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delicious piss

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Dec 26th, 2012
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  1. By bob McMuffin the cookie maker !!ou9EdsNHaGD
  3. >You are femanon
  4. >You are currently drinking pinkie's piss
  5. > She hasnt notice-
  6. > "AHH! wha- bu- HUH?"
  7. > She flips around to face you, still pissing
  8. > ... (she finishes)
  9. > "Who are you?"
  10. Uhh... im femanon, or just Anon
  11. > "Why were you...."
  12. It's absolutely delicious.
  13. > She surprises you by squirting out just a bit more onto her hoof, and tastes it
  14. > "Eww-eww-eww-eww EEEWWWWWWW that is disgusting how the hay did you convince me to do that"
  15. I didn't.... and apparently we have different tastes
  16. > Gives you a "no shit sherlock" look.
  17. Also I'm really thirsty and the water here tastes like piss--uh, human piss
  18. > "I wonder...... if you like horse piss, you like it a lot right?"
  19. Ya. It's insane
  20. > "Well, um, for /purely experimental/ purposes, would you uh,"
  21. Yes?
  22. > "Piss in my mouth?"
  23. > For some reason this seems perfectly logical to you
  24. > You do this
  26. I wonder if poop is the same....
  27. >"Well let's try it!"
  28. > Pinkie has seemed to be in a much more optimistic mood ever since she tasted your piss
  29. Uh, who goes first?
  30. > "Both at the same time! HRRR(grunting noises)"
  31. > You and pinkie shit
  32. > Good thing you ate something earlier
  33. > You go over to pinkie's pile
  34. > It smells like chocolate mixed with strawberry lemonade
  35. > It still /looks/ disgusting
  36. > You cautiously put some on your finger
  37. > *OM NOM NOM* Pinkie just ate your pile. holy shit (pun intended)
  38. > you taste your finger-
  39. > *NOM NOM NOM*-
  40. > and end up doing the same thing as pinkie
  41. Wow.
  42. > " 'Wow' is right! I gotta tell my friends!"
  43. WAIT!
  44. > "what?"
  45. There's plenty of ponys, but only one human
  46. > " 'human'? whats that?"
  47. oh, my species.
  48. anyway do you get my point
  49. > "No...."
  50. I can only produce so much piss!
  51. > "Oh. Just drink lots of water!"
  52. But your water tastes disgusting!
  53. > "Then we'll just all piss in your mouth"
  54. > For some unfathomable reason, you knod.
  55. > Pinkie bounces off
  56. > Comes back within hearing range
  57. > "Stay there! I'll be back"
  58. Okay Pinkie!
  59. > You wait
  60. > and wait
  61. > ....
  62. Pinkie!?
  63. > (distant) "Im coming!"
  64. > you hear pounding, like a stampede
  65. > WTF
  66. > You see the whole of Ponyville in front of you.
  67. Uh.....
  68. > Nervous as fuck
  69. > Pinkie comes back up
  70. > "So, uh, I told my friends and apparently I was really convincing cause they insisted on bringing some of their other friends and.... ya"
  71. Well, I guess you all get to start pissing in buckets!
  72. > (many people) "BUT I WANT TO PISS IN YOUR MOUTH ANON"
  73. > Suddenly a weird Idea takes hold in your mind
  74. Then fight!
  75. > You lay down with your mouth open
  76. > 50 streams of piss pop into the air
  77. > You close your eyes just in time
  78. > There's so much piss in your mouth you can barely keep up swallowing
  79. > You occasionally have to roll over to breath
  81. > SO
  82. > FUCKING
  84. > You're vaguely aware of a clamor around you
  85. > Suddenly the piss stops, you accidentally swallow a gulp of air
  86. > Look up
  87. > Everyone is running away
  88. > WTF
  89. WTF!
  90. > Rainbow dashes back: "We all ran out of piss, everyone went to drink as much water as they can. BYE!"
  91. > You're left alone
  92. > Fap because apparently you have a piss fetish you never knew about
  93. > (twilight) "Anon! We need to get organized and--"
  94. > Twi becomes speachless
  95. > Point of no return
  96. > Cum hard
  97. > "Uh, you made a mess, lemme help you clean that up....."
