
The Trickster and the Harlequin- Bro-motions

Mar 21st, 2012
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  1. You wake up alone. You look around your room. No sign of Rainbow Dash. Fucking hallucinations.
  2. >Hey, don’t blame me. I didn’t do shit.
  3. You get up out of bed, and wonder whether you should continue with your day. That dream last night made you really miss Dash. You walk down stairs, and hear Harley laughing from the kitchen.
  4. ‘So…so he pissed his pants after the Sonic Rainboom?’
  5. ‘Yeah. I shouldn’t have done it so close to his house though. Wiped it off the face of Equestria.’ You recognise that voice. You flip up the screen on your arm. It read:
  6. >2 Pne
  7. >1 Un
  8. >1 Pg
  9. >5-6ft
  10. ‘So are you and Dad…together?’ Harley asks
  11. ‘Well I don’t know kiddo.’
  12. ‘Oh come on… I’d love for you to be my new mommy.’
  13. ‘I know…I just don’t know how your dad would feel.’
  14. ‘Why don’t you ask him? He’s hiding around the corner.’
  15. >Screw you bitch!
  16. Oi, that’s our daughter.
  18. Rainbow Dash shoots around the corner to see you standing there, serious bad pokerface.
  19. ‘You listening in on us?’ she says
  20. ‘I’m sorry…’
  21. ‘So…umm. About last night?
  22. ‘Look Rainbow.’ You grab her hooves ‘I like you. A lot. When I woke up and looked into your eyes that morning, I realised that I couldn’t continue without telling you. I mean, I had feelings for my bro. The Pegasus that prevented me getting…”tagged”. So I did what any self respecting man would do, I spoke to a 5 year old filly. You wouldn’t believe how I felt when she looked me in the eye and said “Dash likes you too daddy”. I can understand how you felt, but I also know how much I put you through. Calling you my bro, my friend. Your heart must have broken everytime thinking I could never see you as more. But you stuck with me, no matter what. I’m not asking you to marry me straight away and have pony/human hybrids. I’m just asking you to give me a chance. Maybe let me take you out on a date once in a while.’
  23. ‘What about a bro? Who is going to take that position?’
  24. ‘I guess spike just got…’you put on a pair of sunglasses ‘…A Bro-motion.’
  25. ‘YEEAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!’ Harley screams from the kitchen. You walk in to see her standing on top of the fridge. ‘I can teleport.’
  27. After breakfast, there is a knock at the door. you go to open it to find Fluttershy standing there.
  28. ‘So…I heard that you and….’ Fluttershy breaks down crying.
  29. You kneel down, and hug Fluttershy. ‘I’m sorry Fluttershy. Look,’ you look her in the eyes ‘I love you. But only as a friend. You didn’t immediately warm up to me, but you helped me when I was hurt. You show Harley how to care for others. Without you and everyone else in Ponyville, I couldn’t raise Harley to be a good pony. Don’t ever think I won’t be there for you.’
  30. She gives you a big smile, and you wipe away her tears. ‘Does she know what kind of pet she wants?’
  31. ‘No. Can she come over and play with them?’
  32. ‘Yeah… It would be nice to have company.’
  33. ‘How about afternoon tea then? I’ll bring everypony over, and we can chat.’
  34. ‘I’d like that Lokie.’ She gives you a hug, and a kiss on the cheek, and flew off.
  36. ‘How did you do that?’ Rainbow asks as you walk inside.
  37. ‘I don’t know. I guess I have my friends back.’
  38. ‘What do I teach Harley?’
  39. ‘To tell somepony you like them and not be a little filly about it.’ She hoofs you in the gut.
  40. >You deserve that.
  41. ‘Dash, can you fly Harley to school? I need to get back to Doctor Whooves shop. It’s only half built.’
  42. ‘Okay. Come on kiddo, we’re about to fly 20% cooler.’
  43. ‘Yay. Bye daddy.’ She jumps on Rainbow’s back and gives you a kiss.
  44. ‘Bye pumpkin. Bye Dash.’ You give Dash a kiss on the lips.
  45. ‘EEWWW, Gross daddy.’ Harley says.
  46. ‘See ya Lokie. I’ll come see you at work.’ Dash says, before shooting off with Harley holding on for dear life.
  48. You get back into working fairly quickly. With your new hand, you don’t need to use a hammer, just a good punch. Your computer starts to beep quite fast.
  49. ‘Hello Pinkie Pie.’ You say without looking up.
  50. ‘Party Pooper…I built that thing too good.’ She says, standing on the tip of the roof you just built.
  51. ‘Thank you Pinkie. It is wonderful work.’
  52. ‘Sooo….I hear somebody has a special somepony!’
