

Feb 20th, 2012
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  1. [21:39:58] <~CounterBeard> Last time on Talent Scouts! The scouts fought another of Triface's Knights! The fight seemed easy enough until he throw a goddamn jerryrigged super blissey bot filled with a bomb at them. It eventually went off sealing them in the chamber, the knight meanwhiles is knocked out.
  2. [21:42:03] <~CounterBeard> The dust is still swirling and choking the room, Tentra is digging through the rubble, Rock is currently KO'd. What do y'all?
  3. [21:42:47] <Tentra> Tentra is continues to try to dig her way back out through the collasped ceiling to the entrance, not giving this terrible amounts of thought.
  4. [21:42:54] <Alexei> (What sucks is I don't think we have nearly enough healing items to actually bring Rock back to consciousness, even if we roll perfectly)
  5. [21:43:21] <Rock> ( Yar, -84 >_> )
  6. [21:43:32] : Alexei scratches his head. "But other silly girl is just make portal. Why are you need to dig?" He walks over and tries to shake Rock away. Shake shake shake.
  7. [21:44:04] * Rock is shaken. Shake shake shake.
  8. [21:44:48] <Tentra> "She can't. We're not from the same order!" She continues to chuck rocks back. "I could make one to go around and get her...and get us out...but what about him?"
  9. [21:45:00] <~CounterBeard> Rock flops about like a goldeen. Yep. Still out. Poor Rock.
  10. [21:46:49] : Alexei looks around, seeing what else there is to this building aside from this room and they hallway they came from. "Niko is can carry him. Are you want to question man who build robot when he is wake up?"
  11. [21:47:23] <Tentra> (Didn't Savage also make a hole in the ceiling?)
  12. [21:47:29] <Tentra> (when he made his dramatic entrance?)
  13. [21:48:22] <Tentra> "Well, what else would we do with him? End him here and now?" She sighs, approaching the knocked out knight. "Best disarm him, either way."
  14. [21:48:41] <~CounterBeard> (Well. More like MechaSumoto broke some of it open. But it is a bit high to climb out of. Unless you used bestfish.)
  15. [21:49:10] <~CounterBeard> There are several other doorways that lead out into the fort.
  16. [21:49:48] : Alexei rubs his chin. "So you are use word magick. And...I am guess then Celia is not vodka magick either." Words cannot describe the look of disappointment on Alexei's face.
  17. [21:50:17] <Alexei> And Niko is released to provide a ramp up to the hole in the ceiling.
  18. [21:51:41] * DamienLunas ( has joined #TalentScouts
  19. [21:52:01] <Tentra> "She deals in dreams." It's the easiest explanation. She collect's the knight's fire arm and armorments, having Isaac help her carry them for now.
  20. [21:53:34] : Alexei nods slowly, then turns to face down one of the corridors, bestcrab and pengin at his side. "Then would be best idea for bring her back inside. I am see what is in rest of fort. Maybe is have old medical supplies too..." and as he walks, he flicks open his pokedex to see if this was one of the labeled locations on that map.
  21. [21:54:57] <Tentra> "Well, he's a telepath, but we've his armor and his weapon, we'll check out front!" She climbs up bestfish to gain access to the roof.
  22. [21:55:42] <~CounterBeard> Alexei, this is on the map. It but this places looks even older than the army bunkers you have seen before. The fine layer of dust down the hallways and fetid smell of stale air hang in the air.
  23. [21:56:56] <~CounterBeard> Tentra! You hop onto the roof and gain a fairly decent few. The fort seems to be hewn from the stone of the mountain itself with a Second story shelved into the rock. From where you are you can see the entrance. It seems it did not suffer quite as bad as yo uthought but part of the roof is caved in.
  24. [21:57:27] <~CounterBeard> Rock: You are having pleasnt dreams of dry weather at the beach. Sand in your toes. A hot sun. An pretty people.
  25. [21:57:49] : Alexei checks what the label says, hoping for more information on what this location is. He walks slowly, sipping his vodka as he goes, clearly hobbled by the injuries and effort of the battle. He takes his time making careful note of what is in the fort as he goes.
  26. [21:58:04] <Tentra> She heads over to the caved in roof, seeing if it's safe to scale down from the wreckage.
  27. [21:58:19] <Rock> j"...a... dream?"
  28. [21:58:31] <~CounterBeard> the caved roof made a slanting ledge. Celia is no where to be found.
  29. [21:58:40] * Rock walks around the beach, looking for someone he knew...
