
server logs

Sep 23rd, 2016
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  1. Master server log
  3. [00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/Master/
  4. [00:00:00]: Starting Up
  5. [00:00:00]: Version: 188821
  6. [00:00:00]: Current time: Thu Sep 22 17:32:09 2016
  8. [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 188821 WIN32
  9. [00:00:00]: Build Date: 1147
  10. [00:00:00]: Parsing command line
  11. [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -console -cluster MyDediServer -shard Master
  12. [00:00:00]: [WARNING] -console has been deprecated: Use the [MISC] / console_enabled setting instead.
  13. [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
  14. [00:00:00]: ....Done
  15. [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
  16. [00:00:00]: ...Done
  17. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (9788)
  18. [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
  19. [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:2.66
  20. [00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
  21. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  22. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  23. [00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\server\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall.
  24. [00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
  25. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/blocklist.txt (Failure)
  26. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'ConsoleInput' (8624)
  27. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/adminlist.txt (Failure)
  28. [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/whitelist.txt (Failure)
  29. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  30. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  31. [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
  32. [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
  33. [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
  34. [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
  35. [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
  36. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  37. [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
  38. [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
  39. [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
  40. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  41. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  42. [00:00:00]: running main.lua
  44. [00:00:00]: loaded modindex
  45. [00:00:00]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  47. [00:00:00]: DownloadMods(0)
  48. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  49. [00:00:01]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  50. [00:00:01]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  51. [00:00:01]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  52. [00:00:01]: bloom_enabled false
  53. [00:00:01]: loaded saveindex
  54. [00:00:01]: OnFilesLoaded()
  55. [00:00:01]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  56. [00:00:01]: Load FE
  57. [00:00:01]: Load FE: done
  58. [00:00:01]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  59. [00:00:01]: Reset() returning
  60. [00:00:04]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
  61. [00:00:04]: Received (KU_AJdVQWHu) from TokenPurpose
  62. [00:00:04]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
  63. [00:00:04]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  64. [00:00:04]: About to start a server with the following settings:
  65. [00:00:04]: Dedicated: true
  66. [00:00:04]: Online: true
  67. [00:00:04]: Passworded: false
  68. [00:00:04]: ServerPort: 11000
  69. [00:00:04]: SteamAuthPort: 8768
  70. [00:00:04]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27018
  71. [00:00:04]: ClanID: false
  72. [00:00:04]: ClanOnly: false
  73. [00:00:04]: ClanAdmin: false
  74. [00:00:04]: LanOnly: false
  75. [00:00:04]: FriendsOnly: false
  76. [00:00:04]: EnableAutosaver: true
  77. [00:00:04]: PVP: true
  78. [00:00:04]: MaxPlayers: 12
  79. [00:00:04]: GameMode: endless
  80. [00:00:04]: OverridenDNS:
  81. [00:00:04]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
  82. [00:00:04]: VoteEnabled: true
  83. [00:00:04]: InternetBroadcasting: true
  84. [00:00:04]: Intent: madness
  85. [00:00:04]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 11000 is open in the firewall.
  86. [00:00:04]: [Shard] Shard server mode disabled by configuration file
  87. [00:00:04]: Online Server Started on port: 11000
  88. [00:00:04]: Collecting garbage...
  89. [00:00:04]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
  90. [00:00:04]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  91. [00:00:04]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  92. [00:00:04]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  93. [00:00:04]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  94. [00:00:04]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  95. [00:00:04]: lua_close took 0.01 seconds
  96. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll
  97. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll Finished
  98. [00:00:04]: cGame::StartPlaying
  99. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA
  100. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  101. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  102. [00:00:04]: running main.lua
  104. [00:00:04]: loaded modindex
  105. [00:00:04]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  107. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  108. [00:00:04]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  109. [00:00:04]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  110. [00:00:04]: bloom_enabled false
  111. [00:00:04]: loaded saveindex
  112. [00:00:04]: OnFilesLoaded()
  113. [00:00:04]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  114. [00:00:04]: Unload FE
  115. [00:00:04]: Unload FE done
  116. [00:00:04]: LOAD BE
  117. [00:00:05]: LOAD BE: done
  118. [00:00:05]: Loading world: session/0C3B7CD3393B3D60/0000000005
  119. [00:00:05]: Save file is at version 3
  120. [00:00:05]: Begin Session: 0C3B7CD3393B3D60
  121. [00:00:05]: saving to server_temp/server_save
  122. [00:00:05]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
  123. [00:00:06]: Loading Nav Grid
  124. [00:00:06]: setting summerlength 15
  125. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmaredawn false
  126. [00:00:06]: setting elapseddaysinseason 0
  127. [00:00:06]: setting isfullmoon false
  128. [00:00:06]: setting moisture 0.050000000745058
  129. [00:00:06]: setting cavephase day
  130. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarewild false
  131. [00:00:06]: setting moonphase new
  132. [00:00:06]: setting precipitationrate 0
  133. [00:00:06]: setting iswet false
  134. [00:00:06]: setting winterlength 15
  135. [00:00:06]: setting temperature 30.050920446711
  136. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarewarn false
  137. [00:00:06]: setting iswinter false
  138. [00:00:06]: setting moistureceil 723.81604003906
  139. [00:00:06]: setting isday true
  140. [00:00:06]: setting israining false
  141. [00:00:06]: setting remainingdaysinseason 20
  142. [00:00:06]: setting precipitation none
  143. [00:00:06]: setting wetness 0
  144. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarecalm false
  145. [00:00:06]: setting timeinphase 0.00083351135253906
  146. [00:00:06]: setting isdusk false
  147. [00:00:06]: setting iscavedusk false
  148. [00:00:06]: setting isautumn true
  149. [00:00:06]: setting issnowing false
  150. [00:00:06]: setting iscaveday true
  151. [00:00:06]: setting phase day
  152. [00:00:06]: setting snowlevel 0
  153. [00:00:06]: setting issnowcovered false
  154. [00:00:06]: setting autumnlength 20
  155. [00:00:06]: setting pop 6.9078326507326e-005
  156. [00:00:06]: setting nightmaretime 0
  157. [00:00:06]: setting springlength 20
  158. [00:00:06]: setting isspring false
  159. [00:00:06]: setting nightmarephase none
  160. [00:00:06]: setting season autumn
  161. [00:00:06]: setting time 0.00041675567626953
  162. [00:00:06]: setting iscavenight false
  163. [00:00:06]: setting cycles 0
  164. [00:00:06]: setting isnight false
  165. [00:00:06]: setting nightmaretimeinphase 0
  166. [00:00:06]: setting issummer false
  167. [00:00:08]: Reconstructing topology
  168. [00:00:08]: ...Sorting points
  169. [00:00:08]: ...Sorting edges
  170. [00:00:08]: ...Connecting nodes
  171. [00:00:08]: ...Validating connections
  172. [00:00:08]: ...Housekeeping
  173. [00:00:08]: ...Done!
