
Christmas 2016 - Royal Sisters

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. >"But, your Highnesses-"
  2. "Captain, this decision is no longer up for debate."
  3. >Celestia opens the door with her magic.
  4. >Frigid air floods in, making you shiver.
  5. >"I can't-"
  6. >You won't find out what he can't, as your sister lifts him up into the air and out the door.
  7. "A pleasant holiday to you and your kin, captain!"
  8. >A final grumble from the pegasus is cut off by the slamming door.
  9. >Hopefully, he'll go home to his family.
  10. >"Let's go upstairs!"
  11. >Celestia's cheer is quite unlike her day-to-day demeanour but fits the occasion.
  12. >It's been over a thousand year since you've had a Hearth's Warming Eve to yourself.
  13. >No subjects to entertain this time, no sisters absent.
  14. >Everyone is holed up in their warm and cosy homes.
  15. >No pageants, no plays.
  16. >All ponies are with their loved ones, and the snow covers the land like a thick blanket.
  17. >And even though your captain of the guard was reluctant to forsake you, you're now able to spend some quiet quality time with 'Tia.
  18. >A night of gift-giving, cake, and merrymaking.
  19. >The two of you make your way back through the throne room, to the little chamber you've decorated for the holiday.
  20. >A tiny tree, hardly taller than your sister, stands in the middle.
  21. >Enchanted glass stars hang from the supple branches, moon and sun sit atop.
  22. >Six presents make up this year's bounty, a platter of cookies and cake are the feast, along with a barrel of chocolate milk.
  23. >The board is set, time to move the pieces.
  24. "Shall we get started, sister dear?"
  25. >As Celestia grabs hold of the sun and pulls it down into the snow, your horn makes the moon rise from its slumber.
  26. >Now all is set for an uninterrupted Hearth's Warming Eve, full of joy and love.
  28. -----
  30. "For you, 'Tia."
  31. >You float the pink box to your sister.
  32. >Gently she unties the bow and takes off the lid.
  33. >Grinning, she takes the purple plush into her hooves.
  34. >"A Twilight Sparkle doll.. how cute."
  35. "To ease you into your dreams on lonely nights," you say with a smirk.
  36. >You know your sister quite misses having a close pupil, she might actually use this new companion.
  37. >"Well then, while we're on the subject of dreams, here is my first gift."
  38. >A disc-shaped package about the size of a plate floats your way.
  39. >You unwrap the gift, revealing a blue dreamcatcher.
  40. >"To keep out those pesky nightmares."
  41. >Celestia apparently thinks the gift oh so clever and witty.
  42. "Yes, very nice, sister dear, if only I'd had this when I was struggling with the Tantabus."
  43. >Curses, that came out harshly.
  44. >She didn't mean it that way, it was just a silly present.
  45. "I'm sorry, it is a fine gift, thank you."
  46. >"I'm glad you like it. Cupcake?"
  47. "Blueberry, please."
  48. >Between bites of blue delight, you think about the gift you gave.
  49. >Might your sister have taken that the wrong way as you did hers?
  50. >Not likely, she seemed happy about it.
  51. >Yet...
  52. "Celestia?"
  53. >"Hmm?"
  54. "Do you.. miss Twilight?"
  55. >The next bit of cake remains floating in front of her.
  56. >"What do you mean? Twilight still..."
  57. "You're not as close as you were before."
  58. >"No, I suppose not.., but I've got you back, haven't I?"
  59. >But you're not as close as you once were.
  60. >You can't bring yourself to point it out.
  61. "Do you.."
  62. >Ever feel lonely?
  63. >Behind the facade?
  64. >Are you slowly wasting away bearing the responsibility for a kingdom?
  65. >Your cutie mark is the Sun, not the state, after all.
  66. >And you undeniably deal with the lion's share of Equestria's problems.
  67. >Even if you're not always in the rainbow finale.
  68. "...want to move on to the next gifts?"
  69. >Before she answers, the cake completes its journey.
  70. >"Yesh, you're *gulp* going to love this one!"
  71. >She floats a big, bright blue box over to you.
  72. >With visible excitement, she waits for you to open it up.
  73. >You lift the lid and inside you find a pair of saddle bags.
  74. >Black as the night dotted with sewn on stars.
  75. "They're lovely."
  76. >"Remember when we were little fillies?"
