -> 1281584210 -> "LclR" localRange
  1112. phKeyLocation -> 1281586286 -> "Lctn" location
  1113. phTypeLocationReference -> 592208756 -> "#Lct" locationReference
  1114. phKeyLog -> 1282369312 -> "Log " log
  1115. phEnumLongLines -> 1282303820 -> "LngL" longLines
  1116. phEnumLongStrokes -> 1282303827 -> "LngS" longStrokes
  1117. phEnumLow -> 1282373408 -> "Low " low
  1118. phEnumLower -> 1282896416 -> "Lwr " lower
  1119. phKeyLowerCase -> 1282884467 -> "LwCs" lowerCase
  1120. phEnumLowQuality -> 1282875424 -> "Lw " lowQuality
  1121. phKeyLuminance -> 1282240099 -> "Lmnc" luminance
  1122. phEnumLuminosity -> 1282240115 -> "Lmns" luminosity
  1123. phKeyLUTAnimation -> 1280601709 -> "LTnm" LUTAnimation
  1124. phKeyLZWCompression -> 1280988995 -> "LZWC" LZWCompression
  1125. phEnumMacintosh -> 1298361972 -> "Mcnt" macintosh
  1126. phEnumMacintoshSystem -> 1298361939 -> "McnS" macintoshSystem
  1127. phClassMacPaintFormat -> 1298354286 -> "McPn" macPaintFormat
  1128. phEnumMacThumbnail -> 1298355304 -> "McTh" macThumbnail
  1129. phEnumMagenta -> 1298624116 -> "Mgnt" magenta
  1130. phEnumMagentas
  1131. phKeyMagenta
  1132. phClassMagicEraserTool -> 1298613618 -> "MgEr" magicEraserTool
  1133. phClassMagicPoint -> 1298621296 -> "Mgcp" magicPoint
  1134. phEventMake -> 1298866208 -> "Mk " make
  1135. phKeyMakeVisible -> 1298880115 -> "MkVs" makeVisible
  1136. phKeyManipulationFOV -> 1298558838 -> "Mfov" manipulationFOV
  1137. phKeyMapBlack -> 1299202668 -> "MpBl" mapBlack
  1138. phKeyMapping -> 1299213927 -> "Mpng" mapping
  1139. phKeyMappingShape -> 1299212115 -> "MpgS" mappingShape
  1140. phClassMask -> 1299409696 -> "Msk " mask
  1141. phEnumMask
  1142. phEnumMaskedAreas -> 1299409729 -> "MskA" maskedAreas
  1143. phTypeMaskIndicator -> 1299409737 -> "MskI" maskIndicator
  1144. phEnumMasterAdaptive -> 1296131184 -> "MAdp" masterAdaptive
  1145. phEnumMasterPerceptual -> 1297114482 -> "MPer" masterPerceptual
  1146. phEnumMasterSelective -> 1297311084 -> "MSel" masterSelective
  1147. phKeyMaterial -> 1299477100 -> "Mtrl" material
  1148. phKeyMatrix -> 1299477112 -> "Mtrx" matrix
  1149. phKeyMatteColor -> 1299477571 -> "MttC" matteColor
  1150. phTypeMatteColor
  1151. phTypeMatteTechnique -> 1111839813 -> "BETE" matteTechnique
  1152. phEnumMaximumQuality -> 1299737888 -> "Mxm " maximum
  1153. phEventMaximum
  1154. phKeyMaximum
  1155. phEnumMaximum -> 1299737965 -> "Mxmm" maximumEnum
  1156. phKeyMaximumStates -> 1299737939 -> "MxmS" maximumStates
  1157. phEventMedian -> 1298427424 -> "Mdn " median
  1158. phEnumMedium -> 1298426221 -> "Mdim" medium
  1159. phEnumMediumBlue -> 1298427202 -> "MdmB" mediumBlue
  1160. phEnumMediumDots -> 1298427204 -> "MdmD" mediumDots
  1161. phEnumMediumLines -> 1298427212 -> "MdmL" mediumLines
  1162. phEnumMediumQuality -> 1298427168 -> "Mdm " mediumQuality
  1163. phEnumMediumStrokes -> 1298427219 -> "MdmS" mediumStrokes
  1164. phEnumMemoryPreferences -> 1299018320 -> "MmrP" memoryPreferences
  1165. phKeyMemoryUsagePercent -> 1299018325 -> "MmrU" memoryUsagePercent
  1166. phClassMenuItem -> 1299062816 -> "Mn " menuItemClass
  1167. phTypeMenuItem -> 1299073396 -> "MnIt" menuItemType
  1168. phKeyMerge -> 1299343205 -> "Mrge" merge
  1169. phEnumMergeChannels -> 1299343171 -> "MrgC" mergeChannels
  1170. phEnumMerged -> 1299343204 -> "Mrgd" merged
  1171. phKeyMerged
  1172. phEnumMergedLayers -> 1299343180 -> "MrgL" mergeLayers
  1173. phEventMergeLayers
  1174. phEventMergeSpotChannel -> 1297313908 -> "MSpt" mergeSpotChannel
  1175. phEventMergeVisible -> 1299343190 -> "MrgV" mergeVisible
  1176. phKeyMessage -> 1299408741 -> "Msge" message
  1177. phKeyMethod -> 1299474532 -> "Mthd" method
  1178. phTypeMethod
  1179. phEventMezzotint -> 1299870830 -> "Mztn" mezzotint
  1180. phKeyMezzotintType -> 1299870804 -> "MztT" mezzotintType
  1181. phTypeMezzotintType
  1182. phEnumMiddle -> 1298424940 -> "Mddl" middle
  1183. phKeyMidpoint -> 1298428014 -> "Mdpn" midpoint
  1184. phKeyMidtoneLevels -> 1298429004 -> "MdtL" midtoneLevels
  1185. phEnumMidtones -> 1298429038 -> "Mdtn" midtones
  1186. phEventMinimum -> 1299082528 -> "Mnm " minimum
  1187. phKeyMinimum
  1188. phKeyMismatchCMYK -> 1299410243 -> "MsmC" mismatchCMYK
  1189. phKeyMismatchGray -> 1299410247 -> "MsmG" mismatchGray
  1190. phKeyMismatchRGB -> 1299410258 -> "MsmR" mismatchRGB
  1191. phClassMode -> 1298407456 -> "Md " mode
  1192. phKeyMode
  1193. phTypeMode
  1194. phEnumModeGray -> 1298417522 -> "MdGr" modeGray
  1195. phEnumModeRGB -> 1298420295 -> "MdRG" modeRGB
  1196. phEnumMonitor -> 1299148393 -> "Moni" monitor
  1197. phEnumMonitorSetup -> 1299084371 -> "MntS" monitorSetup
  1198. phKeyMonochromatic -> 1299080040 -> "Mnch" monochromatic
  1199. phEnumMonotone -> 1299084398 -> "Mntn" monotone
  1200. phEventMosaic -> 1299407648 -> "Msc " mosaic
  1201. phEventMosaic_PLUGIN -> 1299407700 -> "MscT" mosaicPlugin
  1202. phEventMotionBlur -> 1299476034 -> "MtnB" motionBlur
  1203. phEventMove -> 1836021349 -> "move" move
  1204. phKeyMoveTo -> 1299600416 -> "MvT " moveTo
  1205. phEnumMulti72Color -> 926040909 -> "72CM" multi72Color
  1206. phEnumMulti72Gray -> 926041933 -> "72GM" multi72Gray
  1207. phEnumMultichannel -> 1298953320 -> "Mlth" multichannel
  1208. phClassMultichannelMode -> 1298953283 -> "MltC" multichannelMode
  1209. phEnumMultiNoCompositePS -> 1313041741 -> "NCmM" multiNoCompositePS
  1210. phEnumMultiply -> 1298953328 -> "Mltp" multiply
  1211. phKeyName -> 1315774496 -> "Nm " name
  1212. phKeyNumLights
  1213. phEnumNavigatorPaletteOptions -> 1316382544 -> "NvgP" navigatorPaletteOptions
  1214. phEnumNearestNeighbor -> 1316123508 -> "Nrst" nearestNeighbor
  1215. phKeyNegative -> 1315402870 -> "Ngtv" negative
  1216. phEventNeonGlow -> 1313303671 -> "NGlw" neonGlow
  1217. phEnumNetscapeGray -> 1316177778 -> "NsGr" netscapeGray
  1218. phEnumNeutrals -> 1316254316 -> "Ntrl" neutrals
  1219. phKeyNew -> 1316429856 -> "Nw " new
  1220. phEnumNewView -> 1316443767 -> "NwVw" newView
  1221. phEnumNext -> 1316516896 -> "Nxt " next
  1222. phEventNext
  1223. phEnumNikon -> 1315663392 -> "Nkn " nikon
  1224. phEnumNikon105 -> 1315663409 -> "Nkn1" nikon105
  1225. phEnumNo -> 1310728224 -> "N " no
  1226. phEnumNoCompositePS -> 1313041776 -> "NCmp" noCompositePS