  174. [00:00:08]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
  175. [00:00:08]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 0C3B7CD3393B3D60
  176. [00:00:08]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  177. [00:00:08]: Reset() returning
  178. [00:00:08]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(8768, 11000, 27018)
  179. [00:00:08]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
  180. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
  181. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
  182. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
  183. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
  184. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
  185. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
  186. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
  187. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
  188. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
  189. [00:00:08]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
  190. [00:00:08]: Sim paused
  191. [00:00:56]: ConsoleInput: "c_regenerateworld ()"
  192. [00:00:56]: Received world reset request
  193. [00:00:56]: Sim unpaused
  194. [00:00:57]: Collecting garbage...
  195. [00:00:57]: lua_gc took 0.06 seconds
  196. [00:00:57]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  197. [00:00:57]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  198. [00:00:57]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  199. [00:00:57]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  200. [00:00:57]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  201. [00:00:57]: lua_close took 0.13 seconds
  202. [00:00:57]: ReleaseAll
  203. [00:00:57]: ReleaseAll Finished
  204. [00:00:57]: cGame::StartPlaying
  205. [00:00:57]: LOADING LUA
  206. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  207. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  208. [00:00:57]: running main.lua
  210. [00:00:57]: loaded modindex
  211. [00:00:57]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  213. [00:00:57]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  214. [00:00:57]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  215. [00:00:57]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  216. [00:00:57]: bloom_enabled false
  217. [00:00:57]: loaded saveindex
  218. [00:00:57]: OnFilesLoaded()
  219. [00:00:57]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  220. [00:00:57]: Not applying level data overrides.
  221. [00:00:57]: Found a worldgen override file with these contents:
  222. [00:00:57]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
  223. [00:00:57]: K: hideminimap V: false
  224. [00:00:57]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
  225. [00:00:57]: K: location V: forest
  226. [00:00:57]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
  227. [00:00:57]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
  228. [00:00:57]: K: name V: Default
  229. [00:00:57]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 5
  230. [00:00:57]: K: override_level_string V: false
  231. [00:00:57]: K: overrides V: table: 0E668F00
  232. [00:00:57]: K: alternatehunt V: often
  233. [00:00:57]: K: angrybees V: default
  234. [00:00:57]: K: autumn V: default
  235. [00:00:57]: K: bearger V: often
  236. [00:00:57]: K: beefalo V: default
  237. [00:00:57]: K: beefaloheat V: often
  238. [00:00:57]: K: bees V: default
  239. [00:00:57]: K: berrybush V: default
  240. [00:00:57]: K: birds V: default
  241. [00:00:57]: K: boons V: default
  242. [00:00:57]: K: branching V: most
  243. [00:00:57]: K: butterfly V: default
  244. [00:00:57]: K: buzzard V: default
  245. [00:00:57]: K: cactus V: default
  246. [00:00:57]: K: carrot V: default
  247. [00:00:57]: K: catcoon V: default
  248. [00:00:57]: K: chess V: default
  249. [00:00:57]: K: day V: default
  250. [00:00:57]: K: deciduousmonster V: often
  251. [00:00:57]: K: deerclops V: often
  252. [00:00:57]: K: dragonfly V: often
  253. [00:00:57]: K: flint V: default
  254. [00:00:57]: K: flowers V: default
  255. [00:00:57]: K: frograin V: default
  256. [00:00:57]: K: goosemoose V: often
  257. [00:00:57]: K: grass V: default
  258. [00:00:57]: K: houndmound V: default
  259. [00:00:57]: K: hounds V: default
  260. [00:00:57]: K: hunt V: always
  261. [00:00:57]: K: krampus V: often
  262. [00:00:57]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
  263. [00:00:57]: K: liefs V: often
  264. [00:00:57]: K: lightning V: often
  265. [00:00:57]: K: lightninggoat V: default
  266. [00:00:57]: K: loop V: never
  267. [00:00:57]: K: lureplants V: default
  268. [00:00:57]: K: marshbush V: default
  269. [00:00:57]: K: merm V: default
  270. [00:00:57]: K: meteorshowers V: often
  271. [00:00:57]: K: meteorspawner V: often
  272. [00:00:57]: K: moles V: default
  273. [00:00:57]: K: mushroom V: default
  274. [00:00:57]: K: penguins V: default
  275. [00:00:57]: K: perd V: default
  276. [00:00:57]: K: pigs V: default
  277. [00:00:57]: K: ponds V: default
  278. [00:00:57]: K: prefabswaps V: default
  279. [00:00:57]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
  280. [00:00:57]: K: rabbits V: default
  281. [00:00:57]: K: reeds V: default
  282. [00:00:57]: K: regrowth V: default
  283. [00:00:57]: K: roads V: default
  284. [00:00:57]: K: rock V: often
  285. [00:00:57]: K: rock_ice V: often
  286. [00:00:57]: K: sapling V: default
  287. [00:00:57]: K: season_start V: default
  288. [00:00:57]: K: spiders V: default
  289. [00:00:57]: K: spring V: default
  290. [00:00:57]: K: start_location V: default
  291. [00:00:57]: K: summer V: shortseason
  292. [00:00:57]: K: tallbirds V: default
  293. [00:00:57]: K: task_set V: default
  294. [00:00:57]: K: tentacles V: default
  295. [00:00:57]: K: touchstone V: often
  296. [00:00:57]: K: trees V: default
  297. [00:00:57]: K: tumbleweed V: default
  298. [00:00:57]: K: walrus V: default
  299. [00:00:57]: K: weather V: often
  300. [00:00:57]: K: wildfires V: default
  301. [00:00:57]: K: winter V: default
  302. [00:00:57]: K: world_size V: default
  303. [00:00:57]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
  304. [00:00:57]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0E668FF0
  305. [00:00:57]: K: 1 V: Chessy_1
  306. [00:00:57]: K: 2 V: Chessy_2
  307. [00:00:57]: K: 3 V: Chessy_3
  308. [00:00:57]: K: 4 V: Chessy_4
  309. [00:00:57]: K: 5 V: Chessy_5
  310. [00:00:57]: K: 6 V: Chessy_6
  311. [00:00:57]: K: 7 V: ChessSpot1
  312. [00:00:57]: K: 8 V: ChessSpot2
  313. [00:00:57]: K: 9 V: ChessSpot3
  314. [00:00:57]: K: 10 V: Maxwell1
  315. [00:00:57]: K: 11 V: Maxwell2
  316. [00:00:57]: K: 12 V: Maxwell3
  317. [00:00:57]: K: 13 V: Maxwell4
  318. [00:00:57]: K: 14 V: Maxwell5
  319. [00:00:57]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
  320. [00:00:57]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
  321. [00:00:57]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
  322. [00:00:57]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
  323. [00:00:57]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
  324. [00:00:57]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0E668FC8
  325. [00:00:57]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
  326. [00:00:57]: K: substitutes V: table: 0E669018
  327. [00:00:57]: K: version V: 2
  328. [00:00:57]: Worldgenoverride needs upgrading from v1 to v2!