  77. "Hmm?"
  78. >"And that one time you ran away? You said you'd never come back."
  79. "But by the end of the day, I returned..."
  80. >"... because there was no more food in your saddle bags."
  81. >You chuckle.
  82. >That's a memory older than Equestria.
  83. >You'd had a bit of an argument with your big sister, so you took off.
  84. >About half an hour into your little adventure, you'd forgotten all about the troubles at home.
  85. >Only once you came back and found a deeply distraught Celestia did you realise how much she cared for you.
  86. "Thank you, 'Tia, thank you for remembering."
  87. >It's turning into a rather sentimental holiday or is that just you?
  88. >But your sister will like your next gift to her, definitely.
  89. "Here you go."
  90. >Celestia measures up the egg-shaped gift in front of her.
  91. >"What an.. interesting shape, I wonder what it is."
  92. >Off comes the wrapping and revealed is the gift.
  93. "It's exactly what you thought!"
  94. >You present a smile, hoping she'll do the same.
  95. >"Luna, I..."
  96. >Her expression dances between sadness and scorn.
  97. >"You know I don't have time to raise a pet."
  98. "Time is not something you have, dear sister, it is something you make."
  99. >She snorts at your words.
  100. "Please, sister, if you've worked this hard for a millennium, you absolutely must take some well-deserved rest."
  101. "You know I can take over a lot of your respons-"
  102. >"What would you know about responsibility? All you ever did was-"
  103. >She catches herself.
  104. >"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
  105. >Most definitely not.
  106. >You've done all you can to help her carry her burden since you've come back.
  107. >But then, winning back trust takes time.
  108. >And in a few years you cannot make up for a millennium.
  109. >You've been forgiven and your subjects have accepted you.
  110. >But they don't bear the scars of a past age.
  111. >Your sister welcomed you back, but you're still distant.
  112. >You can't let this little outburst ruin the holiday, you need this moment.
  113. "It's fine, Celestia, forgive, forget."
  114. >Those words work in more ways than one.
  115. >"You're right, let's not spoil our Hearth's Warming."
  116. "Maybe we should save the last of the presents for later."
  117. >Your sister nods and refills her mug.
  118. >You glance out the window.
  119. >The thick curtain of whirling snowflakes obscures the skyline of Canterlot.
  120. >Only the Moon's glow pierces it, albeit faintly.
  121. >It's been a while since you've seen a blizzard like this.
  122. >This probably outmatches the malicious storms that plagued the Crystal Empire.
  123. >It even rivals the Windigos of old.
  124. >And yet, it's your very own subjects who've unleashed this fury.
  125. >Cloudsdale has outdone itself, once again.
  126. "'Tia?"
  127. >"Hmm?"
  128. "Do you suppose we'll govern Equestria forever?"
  129. >She takes a big sip of hot chocolate and ponders.
  130. >"Hmm..."
  131. >"I don't think so, nothing lasts an indefinitely."
  132. "We have, so far."
  133. >"But even we have changed. Struggled. Redefined ourselves."
  134. >Struggled, that's a mild way to express it.
  135. >A thousand years in solitude with anger and regret.
  136. >A thousand years alone under the burden of the state.
  137. >No.
  138. >Think happy thoughts.
  139. "The world seems like a happier place these days, doesn't it?"
  140. >Celestia gives you a confused look.
  141. "The Crystal Empire is safe, Griffonstone is picking its pieces back up, and things are changing in the Dragon Lands."
  142. >"I suppose that's true, all thanks to the Council of Harmony."
  143. >Truly, those six ponies have meant so much for this land.
  144. "You mentored her well."
  145. >You smile at your sister.
  146. >The gesture is not returned to you.
  147. >"You were right, Luna, I do miss her. It's not like old times, nothing is."
  148. "But we can make it like that again, better even, I know it.
  149. >"I doubt it."
  150. "Why?"
  151. >"Because harmony was shattered a long thousand years ago, and it will never be restored completely."
  152. >Is she seriously blaming you for her sadness?
  153. >Why would she say a thing like that when she was the one that extended her hoof in friendship upon your return?
  154. "Did you not want to be close again?"
  155. >"I do. But that's easier said than done."
  156. "What can I do?! How can I regain your trust?"
  157. >Deep down you knew it.
  158. >You both tried to make it work.