  1227. phKeyNoise -> 1315926885 -> "Nose" noise
  1228. phEnumNone -> 1315925605 -> "None" none
  1229. phUnitNone -> 592342629 -> "#Nne" noneUnit
  1230. phKeyNonImageData -> 1315850605 -> "NnIm" nonImageData
  1231. phKeyNonLinear -> 1315851374 -> "NnLn" nonLinear
  1232. phEnumNormal -> 1316121964 -> "Nrml" normal
  1233. phEnumNormalPath -> 1316121936 -> "NrmP" normalPath
  1234. phEventNotePaper -> 1316245618 -> "NtPr" notePaper
  1235. phEventNotify -> 1316251257 -> "Ntfy" notify
  1236. phTypeNotify
  1237. phEnumNTSC -> 1314149187 -> "NTSC" NTSC
  1238. phEventNTSCColors
  1239. phClassNull -> 1853189228 -> "null" null
  1240. phEnumNull
  1241. phEventNull
  1242. phKeyNull
  1243. phKeyTarget
  1244. phTypeNull
  1245. phKeyNumber -> 1315791474 -> "Nmbr" number
  1246. phKeyNumberOfCacheLevels -> 1313039208 -> "NCch" numberOfCacheLevels
  1247. phKeyNumberOfChannels -> 1315791439 -> "NmbO" numberOfChannels
  1248. phKeyNumberOfChildren -> 1315791427 -> "NmbC" numberOfChildren
  1249. phKeyNumberOfDocuments -> 1315791428 -> "NmbD" numberOfDocuments
  1250. phKeyNumberOfGenerators -> 1315791431 -> "NmbG" numberOfGenerators
  1251. phKeyNumberOfLayers -> 1315791436 -> "NmbL" numberOfLayers
  1252. phKeyNumberOfLevels
  1253. phKeyNumberOfPaths -> 1315791440 -> "NmbP" numberOfPaths
  1254. phKeyNumberOfRipples -> 1315791442 -> "NmbR" numberOfRipples
  1255. phKeyNumberOfSiblings -> 1315791443 -> "NmbS" numberOfSiblings
  1256. phTypeObject -> 1331849827 -> "Objc" object
  1257. phKeyObjectName -> 1331849806 -> "ObjN" objectName
  1258. phTypeObjectReference -> 1868720672 -> "obj " objectReference
  1259. phTypeObjectSpecifier
  1260. phClassObsoleteTextLayer -> 1417170041 -> "TxLy" obsoleteTextLayer
  1261. phEventOceanRipple -> 1331916370 -> "OcnR" oceanRipple
  1262. phEnumOff -> 1332110880 -> "Off " off
  1263. phClassOffset -> 1332114292 -> "Ofst" offset
  1264. phEventOffset
  1265. phKeyOffset
  1266. phEnumOn -> 1332617248 -> "On " on
  1267. phKeyOn
  1268. phTypeOnOff -> 1332629350 -> "OnOf" onOff
  1269. phKeyOpacity -> 1332765556 -> "Opct" opacity
  1270. phClassOpacity -> 1332765027 -> "Opac" opacityClass
  1271. phEventOpen -> 1332768288 -> "Opn " open
  1272. phEnumOpenAs -> 1332756851 -> "OpAs" openAs
  1273. phKeyOptimized -> 1332769901 -> "Optm" optimized
  1274. phEnumOrange -> 1332899431 -> "Orng" orange
  1275. phTypeOrdinal -> 1332896878 -> "Ordn" ordinal
  1276. phKeyOrientation -> 1332899444 -> "Ornt" orientation
  1277. phTypeOrientation
  1278. phKeyOriginalHeader -> 1332897608 -> "OrgH" originalHeader
  1279. phKeyOriginalTransmissionReference -> 1332897620 -> "OrgT" originalTransmissionReference
  1280. phEnumOS2 -> 1330852384 -> "OS2 " OS2
  1281. phKeyOtherCursors -> 1333028931 -> "OthC" otherCursors
  1282. phEnumOuterBevel -> 1333031490 -> "OtrB" outerBevel
  1283. phClassOuterGlow -> 1332889452 -> "OrGl" outerGlow
  1284. phKeyOuterGlow
  1285. phEnumOutFromCenter -> 1333020274 -> "OtFr" outFromCenter
  1286. phEnumOutOfGamut -> 1333022566 -> "OtOf" outOfGamut
  1287. phKeyOutput -> 1333031028 -> "Otpt" output
  1288. phEnumOutsetFrame -> 1333097542 -> "OutF" outsetFrame
  1289. phEnumOutside -> 1333031780 -> "Otsd" outside
  1290. phEnumOverlay -> 1333162604 -> "Ovrl" overlay
  1291. phKeyOverprintColors -> 1333162563 -> "OvrC" overprintColors
  1292. phKeyOverrideOpen -> 1333162575 -> "OvrO" overrideOpen
  1293. phKeyOverridePrinter -> 1331851856 -> "ObrP" overridePrinter
  1294. phKeyOverrideSave -> 1333162596 -> "Ovrd" overrideSave
  1295. phEnumP22EBU -> 1345466946 -> "P22B" P22EBU
  1296. phKeyPageFormat -> 1347252326 -> "PMpf" pageFormat
  1297. phKeyPageNumber -> 1348947565 -> "PgNm" pageNumber
  1298. phEnumPagePosCentered -> 1348948035 -> "PgPC" pagePosCentered
  1299. phKeyPagePosition -> 1348948083 -> "PgPs" pagePosition
  1300. phTypePagePosition
  1301. phEnumPagePosTopLeft -> 1348949068 -> "PgTL" pagePosTopLeft
  1302. phClassPageSetup -> 1348948852 -> "PgSt" pageSetup
  1303. phEnumPageSetup
  1304. phKeyPageSetup
  1305. phClassPoint -> 1349415968 -> "Pnt " paint
  1306. phEnumPaintbrushEraser -> 1349416034 -> "Pntb" paintbrushEraser
  1307. phClassPaintbrushTool -> 1348621420 -> "PbTl" paintbrushTool
  1308. phEventPaintDaubs -> 1349416004 -> "PntD" paintDaubs
  1309. phKeyPaintingCursors -> 1349416003 -> "PntC" paintingCursors
  1310. phKeyPaintType -> 1349416020 -> "PntT" paintType
  1311. phKeyPalette -> 1349284896 -> "Plt " palette
  1312. phKeyPaletteFile -> 1349284934 -> "PltF" paletteFile
  1313. phEventPaletteKnife -> 1349284939 -> "PltK" paletteKnife
  1314. phEnumPalSecam -> 1349276515 -> "PlSc" palSecam
  1315. phEnumPanaVision -> 1349408371 -> "PnVs" panaVision
  1316. phKeyPaperBrightness -> 1349546562 -> "PprB" paperBrightness
  1317. phKeyParentIndex -> 1349667182 -> "PrIn" parentIndex
  1318. phKeyParentName -> 1349668461 -> "PrNm" parentName
  1319. phEventPaste -> 1885434740 -> "past" paste
  1320. phEventPasteEffects -> 1348552280 -> "PaFX" pasteEffects
  1321. phEventPasteInto -> 1349743689 -> "PstI" pasteInto
  1322. phEventPasteOutside -> 1349743695 -> "PstO" pasteOutside
  1323. phEventPatchwork -> 1349804904 -> "Ptch" patchwork
  1324. phClassPath -> 1348564072 -> "Path" path
  1325. phKeyPath
  1326. phClassPathComponent -> 1348551533 -> "PaCm" pathComponent
  1327. phKeyPathContents -> 1349806147 -> "PthC" pathContents
  1328. phTypePathKind -> 1349806155 -> "PthK" pathKind
  1329. phKeyPathName -> 1349806158 -> "PthN" pathName
  1330. phClassPathPoint -> 1349806192 -> "Pthp" pathPoint
  1331. phTypePathReference -> 592475218 -> "#PtR" pathReference
  1332. phEnumPathsPaletteOptions -> 1349806160 -> "PthP" pathsPaletteOptions
  1333. phEnumPattern -> 1349808750 -> "Ptrn" pattern
  1334. phEnumPatternDither -> 1349807684 -> "PtnD" patternDither
  1335. phKeyPattern -> 1349809262 -> "Pttn" patternKey
  1336. phClassPatternStampTool -> 1348555884 -> "PaTl" patternStampTool
  1337. phClassPDFGenericFormat -> 1346651719 -> "PDFG" PDFGenericFormat
  1338. phEnumPencilEraser -> 1349411692 -> "Pncl" pencilEraser
  1339. phKeyPencilWidth
  1340. phClassPencilTool -> 1348686956 -> "PcTl" pencilTool
  1341. phUnitPercent -> 592474723 -> "#Prc" percentUnit
  1342. phEnumPerceptual -> 1348825699 -> "Perc" perceptual
  1343. phEnumPerspective -> 1349677936 -> "Prsp" perspective