  329. [00:00:57]: Your file will be loaded correctly. However,
  330. [00:00:57]: to ensure it will load correctly in the future,
  331. [00:00:57]: please edit your worldgenoverride.lua to use this format:
  332. [00:00:57]:
  334. return {
  335. overrides={
  336. "Chessy_1",
  337. "Chessy_2",
  338. "Chessy_3",
  339. "Chessy_4",
  340. "Chessy_5",
  341. "Chessy_6",
  342. "ChessSpot1",
  343. "ChessSpot2",
  344. "ChessSpot3",
  345. "Maxwell1",
  346. "Maxwell2",
  347. "Maxwell3",
  348. "Maxwell4",
  349. "Maxwell5",
  350. "Maxwell6",
  351. "Maxwell7",
  352. "Warzone_1",
  353. "Warzone_2",
  354. "Warzone_3",
  355. alternatehunt="often",
  356. angrybees="default",
  357. autumn="default",
  358. bearger="often",
  359. beefalo="default",
  360. beefaloheat="often",
  361. bees="default",
  362. berrybush="default",
  363. birds="default",
  364. boons="default",
  365. branching="most",
  366. butterfly="default",
  367. buzzard="default",
  368. cactus="default",
  369. carrot="default",
  370. catcoon="default",
  371. chess="default",
  372. day="default",
  373. deciduousmonster="often",
  374. deerclops="often",
  375. dragonfly="often",
  376. flint="default",
  377. flowers="default",
  378. frograin="default",
  379. goosemoose="often",
  380. grass="default",
  381. houndmound="default",
  382. hounds="default",
  383. hunt="always",
  384. krampus="often",
  385. layout_mode="LinkNodesByKeys",
  386. liefs="often",
  387. lightning="often",
  388. lightninggoat="default",
  389. loop="never",
  390. lureplants="default",
  391. marshbush="default",
  392. merm="default",
  393. meteorshowers="often",
  394. meteorspawner="often",
  395. moles="default",
  396. mushroom="default",
  397. penguins="default",
  398. perd="default",
  399. pigs="default",
  400. ponds="default",
  401. prefabswaps="default",
  402. prefabswaps_start="default",
  403. rabbits="default",
  404. reeds="default",
  405. regrowth="default",
  406. roads="default",
  407. rock="often",
  408. rock_ice="often",
  409. sapling="default",
  410. season_start="default",
  411. spiders="default",
  412. spring="default",
  413. start_location="default",
  414. summer="shortseason",
  415. tallbirds="default",
  416. task_set="default",
  417. tentacles="default",
  418. touchstone="often",
  419. trees="default",
  420. tumbleweed="default",
  421. walrus="default",
  422. weather="often",
  423. wildfires="default",
  424. winter="default",
  425. world_size="default",
  426. wormhole_prefab="wormhole"
  427. }
  428. }
  430. [00:00:57]: sanity-checking worldgenoverride.lua...
  431. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '8', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  432. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '9', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  433. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '10', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  434. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '3', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  435. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override 'layout_mode', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  436. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '1', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  437. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '4', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  438. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '19', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  439. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '18', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  440. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '17', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  441. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '16', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  442. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '5', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  443. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '15', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  444. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '14', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  445. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '13', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  446. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '12', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  447. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '11', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  448. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override 'wormhole_prefab', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  449. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '6', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  450. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '2', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  451. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override 'roads', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  452. [00:00:57]: WARNING! Found override '7', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  453. [00:00:57]: Found world gen overrides but not enabled.
  454. [00:00:57]: Not applying world gen overrides.
  455. [00:00:57]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
  457. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
  458. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
  459. [00:00:57]: INSTALLED STACKTRACE
  460. [00:00:57]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
  461. [00:00:57]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (3456)
  462. [00:00:57]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
  463. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
  464. [00:00:57]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
  465. [00:00:57]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  466. [00:00:57]: Reset() returning
  467. [00:00:57]: DLC enabled : false
  468. [00:00:57]: running worldgen_main.lua
  470. [00:00:57]: SEED = 1474554786
  471. [00:00:57]: Generating world with these parameters:
  472. [00:00:57]: level_type SURVIVAL
  473. [00:00:57]: level_data:
  474. [00:00:57]: K: 1 V: table: 0F7CBEE8
  475. [00:00:57]: K: desc V: The standard Don't Starve experience.
  476. [00:00:57]: K: hideminimap V: false
  477. [00:00:57]: K: id V: SURVIVAL_TOGETHER
  478. [00:00:57]: K: location V: forest
  479. [00:00:57]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
  480. [00:00:57]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
  481. [00:00:57]: K: name V: Default
  482. [00:00:57]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 5
  483. [00:00:57]: K: override_level_string V: false
  484. [00:00:57]: K: overrides V: table: 0F7CCA50
  485. [00:00:57]: K: layout_mode V: LinkNodesByKeys
  486. [00:00:57]: K: roads V: default
  487. [00:00:57]: K: season_start V: default
  488. [00:00:57]: K: start_location V: default
  489. [00:00:57]: K: task_set V: default
  490. [00:00:57]: K: world_size V: default
  491. [00:00:57]: K: wormhole_prefab V: wormhole
  492. [00:00:57]: K: random_set_pieces V: table: 0F7CC4D8
  493. [00:00:57]: K: 1 V: Chessy_1
  494. [00:00:57]: K: 2 V: Chessy_2
  495. [00:00:57]: K: 3 V: Chessy_3
  496. [00:00:57]: K: 4 V: Chessy_4
  497. [00:00:57]: K: 5 V: Chessy_5
  498. [00:00:57]: K: 6 V: Chessy_6
  499. [00:00:57]: K: 7 V: ChessSpot1
  500. [00:00:57]: K: 8 V: ChessSpot2
  501. [00:00:57]: K: 9 V: ChessSpot3
  502. [00:00:57]: K: 10 V: Maxwell1
  503. [00:00:57]: K: 11 V: Maxwell2
  504. [00:00:57]: K: 12 V: Maxwell3
  505. [00:00:57]: K: 13 V: Maxwell4
  506. [00:00:57]: K: 14 V: Maxwell5
  507. [00:00:57]: K: 15 V: Maxwell6
  508. [00:00:57]: K: 16 V: Maxwell7
  509. [00:00:57]: K: 17 V: Warzone_1
  510. [00:00:57]: K: 18 V: Warzone_2
  511. [00:00:57]: K: 19 V: Warzone_3
  512. [00:00:57]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0F7CBC90
  513. [00:00:57]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
  514. [00:00:57]: K: substitutes V: table: 0F7CC348
  515. [00:00:57]: K: version V: 2
  516. [00:00:57]:
  517. #######
  518. #
  519. # Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level
  520. #
  521. #######
  523. [00:00:57]: Chessy_4 added to Great Plains
  524. [00:00:57]: ChessSpot3 added to Forest hunters
  525. [00:00:57]: Chessy_5 added to Befriend the pigs
  526. [00:00:57]: Maxwell7 added to Forest hunters
  527. [00:00:57]: Maxwell4 added to Befriend the pigs
  528. [00:00:57]: New size: 425 default
  529. [00:00:57]: Creating story...