  98. > Twi 'accidentally' tastes your cum
  99. > You see her face turn to an expression of complete happiness/orgasm
  100. > She faints, with the expression plastered on her face
  101. > It's creepy
  102. > And sexy
  103. > She somehow moans out "more...."
  104. > You cant handle it
  105. > Cum again into her mouth
  106. > She slowly gurgles, then swallows
  107. > Still out cold
  108. > Rainbow dash appears out of nowhere
  109. > (rainbow)"OPEN UP ANON!"
  110. > Oh ya
  111. > Open mouth
  112. > Piss enters
  113. > Close mouth
  114. AGH! *spits out* thats DISGUSTING wtf?
  115. > (rain) "Wha-...... huh? but dont you like our piss?"
  116. Well, uh
  117. > You think on this, also confused
  118. > "Uh, why is Twilight unconscious?"
  119. Well I uh, um, well
  120. > Realize you prolly shouldn't tell the whole village that your cum tastes better than your piss.
  121. Lets go somewhere private. Bring your friends, especially Twi
  122. > You go into Twilight's library
  123. > Applejack is put on guard duty
  124. So I, uh
  125. > (rain) "JUST SAY IT!!"
  126. I cummed and Twi swallowed it and loved it so much she fainted
  127. > (stunned silence)
  128. And uh, she moaned 'more' and so I cummed in her mouth another time
  129. > Somehow it got more quiet.
  130. > You realize there's noone outside anymore
  131. Applejack? What'd you do?
  132. > (apple) "I told them you're dangerous"
  133. WHY?
  135. Oh.
  136. >more silence
  137. OH!
  138. > Inquisitive, annoyed looks
  139. I know why I dont like your piss!
  140. > More Inquisitive, less annoyed
  141. It's cause it's diluted! And I hate the pony water here
  142. > (most) "Oooohh."
  143. > (apple) "So who has original piss?"
  144. Wheres rarity?
  145. > (Fluttershy) "Apparently... well, um she was the only one disgusted by the idea"
  146. Does anyone know a way of collecting her piss?
  147. > (rain) "Thats not exactly a normal conversation we'd have to have with her, but..."
  148. > (twi) "Uh... wha.... ANON I MUST HAVE YOU"
  149. > And twilight jumps on you, already stripping down your pants
  150. > Rainbowdash and Applejack pull her off before she gets any farther
  151. > They're having a hard time restraining twilight
  152. > (apple) "Pinkie pie! I'd really appreciate your help here!"
  153. > (pinkie) "Okie dokie!" and goes to help
  154. > (apple) "Twilight (middle name) Sparkle! COME TO YOUR SENSES!"
  155. > Twilight finally stops struggling, and turns away from you
  156. >(twi) "Oh my....... the memories..... are they real?"
  157. > You nod, Rainbow passes on the message
  158. > Twilight goes back into the same frenzy, but this time starting by hanging rainbow, applejack, and pinkie in the air
  159. > Great, now she's just sane enough to be smart
  160. Fluttershy! Get help from rarity!!
  161. > Flutter runs off
  162. > You feel a surge of magic come from Twilight. You are now male. wtf.
  164. > Despite your best wishes, your dick has different ideas and becomes hard.
  165. > Your pants fall off
  166. > Wait what? How did that-
  167. > Twilight is sucking your dick and - no pun intended - sucking at it
  168. Uh....
  169. > You feel absolutely no pleasure, but your dick is still hard
  170. > Suddenly Rainbow, apple, and pinkie drop out of the air and into cages
  171. > (twi) "I SAID YOU'RE GOING TO ENJOY THIS!" *eye twitch*
  172. > Suddenly she uses he magic on your dick.
  173. > Your eyes widen
  174. > No logic or trace of anything is left. Only a giddy pleasure
  175. > She begins sucking your dick, and you cum instantly
  176. > The fucking house falls down as an explosion erupts of of twilight's horn.
  177. > The whole of ponyville was peaking in the windows
  178. > Twilight's eyes glow, and staring at them seems to be the thing to do
  179. > because.... those.... eyes.......
  180. > (rain) "ANON! ANONANONANONANONANON!" (which happens to be your full name. how did she guess?)
  181. > You snap back to reality
  182. > Twilight is still..... glowing
  183. > You take your dick out of her mouth
  184. > She falls over and stops glowing.