  1344. phKeyPerspectiveIndex
  1345. phKeyPhosphors -> 1349022576 -> "Phsp" phosphors
  1346. phTypePhosphors
  1347. phTypePhosphorsCustomPhosphors -> 592472179 -> "#Phs" phosphorsCustomPhosphors
  1348. phEventPhotocopy -> 1349022819 -> "Phtc" photocopy
  1349. phClassPhotoshop20Format -> 1349022770 -> "Pht2" photoshop20Format
  1350. phClassPhotoshop35Format -> 1349022771 -> "Pht3" photoshop35Format
  1351. phClassPhotoshopDCS2Format -> 1349010482 -> "PhD2" photoshopDCS2Format
  1352. phClassPhotoshopDCSFormat -> 1349010481 -> "PhD1" photoshopDCSFormat
  1353. phClassPhotoshopEPSFormat -> 1349022789 -> "PhtE" photoshopEPSFormat
  1354. phClassPhotoshopPDFFormat -> 1349022800 -> "PhtP" photoshopPDFFormat
  1355. phEnumPhotoshopPicker -> 1349022827 -> "Phtk" photoshopPicker
  1356. phEnumPickCMYK -> 1348692803 -> "PckC" pickCMYK
  1357. phKeyPickerID -> 1348692809 -> "PckI" pickerID
  1358. phKeyPickerKind -> 1348692850 -> "Pckr" pickerKind
  1359. phTypePickerKind -> 1348692811 -> "PckK" pickerKindType
  1360. phEnumPickGray -> 1348692807 -> "PckG" pickGray
  1361. phEnumPickHSB -> 1348692808 -> "PckH" pickHSB
  1362. phEnumPickLab -> 1348692812 -> "PckL" pickLab
  1363. phEnumPickOptions -> 1348692815 -> "PckO" pickOptions
  1364. phEnumPickRGB -> 1348692818 -> "PckR" pickRGB
  1365. phClassPICTFileFormat -> 1346978630 -> "PICF" PICTFileFormat
  1366. phClassPICTResourceFormat -> 1346978642 -> "PICR" PICTResourceFormat
  1367. phEnumPillowEmboss -> 1349272930 -> "PlEb" pillowEmboss
  1368. phEventPinch -> 1349411688 -> "Pnch" pinch
  1369. phClassPixel -> 1350067564 -> "Pxel" pixel
  1370. phClassPixelPaintFormat -> 1350069328 -> "PxlP" pixelPaintFormat
  1371. phKeyPixelPaintSize -> 1347441530 -> "PPSz" pixelPaintSize
  1372. phTypePixelPaintSize
  1373. phEnumPixelPaintSize1 -> 1350062897 -> "PxS1" pixelPaintSize1
  1374. phEnumPixelPaintSize2 -> 1350062898 -> "PxS2" pixelPaintSize2
  1375. phEnumPixelPaintSize3 -> 1350062899 -> "PxS3" pixelPaintSize3
  1376. phEnumPixelPaintSize4 -> 1350062900 -> "PxS4" pixelPaintSize4
  1377. phUnitPixels -> 592476268 -> "#Pxl" pixelsUnit
  1378. phEnumPlace -> 1349280613 -> "Plce" placeEnum
  1379. phEventPlace -> 1349280544 -> "Plc " placeEvent
  1380. phEventPlaster -> 1349284724 -> "Plst" plaster
  1381. phEventPlasticWrap -> 1349284695 -> "PlsW" plasticWrap
  1382. phKeyPlatform -> 1349284966 -> "Pltf" platform
  1383. phTypePlatform
  1384. phEventPlay -> 1349286176 -> "Ply " play
  1385. phEnumPlaybackOptions -> 1348627279 -> "PbkO" playbackOptions
  1386. phKeyPluginFolder -> 1349281606 -> "PlgF" pluginFolder
  1387. phClassPluginPrefs -> 1349281616 -> "PlgP" pluginPicker
  1388. phEnumPluginPicker
  1389. phKeyPluginPrefs
  1390. phEnumPluginsScratchDiskPreferences -> 1349281619 -> "PlgS" pluginsScratchDiskPreferences
  1391. phKeyPNGFilter -> 1347307366 -> "PNGf" PNGFilter
  1392. phTypePNGFilter
  1393. phEnumPNGFilterAdaptive -> 1346847076 -> "PGAd" PNGFilterAdaptive
  1394. phEnumPNGFilterAverage -> 1346847094 -> "PGAv" PNGFilterAverage
  1395. phEnumPNGFilterNone -> 1346850415 -> "PGNo" PNGFilterNone
  1396. phEnumPNGFilterPaeth -> 1346850932 -> "PGPt" PNGFilterPaeth
  1397. phEnumPNGFilterSub -> 1346851682 -> "PGSb" PNGFilterSub
  1398. phEnumPNGFilterUp -> 1346852208 -> "PGUp" PNGFilterUp
  1399. phClassPNGFormat -> 1347307334 -> "PNGF" PNGFormat
  1400. phEnumPNGInterlaceAdam7 -> 1346849089 -> "PGIA" PNGInterlaceAdam7
  1401. phEnumPNGInterlaceNone -> 1346849102 -> "PGIN" PNGInterlaceNone
  1402. phKeyPNGInterlaceType -> 1346849108 -> "PGIT" PNGInterlaceType
  1403. phTypePNGInterlaceType
  1404. phClassPoint16 -> 1349415985 -> "Pnt1" point16
  1405. phEventPointillize -> 1349416044 -> "Pntl" pointillize
  1406. phKeyPoints -> 1349808928 -> "Pts " points
  1407. phEventPolar -> 1349284384 -> "Plr " polar
  1408. phEnumPolarToRect -> 1349284434 -> "PlrR" polarToRect
  1409. phClassPolygon -> 1349281646 -> "Plgn" polygon
  1410. phEnumPondRipples -> 1349411922 -> "PndR" pondRipples
  1411. phKeyPosition -> 1349743726 -> "Pstn" position
  1412. phEventPosterEdges -> 1349743685 -> "PstE" posterEdges
  1413. phClassPosterize -> 1349743730 -> "Pstr" posterization
  1414. phEventPosterize
  1415. phKeyPosterization
  1416. phKeyPostScriptColor -> 1349743699 -> "PstS" postScriptColor
  1417. phEnumPrecise -> 1349673760 -> "Prc " precise
  1418. phEnumPreciseMatte -> 1349665356 -> "PrBL" preciseMatte
  1419. phKeyPredefinedColors -> 1349674051 -> "PrdC" predefinedColors
  1420. phKeyPreferBuiltin -> 1349674562 -> "PrfB" preferBuiltin
  1421. phKeyPreferences -> 1349674610 -> "Prfr" preferences
  1422. phKeyPreserveAdditional -> 1349677889 -> "PrsA" preserveAdditional
  1423. phKeyPreserveLuminosity -> 1349677900 -> "PrsL" preserveLuminosity
  1424. phKeyPreserveTransparency -> 1349677908 -> "PrsT" preserveTransparency
  1425. phKeyPressure -> 1349677856 -> "Prs " pressure
  1426. phKeyPreview -> 1349678711 -> "Prvw" preview
  1427. phTypePreview
  1428. phEnumPreviewBlack -> 1349678658 -> "PrvB" previewBlack
  1429. phEnumPreviewCMY -> 1349678670 -> "PrvN" previewCMY
  1430. phKeyPreviewCMYK -> 1349678667 -> "PrvK" previewCMYK
  1431. phEnumPreviewCMYK -> 1349678659 -> "PrvC" previewCMYKEnum
  1432. phTypePreviewCMYK -> 1349678708 -> "Prvt" previewCMYKType
  1433. phEnumPreviewCyan -> 1349678713 -> "Prvy" previewCyan
  1434. phKeyPreviewFullSize -> 1349678662 -> "PrvF" previewFullSize
  1435. phKeyPreviewIcon -> 1349678665 -> "PrvI" previewIcon
  1436. phEnumPreviewMagenta -> 1349678669 -> "PrvM" previewMacThumbnail
  1437. phKeyPreviewMacThumbnail
  1438. phEnumPreviewOff -> 1349678671 -> "PrvO" previewOff
  1439. phKeyPreviewsQuery -> 1349678673 -> "PrvQ" previewsQuery
  1440. phKeyPreviewWinThumbnail -> 1349678679 -> "PrvW" previewWinThumbnail
  1441. phEnumPreviewYellow -> 1349678681 -> "PrvY" previewYellow
  1442. phEnumPrevious -> 1349678707 -> "Prvs" previous
  1443. phEventPrevious
  1444. phEnumPrimaries -> 1349675373 -> "Prim" primaries
  1445. phEventPrint -> 1349676660 -> "Prnt" print
  1446. phEnumPrintingInksSetup -> 1349676617 -> "PrnI" printingInksSetup
  1447. phKeyPrintSettings -> 1347252339 -> "PMps" printSettings
  1448. phEnumPrintSize -> 1349676627 -> "PrnS" printSize
  1449. phTypeProfileMismatch -> 1349674573 -> "PrfM" profileMismatch