  30. [21:59:20] <~CounterBeard> Alexei! The halways snake in and up and down, you find several rooms. They seem to be ancient store rooms and a servents quarters. Roll me Perception Alexei.
  31. [21:59:31] <Alexei> 1d20-2 god damnit old man eyes
  32. [21:59:33] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, god damnit old man eyes: 15 [1d20=17]
  33. [21:59:37] <~CounterBeard> It is just a pleasent dream rock. You feel quite warm.
  34. [22:00:04] <Tentra> "We...left her there though.." She isn't really sure what to think of this, fiddles with this fancy pokerdex thing, is she still here?
  35. [22:00:04] <~CounterBeard> Old man eyes are like that of Sinnoh Snow Hawk. You find an Acient Bottle of Kushvan Berry Wine in one of the store rooms.
  36. [22:00:17] <Rock> ",,," Rock just keepsj walking forward, unaware of what to do.
  37. [22:00:27] : Alexei immediately uncorks it and takes a gulp.
  38. [22:00:56] <~CounterBeard> Holy Shit this is some good stuff.
  39. [22:01:31] <~CounterBeard> Servings left. 2/3
  40. [22:02:59] <Alexei> "Almost as good as wine from glorious motherland." Alexei turns to Cornelius. "Comrade is should share in finding of fabulous drink. Go back in room and pour down throat of Rock." He hands the bottle to bestcrab.
  41. [22:03:23] <Rock> ( Why do all the Potions need to be alcoholic... >_> )
  42. [22:03:36] <Tentra> (BECAUSE THIS IS RUSSIA.)
  43. [22:03:54] <Alexei> And then he continues to search the fort, especially on the lookout for whatever Tristan wanted them to learn in here, so probably civil war stuff.
  44. [22:03:55] <~CounterBeard> (And what else would really last this long I mean really) =B
  45. [22:04:00] <Rock> ( ...oh god, Rock's going to have a hard time living here. >_> )
  46. [22:04:57] <~CounterBeard> As you travel deeper in Alexei you find more rooms with ancient banners venamoth eaten and threadbare. You eventually come to a Grand Staircase. Go up?
  47. [22:05:06] <~CounterBeard> Tentra, you see no sign of Celia at all.
  48. [22:05:09] <~CounterBeard> In the slightest.
  49. [22:05:20] <~CounterBeard> She is G O N E gone.
  50. [22:05:27] <~CounterBeard> Well I take that back. You see a silly hat.
  51. [22:05:56] : Alexei flips open his pokedex, making sure he's still trackable by the others, before continuing up the staircase. He lifts Yuliya up onto his shoulder because she's probably too short to climb.
  52. [22:05:58] * Tentra collects silly hat and then returns to the sight of the battle. "Hm..." More relaxed, more confused.
  53. [22:07:37] <~CounterBeard> Best Crab at this point is force feeding Magic Booze to Rock, as tentra enters again. HE offers the bottle to her when he is done.
  54. [22:08:26] <Tentra> She first stares. Because let's face it, this is a silly sight. She then sighs, putting down some of the gear she's holding onto at the moment and accepts the bottle.
  55. [22:08:35] <Rock> ( that enough? )
  56. [22:08:53] <~CounterBeard> You find the rooms more richly decorated Alexei. More tapestries. You can make out the stories on a few of them. A single man, with wild hair and bright blue eyes seems to be fighting some sort of strange yellow blob monster in an area simiarly colored to it.
  57. [22:08:58] <Alexei> (it heals you to full Rock)
  58. [22:09:10] <~CounterBeard> (Ancient Berry Wine Is Best Wine)
  59. [22:09:18] <Alexei> (so we have 1 serving left of full restore basically?)
  60. [22:09:23] * Rock coughs and then gets back up... before slumping back down, asleep.
  61. [22:09:29] <~CounterBeard> Corrcect
  62. [22:09:53] <Tentra> She sips enough to taste it, she's not really that injured, and then hands it back to the crab. "That's...flavorful. Where did Alexei go?"
  63. [22:10:19] : Alexei examines the tapestries, appraising them for whether or not they'd be restorable or if the venomoth munching has rendered them damaged beyond repair.
  64. [22:11:22] <~CounterBeard> It has a few holes in it but nothing that could not be fixed. With a bit more inspection you can find too similar tapestries. One of them with a blue blob monster in what looks like a cave, and the last a white puffy one on a mountain top, over what seems to be a cliff.
  65. [22:11:22] * Rock attempts to get back up, his head spinning. "Hey, Tentra... I'm drunk again... could ya help me up?"
  66. [22:12:05] <~CounterBeard> Tentra can spot Alexei's foot prints in the dust.
