
The Northerly Adventures of Nolan the Saint

Sep 15th, 2013
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  1. Psycho !Mango5x1ac presents: Nolan North
  3. >You are Nolan North
  4. >Or Saints Bro as your friends call you
  5. >You check your watch to see it's lunch time
  6. >But you could always go and do something else with your 30 minutes of free time...
  7. >You guess the best thing to do would be to track down Norman.
  8. >He is your best friend after all.
  9. >You walks down the hallways looking for him, passing many middle class students.
  10. >Why you went to the same school as them, you had no idea.
  11. >Your dad Fancy Pants insisted you go her to become closer to them.
  12. >It disgusted you.
  13. >You come upon the gym and see Norman inside talking to a girl with white skin and purple hair.
  14. >This girl looked like she was alright.
  15. >Didn't look poor anyways.
  16. >You walk over to them as Norman notices you.
  17. >When the girl looks at her phone, Norman tries to tell you to go away.
  18. >You wouldn't have any of it.
  19. >You walk straight up to both of them.
  20. ">Alpha as fuck!"
  21. ">Conditions apply!"
  22. >Both of them look at you as if you're a grade-A retard.
  23. >"What the fuck was that Nolan?"
  24. "Oh, I just wanted to give this lovely lady right here a nice greeting."
  25. >Norman raises his eyebrow as he turns back to the white girl.
  26. >"As I guess you already heard, this is Nolan. Nolan, this is Rarity."
  27. >Her name even sounded lovely.
  28. "Well hello there Miss Rarity, it is great to make your acquaintance."
  29. >You extend your hand out to her.
  30. >She hesitantly takes it and shakes it with a half smile.
  31. >You raise her hand to your lips and lightly kiss her hand.
  32. >Just like your father taught you.
  33. >You look back to see her blushing as you let go of her hand.
  34. >"Well aren't you sweet, darling?"
  35. >Norman is getting visibly angrier by the second.
  36. >Maybe you should lay off for a bit.
  37. >You wouldn't want to be associated with that jerk Brad who steals everyone's girlfriends.
  38. "So Nolan, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"
  39. >Before you're able to answer, you feel a hand on your shoulder.
  40. >"Nolan here is a great guy!"
  41. >Brad...
  42. >You breath slowly as you take a step away from Brad.
  43. >Best just to ignore him so nothing bad happens.
  44. >Norman stands up and takes a step towards Brad.
  45. >"What are you doing here?"
  46. >"Just thought I'd stop by and see my two best friends."
  47. >You and Norman look at each other and back at Brad.
  48. >Was this guy serious?
  49. >Did he actually think you liked him?
  50. >You take a step towards Brad and put your arm around his shoulder.
  51. "Yeah, Brad and I are great friends."
  52. >Norman looks at you as if you've gone insane.
  53. "Come on, let's go get lunch together."
  54. >Brad seems a little startled, but realizes someone actually might like him.
  55. >"Okay, let's go."
  56. >You and Brad leave as you turn back to Norman and mouth to him.
  57. "Good taste."
  58. >He totally owes you since you're doing this.
  59. >You both walk together down to the cafeteria.
  60. >The room was full of people.
  61. >You grab your food and you look around to see Brad motioning for you to sit with him and his other friends.
  62. >You begin walking over to them as you spot a girl with magenta hair sitting at table, writing in a notebook.
  63. >She seemed okay, definitely not the worst at the table.
  64. >Sitting next to her, you greet her.
  65. "Hi, my name is Nolan. What's yours?"
  66. >She looks startled as she looks up from her notebook.
  67. >"Um, my name is Amy."
  68. >Seemed like the most normal name in this entire school.
  69. >You extend your hand just like you did with Rarity.
  70. >First impressions always matter after all.
  71. >She takes your hand and eagerly shakes it.
  72. >She was very beautiful.
  73. >Maybe you could use your sweet talk on her.
  74. "Your beauty is that of the stars that swirl in the sky."
  75. >As she takes a bite of her fruit, she realizes just what you said.
  76. >Blushing heavily, she almost chokes as she swallows.
  77. >"Wh-what did you just say?"