  1450. phClassProfileSetup -> 1349674579 -> "PrfS" profileSetup
  1451. phKeyProfileSetup
  1452. phEventProfileToProfile -> 1349674580 -> "PrfT" profileToProfile
  1453. phClassProperty -> 1349677170 -> "Prpr" property
  1454. phKeyProvinceState -> 1349678675 -> "PrvS" provinceState
  1455. phEventPurge -> 1349674853 -> "Prge" purge
  1456. phTypePurgeItem -> 1349674825 -> "PrgI" purgeItem
  1457. phEnumPurple -> 1349677088 -> "Prp " purple
  1458. phEnumPyramids -> 1350136429 -> "Pyrm" pyramids
  1459. phEnumQCSAverage -> 1365472097 -> "Qcsa" QCSAverage
  1460. phEnumQCSCorner0 -> 1365472048 -> "Qcs0" QCSCorner0
  1461. phEnumQCSCorner1 -> 1365472049 -> "Qcs1" QCSCorner1
  1462. phEnumQCSCorner2 -> 1365472050 -> "Qcs2" QCSCorner2
  1463. phEnumQCSCorner3 -> 1365472051 -> "Qcs3" QCSCorner3
  1464. phEnumQCSIndependent -> 1365472105 -> "Qcsi" QCSIndependent
  1465. phEnumQCSSide0 -> 1365472052 -> "Qcs4" QCSSide0
  1466. phEnumQCSSide1 -> 1365472053 -> "Qcs5" QCSSide1
  1467. phEnumQCSSide2 -> 1365472054 -> "Qcs6" QCSSide2
  1468. phEnumQCSSide3 -> 1365472055 -> "Qcs7" QCSSide3
  1469. phTypeQuadCenterState -> 1363366772 -> "QCSt" quadCenterState
  1470. phEnumQuadtone -> 1365537902 -> "Qdtn" quadtone
  1471. phKeyQuality -> 1366062201 -> "Qlty" quality
  1472. phTypeQuality
  1473. phEnumQueryAlways -> 1366651457 -> "QurA" queryAlways
  1474. phEnumQueryAsk -> 1366651500 -> "Qurl" queryAsk
  1475. phEnumQueryNever -> 1366651470 -> "QurN" queryNever
  1476. phTypeQueryState -> 1366651475 -> "QurS" queryState
  1477. phKeyQuickMask -> 1366647629 -> "QucM" quickMask
  1478. phEventQuit -> 1903520116 -> "quit" quit
  1479. phEnumRadial -> 1382312992 -> "Rdl " radial
  1480. phEventRadialBlur -> 1382313026 -> "RdlB" radialBlur
  1481. phEnumReds -> 1382314784 -> "Rds " radius
  1482. phKeyRadius
  1483. phEnumRandom -> 1382966381 -> "Rndm" random
  1484. phKeyRandomSeed -> 1382966355 -> "RndS" randomSeed
  1485. phClassRange -> 1382116967 -> "Rang" range
  1486. phEventRasterize -> 1383298162 -> "Rstr" rasterize
  1487. phEventRasterizeTypeSheet -> 1383298132 -> "RstT" rasterizeTypeLayer
  1488. phKeyRatio -> 1383342112 -> "Rt " ratio
  1489. phTypeRawData -> 1952740449 -> "tdta" rawData
  1490. phClassRawFormat -> 1383538720 -> "Rw " rawFormat
  1491. phKeyRecentFiles -> 1382248038 -> "Rcnf" recentFiles
  1492. phClassRect16 -> 1382249521 -> "Rct1" rect16
  1493. phClassRectangle -> 1382249582 -> "Rctn" rectangle
  1494. phEnumRectToPolar -> 1382249552 -> "RctP" rectToPolar
  1495. phEnumRed -> 1382293536 -> "Rd " red
  1496. phKeyRed
  1497. phKeyRedBlackPoint -> 1382302316 -> "RdBl" redBlackPoint
  1498. phKeyRedGamma -> 1382303597 -> "RdGm" redGamma
  1499. phEnumRedrawComplete -> 1382302573 -> "RdCm" redrawComplete
  1500. phKeyRedWhitePoint -> 1382307688 -> "RdWh" redWhitePoint
  1501. phKeyRedX -> 1382307872 -> "RdX " redX
  1502. phKeyRedY -> 1382308128 -> "RdY " redY
  1503. phEnumReflected -> 1382444131 -> "Rflc" reflected
  1504. phKeyRegistrationMarks -> 1382511437 -> "RgsM" registrationMarks
  1505. phEnumRelative -> 1382839414 -> "Rltv" relative
  1506. phKeyRelative
  1507. phKeyRelief -> 1382835744 -> "Rlf " relief
  1508. phEventRemoveBlackMatte -> 1382905410 -> "RmvB" removeBlackMatte
  1509. phEventRemoveLayerMask -> 1382905420 -> "RmvL" removeLayerMask
  1510. phEventRemoveWhiteMatte -> 1382905431 -> "RmvW" removeWhiteMatte
  1511. phEventRename -> 1382968608 -> "Rnm " rename
  1512. phKeyRenderFidelity -> 1382443364 -> "Rfid" renderFidelity
  1513. phEnumRepeat -> 1383101472 -> "Rpt " repeat
  1514. phEnumRepeatEdgePixels -> 1383101509 -> "RptE" repeatEdgePixels
  1515. phEventReplaceColor -> 1383099459 -> "RplC" replaceColor
  1516. phKeyResample -> 1383296368 -> "Rsmp" resample
  1517. phEventReset -> 1383294324 -> "Rset" reset
  1518. phKeyResizeWindowsOnZoom -> 1381453658 -> "RWOZ" resizeWindowsOnZoom
  1519. phKeyResolution -> 1383296116 -> "Rslt" resolution
  1520. phKeyResourceID -> 1383297609 -> "RsrI" resourceID
  1521. phKeyResponse -> 1383297134 -> "Rspn" response
  1522. phKeyRetainHeader -> 1383362120 -> "RtnH" retainHeader
  1523. phEventReticulation -> 1383359340 -> "Rtcl" reticulation
  1524. phEnumRevealAll -> 1383492673 -> "RvlA" revealAll
  1525. phEnumRevealSelection -> 1383492691 -> "RvlS" revealSelection
  1526. phKeyReverse -> 1383494259 -> "Rvrs" reverse
  1527. phEnumRevert -> 1383494260 -> "Rvrt" revert
  1528. phEventRevert
  1529. phEnumRGB -> 1380401696 -> "RGB " RGB
  1530. phEnumRGB48 -> 1380401734 -> "RGBF" RGB48
  1531. phClassRGBColor -> 1380401731 -> "RGBC" RGBColor
  1532. phEnumRGBColor
  1533. phClassRGBColorMode -> 1380401741 -> "RGBM" RGBColorMode
  1534. phKeyRGBSetup -> 1380401747 -> "RGBS" RGBSetup
  1535. phTypeRGBSetupSource
  1536. phClassRGBSetup -> 1380401780 -> "RGBt" RGBSetupClass
  1537. phEnumRight -> 1382508660 -> "Rght" right
  1538. phKeyRight
  1539. phEventRipple -> 1383099493 -> "Rple" ripple
  1540. phKeyRippleMagnitude -> 1383099469 -> "RplM" rippleMagnitude
  1541. phKeyRippleSize -> 1383099475 -> "RplS" rippleSize
  1542. phTypeRippleSize
  1543. phKeyRotate -> 1383363616 -> "Rtt " rotate
  1544. phEnumRotate -> 1383363685 -> "Rtte" rotateEventEnum
  1545. phEventRotate
  1546. phEnumRotoscopingPreferences -> 1383363408 -> "RtsP" rotoscopingPreferences
  1547. phEventRoughPastels -> 1382508624 -> "RghP" roughPastels
  1548. phEnumRound -> 1382966304 -> "Rnd " round
  1549. phKeyRoundness -> 1382966382 -> "Rndn" roundness
  1550. phEnumRulerCm -> 1383220077 -> "RrCm" rulerCm
  1551. phEnumRulerInches -> 1383221614 -> "RrIn" rulerInches
  1552. phKeyRulerOriginH -> 1382838856 -> "RlrH" rulerOriginH
  1553. phKeyRulerOriginV -> 1382838870 -> "RlrV" rulerOriginV
  1554. phEnumRulerPercent -> 1383223410 -> "RrPr" rulerPercent
  1555. phEnumRulerPicas -> 1383223401 -> "RrPi" rulerPicas
  1556. phEnumRulerPixels -> 1383223416 -> "RrPx" rulerPixels
  1557. phEnumRulerPoints -> 1383223412 -> "RrPt" rulerPoints
  1558. phKeyRulerUnits -> 1382838869 -> "RlrU" rulerUnits
  1559. phTypeRulerUnits
  1560. phEnumSample3x3 -> 1399681075 -> "Smp3" sample3x3
  1561. phEnumSample5x5 -> 1399681077 -> "Smp5" sample5x5
  1562. phEnumSamplePoint -> 1399681104 -> "SmpP" samplePoint
  1563. phEnumSaturate -> 1400140320 -> "Str " saturate
  1564. phEnumSaturation -> 1400140404 -> "Strt" saturation