  53. ‘And I hear Derpy makes better muffins than you. What are you going to do about it?’
  54. ‘Oh coooome on Lokie. Just admit it.’
  55. You can’t hide your smile ‘I ain’t admitting anything to you.’ She stares at you, full on pinkie smile ‘okay…yes.’
  56. ‘I knew it, I knew it.’
  57. ‘Pinkie, you have to PINKIE promise not to tell anypony. I am having afternoon tea with Fluttershy, and I want you to get Rarity, Twilight, Spike and AJ to come along.
  58. Pinkie gives you a salute ‘Yes sir!’ and is gone in a poof.
  60. You finish up work early, and Doctor Whooves pays you your fee.
  61. ‘No, It’s 50 bits less sir. I was late on the deadline.’ You say to him
  62. ‘Lokie. You cut your own arm off to save your daughter.’ Whooves says ‘You are allowed to be a little late. You humans can’t regenerate yourselves, so it’s nice to see you with 2 hands again.’
  63. ‘Thank you Doctor. Let me know if there are any problems.’
  64. On your walk home, you realise how peaceful it is not worrying about rapist ponies. You really appreciate the weather in Equestria.
  65. You are awoken from your day dream by someone calling ‘DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!’
  66. You look up, only to see a white puff ball attach itself to your face.
  67. ‘Yeah, I knew that would work!’ called Rainbow Dash.
  68. You removed the puff ball from your face to see a very happy Harley. Her hair was all messed up from flying with Rainbow. Dash swoops down to tackle you, and gives you a kiss for good measure.
  69. ‘How are my two favourite girls?’ you ask
  70. ‘School was fun. Lotta stuff about cutie marks.’ Harley says, climbing up on your head.
  71. ‘Not a lot of weather changes today. So I spent the day stalking you until I picked up Harley.’
  72. ‘Well we have to get to Fluttershy’s for afternoon tea.’
  74. By the time you arrive to Fluttershy’s, everyone is there. Harley runs straight in and hugs everyone before running to the backyard.
  75. ‘Gosh, that kid sure loves animals.’ Fluttershy says.
  76. ‘So Lokie, what did you need us to come here for?’ Twilight says, but there is a knock at the door again. Rainbow enters, trying not to look guilty.
  77. ‘Sorry I’m late. I had to visit Cloudsdale for a few weeks.’ She says.
  78. ‘Liar.’ You mutter. ‘But yes, I did need to talk to you guys about something. Spike!’
  79. ‘Yes Lokie?’ says the purple dragon.
  80. ‘You have been a total bro for me, my second in bro-mand so to speak. So I have decided to give you a bromotion. You are now my number one bro from now on.’
  81. ‘I’m honoured Lokie. But what about Rainbow?’
  82. ‘That’s something else I need to say. Rainbow has received a promotion to potential special somepony.’
  83. Rarity and Twilight gasp. No one else is shocked. They all give you congratulations, hugs and kisses. Pinkie Pie always had her suspicions but all were happy.
  85. As you have a good round of laughs, and a lot of tea, you realise how late it is. You go out the back of the house to call for Harley. But Harley wasn’t out there.
  86. ‘Oh Celestia…’ you say.
  87. Everyone runs outside, but there is no sign of her. Before anyone can run off to find her, you hold up your right hand, telling them to wait. You look at your left arm, and flip up the tracker.
  88. ‘Everypony, back inside.’
  89. They all go in as you walk into the field.
  90. >1 Pne
  91. >1 Un
  92. >9 ft
  93. You start walking forward.
  94. >6 ft
  95. Almost there.
  96. >1 ft.
  97. You look down at the ground, but there is nothing there.
  98. ‘Well I guess I can’t find her using this.’ You say.
  100. Quick as a snake, you snap your right hand down, and grab onto the thin hair. But it doesn’t feel like thin air, it feels like a pony.
  101. ‘This doesn’t feel like fresh air. It feels like a fat pony.’
  102. ‘Who you calling fat, dad?’ came a voice. Harley reappears in a flash.
  103. ‘You’re getting good at this colour change thing. I can’t believe you can do camouflage.’
  104. ‘I wanted to practice, so I came out here.’
  105. ‘Well I am proud of you. You are going to be a wonderful unicorn one day.’
  106. ‘Thanks dad. Time to go?’
  107. ‘Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to stay at Fluttershy’s tonight. I was going to take Dashie out on a date.’
  108. ‘Well…I don’t know…Did you earn enough stars?’
  109. ‘I cut my arm off to save your life. I think that deserves one night out with her.’
  110. ‘Okay Daddy. Pancakes tomorrow?’
  111. ‘Damn straight.’
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