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Aug 16th, 2014
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  1. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Oh hey athermal. How's you're in house troupe of furfaggot fucks that need to get shot?
  2. *DEAD* riley : um
  3. hYpe LFT Open Scout : your* excuse me.
  4. riley : hYpe LFT Open Scout : Oh hey athermal. How's you're in house troupe of furfaggot fucks that need to get shot?*
  5. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Why is that significant enough to quote
  6. athermal ♥ : ? ? ? ?
  7. athermal ♥ : who the fuck even are you
  8. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Ill give you a clue. Im not a gay furry or a weeb.
  9. riley : then what do u have to live for??
  10. hYpe LFT Open Scout : working
  11. hYpe LFT Open Scout : real life relationships
  12. hYpe LFT Open Scout : car
  13. riley : haha fag
  14. hYpe LFT Open Scout : you know
  15. Grassed : you live to work?
  16. hYpe LFT Open Scout : The shit you guys dont have
  17. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I love my job
  18. athermal ♥ : dude epic
  19. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I make silencers and shoot guns
  20. *DEAD* riley : sounds like you got mad awile ago
  21. hYpe LFT Open Scout : whats not to love
  22. *DEAD* athermal ♥ : you're pretty swagtastic
  23. Grassed : whats so fun in shooting guns
  24. Grassed : but hey, your life
  25. hYpe LFT Open Scout : uh
  26. hYpe LFT Open Scout : adrenaline
  27. *DEAD* Gabemo : have you ever shot a gun?
  28. Grassed : nothing more than airsoft
  29. .pumps : sorry lol
  30. hYpe LFT Open Scout : LOL>
  31. Gabemo : :|
  32. hYpe LFT Open Scout : bet you'd cry if you shot a fucking 22
  33. Grassed : are you 14?
  34. hYpe LFT Open Scout : 19
  35. riley : hype you;re a giant faggot
  36. hYpe LFT Open Scout : thats why I have a job
  37. hYpe LFT Open Scout : making silencers.
  38. Grassed : im guessing you didnt go to college
  39. hYpe LFT Open Scout : no
  40. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I am
  41. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Yes
  42. Grassed : community college right?
  43. hYpe LFT Open Scout : no
  44. *DEAD* icyfrenzy 'lft med 6s : wtf
  45. Goose : u guys are assholes
  46. hYpe LFT Open Scout : ^
  47. hYpe LFT Open Scout : athermal
  48. athermal ♥ : whatup bro
  49. (Voice) Goose: MEDIC!
  50. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Tell koehler I said he needs to deep throat a shotgun and get some real problems
  51. hYpe LFT Open Scout : And if I ever find out where he lives
  52. riley : what is your problem
  53. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I will assault him
  54. athermal ♥ : you gotta relax brother
  55. *DEAD* Grassed : LOL.
  56. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I am
  57. riley : what did he do to you
  58. hYpe LFT Open Scout : lol
  59. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Raped me
  60. Grassed : Report it to the plice
  61. Grassed : difference between revenge and justice
  62. hYpe LFT Open Scout : will you do that for me athermal
  63. hYpe LFT Open Scout : oh
  64. hYpe LFT Open Scout : And reid says hes a cunt
  65. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Tell him that too
  66. athermal ♥ : 11:35 PM - taylor: "I'd rather deepthroat you:
  67. hYpe LFT Open Scout : oh god
  68. hYpe LFT Open Scout : did he move bfs to you already
  69. athermal ♥ : hes talking to you
  70. athermal ♥ : not me
  71. hYpe LFT Open Scout : oh
  72. riley : hype who are u tho
  73. athermal ♥ : 11:35 PM - taylor: "at least it's contact"
  74. riley : like
  75. hYpe LFT Open Scout : oh yup
  76. hYpe LFT Open Scout : thats himw
  77. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im batman
  78. riley : those movements arent human!!
  79. hYpe LFT Open Scout : No but really
  80. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im pretty sure that kid is a sociopath
  81. Grassed : ?
  82. riley : arc is hacking !! THERES NO WAY
  83. hYpe LFT Open Scout : eyyy you figured it out
  84. hYpe LFT Open Scout : At least he carried your team
  85. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Kids good.