  1565. phKeySaturation
  1566. phKeyStart
  1567. phClassSaturationTool -> 1400001644 -> "SrTl" saturationTool
  1568. phEventSave -> 1935767141 -> "save" save
  1569. phKeySaveAndClose -> 1400258926 -> "SvAn" saveAndClose
  1570. phKeySaveComposite -> 1400259437 -> "SvCm" saveComposite
  1571. phEnumSaved -> 1400268132 -> "Sved" saved
  1572. phEnumSaveForWeb -> 1400268407 -> "Svfw" saveForWeb
  1573. phKeySavePaletteLocations -> 1349284940 -> "PltL" savePaletteLocations
  1574. phKeySavePaths -> 1400262772 -> "SvPt" savePaths
  1575. phKeySavePyramids -> 1400262777 -> "SvPy" savePyramids
  1576. phKeySaving -> 1400270439 -> "Svng" saving
  1577. phEnumSavingFilesPreferences -> 1400270406 -> "SvnF" savingFilesPreferences
  1578. phEnumScale -> 1399024672 -> "Scl " scale
  1579. phKeyScale
  1580. phKeyScaleHorizontal -> 1399024712 -> "SclH" scaleHorizontal
  1581. phKeyScaleVertical -> 1399024726 -> "SclV" scaleVertical
  1582. phKeyScaling -> 1399024750 -> "Scln" scaling
  1583. phKeyScans -> 1399025267 -> "Scns" scans
  1584. phClassScitexCTFormat -> 1399026808 -> "Sctx" scitexCTFormat
  1585. phEnumScreenDot -> 1399026244 -> "ScrD" scratchDisks
  1586. phKeyScratchDisks
  1587. phEnumScreen -> 1399026286 -> "Scrn" screen
  1588. phEnumScreenCircle -> 1399026243 -> "ScrC" screenCircle
  1589. phKeyScreenFile -> 1399026246 -> "ScrF" screenFile
  1590. phEnumScreenLine -> 1399026252 -> "ScrL" screenLine
  1591. phKeyScreenType -> 1399026260 -> "ScrT" screenType
  1592. phTypeScreenType
  1593. phEventSelect -> 1936483188 -> "slct" select
  1594. phEnumSelectedAreas -> 1399612225 -> "SlcA" selectedAreas
  1595. phKeySelection -> 1718838636 -> "fsel" selection
  1596. phClassSelection -> 1668506988 -> "csel" selectionClass
  1597. phEnumSelection -> 1399612276 -> "Slct" selectionEnum
  1598. phEnumSelective -> 1399155813 -> "Sele" selective
  1599. phClassSelectiveColor -> 1399612227 -> "SlcC" selectiveColor
  1600. phEventSelectiveColor
  1601. phKeySeparations -> 1399878260 -> "Sprt" separations
  1602. phEnumSeparationSetup -> 1399878227 -> "SprS" separationSetup
  1603. phEventSprayedStrokes
  1604. phEnumSeparationTables -> 1399878228 -> "SprT" separationTables
  1605. phKeySerialString -> 1400007763 -> "SrlS" serialString
  1606. phEventSet -> 1936028772 -> "setd" set
  1607. phKeyShadingIntensity -> 1399350345 -> "ShdI" shadingIntensity
  1608. phKeyShadowIntensity
  1609. phKeyShadingNoise -> 1399350350 -> "ShdN" shadingNoise
  1610. phKeyShadingShape -> 1399350355 -> "ShdS" shadingShape
  1611. phKeyShadowColor -> 1935963971 -> "sdwC" shadowColor
  1612. phKeyShadowLevels -> 1399350348 -> "ShdL" shadowLevels
  1613. phKeyShadowMode -> 1935963981 -> "sdwM" shadowMode
  1614. phKeyShadowOpacity -> 1935963983 -> "sdwO" shadowOpacity
  1615. phEnumShadows -> 1399350391 -> "Shdw" shadows
  1616. phKeyShape -> 1399353376 -> "Shp " shape
  1617. phTypeShape
  1618. phEnumContourCustom -> 1936732214 -> "sp06" shapeCurveCustom
  1619. phEnumContourDouble -> 1936732212 -> "sp04" shapeCurveDouble
  1620. phEnumContourGaussian -> 1936732210 -> "sp02" shapeCurveGaussian
  1621. phEnumContourLinear -> 1936732209 -> "sp01" shapeCurveLinear
  1622. phEnumContourSingle -> 1936732211 -> "sp03" shapeCurveSingle
  1623. phEnumContourTriple -> 1936732213 -> "sp05" shapeCurveTriple
  1624. phClassShapingCurve -> 1399353411 -> "ShpC" shapeCurveType
  1625. phKeyContourType
  1626. phEventSharpen -> 1399353968 -> "Shrp" sharpen
  1627. phKeySharpness
  1628. phEventSharpenEdges -> 1399353925 -> "ShrE" sharpenEdges
  1629. phKeyShearEd
  1630. phEventSharpenMore -> 1399353933 -> "ShrM" sharpenMore
  1631. phClassSharpenTool -> 1399346284 -> "ShTl" sharpenTool
  1632. phEventShear -> 1399353888 -> "Shr " shear
  1633. phKeyShearPoints -> 1399353936 -> "ShrP" shearPoints
  1634. phKeyShearSt -> 1399353939 -> "ShrS" shearSt
  1635. phKeyShiftKey -> 1399350859 -> "ShfK" shiftKey
  1636. phKeyShiftKeyToolSwitch -> 1399343956 -> "ShKT" shiftKeyToolSwitch
  1637. phEnumShortLines -> 1399353932 -> "ShrL" shortLines
  1638. phKeyShortNames -> 1399353934 -> "ShrN" shortNames
  1639. phEnumShortStrokes -> 1399346036 -> "ShSt" shortStrokes
  1640. phEventShow -> 1399355168 -> "Shw " show
  1641. phKeyShowEnglishFontNames -> 1399355205 -> "ShwE" showEnglishFontNames
  1642. phKeyShowToolTips -> 1399355220 -> "ShwT" showToolTips
  1643. phKeyShowTransparency -> 1399346290 -> "ShTr" showTransparency
  1644. phEventSimilar -> 1399680114 -> "Smlr" similar
  1645. phEnumSingle72Color -> 926040915 -> "72CS" single72Color
  1646. phEnumSingle72Gray -> 926041939 -> "72GS" single72Gray
  1647. phClassSingleColumn -> 1399744355 -> "Sngc" singleColumn
  1648. phEnumSingleNoCompositePS -> 1313041747 -> "NCmS" singleNoCompositePS
  1649. phClassSingleRow -> 1399744370 -> "Sngr" singleRow
  1650. phKeySizeKey -> 1400512544 -> "Sz " size
  1651. phEnumSkew -> 1399547255 -> "Skew" skew
  1652. phKeySkew
  1653. phEnumSlopeLimitMatte -> 1399614836 -> "Slmt" slopeLimitMatte
  1654. phEnumSmall -> 1399680032 -> "Sml " small
  1655. phEventSmartBlur -> 1399681602 -> "SmrB" smartBlur
  1656. phKeySmartBlurMode -> 1399669325 -> "SmBM" smartBlurMode
  1657. phTypeSmartBlurMode
  1658. phEnumSmartBlurModeEdgeOnly -> 1396854085 -> "SBME" smartBlurModeEdgeOnly
  1659. phEnumSmartBlurModeNormal -> 1396854094 -> "SBMN" smartBlurModeNormal
  1660. phEnumSmartBlurModeOverlayEdge -> 1396854095 -> "SBMO" smartBlurModeOverlayEdge
  1661. phKeySmartBlurQuality -> 1399669329 -> "SmBQ" smartBlurQuality
  1662. phTypeSmartBlurQuality
  1663. phEnumSmartBlurQualityHigh -> 1396855112 -> "SBQH" smartBlurQualityHigh
  1664. phEnumSmartBlurQualityLow -> 1396855116 -> "SBQL" smartBlurQualityLow
  1665. phEnumSmartBlurQualityMedium -> 1396855117 -> "SBQM" smartBlurQualityMedium
  1666. phKeySmooth -> 1399680879 -> "Smoo" smooth
  1667. phEventSmooth -> 1399682152 -> "Smth" smoothness
  1668. phKeySmoothness
  1669. phEnumSMPTEC -> 1397575747 -> "SMPC" SMPTEC
  1670. phEventSmudgeStick -> 1399678035 -> "SmdS" smudgeStick
  1671. phClassSmudgeTool -> 1399673964 -> "SmTl" smudgeTool
  1672. phClassSnapshot -> 1399746643 -> "SnpS" snapshotClass
  1673. phEnumSnapshot -> 1399746675 -> "Snps" snapshotEnum
  1674. phKeySnapshotInitial -> 1399746633 -> "SnpI" snapshotInitial
  1675. phEnumSoftLight -> 1399223372 -> "SftL" softLight