  78. >She's not taking like most ladies you know would.
  79. "I said you were beautiful."
  80. >"Well I heard that, but I have a boyfriend!"
  81. >Standing up, Amy marches away as Brad and the others at the table stare at you.
  82. >"Wow, bro. What did you say to her?"
  83. >You look around the table.
  84. >Six guys, including Brad, and three girls.
  85. >You could take them, but it would be better not to start a fight.
  86. "I just told her she was pretty and she overreacted."
  87. >Scoffing a boy with scraggly hair leans across the table towards you.
  88. >"Yeah, she's my girlfriend, so stay away from her."
  89. >She's dating this loser?
  90. >You couldn't even see his eyes, his hair was so low.
  91. >But like you said, best not to start a fight.
  92. >You finish eating, and take your tray and throw away your trash.
  93. >Maybe there was some way to win her over anyways.
  94. >The bell rings as you walk out of the cafeteria.
  95. >Time for Gym class.
  96. >Jogging down the hallways, you head towards the locker rooms.
  97. >You enter and change into your Gym clothes.
  98. >You head to the gym which is right across the hall.
  99. >Norman is waiting inside as you pass by him.
  100. >You still thought it was funny that the guy tried to intimidate you.
  101. >"What's got you so happy?"
  102. >You turn to Norman as you stop chuckling to yourself.
  103. "Oh, some guy tried to intimidate me when I called his girlfriend pretty."
  104. >"Wow. You're turning into Brad. You keep hitting on other people's girls."
  105. >You stop walking and turn to him.
  106. "Don't ever say I'm like that jerk."
  107. >"Hey, you're the one acting like him."
  108. >Is he serious?
  109. "Oh come on. I didn't even know she had a boyfriend."
  110. >Norman sighs as you two continue to walk.
  111. "So how did things go with Rarity?"
  112. >"Oh, not so well. I at least got her number though."
  113. >You two stop as the gym teacher tells everyone todays game is dodge ball.
  114. >Norman and you were an amazing team in dodge ball.
  115. "That's good. Maybe you could ask her out on a date."
  116. >Walking over to the racks, you pick up a dodge ball and head back to the court.
  117. >You both play, getting several people out until the bell rings.
  118. >You have a little time to spare until your next class.
  119. >You might as well head to your next class.
  120. >English was it?
  121. >You had to head across the courtyard to get there.
  122. >Heading to your locker to get your things, you say farewell to Norman as you walk down the hallways.
  123. >As you turn a corner, you bump into somebody knocking them down.
  124. >Papers flew everywhere as you fell onto your butt.
  125. >You stand up as you rub your ass.
  126. "Hey, watch wh-"
  127. >Oh, it was a girl.
  128. >Bending over, you try to help her up.
  129. >She takes your hand as you help her up.
  130. >"Sorry about that, I should have watched where I was going."
  131. >You begin picking up the papers as you turn back to her.
  132. "Oh, it was my fault. Sorry."
  133. >After collecting all of her fliers, you hand them to her.
  134. "Animal shelter, eh? Maybe I could stop by an help sometime?"
  135. >As she hears what your says she grins and hugs you.
  136. >"Yay! I'd love that!"
  137. >You look at your watch to see that you're 15 minute late for class now.
  138. >Might as not go anyways.
  139. >Your teacher would understand, he's a bro. Little crazy though.
  140. >You say bye to the girl with pink hair as you walk down the hallways.
  141. >You never even got her name.
  142. >Might as well go anyways since you don't want to miss anything.
  143. >You walk down the hallways to down class carrying your books.
  144. >Coming upon the room, you enter to find everyone staring at you.
  145. >Your English teacher strokes his goatee as he stares at you.
  146. >"And where have you been Nolan?"
  147. >You walk over to your desk and sit down.
  148. "I bumped into someone in the hallways and helped them pick up their stuff."
  149. >Your teacher sits on his desk.
  150. >"Well as long as you're telling the truth I guess that's fine."
  151. >You try to pay attention as best you can, but the purple girl next to you keeps clicking her pen.
  152. >Turning to her, you put your hand on her pen and whisper to her.
  153. "Could you please stop that?"