  86. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I mean im a sociopath
  87. hYpe LFT Open Scout : SO I think id know
  88. Grassed : dude, please just talk to whover on skype
  89. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Hey
  90. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Fuck you cunt
  91. hYpe LFT Open Scout : mute me
  92. Grassed : classy
  93. hYpe LFT Open Scout : These are kids I dont like
  94. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Why would I have them added
  95. athermal ♥ : i dont even know you dude
  96. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Oh
  97. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You do
  98. athermal ♥ : i know but like
  99. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im just using you as a mediuym
  100. athermal ♥ : shit dude
  101. athermal ♥ : i just play tf2
  102. hYpe LFT Open Scout : medium
  103. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Actually
  104. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You're the one I always liked the most
  105. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Seemed the least
  106. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Introverted and beta
  107. riley : thats funny
  108. Grassed : Skype, oovoo, dolby axon, kik, text, anything else.
  109. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Grassed
  110. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Get fucked
  111. hYpe LFT Open Scout : shut up
  112. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Go see a vagina
  113. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I know its tf2 so you're a homosexual
  114. hYpe LFT Open Scout : But, please.
  115. Grassed : how do people like you exist, so rude and uncaring
  116. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Omg
  117. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Its a video game
  118. !Nate : super srs chat
  119. riley : one day ill make it to gold, then i can shittalk people in pubs
  120. riley : that will be the day
  121. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Oh im in playt now
  122. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Plat
  123. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Excuse me
  124. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Riley who are you
  125. riley : OH SORRY SIR
  126. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Its ok boy
  127. riley : im athermals friend
  128. hYpe LFT Open Scout : And you're reason for speaking is...?
  129. hYpe LFT Open Scout : your*
  130. hYpe LFT Open Scout : fuck
  131. riley : youre a faggot
  132. riley : ?
  133. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Fair enough
  134. riley : athermal cares too much about his rep
  135. athermal ♥ : ???
  136. hYpe LFT Open Scout : wtf
  137. hYpe LFT Open Scout : rofl
  138. hYpe LFT Open Scout : my hands lare like
  139. hYpe LFT Open Scout : 6 degrees
  140. hYpe LFT Open Scout : maybe
  141. *DEAD* gigabyte : yall need to shut up and go lift some weights you pussies
  142. gigabyte : i do alpha male shit
  143. Grassed : ^
  144. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I box and do that
  145. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Does that count
  146. gigabyte : no
  147. gigabyte : boxing is for bitches
  148. hYpe LFT Open Scout : lawl
  149. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Box me?
  150. *DEAD* Grassed : not really, since you seem to gain pride in your guns
  151. hYpe LFT Open Scout : pls
  152. gigabyte : i would take you down
  153. gigabyte : and choke you out
  154. hYpe LFT Open Scout : right
  155. hYpe LFT Open Scout : you're prolly like
  156. riley : choke him out in boxing???
  157. hYpe LFT Open Scout : 5/7
  158. hYpe LFT Open Scout : ^
  159. gigabyte : i wouldnt box him
  160. gigabyte : i would hulk slam him
  161. gigabyte : and arm bar him
  162. gigabyte : and then see hwo well you box
  163. gigabyte : bitch
  164. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Not if I cradle you
  165. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Faggot
  166. gigabyte : i will eat a punch
  167. gigabyte : to take you down
  168. gigabyte : then you're done
  169. gigabyte : watch UFC 1, its prime example of that
  170. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I bench 295. GL "Eating " a punch
  171. *DEAD* gigabyte : dude
  172. *DEAD* gigabyte : i bench 300
  173. *DEAD* Grassed : doesnt eman you can fight
  174. *DEAD* gigabyte : deadlift 350
  175. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im a meathead
  176. *DEAD* gigabyte : and exactly
  177. Grassed : once again, doesnt mean you can fight
  178. gigabyte : lifting weights has nothing to do with fighting
  179. gigabyte : it can help
  180. gigabyte : but nothing to rely on
  181. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Ive been boxing for a year and 6 months.
  182. hYpe LFT Open Scout : To this day
  183. gigabyte : and you owuld get fucked up by a white belt in brazilian jui-jitsu
  184. bliznerdy : i've been masturbating for 5 years
  185. bliznerdy : to this day
  186. *DEAD* Grassed : hahaha
  187. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I did juijitsy too
  188. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Highschool\
  189. ...
