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May 4th, 2016
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  1. Scene 1
  2. Jon snow wakes , tormund and the wildings are shocked , Davos and Edd join him and have a talk about what he felt , Jon doesn't remeber nothing except seeing is body dying.
  4. Scene 2
  5. Daenerys talks with khal,she is brought to dosh lhaleen and reminded what is her place. She is then put on her knees and stripped. Jorah and Daario find vaes dothrak,try to infiltrate it,are caught. Daario wants to kill them but Jorah insists that its only gonna be worse since they are outnumbered and that it would be the worst insult to spill blood in their sacred city.
  7. Scene 3
  8. Kings landing where Cersei talks to Jaime about their enemies,she names the Tyrells the faith and their uncle kevan , Jaime thinks she should try to build a good and diplomatic alliance with the Tyrels , he tells her how despite being two families that hate themselves Doran and him could save Dorne and build the Crown a strong alliance. She tells him that he changed , Qyburn then informs her that he heard about littlefinger having contacts with the Tyrells and the return of Mace in the capital , cersei asks if he knows anyone who would profit of their weaknesses to give themselves some gains , Qyburn tells her that many houses could make their moves and nobody can be trusted , North , River'ands , Dorne , Greyjoys and Tyrels .
  10. Tommen has discussion with the high sparrow , he trys to convince tommen to be ally with the faith , tommen is sceptic , Faith militant man seek Cersei because the high sparrow wants to see her , the mountain kill them , we then are with same , little speech about the place where he is going and he thinks as a home for gilly and little sam.
  12. Scene 4
  13. Return to the wall , Jon discusses with Thorne , Thorne is without words , Jon tells him that they can still be friends , he knows Thorne is a good lord commander and wants him to watch the wall while he goes to search allies for the great war .Thorne warns him that he is breaking his oath but Jon tells him they freed him when they killed him. Davos then arrives and tells Jon that his sister is at the gate.
  15. Scene 5
  17. We then see Umbers and Manderlys arriving at winterfell , they swear allegiance to Ramsay. Ramsay tells the Umber guys he knows how much they worship the Starks. They answer that the last surviving Stark man let wildings enter their territory , they tell Ramsay that Jon is not a true lord commander.
  19. They then say they have a gift to show him to prove that Starks are nothing for them now , he shows them Rickon and his wolf and Osha , they ask Osha who is the little man and she answer that he is Rickon Stark. She looks broken and beaten.
  21. Scene 6
  22. Bran and bloodraven talk about the death of bran family ,they talk about Ned , Catelyn and Rob. Bloodraven show him through a quick vision that Jon died and was reborn. He explain that he is more then they all think and show him a fight between is father and 5 other guys against 2 targaryan soldiers , only Ned and another guy survives the fight.
  24. We then see Ned's sister and she reveals she has a baby from a Targaryan and Ned has to raise him as his bastard.
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