  154. >She turns to you and realizes what she's been doing.
  155. >"O-okay. Sorry."
  156. >Turning back to the front of the room, you see your teacher passing out worksheets as the bell rings, signaling the end of the school day.
  157. >You grab a paper as you walk out and head down the hallways.
  158. >There's lots of things to do after school.
  159. >You walk down the hallways pondering what to do.
  160. "Damn."
  161. >"Don't use that kind of language in school!"
  162. >You turn around to find yourself face-to-face with Miss Cherilee.
  163. >You didn't want to get detention.
  164. "Sorry, I just have some unfinished business with someone. It won't happen again."
  165. >She folds her arms and raises an eyebrow as she stares at you.
  166. >"As long as it doesn't happen again. Now move along."
  167. >You turn around and jog away.
  168. >Might as well go home, don't want to stick around here.
  169. >Walking out of the front door, you see Amy sitting on the front steps.
  170. >You better say you're sorry about what happened earlier.
  171. >As you walk over to her, you hear light sobbing.
  172. >Was she crying?
  173. >You walk over to her and sit next to her.
  174. "Hey, I'm sorry about what I did earlier. I took it too fast and didn't know you had a boyfriend."
  175. >Looking up at you, Amy has tests streaming down her face.
  176. >"Th-that asshole's not a boyfriend anymore..."
  177. >You put your arm around her and hold her close to you.
  178. "Why don't you tell me about what happened?"
  179. >Through sobs, she manages to tell you that he wanted to fuck her in his truck, but she didn't want to have sex until she's older.
  180. >You pat her back as she manages to tell her story.
  181. >You even give her a tissue from her backpack.
  182. >Well that means you won't be able to give her the D.
  183. >Maybe some ice cream might cheer her up.
  184. >Dancing and ice cream always cheer you up, but she probably would like dancing.
  185. "Why don't you come get some ice cream with me?"
  186. >Sniffling, she looks up at you.
  187. >"Really?"
  188. "Yeah, it'll be my treat."
  189. >You stand up and offer her your hand.
  190. >Taking your hand, she walks with you down to Sugar Cube Corner.
  191. >It's the best ice cream places in town.
  192. >Opening the door for her, you follow her inside.
  193. >As soon as you enter, you see a familiar face sitting at one of the tables.
  194. >It's that pink haired girl.
  195. >She waves you and Amy over to sit with her.
  196. >You take Amy's hand and lead her over to the table with the yellow skinned girl from earlier.
  197. >You pull out a chair for Amy and then take one for yourself.
  198. >"Hey, I never got your name. Mine is Fluttershy."
  199. >You turn to her and smile.
  200. "My name is Nolan. And this Amy. I took her here to cheer up with some ice cream."
  201. >Fluttershy looks at Amy and gives her a shy smile.
  202. >"Hi Amy. What's got you down?"
  203. >Maybe you should get the ice cream while they talk.
  204. >You stand up and walk over to the counter where you order chocolate ice cream for you and Amy.
  205. >You look back over to Fluttershy and Amy to see them hitting it off as you lean against the counter.
  206. >When the ice cream comes out, you take it to the girls and give one to Amy.
  207. >You begin eating as you make small talk with the girls.
  208. >Amy seems to be getting a lot happier at least.
  209. >You look around and notice a jukebox against one of the walls.
  210. "Would one of you girls like to dance?"
  211. >Caught off guard, Amy stops eating for a moment.
  212. >"O-okay."
  213. >You stand up and take her hand and lead her to the jukebox.
  214. >What song should you play...?
  215. >You look through all of the songs until you find a good song.
  216. >Chamillion.
  217. >Seems good enough.
  218. >Stepping back, you take Amy's hand.
  219. "You know how to dance?"
  220. >"Of course! What fool doesn't know how to dance?"
  221. "True."
  222. >Leading her near to an open space you begin dancing with her.
  223. >Some other people even join it.
  224. >As you're dancing, you hear the bell to the door ring.
  225. >You look back to see Amy's ex walk in, along with two other guys.
  226. >Maybe you could have a little fun with him.
  227. >You grab Amy's hand as you spin her around, obviously trying to draw attention to yourself.