  1676. phEnumSoftMatte -> 1399210572 -> "SfBL" softMatte
  1677. phKeySoftness -> 1399223406 -> "Sftn" softness
  1678. phEventSolarize -> 1399616122 -> "Slrz" solarize
  1679. phEnumSolidColor -> 1396927602 -> "SClr" solidColor
  1680. phClassSolidFill -> 1399801449 -> "SoFi" solidFill
  1681. phKeySolidFill
  1682. phKeySource -> 1400005477 -> "Srce" source
  1683. phKeySource2 -> 1400005426 -> "Src2" source2
  1684. phKeySourceMode -> 1400005453 -> "SrcM" sourceMode
  1685. phTypeSourceMode -> 1131308142 -> "Cndn" sourceModeType
  1686. phKeySpacing -> 1399874414 -> "Spcn" spacing
  1687. phEventSpatter -> 1399878688 -> "Spt " spatter
  1688. phKeySpecialInstructions -> 1399874377 -> "SpcI" specialInstructions
  1689. phEnumSpectrum -> 1399874420 -> "Spct" spectrum
  1690. phEventSpherize -> 1399875698 -> "Sphr" spherize
  1691. phKeySpherizeMode -> 1399875661 -> "SphM" spherizeMode
  1692. phTypeSpherizeMode
  1693. phEnumSpin -> 1399877152 -> "Spn " spin
  1694. phEventSplitChannels -> 1399876675 -> "SplC" splitChannels
  1695. phKeySupplementalCategories
  1696. phEventSponge -> 1399877223 -> "Spng" sponge
  1697. phEnumSpotColor -> 1399877492 -> "Spot" spot
  1698. phKeySpot
  1699. phClassSpotColorChannel -> 1396925288 -> "SCch" spotColorChannel
  1700. phKeySprayRadius -> 1399878226 -> "SprR" sprayRadius
  1701. phEnumSquare -> 1399943712 -> "Sqr " square
  1702. phKeySquareSize -> 1399943763 -> "SqrS" squareSize
  1703. phKeySrcBlackMax -> 1400005484 -> "Srcl" srcBlackMax
  1704. phKeySrcBlackMin -> 1400005442 -> "SrcB" srcBlackMin
  1705. phKeySrcWhiteMax -> 1400005485 -> "Srcm" srcWhiteMax
  1706. phKeySrcWhiteMin -> 1400005463 -> "SrcW" srcWhiteMin
  1707. phEnumSRGB -> 1397901122 -> "SRGB" sRGB
  1708. phEnumStagger -> 1400137586 -> "Stgr" stagger
  1709. phEventStainedGlass -> 1400139335 -> "StnG" stainedGlass
  1710. phEventStamp -> 1400139120 -> "Stmp" stamp
  1711. phEnumStampOut -> 1333097504 -> "Out " stampOut
  1712. phEnumStandard -> 1400136736 -> "Std " standard
  1713. phKeyStartArrowhead -> 1400140353 -> "StrA" startArrowhead
  1714. phKeyState -> 1400140901 -> "Stte" state
  1715. phTypeState
  1716. phEnumStdA -> 1400136769 -> "StdA" stdA
  1717. phEnumStdB -> 1400136770 -> "StdB" stdB
  1718. phEnumStdC -> 1400136771 -> "StdC" stdC
  1719. phEnumStdE -> 1400136773 -> "StdE" stdE
  1720. phDialogSilent -> 2 -> stepByStep
  1721. phEventStop -> 1400139632 -> "Stop" stop
  1722. phKeyStrength -> 1936877416 -> "srgh" strength
  1723. phKeyStrength_PLUGIN -> 1400140391 -> "Strg" strengthPlugin
  1724. phKeyStrengthRatio -> 1936877394 -> "srgR" strengthRatio
  1725. phEnumStretchToFit -> 1400140358 -> "StrF" stretchToFit
  1726. phTypeStringChannel -> 594769000 -> "#sth" stringChannel
  1727. phTypeStringClassFormat -> 592671811 -> "#StC" stringClassFormat
  1728. phTypeStringCompensation -> 592671853 -> "#Stm" stringCompensation
  1729. phTypeStringFSS -> 592671846 -> "#Stf" stringFSS
  1730. phTypeStringInteger -> 592671817 -> "#StI" stringInteger
  1731. phEventStroke -> 1400140395 -> "Strk" stroke
  1732. phKeyStrokeDetail -> 1400128628 -> "StDt" strokeDetail
  1733. phKeyStrokeDirection -> 1396992370 -> "SDir" strokeDirection
  1734. phTypeStrokeDirection -> 1400140356 -> "StrD" strokeDirectionType
  1735. phEnumStrokeDirHorizontal -> 1396983930 -> "SDHz" strokeDirHorizontal
  1736. phEnumStrokeDirLeftDiag -> 1396984900 -> "SDLD" strokeDirLeftDiag
  1737. phEnumStrokeDirRightDiag -> 1396986436 -> "SDRD" strokeDirRightDiag
  1738. phEnumStrokeDirVertical -> 1396987508 -> "SDVt" strokeDirVertical
  1739. phKeyStrokeLength -> 1400140364 -> "StrL" strokeLength
  1740. phTypeStrokeLocation
  1741. phKeyStrokePressure -> 1400140368 -> "StrP" strokePressure
  1742. phKeyStrokeSize -> 1400140371 -> "StrS" strokeSize
  1743. phKeyStrokeWidth -> 1400140375 -> "StrW" strokeWidth
  1744. phKeyStyle -> 1400142188 -> "Styl" style
  1745. phClassStyle -> 1400142147 -> "StyC" styleClass
  1746. phKeyStyles -> 1400142195 -> "Stys" styles
  1747. phEnumStylesAppend -> 1399616321 -> "SlsA" stylesAppend
  1748. phEnumStylesDelete -> 1399616358 -> "Slsf" stylesDelete
  1749. phEnumStylesLoad -> 1399616356 -> "Slsd" stylesLoad
  1750. phEnumStylesNew -> 1399616334 -> "SlsN" stylesNew
  1751. phEnumStylesReset -> 1399616338 -> "SlsR" stylesReset
  1752. phEnumStylesSave -> 1399616374 -> "Slsv" stylesSave
  1753. phKeyStylusIsColor -> 1400138819 -> "StlC" stylusIsColor
  1754. phKeyStylusIsOpacity -> 1400138831 -> "StlO" stylusIsOpacity
  1755. phKeyStylusIsPressure -> 1400138832 -> "StlP" stylusIsPressure
  1756. phKeyStylusIsSize -> 1400138835 -> "StlS" stylusIsSize
  1757. phKeySubPathList -> 1398960204 -> "SbpL" subpathListKey
  1758. phClassSubPath -> 1398960236 -> "Sbpl" subpathsList
  1759. phEnumSubtract -> 1398961266 -> "Sbtr" subtract
  1760. phEventSubtract
  1761. phEventSubtractFrom -> 1398961222 -> "SbtF" subtractFrom
  1762. phEventSumie -> 1399679333 -> "Smie" sumie
  1763. phEnumSwatchesAppend -> 1400337473 -> "SwtA" swatchesAppend
  1764. phEnumSwatchesReplace -> 1400337520 -> "Swtp" swatchesReplace
  1765. phEnumSwatchesReset -> 1400337490 -> "SwtR" swatchesReset
  1766. phEnumSwatchesSave -> 1400337491 -> "SwtS" swatchesSave
  1767. phKeySystemInfo -> 1400075337 -> "SstI" systemInfo
  1768. phKeySystemPalette -> 1400075344 -> "SstP" systemPalette
  1769. phEnumSystemPicker -> 1400468304 -> "SysP" systemPicker
  1770. phEnumTables -> 1415736352 -> "Tbl " tables
  1771. phEventTakeMergedSnapshot -> 1416318322 -> "TkMr" takeMergedSnapshot
  1772. phEventTakeSnapshot -> 1416319854 -> "TkSn" takeSnapshot
  1773. phClassTargaFormat -> 1416783686 -> "TrgF" targaFormat
  1774. phEnumTarget -> 1416783732 -> "Trgt" targetEnum
  1775. phEnumTargetPath -> 1416783728 -> "Trgp" targetPath
  1776. phKeyTargetPath
  1777. phKeyTargetPathIndex -> 1416783696 -> "TrgP" targetPathIndex
  1778. phKeyTextClickPoint -> 1417180227 -> "TxtC" textClickPoint
  1779. phKeyTextureCoverage
  1780. phKeyTextData -> 1417180228 -> "TxtD" textData
  1781. phKeyText -> 1417180192 -> "Txt " textKey
  1782. phClassTextLayer -> 1417170034 -> "TxLr" textLayer
  1783. phClassTextStyle -> 1417180243 -> "TxtS" textStyle
  1784. phKeyTextStyle
  1785. phClassTextStyleRange -> 1417180276 -> "Txtt" textStyleRange
  1786. phKeyTextStyleRange
