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  1. Wolverine WVR-6W2
  3. Mass: 55 tons
  4. Tech Base: Inner Sphere
  5. Chassis Config: Biped
  6. Rules Level: Tournament Legal
  7. Era: Clan Invasion
  8. Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-E-A
  9. Production Year: 3048
  10. Cost: 12,000,307 C-Bills
  11. Battle Value: 1,638
  13. Chassis: Unknown Standard
  14. Power Plant: Unknown 275 Fusion XL Engine
  15. Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
  16. Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
  17. Jump Jets: Unknown
  18. Jump Capacity: 150 meters
  19. Armor: Unknown Ferro-Fibrous w/ CASE
  20. Armament:
  21. 1 ER PPC
  22. 1 SRM-6
  23. 3 Medium Lasers
  24. 1 Improved C3 Computer
  25. 1 Beagle Active Probe
  26. 1 Guardian ECM Suite
  27. Manufacturer: Unknown
  28. Primary Factory: Unknown
  29. Communications System: Unknown
  30. Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown
  32. Overview:
  33. The Kallon Industries' Wolverine represents a relatively successful attempt to
  34. marry speed with striking power. A comparatively fast 'Mech capable of taking
  35. considerable damage while remaining operational, the Wolverine now serves in
  36. Successor State medium and recon lances. Its long and impressive history spans
  37. both the Star League and the era of the Succession Wars.
  40. Capabilities:
  41. The Wolverine's Crucis-A chassis is both light and durable, and the 'Mech is
  42. also equipped with medium Maximilian-60 armor. Early Wolverines were armed with
  43. only the Whirlwind autocannon and a single medium laser. The Harpoon 6-rack SRM
  44. launcher was later added to increase the 'Mech's firepower at close range.
  46. Originally intended to provide a full 360-degree firing arc, the ball-turret
  47. mounting of the Magna medium laser cannon is noteworthy. The weapon's traverse
  48. became restricted, however, when the shoulder-mounted Harpoon and the Tek
  49. BattleCom electronics blister were later added on. A fire-interrupt circuit
  50. also had to be added to prevent MechWarriors from damaging their own vehicles.
  52. The Wolverine is one of the heaviest 'Mechs to carry jump jets, and the
  53. Northrup 12000 engines must labor considerably to lift the 55-ton vehicle into
  54. the air. The jump jets are thus prone to breakdown, forcing House Kurita, for
  55. example, to scrap the jets altogether.
  57. The Wolverine's value as a command vehicle is enhanced by its Tek BattleCom
  58. system, a unit also used to good effect by the Orguss Phoenix Hawk.
  59. Well-shielded and with a multi-channel transmitter and receiver, the Tek
  60. comgear is an important facet of the Wolverine's success as a recon 'Mech.
  62. As a fast, medium recon vehicle, the Wolverine does not have impressive armor,
  63. which is as it should be. In combination with the medium laser and SRM
  64. launcher, the Whirlwind autocannon provides firepower adequate to allow the
  65. Wolverine to cover its own retreat or to support the advance or retreat of
  66. other 'Mechs. Despite its originally limited role, the Wolverine has proved to
  67. be a versatile BattleMech, suited to many different tasks.
  70. Battle History:
  71. Wolverines are often deployed in recon lances to perform hazardous scouting
  72. missions into heavily defended areas, where lighter Wasps or Locusts would be
  73. at a disadvantage. Along with other medium recon vehicles such as the Charger
  74. and the Griffin, the Wolverine has seen constant service since the start of the
  75. Successor States era.
  77. Wolverines have served House Kurita with distinction during many battles with
  78. Davion on Bergman's Planet. There, in 2986, Wolverines of Kurita's Legion of
  79. Vega clashed with the Phoenix Hawk and Stinger lances of Davion's Deneb Light
  80. Cavalry.
  82. Captain Dale Smith of the Vegan Legion won special recognition while leading a
  83. raiding party of Wolverines deep into Davion territory. Beset by the Deneb's
  84. more numerous 'Mechs, he conducted a series of skillful fighting withdrawals,
  85. using his Wolverines' superior mass and firepower to defeat the faster and more
  86. agile enemy. After more than a week out of communications with the main Kurita
  87. base, not only did Smith's company return without a single casualty, but was
  88. loaded down with loot and spare parts.
  90. Perhaps the best known incident involving a Wolverine took place in 2932,
  91. during a hard-fought campaign between Kurita and Steiner on Kimball II, a
  92. planet that had already changed hands a dozen times. Steiner's Wolverine-led
  93. medium and heavy recon forces were pushed to the limit, having to engage in
  94. raiding and commando actions in addition to their normal scouting duties.
  95. During one such raid, the remains of three recon lances of Steiner's Lyran
  96. Guard, under the command of Captain Lisa Morgan, were sent on a hazardous night
  97. mission to destroy a key Kurita com center. The unit consisted of six
  98. Wolverines and three Phoenix Hawks.
  100. Unfortunately, Morgan found the objective heavily guarded, and her unit was
  101. soon under attack by two full Kurita heavy assault companies. She ordered a
  102. retreat, but found the escape route blocked by a pair of Marauder lances.