  530. [00:00:57]: LinkNodesByKeys
  531. [00:00:57]: Finding valid start task...
  532. [00:00:57]: ...picked Make a pick
  533. [00:00:57]: Has start node Clearing
  534. [00:00:57]: Baking map... 425
  535. [00:00:57]: [WorldSimActual::GenerateVoronoiMap]
  536. [00:00:57]: GenerateVoronoiMap [1]:
  537. [00:00:57]: ...Done.
  538. [00:00:57]: [AddEmptyNodes]
  539. [00:00:57]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
  540. [00:00:58]: ...Done.
  541. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::GenerateVoronoiMap] complete [success]
  542. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
  543. [00:00:58]: [ConvertToTileMap]
  544. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
  545. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
  546. [00:00:58]: [SeparateIslands]
  547. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
  548. [00:00:58]: Map Baked!
  549. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
  550. [00:00:58]: [GenerateLandmasses]
  551. [00:00:58]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
  552. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
  553. [00:00:58]: [GetWormholesExtra] connected 0 unconnected 1
  554. [00:00:58]: [GetWormholesExtra] after: connected 1 unconnected 0
  555. [00:00:58]: [GetWormholesExtra] pushed 0 wormholes
  556. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads]
  557. [00:00:58]: [DrawRoads]
  558. [00:00:58]: [WorldSimActual::DrawRoads] complete
  559. [00:00:58]: Encoding...
  560. [00:00:59]: Encoding... DONE
  561. [00:00:59]: Checking Tags
  562. [00:00:59]: Populating voronoi...
  563. [00:00:59]: disconnected tiles... 0
  564. [00:00:59]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular grass
  565. [00:00:59]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular rocks
  566. [00:00:59]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular twigs
  567. [00:00:59]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: juicy berries
  568. [00:00:59]: Done forest map gen!
  569. [00:00:59]: Checking map...
  570. [00:00:59]: Generation complete
  571. [00:00:59]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
  572. [00:00:59]: Serializing world: session/0930004EE13196CB/0000000002
  573. [00:00:59]: BE assets already loaded
  574. [00:01:00]: Begin Session: 0930004EE13196CB
  575. [00:01:00]: Stomping previously assigned session identifier, two loads issued.
  576. [00:01:00]: saving to server_temp/server_save
  577. [00:01:00]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
  578. [00:01:00]: Loading Nav Grid
  579. [00:01:02]: Reconstructing topology
  580. [00:01:02]: ...Sorting points
  581. [00:01:02]: ...Sorting edges
  582. [00:01:02]: ...Connecting nodes
  583. [00:01:02]: ...Validating connections
  584. [00:01:03]: ...Housekeeping
  585. [00:01:03]: ...Done!
  586. [00:01:03]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
  587. [00:01:03]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 0930004EE13196CB
  588. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
  589. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
  590. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
  591. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
  592. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
  593. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
  594. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
  595. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
  596. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
  597. [00:01:03]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
  598. [00:01:03]: Sim paused
  599. [00:06:09]: Serializing world: session/0930004EE13196CB/0000000003
  600. [00:06:10]: Collecting garbage...
  601. [00:06:10]: lua_gc took 0.07 seconds
  602. [00:06:10]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  603. [00:06:10]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  604. [00:06:10]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  605. [00:06:10]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  606. [00:06:10]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  607. [00:06:10]: lua_close took 0.13 seconds
  608. [00:06:10]: Manager - ORPHANED UNKNOWN RESOURCES:
  609. [00:06:10]: shaders/ui_yuv.ksh - 1
  610. [00:06:10]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
  611. [00:06:10]: HttpClient2 discarded 1 callbacks.
  612. [00:06:10]: Shutting down
  621. Caves server log
  623. [00:00:00]: PersistRootStorage is now APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/Caves/
  624. [00:00:00]: Starting Up
  625. [00:00:00]: Version: 188821
  626. [00:00:00]: Current time: Thu Sep 22 17:32:09 2016
  628. [00:00:00]: Don't Starve Together: 188821 WIN32
  629. [00:00:00]: Build Date: 1147
  630. [00:00:00]: Parsing command line
  631. [00:00:00]: Command Line Arguments: -console -cluster MyDediServer -shard Caves
  632. [00:00:00]: [WARNING] -console has been deprecated: Use the [MISC] / console_enabled setting instead.
  633. [00:00:00]: Initializing Minidump handler
  634. [00:00:00]: ....Done
  635. [00:00:00]: Fixing DPI
  636. [00:00:00]: ...Done
  637. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'GAClient' (9580)
  638. [00:00:00]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main()
  639. [00:00:00]: ProfileIndex:2.66
  640. [00:00:00]: [Connect] PendingConnection::Reset(true)
  641. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  642. [00:00:00]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  643. [00:00:00]: Authorized application C:\server\bin\dontstarve_dedicated_server_nullrenderer.exe is enabled in the firewall.
  644. [00:00:00]: WindowsFirewall - Application already authorized
  645. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/blocklist.txt (Failure)
  646. [00:00:00]: THREAD - started 'ConsoleInput' (9960)
  647. [00:00:00]: OnLoadPermissionList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/adminlist.txt (Failure)
  648. [00:00:00]: OnLoadUserIdList: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/whitelist.txt (Failure)
  649. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  650. [00:00:00]: Token retrieved from: APP:Klei//DoNotStarveTogether/MyDediServer/cluster_token.txt
  651. [00:00:00]: cGame::InitializeOnMainThread
  652. [00:00:00]: Renderer initialize: Okay
  653. [00:00:00]: AnimManager initialize: Okay
  654. [00:00:00]: Buffers initialize: Okay
  655. [00:00:00]: cDontStarveGame::DoGameSpecificInitialize()
  656. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  657. [00:00:00]: GameSpecific initialize: Okay
  658. [00:00:00]: cGame::StartPlaying
  659. [00:00:00]: LOADING LUA
  660. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  661. [00:00:00]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  662. [00:00:00]: running main.lua
  664. [00:00:00]: loaded modindex
  665. [00:00:00]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  667. [00:00:00]: DownloadMods(0)
  668. [00:00:00]: FMOD Error: An invalid object handle was used.