  190. gigabyte : thank god everyone shut the hell up
  191. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Athermal why did you stop talkijng
  192. hYpe LFT Open Scout : talking
  193. gigabyte : oh wait
  194. athermal ♥ : cuz this is dumb rofl
  195. gigabyte : mr. hype the "alpha" male is talking
  196. gigabyte : he "boxes"
  197. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Why is alpha in quotes
  198. *DEAD* riley : once we started talking about fighting everyone got scared
  199. gigabyte : you think you're an alpha male
  200. hYpe LFT Open Scout : will you tell me about you now
  201. Grassed : because youre beta as fuck, its pretty apparent
  202. gigabyte : yeah hype
  203. gigabyte : you're a beat, who is trying to be alpha
  204. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Lets see
  205. gigabyte : beta*
  206. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I box
  207. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I lift
  208. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I have a good job
  209. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I do my own car work
  210. Grassed : youre also raging and venting on tf2
  211. hYpe LFT Open Scout : i get laid nightly
  212. hYpe LFT Open Scout : No
  213. gigabyte : you are saying this over the internet
  214. Grassed : false
  215. yyyy2999 : lmao wtf no one cares
  216. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im just talking shit to these kids
  217. gigabyte : at 2:30 am
  218. hYpe LFT Open Scout : its funny
  219. hYpe LFT Open Scout : ye
  220. rQwire↿⇂琪琪 : lol
  221. gigabyte : that is just ironic
  222. BrownRock : everything on this server is stupid right now.
  223. Grassed : youre trying to impress other kids
  224. gigabyte : the fact you dont see that
  225. gigabyte : means you're just an idiot
  226. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Because everyone in tf2 make severything so personal
  227. ☭Makhshikyan☭ : (ง'̀-'́)ง Fight Me (ง'̀-'́)ง
  228. gigabyte : if you need to preach how "awesome" your life is at 2 am on the internet
  229. Grassed : Dude, just shut up, that's all we want.
  230. bliznerdy : fite me cowhard
  231. hYpe LFT Open Scout : But I wasnt talking to you dog
  232. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I was talking to athermal
  233. Grassed : Just stop talking.
  234. hYpe LFT Open Scout : To talk to someone else
  235. gigabyte : hype everyone wants you to just shut up
  236. riley : what did athermal even do
  237. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im aware
  238. gigabyte : and go back to your boxing
  239. hYpe LFT Open Scout : He didnt do anything
  240. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I cant
  241. hYpe LFT Open Scout : im sick
  242. hYpe LFT Open Scout : :(
  243. bliznerdy : me too
  244. bliznerdy : friken colds man
  245. gigabyte : oh you call yourself an alpha male
  246. hYpe LFT Open Scout : yup
  247. gigabyte : alpha males dont get sick
  248. hYpe LFT Open Scout : oh damn
  249. Grassed : Then get some rest, drink some nyquil.
  250. gigabyte : you weak little bitch
  251. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Forreal
  252. gigabyte : hype is sick, so he plays tf2 until 2:30 a.m.
  253. hYpe LFT Open Scout : alcohol is awful
  254. gigabyte : he does alpha male shit
  255. hYpe LFT Open Scout : ye
  256. hYpe LFT Open Scout : its 2:30 everywhere isnt it you dumb nigger cunt fuck
  257. Grassed : go sleep if youre sick
  258. gigabyte : look at hype
  259. gigabyte : hes salty
  260. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Sinus infection
  261. gigabyte : such an alpha male
  262. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Sleep doesnt matter
  263. gigabyte : he can insult over the internet
  264. gigabyte : wow you're an idiot
  265. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Isnt that ywhat you're doing
  266. gigabyte : sleep is VERY important to any kind of recovery
  267. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Except you're an idiot
  268. athermal ♥ : ☆⌒(≧▽゜)b Good job!
  269. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Antibiotics are the only thing that can rid of it
  270. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Sleep doesnt matter
  271. hYpe LFT Open Scout : PLUS
  272. gigabyte : and you're wrong
  273. hYpe LFT Open Scout : i slept like 14 hrs
  274. gigabyte : you very smart person
  275. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Cool thing about my job
  276. gigabyte : hype just because you lift weights doesnt mean you have to be an idiot
  277. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I get #13/hr
  278. gigabyte : but its cute that you live up to the stereotype
  279. hYpe LFT Open Scout : $
  280. hYpe LFT Open Scout : But
  281. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im sick
  282. gigabyte : wow
  283. hYpe LFT Open Scout : So its cool
  284. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Sick leave
  285. gigabyte : that is so awesome
  286. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Right?
