
tastyspleen MegaTF notes

Jul 29th, 2017 (edited)
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Updated 2021-01-08, mainly to remove outdated info

Xavior (Avirox) MegaTF Normal/Classic server:

Same character classes as on 27500 but no monsters or experience points,
etc., just Red players vs. Blue players. Normally nobody online except
during "Frag Friday" regular matches Friday late afternoon/evening.

Xavior (Avirox) MegaTF Co-op server:
Humans vs. monsters. Has experience points, survival mode, etc.

has an overview of features.
Ignore the outdated info there about what you need to play.

http://www.tfgames.org/ has an overview of player classes.

Useful server-specific commands:

  • cmd maplist - see list of maps on the server
  • cmd votemode - vote for survival mode on next map
  • cmd votenext x - vote for map x to be next
  • cmd votemap x - vote for map x to be played right now
  • cmd voteyes - vote yes for the current thing being voted on
  • stopsound - stop currently looping sounds like music and flames
  • cmd help - see help commands
  • cmd inv - see what special items you are carrying
  • cmd inv x - use item number x from your inventory
  • cmd summon - try to resurrect a friendly version of a nearby dead monster
  • cmd res - (not in survival mode) try to resurrect a nearby dead player
  • cmd attrib - see your attributes
  • cmd spend x - spend an attribute point on attribute number x

Useful commands in ezQuake:

  • cl_pext_other 1 - needed for large maps or some monsters will be invisible
  • r_novis 1; gl_turbalpha x - set liquid opacity to x (0.0 to 1.0, 1.0 is solid)
  • s_desiredsamples 1024 - can help fix choppy sound problems
  • vid_conwidth 0; vid_conheight 0; fov 110 - good if using 1920x1080
  • rate 99999 - can help with download speeds
  • setinfo drate 999999 - does not seem to help but is supposed to

Admins of this server are Ratbert, Alissa, Shark. Argonator also has rcon
and some other admin permissions. Argonator = mechanerd@gmail.com

Argonator said that on this server, skins basically can't be changed unless
the skin has been uploaded to the server and you are a level > 10 player,
then you can "cmd misc customskin zzz" where zzz is the skin. If you try to
just change skins normally, the server will kick you. Argonator will send you
his argonator27.pcx skin upon request.

Skins, maps (.bsp), models (.mdl) can be downloaded via the quake console,
e.g. "download /maps/slide6_coop.bsp"

If you let your client download things as needed, you will be getting the
right versions from the server, but it can be slow, and some clients will
corrupt the downloads. It can be easier to install bundles ahead of time.
Unfortunately, there is no one single collection that "just works",
although Argonator says Spam's mtffull.zip is OK.

If your map .bsp files are not the same as what's on the server, things can
go wrong. Model files can be different versions and it is usually OK. For
example, you might have a plain white model for the vore projectile, toaster,
and res cube, but another version has a purple glow on it. I don't know which
one is "corrrect". Both work; they just look different.

  • Shark's map collection: http://megateamfortress.com/mtfhome
  • Shark's MegaTF install: http://megateamfortress.com/files/mtffull-sharks.zip
  • Spam's MegaTF install: http://megateamfortress.com/files/mtffull.zip
  • Spam's map collection: http://www.tfgames.org/web/maps/
  • Spam's skins collection: http://www.tfgames.org/web/skins/
  • (SpamLite's?) TF Map Depot: http://megateamfortress.com/files/maps.php

Not needed for gameplay, but possibly of interest:

  • Xavior's source code & misc. files: http://avirox.tfgames.org/

The server is running unreleased code and only Xavior can modify essential
files (maps, skins, progs). He is on a personal mission of some kind and was
not seen on the server for years, but he showed up to chat & play on 2017-09-06
and mentioned being interested to hear about bugs and server issues. His email
address is xavior@tfgames.org.

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