  1787. phKeyTexture -> 1417180274 -> "Txtr" texture
  1788. phEventTextureFill -> 1417180230 -> "TxtF" textureFile
  1789. phKeyTextureFile
  1790. phKeyTextureType -> 1417180244 -> "TxtT" textureType
  1791. phTypeTextureType
  1792. phEventTexturizer -> 1417180282 -> "Txtz" texturizer
  1793. phEnumTexTypeBlocks -> 1417167468 -> "TxBl" texTypeBlocks
  1794. phEnumTexTypeBrick -> 1417167474 -> "TxBr" texTypeBrick
  1795. phEnumTexTypeBurlap -> 1417167477 -> "TxBu" texTypeBurlap
  1796. phEnumTexTypeCanvas -> 1417167713 -> "TxCa" texTypeCanvas
  1797. phEnumTexTypeFrosted -> 1417168498 -> "TxFr" texTypeFrosted
  1798. phEnumTexTypeSandstone -> 1417171828 -> "TxSt" texTypeSandstone
  1799. phEnumTexTypeTinyLens -> 1417172044 -> "TxTL" texTypeTinyLens
  1800. phKeyThreshold -> 1416131432 -> "Thsh" threshold
  1801. phClassThreshold -> 1416131187 -> "Thrs" thresholdClassEvent
  1802. phEventThreshold
  1803. phEnumThreshold -> 1416131176 -> "Thrh" thresholdEnum
  1804. phEnumThumbnail -> 1416129890 -> "Thmb" thumbnail
  1805. phClassTIFFFormat -> 1414088262 -> "TIFF" TIFF
  1806. phEnumTIFF
  1807. phEnumTile -> 1416195173 -> "Tile" tile
  1808. phKeyTileNumber -> 1416384109 -> "TlNm" tileNumber
  1809. phKeyTileOffset -> 1416384358 -> "TlOf" tileOffset
  1810. phEnumTile_PLUGIN -> 1416372256 -> "Tl " tilePlugin
  1811. phEventTiles -> 1416393504 -> "Tls " tiles
  1812. phKeyTileSize -> 1416385402 -> "TlSz" tileSize
  1813. phKeyTitle -> 1416916000 -> "Ttl " title
  1814. phKey_Source -> 1411391520 -> "T " to
  1815. phKeyTo
  1816. phKeyToBuiltin -> 1413639200 -> "TBl " toBuiltin
  1817. phEnumToggleActionsPalette -> 1416064065 -> "TglA" toggleActionsPalette
  1818. phEnumToggleBlackPreview -> 1416053328 -> "TgBP" toggleBlackPreview
  1819. phEnumToggleBrushesPalette -> 1416064066 -> "TglB" toggleBrushesPalette
  1820. phEnumToggleChannelsPalette -> 1416064104 -> "Tglh" toggleChannelsPalette
  1821. phEnumToggleCMYKPreview -> 1416064067 -> "TglC" toggleCMYKPreview
  1822. phEnumToggleCMYPreview -> 1416053581 -> "TgCM" toggleCMYPreview
  1823. phEnumToggleColorPalette -> 1416064099 -> "Tglc" toggleColorPalette
  1824. phEnumToggleCyanPreview -> 1416053584 -> "TgCP" toggleCyanPreview
  1825. phEnumToggleEdges -> 1416064069 -> "TglE" toggleEdges
  1826. phEnumToggleGamutWarning -> 1416064071 -> "TglG" toggleGamutWarning
  1827. phEnumToggleGrid -> 1416054642 -> "TgGr" toggleGrid
  1828. phEnumToggleGuides -> 1416064100 -> "Tgld" toggleGuides
  1829. phEnumToggleHistoryPalette -> 1416064072 -> "TglH" toggleHistoryPalette
  1830. phEnumToggleInfoPalette -> 1416064073 -> "TglI" toggleInfoPalette
  1831. phEnumToggleLayerMask -> 1416064077 -> "TglM" toggleLayerMask
  1832. phEnumToggleLayersPalette -> 1416064121 -> "Tgly" toggleLayersPalette
  1833. phEnumToggleLockGuides -> 1416064076 -> "TglL" toggleLockGuides
  1834. phEnumToggleMagentaPreview -> 1416056144 -> "TgMP" toggleMagentaPreview
  1835. phEnumToggleNavigatorPalette -> 1416064078 -> "TglN" toggleNavigatorPalette
  1836. phEnumToggleOptionsPalette -> 1416064079 -> "TglO" toggleOptionsPalette
  1837. phKeyToggleOthers
  1838. phEnumTogglePaths -> 1416064080 -> "TglP" togglePaths
  1839. phEnumTogglePathsPalette -> 1416064116 -> "Tglt" togglePathsPalette
  1840. phEnumToggleRGBMacPreview -> 1416777072 -> "TrMp" toggleRGBMacPreview
  1841. phEnumToggleRGBUncompensatedPreview -> 1416779120 -> "TrUp" toggleRGBUncompensatedPreview
  1842. phEnumToggleRGBWindowsPreview -> 1416779632 -> "TrWp" toggleRGBWindowsPreview
  1843. phEnumToggleRulers -> 1416064082 -> "TglR" toggleRulers
  1844. phEnumToggleSnapToGrid -> 1416057710 -> "TgSn" toggleSnapToGrid
  1845. phEnumToggleSnapToGuides -> 1416064083 -> "TglS" toggleSnapToGuides
  1846. phEnumToggleStatusBar -> 1416064115 -> "Tgls" toggleStatusBar
  1847. phEnumToggleStylesPalette -> 1416057708 -> "TgSl" toggleStylesPalette
  1848. phEnumToggleSwatchesPalette -> 1416064119 -> "Tglw" toggleSwatchesPalette
  1849. phEnumToggleToolsPalette -> 1416064084 -> "TglT" toggleToolsPalette
  1850. phEnumToggleYellowPreview -> 1416059216 -> "TgYP" toggleYellowPreview
  1851. phKeyTolerance -> 1416393326 -> "Tlrn" tolerance
  1852. phKeyToLinked -> 1416580203 -> "ToLk" toLinked
  1853. phKeyToMode -> 1414358048 -> "TMd " toMode
  1854. phClassTool -> 1416589164 -> "Tool" tool
  1855. phEnumTop -> 1416589344 -> "Top " top
  1856. phKeyTop
  1857. phEventTornEdges -> 1416785477 -> "TrnE" tornEdges
  1858. phKeyTotalLimit -> 1416916044 -> "TtlL" totalLimit
  1859. phEventTraceContour -> 1416782659 -> "TrcC" traceContour
  1860. phKeyTracking -> 1416782699 -> "Trck" tracking
  1861. phKeyTransferFunction -> 1416785478 -> "TrnF" transferFunction
  1862. phClassTransferPoint -> 1148481104 -> "DtnP" transferPoint
  1863. phClassTransparencyStop -> 1416785491 -> "TrnS" transferSpec
  1864. phKeyTransferSpec
  1865. phKeyTransparencyShape
  1866. phClassTransferSpec -> 1416783472 -> "Trfp" transferSpecClass
  1867. phEventTransform -> 1416785510 -> "Trnf" transform
  1868. phEnumTransparent -> 1416785523 -> "Trns" transparency
  1869. phKeyTransparency
  1870. phEnumTransparency -> 1416786800 -> "Trsp" transparencyEnum
  1871. phEnumTransparencyGamutPreferences -> 1416785479 -> "TrnG" transparencyGamutPreferences
  1872. phKeyTransparencyGrid
  1873. phKeyTransparencyGridSize
  1874. phTypeTransparencyGridSize
  1875. phKeyTransparencyGridColors -> 1416785475 -> "TrnC" transparencyGridColors
  1876. phTypeTransparencyGridColors -> 1416785516 -> "Trnl" transparencyGridColorsType
  1877. phClassTransparencyPrefs -> 1416785488 -> "TrnP" transparencyPrefs
  1878. phKeyTransparencyPrefs
  1879. phKeyTransparentIndex -> 1416785481 -> "TrnI" transparentIndex
  1880. phKeyTransparentWhites -> 1416785495 -> "TrnW" transparentWhites
  1881. phEventTrap -> 1416782192 -> "Trap" trap
  1882. phEnumTrinitron -> 1416785524 -> "Trnt" trinitron
  1883. phEnumTritone -> 1416787054 -> "Trtn" tritone
  1884. phEventTwirl -> 1417114220 -> "Twrl" twirl
  1885. phKeyTwist -> 1417114484 -> "Twst" twist
  1886. phKeyType -> 1417244773 -> "Type" type
  1887. phTypeTypeClassModeOrClassMode -> 592738637 -> "#TyM" typeClassModeOrClassMode
  1888. phKeyUCA -> 1430462496 -> "UC " UCA
  1889. phEnumUIBitmap -> 1430418541 -> "UBtm" uIBitmap
  1890. phEnumUICMYK -> 1430474073 -> "UCMY" uICMYK
