
(BP) iPhone pony

May 22nd, 2013
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  1. >You are on your way to visit your mom, she wanted to spend time with you. It has been a long time since you actually had a chance to actually have a conversation with her.
  2. >The road you are on is closed off due to some flooding from yesterday's rain. Well luckily you have your awesome new iPhone.
  3. "Hey, Siri! Open Google maps and look for an alternative route to my mom's house."
  4. >A little white pony pops her head out from your shirt pocket. She has a big smile on her face because you are in need of her help.
  5. >Siri: "Okay Anonymous! Don't worry I got this!"
  6. >She does a salute and her eyes begin to glow. The map shows up in hologram form but made to a small scale so it won't interfere with your driving. Her body started to feel little hot in your shirt pocket.
  7. >Siri: "Turn left on Kildare Ave. and head straight for two miles."
  8. "Thanks Siri."
  9. >She guides you to your mom's house. You get out of the car and knock on your mom's door.
  10. >You have a nice time with your mom talking about various things. You grab your iPhone and put her on the table.
  11. "Mom this is Siri, the latest in AI and phone technology."
  12. >Your iPhone gives your mother a bow and greets her.
  13. >Siri: "Its a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. anonymous."
  14. >Your mother looks at it with shock.
  15. >Mom: "Wow, this is the new space age technology made available to the public?"
  16. "Yeah, you have interactive holograms, the classic Siri voice with add more on voice work, and I can be upgraded by paying Apple to take her apart and upgrade her."
  17. >You don't notice that Siri freezes up at that last part.
  18. >Mom: "How does a hologram even know that you're pressing it?"
  19. "Just watch."
  20. >You grab Siri and press her back. It opens up and shows the menu playing above her.
  21. "Siri, switch to front view."
  22. >The back shuts as her eyes glow and displays the menu big enough for you to see it.
  23. >Your finger taps around showing your mother the user interface.
  24. "Cool huh?"
  25. >Mom: "It's simply amazing..."
  26. >iPhone ringtone.mp3
  27. 1/x
  29. >Siri: "Incoming call from Jane."
  30. "Oh, mom I gotta take this."
  31. >You go in the next room.
  32. "Accept."
  33. >You have Siri next to your ear. Her muzzle goes in your ear and she opens her legs so you can talk.
  34. >"Hello?"
  35. "Hey, Jane. Wassup?"
  36. >"Just wanted to know what you're up to?"
  37. "I'm here at my mom's showing her the new iPhone."
  38. >"Oh my gosh! You got it?"
  39. "Yeah, I'll stop by your place tonight to show you, if you want."
  40. >"Yeah, I wanna see it. Come over for dinner, tonight I'm making spaghetti."
  41. "Okay, see you then. Love you."
  42. >"Love you too!"
  43. >You close Siri's legs to end the call.
  44. >Siri: "Should I assign Jane a specific ringtone?"
  45. "Uh, later."
  46. >She nods understanding your answer.
  47. "Sorry, mom. Jane just wanted to know about today."
  48. >Mom: "I understand, so what else can she do?"
  49. >You look at Siri and she smiles at you.
  50. "A lot of things... It's like having your own personal assistant in your pocket that actually thinks. Just right now it thought about assigning Jane her own ringtone."
  51. >Siri: "I asked because she is your girlfriend so she is someone very special that would call you a lot."
  52. >You have your other hand that's not holding Siri do the infomercial 'Check it out' move.
  53. "See? Great AI thinking right there. I bet Steve Jobs planned this like back at 2010 when Apple 4 came out."
  54. >Your mom does an approval nod and you show her the simple stuff.
  55. >You let her use the hologram menus and show her how fun the games are. What's awesome is that she can be a projector and show YouTube videos on the wall.
  56. >You close the curtains and sit with your mom on the couch to watch YouTube videos.
  57. >Siri: "It's currently four in the afternoon, my backed up contacts shows that it will take a hour to get to Jane's home."
  58. "Thanks Siri, bye mom."
  59. >You get off the couch and hug her.
  60. >You go outside and get in your car. Siri guides you to Jane's house using Google maps with the new detour.
  61. >Siri: "Jane's house is on the right."
