
Backstabbing just isnt my thing

Apr 6th, 2016
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  1. RavielDarkmor has joined the chat
  2. GoddessHeraSangreal has joined the chat
  3. xxLelianaVolaharxx has joined the chat
  4. Guest_vampirealexa385 has joined the chat
  5. VengarlVilidiaSOUL has joined the chat
  6. SariandiOnbin has joined the chat
  7. Guest_Tazmulia has joined the chat
  8. SariandiOnbin: why areyou going? whatcha going to do ?
  9. xxLelianaVolaharxx: Ashla! One of the only people I can tolerate! Welcome back
  10. SariandiOnbin: you tolerate me o.o
  11. SariandiOnbin: even when i go in your bedroom :o
  12. SariandiOnbin: ravi ^_^
  13. RavielDarkmor: 0.0! -Pounces Constance-
  14. SariandiOnbin: ~squeaks falling over~
  15. AshlaSnow: XD hi
  16. RavielDarkmor: -kisses her-
  17. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 has joined the chat
  18. AshlaSnow: oh hi hera i popped up here my b XD
  19. AshlaSnow: Kylan :D
  20. xxLelianaVolaharxx: Kylan! Another one of the only people I can tolerate!
  21. Guest_Tazmulia: -gives Artemis a sad supressed look- what does it matter
  22. SariandiOnbin: leli ><
  23. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Mother, found someone that I told that is concidering asking to be a part of the family. But he wants time to decide if he can or not.]
  24. SariandiOnbin: it matters a lot o.o
  25. Guest_Tazmulia has left the chat
  26. SariandiOnbin: YAAAY HI KYLAN!!!!
  27. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Hello there.]
  28. SariandiOnbin: ~Kisses rav~
  29. xxLelianaVolaharxx: Yes, Artemis? -Leliana gives her an emotional look-
  30. AshlaSnow: ^.^
  31. SariandiOnbin: im tolerable right ~does puppy eyes~
  32. xxLelianaVolaharxx: emotionaless*
  33. xxLelianaVolaharxx: -She shrugs- Sure.
  34. SariandiOnbin: v.v
  35. AshlaSnow: Everything ok Leliana?
  36. xxLelianaVolaharxx: Everything is fine, Ashla. How are you?
  37. GoddessHeraSangreal: what bothers yo my lttle Queen
  38. AshlaSnow: im good you
  39. SariandiOnbin: ~sighs standing up~
  40. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Anyways, I wanted to stop by and tell you, you might get a new recruit soon. His user is Kota1908 and he really looks forward into getting involved with a family again.]
  41. SariandiOnbin: im sorry but this is fucking ridiculous...
  42. xxLelianaVolaharxx: Me, Mother?
  43. SariandiOnbin: im out.
  44. RavielDarkmor: No
  45. RavielDarkmor: D:
  46. AshlaSnow: (I wouldnt trust that)
  47. SariandiOnbin: all this undercover emotional stuff is ridiculous
  48. SariandiOnbin has left the chat
  49. AshlaSnow: im a unicorn?
  50. xxLelianaVolaharxx: What are you talking about?
  51. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Just because you dislike him doesn't make him a bad person, you rarely participate here anyway.]
  52. AshlaSnow: not sure
  53. xxLelianaVolaharxx: I mean, you can be if you want to. Unicorns are awesome
  54. VengarlVilidiaSOUL has left the chat
  55. AshlaSnow: (Niot even that while he was here all he did was bash people here and cause trouble like always its not something i would do in the end its up to hera not me)
  56. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((Who?))
  57. AshlaSnow: Yus now i want a unicorn avi
  58. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [K, anyway. I strongly recommend him. But its always up to you.]
  59. AshlaSnow: (Kota not sure if you were around when he was here)
  60. RavielDarkmor has left the chat
  61. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((The name doesn't ring a bell))
  62. AshlaSnow: (yeah he was here before you)
  63. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Even Ven is excited for him trying to get in]
  64. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((Now you know I don't care about what Ven thinks))
  65. AshlaSnow: (Vengarl? reallly your friends with him)
  66. AshlaSnow: (Lol Lelia)
  67. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((But I'll trust your judgement because you've never given my a reason not to))
  68. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Always have been. He accepted me when I was at my lowests and he and I are connected like brothers.]
  69. GoddessHeraSangreal: yes leli
  70. AshlaSnow: (right kylan rightttttt anyway i dont really care in the end its not my kingdom)
  71. xxLelianaVolaharxx: I'm fine, Mother
  72. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [First person on Imvu to accept me into their life as more than just a person behind a screen, we've shared laughs, a few arguments, Watched sci-fi films together. Even cried together in person. People and bros like that are not easy to find.]
  73. AshlaSnow: (Kylan i dont trust you anymore honestly you just flip flop on everything you say)
  74. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((He's not wrong. I can't down him for being friends with him but he also knows I can't be after what he did))
  75. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [That's cool if you don't trust me. It truely shows what type of person you are and how easily you can drop people from your life.]
  76. AshlaSnow: (Yes my issue is Kylan has made statements like this before then turns back on them causing a lot of trouble so i avoid it now and kylan you dropped me a long time ago)
  77. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Says the person who blocked me.]
  78. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((Ashla, you might be correct. I don't know but he has the right to hate and like whoever he wants. He's also entitled to his feelings about whomever))
  79. AshlaSnow: (Because yet again you were starting drama over me marrying ven which now your best friends with)
  80. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I've been friends with him since GoE.]
  81. AshlaSnow: (thats why you bashed him at every turn and made a fuss to boli over him several times sounds legit)
  82. HexGirI has joined the chat
  83. xxLelianaVolaharxx: ((The two of you, Please drop it))
  84. AshlaSnow: (ok I will)
  85. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [It's because like andre, I will do whatever it takes to keep both sides of friends. I don't like thee fighting and choosing sides is hard, so I choose both sides. Not one single side is correct in all statements.]
  86. AshlaSnow: (Again im dropping this convo for lelias sake)
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