
Steadman #1

Oct 30th, 2015
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  1. I was in SD for a whole day and witnessed more cancer and memes than in six whole years on 4chan. I still remember the minute I joined, someone named "Cuckcuck" was spamming "kill all niggers" in chat so I put him on ignore. A few minutes later "Aspergerlord" asked me if I had Cuckcuck on ignore - I said yes and was demoted to "cuckold" and unable to talk in chat. He then proceeded to spam promote/demote be between "cuckold" and "nigger" for about 10 minutes. I only stuck around because I was busy grinding and didn't mind the spam in chat.
  3. Only when I stopped responding did Aspergerlord whisper me and ask if everything was okay, like it was just a giant joke for him. I said yeah, everything is cool, and he then told me I need to go to the general and post a dick pic, as Stupei had done before. Again, assuming it to be just a joke, I just said "lol yeah sure" and proceeded grinding. 30 minutes later I get gkicked and several guild members started spamming "CUCK" in whispers. Aspergerlord then said "that's what you get for disobeying direct commands from the lord of aspergers." When I tried replying, he had already put me on ignore.
  5. I shouldn't have expected anything more from an official 4chan guild, but Jesus Christ.
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