  669. [00:00:01]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  670. [00:00:01]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  671. [00:00:01]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  672. [00:00:01]: bloom_enabled false
  673. [00:00:01]: loaded saveindex
  674. [00:00:01]: OnFilesLoaded()
  675. [00:00:01]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  676. [00:00:01]: Load FE
  677. [00:00:01]: Load FE: done
  678. [00:00:01]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  679. [00:00:01]: Reset() returning
  680. [00:00:03]: [200] Account Communication Success (6)
  681. [00:00:03]: Received (KU_AJdVQWHu) from TokenPurpose
  682. [00:00:03]: Starting Dedicated Server Game
  683. [00:00:03]: Network tick rate: U=15(2), D=0
  684. [00:00:03]: About to start a server with the following settings:
  685. [00:00:03]: Dedicated: true
  686. [00:00:03]: Online: true
  687. [00:00:03]: Passworded: false
  688. [00:00:03]: ServerPort: 11001
  689. [00:00:03]: SteamAuthPort: 8769
  690. [00:00:03]: SteamMasterServerPort: 27019
  691. [00:00:03]: ClanID: false
  692. [00:00:03]: ClanOnly: false
  693. [00:00:03]: ClanAdmin: false
  694. [00:00:03]: LanOnly: false
  695. [00:00:03]: FriendsOnly: false
  696. [00:00:03]: EnableAutosaver: true
  697. [00:00:03]: PVP: true
  698. [00:00:03]: MaxPlayers: 12
  699. [00:00:03]: GameMode: endless
  700. [00:00:03]: OverridenDNS:
  701. [00:00:03]: PauseWhenEmpty: true
  702. [00:00:03]: VoteEnabled: true
  703. [00:00:03]: InternetBroadcasting: true
  704. [00:00:03]: Intent: madness
  705. [00:00:04]: [Warning] Could not confirm port 11001 is open in the firewall.
  706. [00:00:04]: [Shard] Shard server mode disabled by configuration file
  707. [00:00:04]: Online Server Started on port: 11001
  708. [00:00:04]: Collecting garbage...
  709. [00:00:04]: lua_gc took 0.01 seconds
  710. [00:00:04]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  711. [00:00:04]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  712. [00:00:04]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  713. [00:00:04]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  714. [00:00:04]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  715. [00:00:04]: lua_close took 0.01 seconds
  716. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll
  717. [00:00:04]: ReleaseAll Finished
  718. [00:00:04]: cGame::StartPlaying
  719. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA
  720. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  721. [00:00:04]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  722. [00:00:04]: running main.lua
  724. [00:00:04]: loaded modindex
  725. [00:00:04]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  727. [00:00:04]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  728. [00:00:04]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  729. [00:00:04]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  730. [00:00:04]: bloom_enabled false
  731. [00:00:04]: loaded saveindex
  732. [00:00:04]: OnFilesLoaded()
  733. [00:00:04]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  734. [00:00:04]: Unload FE
  735. [00:00:04]: Unload FE done
  736. [00:00:04]: LOAD BE
  737. [00:00:05]: LOAD BE: done
  738. [00:00:05]: Loading world: session/0059541728D5B66E/0000000005
  739. [00:00:05]: Save file is at version 3
  740. [00:00:05]: Begin Session: 0059541728D5B66E
  741. [00:00:05]: saving to server_temp/server_save
  742. [00:00:05]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
  743. [00:00:06]: Loading Nav Grid
  744. [00:00:06]: setting summerlength 15
  745. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmaredawn false
  746. [00:00:06]: setting elapseddaysinseason 0
  747. [00:00:06]: setting isfullmoon false
  748. [00:00:06]: setting moisture 7.6249694824219
  749. [00:00:06]: setting cavephase day
  750. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarewild false
  751. [00:00:06]: setting moonphase new
  752. [00:00:06]: setting precipitationrate 0
  753. [00:00:06]: setting iswet false
  754. [00:00:06]: setting winterlength 15
  755. [00:00:06]: setting temperature 20.533963721538
  756. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarewarn false
  757. [00:00:06]: setting iswinter false
  758. [00:00:06]: setting moistureceil 747.40075683594
  759. [00:00:06]: setting isday false
  760. [00:00:06]: setting israining false
  761. [00:00:06]: setting remainingdaysinseason 20
  762. [00:00:06]: setting precipitation none
  763. [00:00:06]: setting wetness 0
  764. [00:00:06]: setting isnightmarecalm true
  765. [00:00:06]: setting timeinphase 0.12711048126221
  766. [00:00:06]: setting isdusk false
  767. [00:00:06]: setting iscavedusk false
  768. [00:00:06]: setting isautumn true
  769. [00:00:06]: setting issnowing false
  770. [00:00:06]: setting iscaveday true
  771. [00:00:06]: setting phase night
  772. [00:00:06]: setting snowlevel 0
  773. [00:00:06]: setting issnowcovered false
  774. [00:00:06]: setting autumnlength 20
  775. [00:00:06]: setting pop 0.010201982554449
  776. [00:00:06]: setting nightmaretime 30.492553710938
  777. [00:00:06]: setting springlength 20
  778. [00:00:06]: setting isspring false
  779. [00:00:06]: setting nightmarephase calm
  780. [00:00:06]: setting season autumn
  781. [00:00:06]: setting time 0.063555240631104
  782. [00:00:06]: setting iscavenight false
  783. [00:00:06]: setting cycles 0
  784. [00:00:06]: setting isnight true
  785. [00:00:06]: setting nightmaretimeinphase 0.084701538085938
  786. [00:00:06]: setting issummer false
  787. [00:00:07]: Reconstructing topology
  788. [00:00:07]: ...Sorting points
  789. [00:00:07]: ...Sorting edges
  790. [00:00:07]: ...Connecting nodes
  791. [00:00:07]: ...Validating connections
  792. [00:00:07]: ...Housekeeping
  793. [00:00:07]: ...Done!
  794. [00:00:07]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
  795. [00:00:07]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 0059541728D5B66E
  796. [00:00:07]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  797. [00:00:07]: Reset() returning
  798. [00:00:07]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init(8769, 11001, 27019)
  799. [00:00:07]: [Steam] SteamGameServer_Init success
  800. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
  801. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
  802. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
  803. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
  804. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
  805. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
  806. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
  807. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
  808. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
  809. [00:00:07]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
  810. [00:00:07]: Sim paused
  811. [00:00:21]: ConsoleInput: "cc_regenerateworld ()"
  812. [00:00:21]: [string "cc_regenerateworld ()"]:1: variable 'cc_regenerateworld' is not declared
  813. [00:00:41]: ConsoleInput: "c_regenerateworld ()"
  814. [00:00:41]: Received world reset request
  815. [00:00:41]: Sim unpaused
  816. [00:00:41]: Collecting garbage...