  67. [22:12:20] : Alexei carefully removes the tapestries from the wall. "Will make for most fabulous room decoration after am done with job of create glorious pokemon league!" He grins at Yuliya as he sets about his task.
  68. [22:12:42] <Alexei> (damnit I was hoping Cornelius would talk again)
  69. [22:12:46] <Tentra> "You are rediculous," she helps him up, then shoves the large bulky shield into his arms. "Let's go find Alexei."
  70. [22:13:21] * Rock nods before looking down on the shield. "Uh... what's this?"
  71. [22:13:45] <~CounterBeard> Rock you remeber it from the fight. It is what the Knight used
  72. [22:14:16] <Rock> "...huh... I should go see how it works... mebbe I can *hic* make one of these..."
  73. [22:15:17] <Tentra> She follows the foot prints through the hallways, looking for the elderly Coordinator.
  74. [22:15:41] * Rock follows Tentra, albeit slowly...
  75. [22:17:56] <~CounterBeard> Eventually Tentra finds Alexei in the Tapestry Room. The Room seems to lead even deeper into the Fortmountain. Also higher. There is another stairwell alexei.
  76. [22:19:01] <Tentra> "Just what are these you're collecting, Alexei?" She points at the tapestries
  77. [22:19:03] : Alexei rolls up the tapestries and tucks them under his arm.
  78. [22:19:07] <Rock> "Heya Alexei? What's *hic* up?" Rock says, using the tower shield thingy as a crutch.
  79. [22:19:10] : Alexei unrolls one to show Tentra.
  80. [22:19:32] <~CounterBeard> Tentra. You know this blob. Maybe. The area it is in looks Familiar. Regibubble.
  81. [22:19:33] <Alexei> "Is Rock so much baby he is drunk from sip of Kushva Berry Wine?"
  82. [22:20:02] <Rock> "Yep, yep!" Rock says, nodding. Oh god he has no idea what he's saying.
  83. [22:22:19] <Tentra> "Quite gone. Cornelious has the rest of it. And...that blue thing looks like the Pokemon Lindsey tamed. This -probably- has something to do with the royal family..."
  84. [22:23:48] <Tentra> Curious now, she continues on up the stairwell.
  85. [22:23:49] : Alexei frowns. "I am not really remember well."
  86. [22:23:55] : Alexei follows up the stairs as well.
  87. [22:25:02] * Rock follows... hopefully there's a handrail or something, tripping on the stairs would be pretty disastrous.
  88. [22:27:01] <Tentra> "I disarmed the knight, have his firearm. And Niko is still there if he comes to and tries anything funny."
  89. [22:27:09] <Tentra> (almost had her call him 'best fish' :B)
  90. [22:27:19] <Alexei> (hahaha)
  91. [22:27:58] <Rock> "He gots no more Pokemon?" Step. Step.
  92. [22:28:25] <Tentra> "If he does he's hiding them quite well!"
  93. [22:29:09] <Rock> "Alrighty..." Step. Step. and he goes head first onto the top of the staircase.
  94. [22:29:11] <Alexei> "Cornelius is there too, and wherever Savage is go..." Alexei shrugs, continuing up.
  95. [22:29:38] <Tentra> "Either way, Celia is gone. She either left, or someone took her away. All that remains is this silly hat." She shows everyone silly hat :C
  96. [22:29:58] <Alexei> "And you are tell me she is *not* make portal like you?"
  97. [22:31:36] <Tentra> "I don't know the full extent of what she CAN do, but her calling is different from those of The Collective. We control the spoken word and thought, her order controls the flow of dreams. If she did make a gate, it's not by matters I know of."
  98. [22:31:42] <~CounterBeard> Eventually you all reach the end of the stairs. A large room. With old vellum maps, what seem to be ancient carved figures of stone and jems, all rest on a large table. Chairs circle around the table, 18 in all. THey seem to be similar in make, a few of them having their armrest damaged by time and perhaps idle fingers. Only one is still upright. At the head of the table, slightly more
  99. [22:31:42] <~CounterBeard> ornate.
  100. [22:32:01] * Rock gets back up from the stairs and sighs... "man, I wish I weren't as drunk..." He jumps up the stairs to get as far as he can before... falling head-first to the second floor. At least he's up there.
  101. [22:32:38] : Alexei cross-references the pokedex map with whatever's laid out on the table.
  102. [22:33:36] <Tentra> "...This is exactly what it is looks like, isn't it? An old Palace."
  103. [22:34:03] <~CounterBeard> Some things are different. It does not mark the Reef. The POI on the map and the marking son the map only have a few things in common.