  228. >Looking back towards her ex, you see him red faced and obviously angry as he stares at the both of you.
  229. >You continue dancing with her as he becomes visibly more angry by the moment.
  230. >You turn around and continue dancing with Amy.
  231. >That guy's not even worth your time.
  232. >You spin Amy around once again to keep her from seeing her ex.
  233. >As you're continuing to dance, you stop as you hear a crash.
  234. >Turning around, you see Amy's ex marching out and one of the tables is flipped over.
  235. >It was the table with your ice cream on it.
  236. >That fucker's crossed the line now.
  237. >Everyone stares in silence as he walks out.
  238. >You turn back to Amy and Fluttershy.
  239. "You two wait in here, I'm gonna go deal with him."
  240. >They both looked at you worried.
  241. "O-okay."
  242. >You turn back around and walk out the still open door.
  243. >As you exit the building, two arms reach out and grab your vest pulling you around an alley.
  244. >You're slammed against a wall with Amy's ex looking at you with more fury than humanly possible
  245. >You gotta think fast.
  246. >You grab his hair and pull his head back.
  247. >His grip weakens as you shove him back.
  248. >He hits the wall on the other side of the alley with a dull thud.
  249. >You run at him and grab his hair again and bring his head down to your waist.
  250. >Time to end the fucker.
  251. >Bringing your leg back, you feel something grab it and pull it back making you fall forward.
  252. >You topple over the ex and quickly get on your feet to see two of the ex's friends have joined him
  253. >Seems like the best time to use your new toy.
  254. >Reaching into your pockets, you feel the cold metal on your fingers as you slide on your brass knuckles.
  255. >You bring your fist up ready to fight these assholes.
  256. >Upon noticing your brass knuckles, their faces turn wan.
  257. >"L-listen here, we don't want any trouble, alright?"
  258. >You spit on their shoes as you turn around and slide your weapons into your pockets.
  259. "Don't let me see you around her again."
  260. >You leave them as they're helping the ex up and head back into Sugar Cube Corner.
  261. >You walk back inside to see everything has settled down.
  262. >What's this?
  263. >A brand new ice cream is in front of your seat with Amy and Fluttershy sitting at the table.
  264. >Walking over, Amy notices you and stand up.
  265. >"What happened?"
  266. >You sit down as she does and take a bite of your new ice cream.
  267. "We talked. He won't be bothering you anymore."
  268. >Amy looks down at her ice cream before looking back up at you.
  269. >She leans towards you and kisses your cheek before going back to her ice cream
  270. >Best not to act clingy.
  271. >You take a few more bites of your ice cream as you decide to chat with Fluttershy.
  272. "So why don't you tell me about this animal shelter?"
  273. >Thinking for a second, Fluttershy suddenly looks worried.
  274. >"I'm late!"
  275. "Late for what?"
  276. >"I was supposed to be at the shelter an hour ago!"
  277. "Don't worry."
  278. >Seems like a good time to call one of your homies.
  279. >Pulling out your phone you slide down to 'V' in your contacts list.
  280. >Finding the right person, you tap the screen and call them.
  281. >You wait for a minute until you hear them pick up.
  282. >"I'll be right over."
  283. >You lead Amy and Fluttershy outside where you wait for a few minutes.
  284. >Loud music begins coming down the street as you see a white sports car pull up next to the building.
  285. >The door opens to reveal a girl with blue spiky hair stepping out.
  286. >You lead Amy and Fluttershy over to the car.
  287. "Amy, Fluttershy, this is Vinyl. She's a very close friend of mine."
  288. >Vinyl shakes hands with Amy and Fluttershy.
  289. >"It's great to meet you both. You need to get somewhere, right?"
  290. >Fluttershy steps forward and pushes her hair back.
  291. >"Y-yes, to the animal shelter."
  292. >"Well let's go then. Hop in."
  293. >You walk over to the door, holding open each one for Amy, Vinyl, and lastly Fluttershy.
  294. >You get into the passenger seat as the car starts up.
  295. >You all make small talk as you drive to your destination, reaching there in 20 minutes.
  296. >Vinyl pulls up to the shelter and turns off the engine.
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