  817. [00:00:41]: lua_gc took 0.03 seconds
  818. [00:00:41]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  819. [00:00:41]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  820. [00:00:41]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  821. [00:00:41]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  822. [00:00:41]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  823. [00:00:41]: lua_close took 0.08 seconds
  824. [00:00:41]: ReleaseAll
  825. [00:00:41]: ReleaseAll Finished
  826. [00:00:41]: cGame::StartPlaying
  827. [00:00:41]: LOADING LUA
  828. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile scripts/main.lua
  829. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/main.lua
  830. [00:00:41]: running main.lua
  832. [00:00:41]: loaded modindex
  833. [00:00:41]: ModIndex: Beginning normal load sequence for dedicated server.
  835. [00:00:41]: LOADING LUA SUCCESS
  836. [00:00:41]: PlayerDeaths could not load morgue
  837. [00:00:41]: PlayerHistory could not load player_history
  838. [00:00:41]: bloom_enabled false
  839. [00:00:41]: loaded saveindex
  840. [00:00:41]: OnFilesLoaded()
  841. [00:00:41]: OnUpdatePurchaseStateComplete
  842. [00:00:41]: Not applying level data overrides.
  843. [00:00:41]: Found a worldgen override file with these contents:
  844. [00:00:41]: K: override_enabled V: true
  845. [00:00:41]: K: overrides V: table: 115B86F8
  846. [00:00:41]: K: alternatehunt V: default
  847. [00:00:41]: K: angrybees V: default
  848. [00:00:41]: K: autumn V: default
  849. [00:00:41]: K: banana V: default
  850. [00:00:41]: K: bats V: default
  851. [00:00:41]: K: bearger V: default
  852. [00:00:41]: K: beefalo V: default
  853. [00:00:41]: K: beefaloheat V: default
  854. [00:00:41]: K: bees V: default
  855. [00:00:41]: K: berrybush V: default
  856. [00:00:41]: K: birds V: default
  857. [00:00:41]: K: boons V: default
  858. [00:00:41]: K: branching V: default
  859. [00:00:41]: K: bunnymen V: default
  860. [00:00:41]: K: butterfly V: default
  861. [00:00:41]: K: buzzard V: default
  862. [00:00:41]: K: cactus V: default
  863. [00:00:41]: K: carrot V: default
  864. [00:00:41]: K: catcoon V: default
  865. [00:00:41]: K: cave_ponds V: default
  866. [00:00:41]: K: cave_spiders V: default
  867. [00:00:41]: K: cavelight V: default
  868. [00:00:41]: K: chess V: default
  869. [00:00:41]: K: day V: default
  870. [00:00:41]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
  871. [00:00:41]: K: deerclops V: default
  872. [00:00:41]: K: disease_delay V: default
  873. [00:00:41]: K: dragonfly V: default
  874. [00:00:41]: K: earthquakes V: default
  875. [00:00:41]: K: fern V: default
  876. [00:00:41]: K: fissure V: default
  877. [00:00:41]: K: flint V: default
  878. [00:00:41]: K: flower_cave V: default
  879. [00:00:41]: K: flowers V: default
  880. [00:00:41]: K: frograin V: default
  881. [00:00:41]: K: goosemoose V: default
  882. [00:00:41]: K: grass V: default
  883. [00:00:41]: K: houndmound V: default
  884. [00:00:41]: K: hounds V: default
  885. [00:00:41]: K: hunt V: default
  886. [00:00:41]: K: krampus V: default
  887. [00:00:41]: K: lichen V: default
  888. [00:00:41]: K: liefs V: default
  889. [00:00:41]: K: lightning V: default
  890. [00:00:41]: K: lightninggoat V: default
  891. [00:00:41]: K: loop V: default
  892. [00:00:41]: K: lureplants V: default
  893. [00:00:41]: K: marshbush V: default
  894. [00:00:41]: K: merm V: default
  895. [00:00:41]: K: meteorshowers V: default
  896. [00:00:41]: K: meteorspawner V: default
  897. [00:00:41]: K: moles V: default
  898. [00:00:41]: K: monkey V: default
  899. [00:00:41]: K: mushroom V: default
  900. [00:00:41]: K: mushtree V: default
  901. [00:00:41]: K: penguins V: default
  902. [00:00:41]: K: perd V: default
  903. [00:00:41]: K: petrification V: default
  904. [00:00:41]: K: pigs V: default
  905. [00:00:41]: K: ponds V: default
  906. [00:00:41]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
  907. [00:00:41]: K: rabbits V: default
  908. [00:00:41]: K: reeds V: default
  909. [00:00:41]: K: regrowth V: default
  910. [00:00:41]: K: rock V: default
  911. [00:00:41]: K: rock_ice V: default
  912. [00:00:41]: K: rocky V: default
  913. [00:00:41]: K: sapling V: default
  914. [00:00:41]: K: season_start V: default
  915. [00:00:41]: K: slurper V: default
  916. [00:00:41]: K: slurtles V: default
  917. [00:00:41]: K: spiders V: default
  918. [00:00:41]: K: spring V: default
  919. [00:00:41]: K: start_location V: default
  920. [00:00:41]: K: summer V: default
  921. [00:00:41]: K: tallbirds V: default
  922. [00:00:41]: K: task_set V: cave_default
  923. [00:00:41]: K: tentacles V: default
  924. [00:00:41]: K: touchstone V: default
  925. [00:00:41]: K: trees V: default
  926. [00:00:41]: K: tumbleweed V: default
  927. [00:00:41]: K: walrus V: default
  928. [00:00:41]: K: weather V: default
  929. [00:00:41]: K: wildfires V: default
  930. [00:00:41]: K: winter V: default
  931. [00:00:41]: K: world_size V: default
  932. [00:00:41]: K: wormlights V: default
  933. [00:00:41]: K: worms V: default
  934. [00:00:41]: K: preset V: DST_CAVE
  935. [00:00:41]: sanity-checking worldgenoverride.lua...
  936. [00:00:41]: WARNING! Found override 'disease_delay', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  937. [00:00:41]: WARNING! Found override 'petrification', but this doesn't match any known option. Did you make a typo?
  938. [00:00:41]: Loaded and applied world gen overrides from ../worldgenoverride.lua
  939. [00:00:41]: contained preset DST_CAVE, loading...
  940. [00:00:41]: applying overrides to preset...
  941. [00:00:41]: Overwriting savedata with override file.