  104. [22:34:28] <Alexei> "Eighteen. For seventeen knight and king or general." Alexei looks for any more informative papers.
  105. [22:34:49] <~CounterBeard> You find nothing Alexei buuut. Perceptions please.
  106. [22:34:59] <Alexei> 1d20-2
  107. [22:34:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, 1d20-2: 11 [1d20=13]
  108. [22:35:00] * Rock stands up again...his legs wobbly.
  109. [22:35:05] <Tentra> 1d20+6
  110. [22:35:06] <DiceMaid-9001> Tentra, 1d20+6: 25 [1d20=19]
  111. [22:35:08] <Rock> 1d20-2 Perceptions?
  112. [22:35:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Rock, Perceptions?: 2 [1d20=4]
  113. [22:35:12] <Alexei> (holy fucks zoof)
  114. [22:35:17] <Tentra> (DO THE IMPOSSIBLE, SEE THE INVISIBLE. )
  115. [22:35:23] <Tentra> (this song obviously is the source of this.)
  116. [22:35:40] <Alexei> (yes)
  117. [22:35:41] <Rock> ( Yar. )
  118. [22:41:14] <Tentra> "Uh...buh...uh...weAreNotAlone" she points at the chair sitting at the end of the table.
  119. [22:41:33] <Rock> "...ah... WHO'S THERE!"
  120. [22:41:58] <~CounterBeard> "Already into your cups Rock? I knew I shouldn't leave you all alone this long."
  121. [22:42:54] <Rock> "...WHO ARE YOU, HUH!?" Rock is... a bit tipsy as he yells this, but he keeps his composure... standing up. His voice, however, totally reflects his drunkenness."
  122. [22:42:59] <Rock> ( -" )
  123. [22:44:05] <Tentra> She fiddles with the revolver but then realizes she has no idea how to use it so just puts it away again, eyeing the...pair of eyes.
  124. [22:44:10] : Alexei looks over at the chair.
  125. [22:44:38] <~CounterBeard> Alexei and Rock know this voice. The voice tsks as it seems to almost fade into view. Still wearking his black suit and silver tie. His face covered in a Kecleon Mask this time instead of Gyrados.
  126. [22:45:01] <Rock> "..." (Wait, we have?)
  127. [22:45:06] <Alexei> (it's uh...Jack)
  128. [22:45:13] <~CounterBeard> (Yep)
  129. [22:45:52] <Rock> "...tsk. It's you again..." Rock slumps over to one of the chairs, using it as support. "Waddya want from us now?"
  130. [22:46:40] <Tentra> "WhoIsThat?"
  131. [22:46:56] <~CounterBeard> "Oh, I just came to watch."
  132. [22:47:11] <Rock> " what."
  133. [22:47:34] : Alexei is clutching his lance less like a wizard staff now and more like a javelin he's prepared to throw. "Okay, I am tire of shit of bull. You are explain business with Triface and how Triface is split and what in fuck you are want with us now."
  134. [22:47:35] <~CounterBeard> "Do you really need to ask that?"
  135. [22:48:04] <Rock> "..." Rock grabs his head... "Oh, yeah, that... what happened *hic* again?"
  136. [22:48:32] <Tentra> (this is a hilarious mental image, specially w/ the scarf and hat)
  137. [22:48:36] <Alexei> "Tentra he is Triface shapeshifter. But is claim to want help us fight rest of Triface or other nonsense that he is not explain well."
  138. [22:48:59] <Tentra> Tentra just has a pair of swords floating nearby for now. "So...he's the one you call Jack."
  139. [22:49:08] : Alexei nods.
  140. [22:51:31] <~CounterBeard> Jack turns to Alexei. "Quite to the point. It is nice to be asked instead of shot at, or attacked. There is a schism in what calls itelf Triface. They desire stability brought back to their region. With out this opressive and rather, shall we say forceful use of natural resources. Well, one side any way. The other simply wants to be put back into power. The Siblings, that is to say the
  141. [22:51:31] <~CounterBeard> Royal Heirs."
  142. [22:52:16] <Rock> "...huh?"
  143. [22:52:34] <~CounterBeard> "Go take a nap Rock, the Adults are talking."
  144. [22:52:45] <Alexei> "What about one we are call Savage? He is also royal heir, but he is not part of Triface. Was clam-man sibling?"
  145. [22:52:48] <Tentra> (I think you missed a comma somewhere and put a period instead :p)
  146. [22:52:52] <Rock> ",,," Rock nods... off.
