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Veigar Vod

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Feb 25th, 2017
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  1. Should start Dorans ring + 2pots rather than Mana crystal refillable.
  3. Your runes are good, but most Veigar mains take MS Quints over AP quints cuz as Veigar you benefit a lot more from mobility than AP because of your passive. Although they are very expensive and I heard you can't afford them yet.
  5. Against talon you should normally run armor seals, but I think hp seals are fine if you're gona opt into armor on your first back.
  7. Your masteries are pretty standard and fine, most high elo opt into Intelligence rather than Precision for the extra CDR though, especially now that Precision got nerfed you should do that.
  9. You can also opt into taking 5 points in Meditation now, because after the nerfs merciless only gives 3% more damage if they're below 40% and your ult is already an execute that scales with missing health, so even with the meditation nerfs it's still good at most stages of the game.
  11. Greedy ward causes him to lose mid pressure, either ward earlier or don't ward at all to save it, in lower elos you can notice where jungler starts by when the side lanes arrive in lane. If bot doesn't appear instantly he starts bot, if their top doesn't appear instantly he starts top.
  13. On Veigar you want to make sure you start autoing the melee creeps from the start and you want to kill the first 2 with 1 q.
  15. Lvl 3, when you get hit by the first part of Talon W, you can't walk forward cuz he's supposed to jump on you q with and auto for his passive bleed which hurts a lot in lane.
  17. 2:30 for some reason he's not using W on you, you're not supposed to be allowed to auto him like this without getting full comboed from him.
  19. 2:50 I don't agree with the E usage here, you won't kill him regardless and you'd be better off saving it in case he greeds for 1 or 2 more cs where you can get a q off to poke him first. It also costs a lot of mana early. If Kata had come to gank I think might have just ended up dying though.
  21. 5:50 you can't path that greedily against talon, it's one of the most standard baits he can do with his new kit. You'll either have to not contest the roam or walk back behind your turret and through raptors and red. By that time it's already too late to reach top lane though.
  22. I have no idea why he didn't W you for passive proc there, you should be dead from his E into ult Q W and passive + autos. You panic E'd but got some good poke off at least.
  24. 6:10 this is what I talked about earlier, he finally does his combo correctly on you after you greedily walked up on him again. You would have died from his passive here if he didn't cancel his auto on you.
  26. 7:02 you should be looking to back at this point, you don't have much mana sustain and WW had just killed kata around your blue buff. Talon can easily 60-0 you.
  28. 7:30 killing a minion with q while hitting your opponent is the most efficient way to use it.
  30. 8:50 you're literally getting away with murder here, when talon see's you following him through river he should be turning and killing you, and when you flash ult to kill ezreal you should definitely have died from talon having all of his cd's up and you just having burned your e and ult. While this actually puts you pretty far ahead, you should have been punished pretty hard for this.
  32. 10:00 Now that you're level 9 you'll finally start dealing decent damage against no mr opponents.
  34. 11:03 You can't stop warwick dash ult with E, you should put the cage on top of yourself to cancel it after he has landed. Probably dead either way though.
  36. 12:00 jungler fucks up your lane, guess there's no point in flaming though....
  38. 12:20 I would be looking to roam bot and see if you can get a free kill on ezreal, but unfortunately your ult is still on CD, there's almost never a point in roaming as veigar without having your ult up.
  40. 13:20 leaving base with 600+ gold isn't really optimal early, could have upgraded refillable or gotten an amp tome. At least you should have bought another pink ward in case the on you placed gets removed.
  42. 14:25 free kills I guess, Since you have red buff you can just wait and sustain up with the health regen
  44. 15:00 this roam top seems so random to me, cuz there's normally no way you should be getting away with this without warwick or talon showing up and since you have no ult you shouldn't normally live through this.
  46. 15:50 since you got turret and somehow killed both it's fine though, you can't do anything when people flash your cage.
  48. 16:25 this time leaving base with 650 gold is fine since you're trying to complete zhonya.
  50. 17:05 killing the enemy blast cones when invading to go bot is smart.
  52. 17:20 against Ez I would tryand hold my E for as long as possible, your placement was still smart though, cuz if he instantly E'd he would have hit the wall.
  54. 18:00 Zhonyas against Talon / Zyra is a good choice
  56. 18:35 Cannon minion q_q
  58. 18:55 good thing you didn't ult the support, most of the time against poppy talon ww you want to ult the one diving onto you to kill that person as fast as possible (in most cases probably talon / poppy / WW). Use the ult as an execute still though. If you get a pick then it's also fine to ult.
  60. 20:00 that's very greedy, it's not worth to trade your flash for a kill in this case.
  62. 21:20 this is a pretty comon thing in lower elos it seems, you should never contest a dragon alone. especially not any dragons that are not elder / infernal.
  64. You're also for some reason walking into the river while looking at the tri bush bot and walk into poppy range. MF and Blitz then proceeds to do the same thing.
  66. 22:20 1 minute later and now it's katas turn, they decide to greed and you get a couple kills from it though.
  68. 24:22 you can't do this when warwick is around and you're alone, your E can't stop WW during his ult. Using zhonyas here when you're gona die anyway is just wasting a 2 min cd.
  70. 27:10 Shouldn't walk out into there when there's a poppy around, should have stuck with MF, as Veigar you should aim to try and protect your adc while also protecting yourself.
  72. 29:38 this is really greedy pathing and you're honestly lucky you didn't get your team aced there, just walk around the wall and be safe instead.
  74. 32:00 flashing over that wall isn't really necessary..
  76. Overall your build is pretty okay, but you should in most games get void staff before deathcap, because you just get so much more benefit from it. When snowballing it's okay though.
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