  942. [00:00:41]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread()
  944. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile scripts/stacktrace.lua
  945. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/stacktrace.lua
  946. [00:00:41]: INSTALLED STACKTRACE
  947. [00:00:41]: WorldSim::SimThread::SimThread() complete
  948. [00:00:41]: THREAD - started 'WorldSim' (9328)
  949. [00:00:41]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main()
  950. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile scripts/worldgen_main.lua
  951. [00:00:41]: DoLuaFile loading buffer scripts/worldgen_main.lua
  952. [00:00:41]: ModIndex: Load sequence finished successfully.
  953. [00:00:41]: Reset() returning
  954. [00:00:41]: DLC enabled : false
  955. [00:00:41]: running worldgen_main.lua
  957. [00:00:41]: SEED = 1474554770
  958. [00:00:41]: Generating world with these parameters:
  959. [00:00:41]: level_type SURVIVAL
  960. [00:00:41]: level_data:
  961. [00:00:41]: K: 1 V: table: 0F29EA70
  962. [00:00:41]: K: background_node_range V: table: 0F29E868
  963. [00:00:41]: K: 1 V: 0
  964. [00:00:41]: K: 2 V: 1
  965. [00:00:41]: K: desc V: Delve into the caves... together!
  966. [00:00:41]: K: hideminimap V: false
  967. [00:00:41]: K: id V: DST_CAVE
  968. [00:00:41]: K: location V: cave
  969. [00:00:41]: K: max_playlist_position V: 999
  970. [00:00:41]: K: min_playlist_position V: 0
  971. [00:00:41]: K: name V: The Caves
  972. [00:00:41]: K: numrandom_set_pieces V: 0
  973. [00:00:41]: K: override_level_string V: false
  974. [00:00:41]: K: overrides V: table: 0F29E728
  975. [00:00:41]: K: alternatehunt V: default
  976. [00:00:41]: K: angrybees V: default
  977. [00:00:41]: K: autumn V: default
  978. [00:00:41]: K: banana V: default
  979. [00:00:41]: K: bats V: default
  980. [00:00:41]: K: bearger V: default
  981. [00:00:41]: K: beefalo V: default
  982. [00:00:41]: K: beefaloheat V: default
  983. [00:00:41]: K: bees V: default
  984. [00:00:41]: K: berrybush V: default
  985. [00:00:41]: K: birds V: default
  986. [00:00:41]: K: boons V: default
  987. [00:00:41]: K: branching V: default
  988. [00:00:41]: K: bunnymen V: default
  989. [00:00:41]: K: butterfly V: default
  990. [00:00:41]: K: buzzard V: default
  991. [00:00:41]: K: cactus V: default
  992. [00:00:41]: K: carrot V: default
  993. [00:00:41]: K: catcoon V: default
  994. [00:00:41]: K: cave_ponds V: default
  995. [00:00:41]: K: cave_spiders V: default
  996. [00:00:41]: K: cavelight V: default
  997. [00:00:41]: K: chess V: default
  998. [00:00:41]: K: day V: default
  999. [00:00:41]: K: deciduousmonster V: default
  1000. [00:00:41]: K: deerclops V: default
  1001. [00:00:41]: K: disease_delay V: default
  1002. [00:00:41]: K: dragonfly V: default
  1003. [00:00:41]: K: earthquakes V: default
  1004. [00:00:41]: K: fern V: default
  1005. [00:00:41]: K: fissure V: default
  1006. [00:00:41]: K: flint V: default
  1007. [00:00:41]: K: flower_cave V: default
  1008. [00:00:41]: K: flowers V: default
  1009. [00:00:41]: K: frograin V: default
  1010. [00:00:41]: K: goosemoose V: default
  1011. [00:00:41]: K: grass V: default
  1012. [00:00:41]: K: houndmound V: default
  1013. [00:00:41]: K: hounds V: default
  1014. [00:00:41]: K: hunt V: default
  1015. [00:00:41]: K: krampus V: default
  1016. [00:00:41]: K: layout_mode V: RestrictNodesByKey
  1017. [00:00:41]: K: lichen V: default
  1018. [00:00:41]: K: liefs V: default
  1019. [00:00:41]: K: lightning V: default
  1020. [00:00:41]: K: lightninggoat V: default
  1021. [00:00:41]: K: loop V: default
  1022. [00:00:41]: K: lureplants V: default
  1023. [00:00:41]: K: marshbush V: default
  1024. [00:00:41]: K: merm V: default
  1025. [00:00:41]: K: meteorshowers V: default
  1026. [00:00:41]: K: meteorspawner V: default
  1027. [00:00:41]: K: moles V: default
  1028. [00:00:41]: K: monkey V: default
  1029. [00:00:41]: K: mushroom V: default
  1030. [00:00:41]: K: mushtree V: default
  1031. [00:00:41]: K: penguins V: default
  1032. [00:00:41]: K: perd V: default
  1033. [00:00:41]: K: petrification V: default
  1034. [00:00:41]: K: pigs V: default
  1035. [00:00:41]: K: ponds V: default
  1036. [00:00:41]: K: prefabswaps_start V: default
  1037. [00:00:41]: K: rabbits V: default
  1038. [00:00:41]: K: reeds V: default
  1039. [00:00:41]: K: regrowth V: default
  1040. [00:00:41]: K: roads V: never
  1041. [00:00:41]: K: rock V: default
  1042. [00:00:41]: K: rock_ice V: default
  1043. [00:00:41]: K: rocky V: default
  1044. [00:00:41]: K: sapling V: default
  1045. [00:00:41]: K: season_start V: default
  1046. [00:00:41]: K: slurper V: default
  1047. [00:00:41]: K: slurtles V: default
  1048. [00:00:41]: K: spiders V: default
  1049. [00:00:41]: K: spring V: default
  1050. [00:00:41]: K: start_location V: default
  1051. [00:00:41]: K: summer V: default
  1052. [00:00:41]: K: tallbirds V: default
  1053. [00:00:41]: K: task_set V: cave_default
  1054. [00:00:41]: K: tentacles V: default
  1055. [00:00:41]: K: touchstone V: default
  1056. [00:00:41]: K: trees V: default
  1057. [00:00:41]: K: tumbleweed V: default
  1058. [00:00:41]: K: walrus V: default
  1059. [00:00:41]: K: weather V: default
  1060. [00:00:41]: K: wildfires V: default
  1061. [00:00:41]: K: winter V: default
  1062. [00:00:41]: K: world_size V: default
  1063. [00:00:41]: K: wormhole_prefab V: tentacle_pillar
  1064. [00:00:41]: K: wormlights V: default
  1065. [00:00:41]: K: worms V: default
  1066. [00:00:41]: K: required_prefabs V: table: 0F29E958
  1067. [00:00:41]: K: 1 V: multiplayer_portal
  1068. [00:00:41]: K: substitutes V: table: 0F29E8B8
  1069. [00:00:41]: K: version V: 2
  1070. [00:00:41]:
  1071. #######
  1072. #
  1073. # Generating SURVIVAL Mode Level
  1074. #
  1075. #######
  1077. [00:00:41]: New size: 425 default
  1078. [00:00:41]: Creating story...