  185. > Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack are suddenly free
  186. > Rarity comes (finally)
  188. > Rarity comes up with flutters and manages to repair the house, then close all the windows
  189. > (rarity) "So, mind explaining? Don't worry, my grossed out level has already broken boundries."
  190. Well, uh
  191. *insert story here*
  192. > (rar) "I see. So how did you get here?"
  193. Well, um
  194. I have no idea
  195. > (rar) "Well then. it seems best if twilight stays alseep"
  196. > Rarity casts a spell a spell on twilight
  197. > (twi) SNOOORRRE
  198. > (rar) "im so sorry twilight, sleep well"
  199. How long will she be asleep?
  200. > (rar) "5-6 hours"
  201. > (dash) "Well then lets get outa here! Quick!"
  202. Wait, what?
  203. > But dash already picked you up and brought you to the everfree forest
  204. > (twi) "IM COMING FOR YOU ANON!!!"
  205. > A giant beacon lights up
  206. > o god what
  208. > (rar) "You're right, it was only about 4... i'm sorry"
  209. What, but but
  210. > Confused looks from all around
  211. Oh, I'm from another universe, i guess your hours are different from my hours.....
  212. > Fluttershy looks scared, Pinkie looks excitedly confused, Applejack & Rainbowdash are simply confused
  213. > Slowly they begin to understand
  214. > (flutters) "So if you don't remember how you came here, what is the last thing you remember?
  216. Well, uh, oh ya....
  217. > (rain) "Well"
  218. Er, um, well you see theres this thing called 4chan and....
  219. > Everyone stares at you expectantly
  220. and well sometimes people write stories about you gals that are..... erotic. And well I was fapping to one, and then I fell asleep
  221. > (rar) ".... Why that is the MOST disturbing thing EVER!"
  222. erm, sorry.
  223. > (fluttershy) "Who was it about anon?"
  224. What?
  225. > (flutter) "Who was the story about?"
  226. oh, uh, you.
  227. Okay get ready: They make stories called flutterrape where You, fluttershy meat me in ponyville and constantly try and guess my fetish because you're insanely in love with me. Err, your character is. In the stories
  228. > (flutter) "Thats.... not too far off....."
  230. Oh ya, bigger problems
  231. > Rainbow picks you up and flies you to cloudsdale
  232. > Has to constantly hold you, considering you're not a pegasi.
  233. > (rain) "I feel stupid.... of course I'd get tired.."
  234. > Shit
  235. > Wild Fluttershy appears!
  236. Wait what took you so long??
  237. > (flutter) "I'm... not as fast...."
  238. Oh. *facepalm*
  240. I have an insane idea that just might work. But, you have to let me do it myself. Don't give me any help unless I ask for it. Alright?
  241. > (rain) "Well. O.K."
  242. > (flutters) "ya, um, okay......"
  243. > With the help of rainbow and flutters, you get to the edge of cloudsdale
  245. > She suddenly teleports in front of you
  247. > You nod at rainbow and flutters,
  248. goodbye, nice knowing you.
  249. > Rainbow is about to try and stop what you're doing, but suddenly-
  250. > You get teleported to the mountains
  251. > Suddenly realize you're very hungry
  252. Look, im going to need food or else-
  253. > Stomach gives a ~JOLT~, suddenly you feel full
  254. Uh, i guess that works..
  255. Well, suck me like you did before :D
  256. > Twi's horn lights up, and your dick is instantly hard
  257. > She's really good at it this time
  258. How.... *moan*
  259. but, you were horrible at this before
  260. > (twi) "I read up on it"
  261. > Twi goes back to sucking your dick
  262. Oh my.. you really do have OHHH every *pant* book
  263. > (twi) SLUUUURP
  264. OH GOD
  265. >She continues sucking on your hard cock, even somehow managing to deepthroat it
  266. >How the fuck shes a pony
  267. >Oh god who cares
  268. >You feel it coming (pun intended)
  269. AHH!!!
  270. >You cum hard. THE giant load you just gave her is more than you've ever produced
  271. >She swallows it all in one gulp
  272. >Her eyes roll up, and Twilight falls asleep
  273. >You could live like this
  274. >You have a really good view....
  275. >Scoot next to twi
  276. >brush hands through her mane
  277. >Feel her warm coat, her mane is so smooth.
  278. >slowly.... drift.... to sleep.
  280. END OF PART 1
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