
Dream Reader (Challenge No.21 entry)

Dec 29th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. halonut, April 8, 2013; 13:28 / FB 10140
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Be a Fluffologist.
  4. >Not one of those half-assed, fluffies in the park, shave their asses and see how they react fluffologists.
  5. >A real one.
  6. >…
  7. >Okay you shaved their asses to see how they’d react, but that was ONE TIME!
  9. >Ahem…
  10. >Anyways, for this experiment you decided to stretch your budget a little.
  11. >You’ve rented a dream reader from the local research hospital.
  12. >Cost a bit, but a chance to look at the inner workings of a fluffies mind is too good to pass up.
  13. >You’ve got three fluffies lined up for testing.
  14. >A feral smarty friend.
  15. >A pregnant dam.
  16. >And a little filly.
  17. >You’ve already got them anesthetized, and they won’t be waking up for quite a while.
  18. >Turns out a little chloroform goes a long way with fluffies.
  19. >Hook the smarty up to the machine.
  20. >Pictures start to form.
  21. >What appears is more or less what you expected.
  22. >*Zzzt* “Smawty am bestest smawty im dah hoooooowe wowwd!”
  23. >He appears to be two or three times bigger than the average fluffy.
  24. >Hundreds, perhaps thousands of ferals are milling around him.
  25. >Presumably they’re his herd.
  26. >Dozens of them are swooning at his hooves.
  27. >Most of them appear to be female.
  28. >Most.
  29. >He also appears to… Oh… OHGODNO.
  31. >Yank the headgear off the smarty.
  32. >Throw the perverted little fuck in the garbage.
  33. >You’ve confirmed two theories.
  34. >One: Fluffies can have homosexual tendencies.
  35. >Two: They can also be pedophiles.
  36. >Hook up the dam.
  37. >Hope to various gods that she’s more ‘normal’.
  38. >*Zzzt* A singsong voice emanates from the speakers, “Bahbees bahbees mummah haf bahbee~!”
  39. >Good…God…
  40. >That’s a lot of babies.
  41. >She has no less than eight teats, all of which are swollen to cartoonish proportions.
  42. >She has at least ten times that many foals wiggling around her.
  43. >You probably should have expected this.
  44. >Still kinda fucking weird to look at.
  45. >Unhook her because you don’t think you’re going to get anything else out of her.
  46. >So far fluffies seem to tend towards severe hyperbole.
  47. >The filly’s probably gonna be sucking on the world’s largest teat and swimming in a sea of fluff.
  48. >Hook her up with a smaller helmet.
  49. >*Zzzt* “Hewwo Hooman.”
  50. >…Wut.
  51. >”Speak up dummy. Fwuffy nu heaw yu.”
  52. >”I-I-wha… how?”
  53. >”Shuddup dummy. Yu iz gunna wissen weaaaaal cawefuw.”
  54. >Carefully reach behind your back.
  55. >”Whatchu doin dummy? Wissen to fwuffy!”
  56. >Pull our fluffy killing hammer.
  57. >”Pud dat back!”
  58. >*SMASH*
  59. >”OWWIES! Why huwt fwuffy? Am guud fwuff.”
  61. >”Yuu… iz… gunna… wegwet… dis…”
  62. >*SMASH*
  63. >”…”
  64. >No one must ever know about this.
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