  1079. [00:00:41]: RestrictNodesByKey
  1080. [00:00:41]: ##############################RestrictNodesByKey
  1081. [00:00:41]: Finding valid start task...
  1082. [00:00:41]: ...picked CaveExitTask2
  1083. [00:00:41]: Has start node Clearing
  1084. [00:00:41]: Warning! Couldn't find a spot in SacredAltar for Level2WoodBoon
  1085. [00:00:41]: Baking map... 425
  1086. [00:00:41]: [WorldSimActual::GenerateVoronoiMap]
  1087. [00:00:41]: GenerateVoronoiMap [1]:
  1088. [00:00:41]: ...Done.
  1089. [00:00:41]: [AddEmptyNodes]
  1090. [00:00:41]: GenerateVoronoiMap [100]:
  1091. [00:00:43]: ...Done.
  1092. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::GenerateVoronoiMap] complete [success]
  1093. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap]
  1094. [00:00:43]: [ConvertToTileMap]
  1095. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::ConvertToTileMap] complete
  1096. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands]
  1097. [00:00:43]: [SeparateIslands]
  1098. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::SeparateIslands] complete
  1099. [00:00:43]: Map Baked!
  1100. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity]
  1101. [00:00:43]: [GenerateLandmasses]
  1102. [00:00:43]: [MergeConnectedLandmasses] true
  1103. [00:00:43]: [WorldSimActual::ForceConnectivity] complete
  1104. [00:00:43]: [GetWormholesExtra] connected 0 unconnected 1
  1105. [00:00:43]: [GetWormholesExtra] after: connected 1 unconnected 0
  1106. [00:00:43]: [GetWormholesExtra] pushed 0 wormholes
  1107. [00:00:43]: Encoding...
  1108. [00:00:43]: Encoding... DONE
  1109. [00:00:43]: Checking Tags
  1110. [00:00:43]: Populating voronoi...
  1111. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential3:2:Vacant
  1112. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:2:Vacant
  1113. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:2:Vacant
  1114. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
  1115. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node CaveExitTask6:1:SinkholeCopses
  1116. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential3:0:Vacant
  1117. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:0:Vacant
  1118. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:0:Vacant
  1119. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for PondSinkhole in node CaveExitTask7:0:SinkholeOasis
  1120. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for EvergreenSinkhole in node SwampySinkhole:4:TentaclesAndTrees
  1121. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
  1122. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
  1123. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
  1124. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential2:3:Vacant
  1125. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for RabbitTown in node CaveExitTask10:1:GreenMushRabbits
  1126. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential3:1:Vacant
  1127. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential3:1:Vacant
  1128. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:1:Vacant
  1129. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:1:Vacant
  1130. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential3:1:Vacant
  1131. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1132. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1133. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1134. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1135. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1136. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1137. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:2:Vacant
  1138. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1139. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1140. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1141. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for StraightWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1142. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1143. [00:00:43]: Warning! Could not find a spot for CornerWall2 in node Residential:3:Vacant
  1144. [00:00:43]: disconnected tiles... 154
  1145. [00:00:43]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular grass
  1146. [00:00:43]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: petrified trees
  1147. [00:00:43]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular twigs
  1148. [00:00:43]: PREFAB SWAP SELECTION: regular berries
  1149. [00:00:43]: Done cave map gen!
  1150. [00:00:43]: Checking map...
  1151. [00:00:43]: Generation complete
  1152. [00:00:43]: WorldSim::SimThread::Main() complete
  1153. [00:00:43]: Serializing world: session/379573595CCDAA60/0000000002
  1154. [00:00:43]: BE assets already loaded
  1155. [00:00:44]: Begin Session: 379573595CCDAA60
  1156. [00:00:44]: Stomping previously assigned session identifier, two loads issued.
  1157. [00:00:44]: saving to server_temp/server_save
  1158. [00:00:44]: MiniMapComponent::AddAtlas( minimap/minimap_data.xml )
  1159. [00:00:44]: Loading Nav Grid
  1160. [00:00:46]: Can't find prefab mushtree
  1161. [00:00:46]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, mushtree] FAILED
  1162. [00:00:46]: Can't find prefab mushtree
  1163. [00:00:46]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, mushtree] FAILED
  1164. [00:00:46]: Can't find prefab mushtree
  1165. [00:00:46]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, mushtree] FAILED
  1166. [00:00:46]: Can't find prefab mushtree
  1167. [00:00:46]: SpawnSaveRecord [nil, mushtree] FAILED
  1168. [00:00:46]: Reconstructing topology
  1169. [00:00:46]: ...Sorting points
  1170. [00:00:46]: ...Sorting edges
  1171. [00:00:46]: ...Connecting nodes
  1172. [00:00:46]: ...Validating connections
  1173. [00:00:46]: ...Housekeeping
  1174. [00:00:46]: ...Done!
  1175. [00:00:46]: 1 uploads added to server. From server_temp
  1176. [00:00:46]: Telling Client our new session identifier: 379573595CCDAA60
  1177. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[1] <-> <nil>[1] (inactive)
  1178. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[2] <-> <nil>[2] (inactive)
  1179. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[3] <-> <nil>[3] (inactive)
  1180. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[4] <-> <nil>[4] (inactive)
  1181. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[5] <-> <nil>[5] (inactive)
  1182. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[6] <-> <nil>[6] (inactive)
  1183. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[7] <-> <nil>[7] (inactive)
  1184. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[8] <-> <nil>[8] (inactive)
  1185. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[9] <-> <nil>[9] (inactive)
  1186. [00:00:46]: Validating portal[10] <-> <nil>[10] (inactive)
  1187. [00:00:46]: Sim paused
  1188. [00:06:11]: Serializing world: session/379573595CCDAA60/0000000003
  1189. [00:06:11]: Collecting garbage...
  1190. [00:06:11]: lua_gc took 0.06 seconds
  1191. [00:06:11]: ~ShardLuaProxy()
  1192. [00:06:11]: ~ItemServerLuaProxy()
  1193. [00:06:11]: ~InventoryLuaProxy()
  1194. [00:06:11]: ~NetworkLuaProxy()
  1195. [00:06:11]: ~SimLuaProxy()
  1196. [00:06:11]: lua_close took 0.09 seconds
  1197. [00:06:11]: Manager - ORPHANED UNKNOWN RESOURCES:
  1198. [00:06:11]: shaders/ui_yuv.ksh - 1
  1199. [00:06:11]: CurlRequestManager::ClientThread::Main() complete
  1200. [00:06:11]: HttpClient2 discarded 1 callbacks.
  1201. [00:06:11]: Shutting down
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