  159. >But being close goes beyond being nice, beyond saying things are well.
  160. >A millennium of bottled up feelings still stands between you.
  161. >"We'll..."
  162. "No. I know what you'll say."
  163. >She'll say you'll figure it out given time.
  164. >But that's a lie.
  165. >Not out of maliciousness, but out of desperation.
  166. "Neither of us wants to face the truth, but we have to!"
  167. >Celestia turns her head away, glistening tears coming out from under her closed eyelids.
  168. >Take deep breaths now.
  169. >Don't let the rage consume you again.
  170. >She's your sister; she loves you, and you love her.
  171. >"I had to banish my sister and live with the guilt for a thousand years."
  172. "I spent a millennium hating you and myself."
  173. >You've both said these words before.
  174. >However, you'll need more if you are to close this chapter.
  175. >Howling, the winds ram into the castle as you quest for the right words.
  176. "I've forgiven myself, why can't you?"
  177. >"I can't, it felt so much like betrayal."
  178. "I have atoned for my sins, it is time to let them be in the past."
  179. >"You don't get it! It's not about you this time!"
  180. >Her outburst stuns you into silence.
  181. >"I robbed you of a thousand years, and I don't know how to make up for it!"
  182. >Tears start to well up in her eyes.
  183. "But, Celestia, you did nothing wrong, you only let justice prevail."
  184. >"I should never have let it come that far, I neglected you."
  185. >You never realised shame and guilt hit Celestia as hard as they did you.
  186. >But how can you make her forgive herself when you yourself needed the Council of Harmony?
  187. "You did what you could."
  188. >"And it wasn't enough; I failed you."
  189. "No! You-"
  190. >"Stop. Let's not discuss this now, let's finish the presents and get some sleep."
  191. >No, you can't stop now.
  192. "But-"
  193. >"No 'buts', Luna."
  194. She levitates her last gift over to you.
  195. >"Here, take it."
  196. >You can't give in now, she'll keep hating herself.
  197. "No, I won't open it until we've talked this out."
  198. >Her face turns from sadness to anger.
  199. >"Suit yourself, I'm going to bed."
  200. "What?"
  201. >"This Hearth's Warming is over, Luna, see you after the storm."
  202. >And just like that, she walks out of the room.
  203. "Celestia! Wait!"
  204. >She doesn't stop, nor look back.
  205. >Surrounded by nothing but dark thoughts and cold winds you remain.
  206. >Where did it go so wrong?
  207. >Why won't she forgive herself?
  208. >You look at the gift she left behind, a smallish box.
  209. >Should you open it?
  210. >No?
  211. >Yes?
  212. >You take off the lid.
  213. >Inside lies a silver necklace, set with a polished onyx, carved into the shape of the moon.
  214. >It's the same design that the Elements of Harmony had.
  215. >The dark stone reflects your gloom face.
  216. >Then you see the note.
  217. >"For the element of my harmony" it reads.
  219. --------------------
  221. >Thrice you knock on your sister's door.
  222. "Celestia?"
  223. >No response.
  224. "I opened your gift."
  225. >Only silence.
  226. "Thank you."
  227. >You wait, listening for a sign of life inside.
  228. >Nothing.
  229. "I've still got my last gift for you."
  230. >Please, don't ignore me.
  231. "I can slide it under the door if you like."
  232. >When she doesn't answer, you proceed.
  233. >Your gift, contained on a richly decorated scroll, passes the door.
  234. >Celestia's magic pushes against yours, and you release the parchment.
  235. >In your head, you recite the words.
  237. In brightest day, she's always there
  238. In blackest night, I need not fear
  239. In raging storms, she's at my side
  240. Through glooming clouds, she casts her light
  242. Her burden is not light to bear
  243. But she responds to every prayer
  244. Even in the years apart
  245. She was always in my heart
  247. Rifts she closes, with her grace
  248. In her realm, all have their place
  249. Earth, Sky, and the Ethereal
  250. Combined in the Celestial
  252. >At the end, you think you hear a deep exhale coming from your sister's room.
  253. >The sound of the door being unlocked is clear.
  254. >Golden magic opens it slightly.
  255. >As you enter the chamber, the winds outside lose their sneer.
  256. >Snowflakes happily whirl down onto the land.
  257. >The magic of Hearth's Warming is very much alive.
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