  103. Leading the Kurita 'Mechs was Captain Yuri Karlevski, pilot of nothing less
  104. than a BattleMaster, the most dreaded of all 'Mechs.
  106. Refusing to consider retreat, Morgan threw her company against the Marauders,
  107. desperately hoping for a breakthrough. Though they fought savagely, Morgan's
  108. Wolverines were clearly outmatched. As the pursuing heavy 'Mechs moved in and
  109. Morgan herself was being battered to pieces by the ruthless Karlevski, all
  110. seemed lost. Then fate intervened on Morgan's side.
  112. Her 'Mech toppled, with one arm and one leg crippled, Morgan watched as
  113. Karlevski prepared to deliver the coup de grace. In a last act of defiance,
  114. Morgan hit her SRM fire switch, discharging the last spread of missiles at
  115. point-blank range. All six missiles struck the BattleMaster in the head,
  116. blasting its cockpit to scrap and instantly killing Karlevski. With their
  117. command communications disrupted, the remaining Marauders fell back in
  118. confusion. Meanwhile Morgan and her surviving Wolverines gathered up the
  119. damaged BattleMaster and escaped.
  121. Karlevski's BattleMaster, the Czar Peter, was repaired and awarded to Captain
  122. Morgan, and still serves in the 'Mech forces of House Steiner.
  124. Though the Wolverine has expanded its duties considerably beyond its original
  125. scouting role, most of its engagements are less colorful, routine scouting
  126. missions, raids, or battles with other recon units. The Wolverine also packs
  127. enough firepower for use in support of heavier 'Mechs or even to attack
  128. positions held by infantry or lighter 'Mechs.
  131. Variants:
  132. Besides the standard Wolverine-A, House Kurita employs a variant whose
  133. troublesome jump jets have been replaced by additional armor. The Whirlwind
  134. cannon has also been replaced with one heavy, one medium, and one light laser.
  136. Less radical is House Marik's Wolverine-M. It retains the jump jets, replaces
  137. the autocannon with a heavy laser, and adds a medium laser.
  139. Most Successor Lords, however, seem content with the basic Wolverine design,
  140. and few other variants have been tested.
  143. Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
  144. MechWarrior Lib Argust
  146. Pilot of a Wolverine in Norman's Recon Lance, Dinsdale's Battalion, 4th Tau
  147. Ceti Rangers of House Liao. Argust is a likable individual, whose Wolverine
  148. bears numerous battle honors. She is also an excellent athlete especially
  149. skilled at rudder-bat and basketball. Her competitive nature is well-suited to
  150. 'Mech combat, making her a first-rate recon pilot, with a never-say-die
  151. attitude.
  154. Additional:
  155. Text from TRO 3025, entered by Josh Helton, aka Maverick
  158. Distribution from RS 3025/3026, entered by Thom Breakiron
  161. ================================================================================
  162. Equipment Type Rating Mass
  163. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. Internal Structure: Standard 91 points 5.50
  165. Engine: XL Fusion Engine 275 8.00
  166. Walking MP: 5
  167. Running MP: 8
  168. Jumping MP: 5 Standard
  169. Jump Jet Locations: 1 CT, 2 LL, 2 RL 2.50
  170. Heat Sinks: Double Heat Sink 13(26) 3.00
  171. Heat Sink Locations: 1 RT, 1 RA
  172. Gyro: Standard 3.00
  173. Cockpit: Standard 3.00
  174. Actuators: L: SH+UA+LA+H R: SH+UA+LA+H
  175. Armor: Ferro-Fibrous AV - 179 10.00
  176. Armor Locations: 1 CT, 3 LT, 2 RT, 6 LA, 2 RA
  177. CASE Locations: 1 LT 0.50
  179. Internal Armor
  180. Structure Factor
  181. Head 3 9
  182. Center Torso 18 27
  183. Center Torso (rear) 7
  184. L/R Torso 13 19
  185. L/R Torso (rear) 7
  186. L/R Arm 9 18
  187. L/R Leg 13 24
  189. ================================================================================
  190. Equipment Location Heat Critical Mass
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  192. ER PPC RA 15 3 7.00
  193. 2 Medium Lasers LA 6 2 2.00
  194. Beagle Active Probe RT 0 2 1.50
  195. Guardian ECM Suite RT 0 2 1.50
  196. SRM-6 LT 4 2 3.00
  197. Improved C3 Computer LT 0 2 2.50
  198. Medium Laser HD 3 1 1.00
  199. @SRM-6 (15) LT - 1 1.00
  200. Free Critical Slots: 0
  202. BattleForce Statistics
  203. MV S (+0) M (+2) L (+4) E (+6) Wt. Ov Armor: 6 Points: 16
  204. 5j 3 3 1 0 2 1 Structure: 3
  205. Special Abilities: C3I, PRB, RCN, ECM, CASE, MHQ2, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA
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