
Fluffy Wars Sample

Apr 20th, 2012
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  1. Had the story 'Smarty Disguise' ended with both human characters surviving, the story would have taken on a spy vs spy element. This is a rough example of what I'd like to do. I really don't like how this turned out, as detail and fluffy dialogue are so minimal.
  3. >You are a fluffy abuser
  4. >You are also the smarty friend of a herd at the dump
  5. >You are late for work at the dump
  6. >You and your coworker, whom you refer to as 'the quiet guy' no longer serve any real function at the dump
  7. >The two of you raise the morale of your coworkers and inadvertantly cull the fluffy pony population
  8. >Coworkers never miss days anymore
  9. >You hurry to get to work
  10. >No telling what that quiet fuck is doing to your herd
  12. >You arrive at your herd's camp
  13. >Your fluffies are stomping around, yelling, biting at things you can't quite make out
  14. >You grab one and demand to know what the hell they're doing
  15. >'Big fwuffy come! Put shinies on fwoor, wake fwuffies up! Fwuffy twy give owies, big fwuffy no see fwuffy!'
  16. >Shinies
  17. >You look closer at the ground and see there is copper wire everywhere
  18. >Your fluffies are biting at it
  19. >The wire leads out of your camp
  20. >The wire suddenly glows and all fluffies in your camp begin to scream and convulse
  21. >You dive off the wires and shield your eyes
  24. >Smoke has cleared, time to survey the damage
  25. >Your fluffies are wandering around in a daze asking 'Where fwuffy?'
  26. >Foals that were touching the wire sizzle and pop
  27. >You catch a glimpse of the quiet guy standing next to what looks to be a dozen car batteries taped together
  28. >He salutes you comically then turns and begins slowly walking away
  29. >A fluffy tugs on your pant leg, asking 'Fwend?'
  30. >Quiet guy has reset most of your fluffies
  31. >He'll be bringing his herd to your camp soon enough
  32. >Your troops will be slaughtered
  33. >Worse yet, he'll declare this week a victory for him
  34. >You angrily stomp around your camp swinging a lead pipe, determined to not let that sorry bastard steal your kills
  35. >But then you get a better idea
  36. >He hasn't won yet
  37. >You grab five cowering fluffies by the tails and your backpack and begin running as fast as you can
  38. >You've got to beat him back to his camp
  40. >You've arrived
  41. >He's already here, but he hasn't organized his raiding party yet
  42. >You still have a chance
  43. >You set your whimpering fluffs down, and open your backpack
  44. >A couple lengths of surgical tube
  45. >A small pylon
  46. >2 dozen fireworks
  47. >You giggle maniacly as you crisscross the tubing and tie the ends to whatever will hold them
  48. >You then place your pylon between the stretchy tubes
  49. >Your makeshift giant slingshot is ready
  50. >Now to prepare your ammo
  51. >You grab your first fluffy and dry jam a large firework up it's ass
  53. >It sobs hysterically as you load it into the pylon
  54. >The fuse sticks out the hole of the pylon
  55. >You see that the cries have garnered the attention of the quiet guy
  56. >You curse your luck, light the fuse and launch the squealing fluffy into the air
  57. >He screams into the air
  58. >You see him looking around then hear him yell 'Fwuffy fwying? FWUFFY FWYING! YAYYYYY!'
  59. >As he turns and begins his journey back down to earth, the rocket portion of your firework ignites
  60. >Fluffy pony is now streaking towards the ground at five times the speed he went up
  61. >He crashes into the ground in the middle of the quiet guy's camp, causing numerous fluffs to start stomping on him
  62. >That's when the first dazzling explosion happens
  63. >The aggressor fluffs are blown back in a shower of purple sparks as an ear splitting crack breaks the eardrums of all fluffs in the camp
  64. >Quiet guy is in a full tilt run towards your slingshot
  65. >As fast as you can, you load the next three fluffs and launch them to similar fates
  66. >Last one, and you don't feel like carrying any fireworks back
  68. >As you fire the last one, the quiet guy finally reaches you
  69. >But it's pointless
  70. >He can only attack your fluffies
  71. >And the only fluffy you had is now a fluffy harbringer of fiery screaming death
  72. >The two of you stand shoulder to shoulder as the final fuse ignites
  73. >The first four fluffy fireworks shook the camp up, but casualties were few
  74. >You put your hands in front of your face just in time to see a sparkling mushroom cloud erupt from quiet guy's camp
  75. >Fluffy bodies rain down from the sky
  76. >Car windshields shatter from the fluffy hailstorm
  77. >Fluffy sized tidal waves from fluffies landing in stagnant pools of water
  78. >As your hearing slowly returns to you, you hear soft crying coming from quiet guy's camp
  79. >You both approach to assess the scene
  80. >A few fluffies stumble and lurch around the camp babbling 'Where fluffy?'
  81. >Crimson stains form beneath their eyes and ears
  82. >A fluffy grabs at your pant leg, repeating it's question and asking if you are a friend
  83. >You kick it in the stomach
  84. >It cries as it flies backwards and lands in the remains of some fluffsploded dams and their cripy foals
  85. >Both camps have fluffies that no longer comprehend their surroundings
  86. >Both camps have cooked baby fluffies just waiting to be eaten by other fluffies
  87. >Quiet guy asks if we can call this a draw and just go find new herds
  88. >You nod, and tell him you'll see him tomorrow
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