  287. gigabyte : you get payed by the hour
  288. hYpe LFT Open Scout : paid*
  289. gigabyte : you must have a great career
  290. hYpe LFT Open Scout : wow
  291. hYpe LFT Open Scout : inbred
  292. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im 19
  293. *DEAD* gigabyte : i do what i want bitch
  294. *DEAD* gigabyte : payed*
  295. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Its a GREAT job for now
  296. gigabyte : where i live we get payed in protein powder, cuz everyone lifts
  297. gigabyte : and no pussies like hype
  298. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Why are you calling me dumnb
  299. hYpe LFT Open Scout : dumb
  300. hYpe LFT Open Scout : But spelling it "payed"
  301. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Like
  302. gigabyte : who think 295 is something to brag about
  303. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Next gen
  304. hYpe LFT Open Scout : idiot
  305. gigabyte : i do what i want
  306. gigabyte : payed*
  307. gigabyte : i'm an alpha male unlike you hype
  308. gigabyte : you pussy
  309. !Nate : I think you guys need a hug
  310. *DEAD* gigabyte : lol
  311. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Jesus I would love to find this guy irl
  312. gigabyte : i'm just trolling him hard
  313. yyyy2999 : "anyone who has to say they are king, is no true king"
  314. hYpe LFT Open Scout : So he could cave
  315. hYpe LFT Open Scout : irl
  316. Goose : saint u cock
  317. gigabyte : hype i would choke your little bitch as out
  318. gigabyte : and then see how alpha you are
  319. gigabyte : when i tea bag you
  320. gigabyte : and you cannot do a thing
  321. athermal ♥ : ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
  322. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You're probably like...half my size.
  323. hYpe LFT Open Scout : lmao choke me
  324. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I DO LE JU JITSU
  325. hYpe LFT Open Scout : I CAN TRIANGLE CHOKE
  326. gigabyte : BJJ > boxing
  327. gigabyte : but you're a little pussy
  328. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Sure, if you're good at it. I just do both because both are a fun thing to discipilne yourself in.
  329. gigabyte : so i dont expect you to know a thing about fighting
  330. hYpe LFT Open Scout : But I do
  331. *DEAD* athermal ♥ : (⌒▽⌒)
  332. athermal ♥ : (⌒▽⌒)
  333. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You dont
  334. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You just said "choke out":
  335. hYpe LFT Open Scout : That alone
  336. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Means you dont know
  337. Goose : wow. alot of people talking shit over the internet, as if their opinion matters!
  338. gigabyte : hype you arent alpha
  339. gigabyte : go back to your little bitch ass boxing
  340. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Will you just give me your address already
  341. gigabyte : LOL
  342. gigabyte : dude you are funny
  343. gigabyte : you're getting trolled so hard
  344. gigabyte : you're freaking funny
  345. riley : anyone wanna yiff
  346. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You're saying
  347. Grassed : wouldnt say funny, just sensitive
  348. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You're trolling me
  349. hYpe LFT Open Scout : That alone isnt trolling
  350. athermal ♥ : i am always dty
  351. gigabyte : dude you're reacting to me
  352. hYpe LFT Open Scout : You're an inbred nigger for saying that
  353. gigabyte : and its hilarious
  354. gigabyte : you're such a little douche in real life
  355. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Eh
  356. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Im having a good time
  357. hYpe LFT Open Scout : SO it works for me
  358. gigabyte : yeah you obv are
  359. gigabyte : LOL
  360. Gustavo Fring : stfu all of you
  361. hYpe LFT Open Scout : If I wasnt
  362. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Wouldnt I have left
  363. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Or not said anything
  364. Xig : do you guys like memes?
  365. gigabyte : no because you're salty
  366. athermal ♥ : yes i love memes
  367. bliznerdy : meme me
  368. Goose : currently everyone is being a douche,. everyone shut the fuck up
  369. Grassed : depends on your pride
  370. gigabyte : and pretty stupid
  371. bliznerdy : i wanna get memed
  372. riley : get shrecked XDD
  373. Mratt : ;33
  374. Xig : how about everyone tells everyone their fav meme
  375. athermal ♥ : who uses a proxy to play a skial pub
  376. Grassed : oh god, please no memes.
  377. gigabyte : you arent even an alpha male hype
  378. hYpe LFT Open Scout : X
  379. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Xig is ruining everything
  380. yyyy2999 : bad luck brian is funny
  381. Xig : mine are the angry poorly drawn cartoons
  382. hYpe LFT Open Scout : giga on a scale of hispanic to nigger
  383. hYpe LFT Open Scout : What inferior race are you
  384. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Heres a survey.
  385. gigabyte : hype you little bitch beta
  386. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Do you chant "WORLD STAR"
  387. hYpe LFT Open Scout : When you see a fight
  388. gigabyte : god, get to be alpha
  389. gigabyte : you pussy
  390. hYpe LFT Open Scout : haha
  391. gigabyte : take steroids bitch
  392. hYpe LFT Open Scout : no but really
  393. hYpe LFT Open Scout : What gross race are you
  394. (Voice) matt_: Thanks!
  395. hYpe LFT Open Scout : Oh god are you indian
  396. Grassed : you cant ask someone to be alpha.
  397. gigabyte : oh you're a beta and racist?
  398. hYpe LFT Open Scout : 4 inch average penis
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