

Apr 15th, 2015
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  1. -- Jelle
  2. function vctChat(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
  3. local logged = getElementData(thePlayer, "loggedin")
  5. if(logged==1) and exports.integration:isPlayerVCTMember(thePlayer) then
  6. if not (...) then
  7. outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /".. commandName .. " [Message]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
  8. else
  9. if getElementData(thePlayer, "hideVCTChat") then
  10. setElementData(thePlayer, "hideVCTChat", false)
  11. outputChatBox("VCT Chat - SHOWING",thePlayer)
  12. end
  13. local affectedElements = { }
  14. local message = table.concat({...}, " ")
  15. local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType("player")
  16. local adminTitle =
  17. local playerid = getElementData(thePlayer, "playerid")
  18. local accountName = getElementData(thePlayer, "account:username")
  19. for k, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do
  20. local logged = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "loggedin")
  21. if logged==1 and exports.integration:isPlayerVCTMember(thePlayer) then
  22. local hideVCTChat = getElementData(arrayPlayer, "hideVCTChat")
  23. if hideVCTChat then
  24. local string = string.lower(message)
  25. local account = string.lower(getElementData(arrayPlayer, "account:username"))
  26. if string.find(string, account) then
  27. table.insert(affectedElements, arrayPlayer)
  28. triggerClientEvent ( "playNudgeSound", arrayPlayer)
  29. outputChatBox("Mentioned in /v chat - "..accountName..": "..message, arrayPlayer)
  30. end
  31. else
  32. table.insert(affectedElements, arrayPlayer)
  33. outputChatBox("[VCT] ("..getElementData(thePlayer, "playerid")..") "..(exports.integration:isPlayerVehicleConsultant(thePlayer) and "Leader" or "Member" ).." " .. accountName .. " : " .. message, arrayPlayer, 222, 222, 31)
  34. end
  35. end
  36. end
  37. exports.logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 4, affectedElements, "VCT chat - Msg: "..message)
  38. end
  39. end
  40. end
  41. addCommandHandler( "v", vctChat, false, false)
  42. addCommandHandler( "vct", vctChat, false, false)
  44. -- Jelle
  45. function toggleVCTChat(thePlayer, commandName)
  46. local logged = getElementData(thePlayer, "loggedin")
  47. if logged==1 and isPlayerStaff(thePlayer) then
  48. local hideVCTChat = getElementData(thePlayer, "hideVCTChat") or false
  49. setElementData(thePlayer, "hideVCTChat", not hideVCTChat)
  50. outputChatBox("VCT Chat - "..(hideVCTChat and "SHOWING" or "HIDDEN").." /"..commandName.." to toggle it.",thePlayer)
  51. end
  52. end
  53. addCommandHandler("togglevct", toggleVCTChat, false, false)
  54. addCommandHandler("togv", toggleVCTChat, false, false)
  55. addCommandHandler("togglev", toggleVCTChat, false, false)
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