  1891. phEnumUIDuotone -> 1430549614 -> "UDtn" uIDuotone
  1892. phEnumUIGrayscale -> 1430745721 -> "UGry" uIGrayscale
  1893. phEnumUIIndexed -> 1430875748 -> "UInd" uIIndexed
  1894. phEnumUILab -> 1431069026 -> "ULab" uILab
  1895. phEnumUIMultichannel -> 1431137396 -> "UMlt" uIMultichannel
  1896. phEnumUIRGB -> 1431455554 -> "URGB" uIRGB
  1897. phKeyUndefinedArea -> 1433297985 -> "UndA" undefinedArea
  1898. phTypeUndefinedArea
  1899. phKeyUnderline -> 1433298028 -> "Undl" underline
  1900. phEventUnderpainting -> 1433298034 -> "Undr" underpainting
  1901. phEnumUndo -> 1433297952 -> "Und " undoEnum
  1902. phEventUndo -> 1970168943 -> "undo" undoEvent
  1903. phEventUngroup -> 1433298802 -> "Ungr" ungroup
  1904. phEnumUniform -> 1433298541 -> "Unfm" uniform
  1905. phEnumUniformDistribution -> 1433298546 -> "Unfr" uniformDistribution
  1906. phClassUnitsPrefs -> 1433302096 -> "UntP" unitsPrefs
  1907. phKeyUnitsPrefs
  1908. phEnumUnitsRulersPreferences -> 1433302098 -> "UntR" unitsRulersPreferences
  1909. phEventUnlink -> 1433300075 -> "Unlk" unlink
  1910. phEventUnsharpMask -> 1433301837 -> "UnsM" unsharpMask
  1911. phClassUnspecifiedColor -> 1433301827 -> "UnsC" unspecifiedColor
  1912. phKeyUntitled -> 1433302124 -> "Untl" untitled
  1913. phEnumUpper -> 1433432608 -> "Upr " upper
  1914. phKeyUpperY -> 1433432153 -> "UppY" upperY
  1915. phKeyUrgency -> 1433560942 -> "Urgn" urgency
  1916. phTypeUrgency
  1917. phKeyURL -> 1431456800 -> "URL " URL
  1918. phKeyUseAccurateScreens -> 1097036371 -> "AcrS" useAccurateScreens
  1919. phKeyUseAdditionalPlugins -> 1097093228 -> "AdPl" useAdditionalPlugins
  1920. phKeyUseCacheForHistograms -> 1433617251 -> "UsCc" useCacheForHistograms
  1921. phKeyUseCurves -> 1433617266 -> "UsCr" useCurves
  1922. phKeyUseDefault -> 1433617510 -> "UsDf" useDefault
  1923. phKeyUseGlobalAngle -> 1969712231 -> "uglg" useGlobalAngle
  1924. phKeyUseICCProfile -> 1433618755 -> "UsIC" useICCProfile
  1925. phKeyUseMask -> 1433619827 -> "UsMs" useMask
  1926. phKeyUserMaskEnabled -> 1433629261 -> "UsrM" userMaskEnabled
  1927. phTypeUserMaskOptions
  1928. phKeyUserMaskLinked -> 1433629299 -> "Usrs" userMaskLinked
  1929. phEnumUserStop -> 1433629267 -> "UsrS" userStop
  1930. phKeyUsing -> 1433628263 -> "Usng" using
  1931. phKeyValue -> 1449926688 -> "Vl " value
  1932. phTypeValueList -> 1449938035 -> "VlLs" valueList
  1933. phEventVariations -> 1450341486 -> "Vrtn" variations
  1934. phKeyVector0 -> 1449358384 -> "Vct0" vector0
  1935. phKeyVector1 -> 1449358385 -> "Vct1" vector1
  1936. phKeyVectorColor -> 1449358403 -> "VctC" vectorColor
  1937. phClassVersion -> 1450341230 -> "Vrsn" version
  1938. phKeyVersionFix -> 1450341190 -> "VrsF" versionFix
  1939. phKeyVersionMajor -> 1450341197 -> "VrsM" versionMajor
  1940. phKeyVersionMinor -> 1450341198 -> "VrsN" versionMinor
  1941. phEnumVertical -> 1450341475 -> "Vrtc" vertical
  1942. phKeyVertical
  1943. phTypeVerticalLocation -> 1450341452 -> "VrtL" verticalLocation
  1944. phEnumVerticalOnly -> 1450341455 -> "VrtO" verticalOnly
  1945. phKeyVerticalScale -> 1450341459 -> "VrtS" verticalScale
  1946. phKeyVideoAlpha -> 1449421936 -> "Vdlp" videoAlpha
  1947. phEnumViolet -> 1449948192 -> "Vlt " violet
  1948. phKeyVisible -> 1450402412 -> "Vsbl" visible
  1949. phEnumVMPreferences -> 1447907442 -> "VMPr" vMPreferences
  1950. phEventWait -> 1466001780 -> "Wait" wait
  1951. phKeyWatchSuspension -> 1467245395 -> "WtcS" watchSuspension
  1952. phEventWatercolor -> 1467249251 -> "Wtrc" watercolor
  1953. phKeyWatermark -> 2002875506 -> "watr" watermark
  1954. phEventWaterPaper -> 1467249232 -> "WtrP" waterPaper
  1955. phEventWave -> 1466005093 -> "Wave" wave
  1956. phKeyWavelengthMax -> 1464618360 -> "WLMx" wavelengthMax
  1957. phKeyWavelengthMin -> 1464618350 -> "WLMn" wavelengthMin
  1958. phEnumWaveSine -> 1467372398 -> "WvSn" waveSine
  1959. phEnumWaveSquare -> 1467372401 -> "WvSq" waveSquare
  1960. phEnumWaveTriangle -> 1467372658 -> "WvTr" waveTriangle
  1961. phKeyWaveType -> 1467380848 -> "Wvtp" waveType
  1962. phTypeWaveType
  1963. phEnumWeb -> 1466262048 -> "Web " web
  1964. phKeyWetEdges -> 1467245671 -> "Wtdg" wetEdges
  1965. phKeyWhat -> 1466458484 -> "What" what
  1966. phEnumWhite -> 1466463264 -> "Wht " white
  1967. phKeyWhiteClip -> 1466463299 -> "WhtC" whiteClip
  1968. phKeyWhiteIntensity -> 1466463305 -> "WhtI" whiteIntensity
  1969. phKeyWhiteIsHigh -> 1466452073 -> "WhHi" whiteIsHigh
  1970. phKeyWhiteLevel -> 1466463308 -> "WhtL" whiteLevel
  1971. phKeyWhitePoint -> 1466463312 -> "WhtP" whitePoint
  1972. phEnumWhites -> 1466463347 -> "Whts" whites
  1973. phKeyWholePath -> 1466454132 -> "WhPt" wholePath
  1974. phEnumWideGamutRGB -> 1465009986 -> "WRGB" wideGamutRGB
  1975. phEnumWidePhosphors -> 1466524773 -> "Wide" widePhosphors
  1976. phKeyWidth -> 1466201192 -> "Wdth" width
  1977. phEnumWind -> 1466852384 -> "Wnd " wind
  1978. phEventWind
  1979. phKeyWindMethod -> 1466852429 -> "WndM" windMethod
  1980. phTypeWindMethod
  1981. phEnumWindows -> 1466527264 -> "Win " windows
  1982. phEnumWindowsSystem -> 1466852435 -> "WndS" windowsSystem
  1983. phEnumWinThumbnail -> 1466848360 -> "WnTh" winThumbnail
  1984. phKeyWith -> 1466528872 -> "With" with
  1985. phKeyWorkPath -> 1467109492 -> "WrPt" workPath
  1986. phEnumWorkPath -> 1467116368 -> "WrkP" workPathIndex
  1987. phKeyWorkPathIndex
  1988. phEnumWrap -> 1467117600 -> "Wrp " wrap
  1989. phEnumWrapAround -> 1467117633 -> "WrpA" wrapAround
  1990. phKeyX -> 1478500384 -> "X " x
  1991. phClassXYYColor -> 1482250563 -> "XYYC" xYYColor
  1992. phKeyY -> 1495277600 -> "Y " y
  1993. phEnumYellow -> 1500277879 -> "Yllw" yellow
  1994. phEnumYellowColor -> 1500280608 -> "Ylw " yellowColor
  1995. phKeyYellow
  1996. phEnumYellows -> 1500280691 -> "Ylws" yellows
  1997. phEnumYes -> 1500717088 -> "Ys " yes
  1998. phTypeYesNo -> 1500728864 -> "YsN " yesNo
  1999. phEventZigZag -> 1516722791 -> "ZgZg" zigZag
  2000. phKeyZigZagType -> 1515869305 -> "ZZTy" zigZagType
  2001. phTypeZigZagType
  2002. phEnumZip -> 1517307246 -> "ZpEn" zip
  2003. phEnumZoom -> 1517101088 -> "Zm " zoom
  2004. phEnumZoomIn -> 1517111662 -> "ZmIn" zoomIn
  2005. phEnumZoomOut -> 1517113204 -> "ZmOt" zoomOut
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