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Feb 26th, 2016
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  1. Monkeys, As most of you are aware on the 30th of January this year our shopping and shipping service S.mart suffered a second theft. The first was orchestrated by the Deputy of the services; a trusted member. This was followed shortly by the second theft that i am writing to you today about.
  2. The reason an update to you, the customers, has taken so long is because we were waiting on CCP to respond to a petition that we filed. They originally replied with a vague response asking for more information two weeks after it was originally filed. The EULA prevents me from copying and pasting the actual petition or even explaining it in detail however it doesn't prevent me from updating you with where we are at with it as we received what looks like a final response today.
  3. Originally the theft was orchestrated by two a members of Assisted Suicide helped by the old deputy (i am sure you can see where this is going) to get into Smart. When found out due to ESA security measures one of them came clean. He had illegally purchased four accounts from another member of Assisted Suicide for the sum of 10 Billion isk. These accounts had access to smart and are as follows: plexbandit, awsomepawsome1, supperdude98, supperdude97. These account names were given to us voluntarily by the member who purchased them when questioned as to the irregularities of the accounts changing hands. On these accounts was a S.mart toon. We petitioned CCP about the illegal purchase of accounts as it is a complete breach of the EULA accounts cannot be purchased “The selling of accounts is prohibited, characters may only be sold individually.” Section 13 of the Character Bazaar thread.
  4. We also asked CCP to look into the list of contracts we had that the Illegal account sale had allowed the member to steal. The list of contracts was long (115 to be exact ) and they all belonged to you as monkeys who had tried to use the Smart Service as well as the Alliance and members of Alliance leadership.  The Senior GM who was handling the petition asked for a list of contracts and the above list was provided to them. It took them less than a week to respond to us with the information I received this morning. As I'm prevented from copying word for word the response I will summarize it for you “After a long investigation they were unable to find any evidence of an illegal purchase of accounts and cannot return any contracts.” As alliance leadership we consider this to be a complete load of bullshit. The investigation seems to have started a week ago after they took so long to look into the original petition. To us it seems they saw 115 contracts and went ummmmm FUCK THAT and fobbed us off with the usual copy and paste. We may be wrong but it definitely feels that way in the time frame it took for the investigation. To that end we have replied to the petition asking that it be escalated outside of a senior GM and into a CCP Devs hands because the GM clearly isn't interested in the work that is needed to fully investigate. Additionally you don't have to be an IT wizard to figure out IPs and Email changes on accounts. All of this information was provided to CCP. Furthermore we have taken to Facebook and written a letter to CCP HQ with regards to the matter to have it looked into by the CCP Security team rather then a GM. A copy of the Facebook post can be found here "Dear CCP im writing to you because of the inadequate handling of a petition created on behalf of Spacemonkey’s Alliance with regards to multiple illegal account sales. On January 30th we filed a petition #114968 due to a massive theft that was enabled by illegal account sales. The account names and the names of the characters who bought and sold them was provided. Senior GM REDACTED handled the petition and it feels to us as a gaming community that the investigation was not handled correctly due to the massive nature of it. We humbly request this investigation is looked at by a CCP representative from the security team as it is blatantly obvious to us that illegal selling of accounts and its poor handling by a GM has lead to a breach of the EULA and poor investigation techniques by your GMs.“ Additionally another petition has been filed against the Senior GM for his lack of thorough investigation through the CCP petition system. Rest assured, Alliance leadership is not happy with the handling of this petition by CCP and intend to follow it as far as we can.
  5. Now to the rub of the matter. The part we were hoping NOT to have to share with you. Due to CCP failing to even investigate the issue correctly we have reached the point where we need to lay some uncomfortable truths on you. We cannot see what was in a courier contract. We do not know the value of the contracts. Person A could say they had 1 trillion in contracts and we can't prove they did or didn't. It's to easy to fake a screenshot of what was inside a contract when providing proof. There was no insurance on any courier contracts issued to Smart as can be found in the rules thread. People chose not to insure their orders through Smart when they could have. We have already paid out all insured orders long before this post. A copy of SMART shipping rules can be found here once you are logged into the website We have added a picture to save you the hassle of loggging in. 
  6. So the sum of it is this. We have tried to follow up on this to the best of our ability, and continue to do so with CCP. However we can only go on the information they provide and the fact we provided them proof of the theft due to illegal account sales and they choose not to act on it is beyond our control. We will continue to push this for as long as we can through the proper chains but there will be no payment out on uninsured contracts or orders unless CCP reverse thier current decision. Moving forward Smart is not shut. It is closed while we implement new security measures which include collateral for all freight. This is to protect the shipper and the shopper. All we can do from here is apologize for the theft and move forwards in getting Smart back up and running. For those interested below you can find a timeline of our conversation with CCP
  7. January 30, 2016 14:53 - Original Petition Filed with emails and character names provided
  8. January 30, 2016 14:55 - Purchased account names provided to CCP
  9. January 30, 2016 15:18 - Correction to CCP on amount of contracts stolen
  10. February 18, 2016 04:20 - GM First Response asking for list of contracts
  11. February 18, 2016 11:47 - SMA Provides list of contracts to CCP
  12. February 26, 2016 00:26 - CCP Replies with they find no evidence of account sales and thus wont look any further
  13. February 26, 2016 - 13:11 - SMA Replies with the CCP response is inadequate and asks for escalation to CCP Security Team
  14. February 26, 2016 - 13:11 - SMA Posts to CCP Gaming and files a formal letter to CCP HQ Character Bazaar Rules & Resources - Character Bazaar - EVE Online Forums EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players.
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