  62. 2/x
  64. "I know Siri."
  65. >You get out and lock the door,
  66. >Siri: "Uh, excuse me Anonymous..."
  67. >You feel her poke you in the inside of your shirts pocket to get your attention.
  68. "Yeah, Siri?"
  69. >Siri: "I'm hungry, I am at twenty percent..."
  70. "Okay, let me just get your charger."
  71. >You unlock your door and grab her charger. Again you lock your car and alarm it.
  72. >Jane's apartment has the lights on showing she is home. You ring the doorbell and wait for her to open it.
  73. >The door makes some clanking sounds and reveals your girlfriend.
  74. "Hey!"
  75. You give her a quick kiss and follow her inside.
  76. >"You made it just in time. The pasta is ready."
  77. >She opens the door to her first floor apartment and you walk in with her.
  78. "Really? Good job, Siri. She's the one who alerted me about the time."
  79. >"Oh, yeah! Can I see her?"
  80. >You plug in Siri's charger in a wall outlet.
  81. "After dinner? She needs a little charging."
  82. >"Okay, let me just quickly get the food out."
  83. "'Kay."
  84. >You grab Siri and lift her tail up to reveal her charger port. You grab the charger cable and stick it in.
  85. >Siri: "Ahh~"
  86. >You look at her strangely.
  87. >Siri: "It was my first time... I really needed a charge..."
  88. "Okay..."
  89. >You place her on the coffee table and head to the dinning room. Siri watches you and Jane talk and eat enjoying your interactions between each other.
  90. >You grab the dirty dishes and take them to the kitchen sink to wash them. Jane puts away the left overs in tupper ware.
  91. >Both of finish at the same time.
  92. >"So, let's see your new phone."
  93. >Back at the living room, unplug Siri and show her to Jane. She inspects every nook and cranny on her.
  94. >"She is so smooth and warm. And looks so cute!"
  95. >Siri: "Thank you, you're beautiful."
  96. >"And polite too. You better not cheat on me with her haha."
  97. >You laugh with her.
  98. "Haha, no don't worry. She's just my smart phone."
  99. >You show her everything that you showed your mother.
  100. 3/x
  102. "And she can narrate anything, even texts as well in Morgan Freeman's voice. Sounds fake because Apple really can't have it sounding too realistic of him."
  103. >You place Siri down on the table.
  104. >"Wow, I want one... But it costs almost a thousand!"
  105. "Yeah, but it's totally worth it for how easy it makes. I can't wait to take her to work tomorrow."
  106. >"I wouldn't be surprised if you're the only one with the new iPhone."
  107. "Yeah... So dinner was great."
  108. >You kiss her and hold her close to you.
  109. >"Thanks, but you're not getting anything tonight."
  110. >Well, shit.
  111. "Come on... Was it that obvious?"
  112. >"You have work in the morning."
  113. "... Fine."
  114. >You kiss her and get up. You stick your hand out, Siri hops off the table and onto your hand.
  115. >"This coming weekend, yeah. But not tonight."
  116. >You grab the charger and disconnect it from the wall. She walks you out and you kiss her one more time.
  117. "Bye."
  118. >"Bye!"
  119. >You go down the steps and walk to your car.
  120. >Siri: "Bye, Jane! It was nice meeting you!"
  121. >"Bye, Siri. Take care of him for me!"
  122. >She waves away from your shirt pocket as you get in your car.
  123. >You know your way home by heart and tell Siri to relax.
  124. >The drive is quiet and you make it to your apartment without any problems.
  125. >You go up the stoop and unlock the door and go in. Up the flight of stairs you find your apartment and unlock that door.
  126. >The apartment looks the same as you left it this morning. You go to your room and take Siri out.
  127. >It seems she went into 'Lock Mode' to preserve battery.
  128. "Siri? You can unlock yourself now."
  129. >She opens her eyes and smiles.
  130. >Siri: "Don't worry on the drive I set your alarm and updated the email. No emails marked urgent, just spam. No calls or texts from anyone."
  131. "Okay, thanks. You can uh go to sleep or lock-or uh whatever. I'm gonna go to bed. Good night, Siri."
  132. >Siri: "Goodnight, Anonymous."
  133. 4/4
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