  147. [22:53:07] <Tentra> (...and then Kuji does the opposite ahahah)
  148. [22:53:28] <Rock> ( ? )
  149. [22:53:42] <Tentra> "Well that's not far off from what we gathered from Deadwood, then."
  150. [22:55:00] <~CounterBeard> "Ah. Yes. Savage. He is a bastard. To put it bluntly. He is half brother to the Twins."
  151. [22:55:52] <~CounterBeard> The mask begins to change again becoming black as pitch with two, striking blue eyes. "But we all more or less knew that."
  152. [22:56:36] <Alexei> "And clam man?"
  153. [22:57:43] <~CounterBeard> "Knight Glacies, or the Ice Knight. Employed by the Prince and Princess."
  154. [22:57:48] * Tentra looks at him, confused. "Do you carry their bloodline as well, or is that skill of yours different from what Savage has?"
  155. [22:58:33] <~CounterBeard> The black form cracks a rather toothy smile, human teeth. "Now that is an interesting question. But not related to the matters of discussion currently."
  156. [22:58:52] <~CounterBeard> And I do mean crack. The black face is broken at the edges of the smile.
  157. [23:00:25] <Alexei> "No is perfectly relate. How are we know you are not just trick us into kill rest of heirs so you can have seat of king? Assassination is common strategy for make ascend the throne." Alexei crosses his arms. "What are you want? Why are you choose approach us?"
  158. [23:03:33] <~CounterBeard> "I am very old. And very tired. I just want what is best for my home. I do not care if there is a ruling monarchy. I do not care if one of the Heirs is on a throne. And let me make this perfectly clear. I have never wanted the throne for myself."
  159. [23:03:59] <~CounterBeard> The black slowly begins to melt away in portions, leaving an odd gray residue. The blank features remain a shell on a human head, with a gaping smiling mouth and the two blue eyes. "I do not want to see any more blood shed of my country man fighting one another. That. Is what I want."
  160. [23:05:01] <Tentra> "You picked a rather poor messanger to coorespond with then," she nods to the sleeping swordsman.
  161. [23:06:49] <~CounterBeard> You swear you can see the smile turn sardonic. "I had chosen another, Ms. Cosen. But I think She may have noticed. Hence her eventual removal."
  162. [23:08:02] : Alexei slams the blunt end of the lance into the floor and leans on it, speaking a few words in Sinnish.
  163. [23:08:35] <Tentra> "And by 'she' you mean the original owner of this armor," she gestures to herself.
  164. [23:08:53] <~CounterBeard> Jack replies in kind.
  165. [23:09:28] <~CounterBeard> "Ah yes. Knight Umbra. Loyal to a fever pitch to the Princess. But unhinged as well. As I am sure you know."
  166. [23:10:11] : Alexei nods and resumes speaking his usual broken Kushvan. "You are indeed much old. Tell us, why is sibling try to attack pokemon league? Is because is symbol of power of new regime? Or is other reason?"
  167. [23:10:57] <Rock> ( This is the part where I say I think I figured out who Jack is OOCly. )
  168. [23:14:21] <~CounterBeard> "As I said. There is a schism in the rebels. One side fights the opressive regime, with noble causes ringing in their ears. For this reason they fight the League. Not for what the league is, but for what it represents. And because of the man running it. The other side fights it for power and control which it desires. Only one of these sides is even aware of the split."
  169. [23:15:46] <Tentra> "Oh, so in the end all of them are out to kill us either way. Wonderful"
  170. [23:17:13] <~CounterBeard> He chuckles "No, no. He wouldn't dream of doing that. Rather naive. He just wants to show the people what Fir really is. He wan'ts to beat the League, rise up and replace it."
  171. [23:17:39] <Alexei> "Who is 'he'? And what in fuck is Doug have to do with this?"
  172. [23:18:35] <~CounterBeard> "He, is the royal Prince of course. And 'Doug'? Who do you think started the rebellion?"
  173. [23:19:40] <Tentra> "...And if the Knight we just fought is in the employment of the Prince in particular, that little statement of his before he fainted makes much more sense."
  174. [23:22:42] * Sayt ( has joined #TalentScouts
  175. [23:23:20] <Alexei> "So what is point of come here for watch? If you are want to help us, why are you not warn us is trap wait here?"
  176. [23:23:35] * Kain ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  177. [23:30:24] <~CounterBeard> "Would you still have come here if you had known?"
  178. [23:31:33] <Tentra> "The better question is what is the angle here? Just what did Glacies want from us if he wasn't here to slay us, as he said. To lead us to this very room?"
  179. [23:31:33] <Rock> ( "Yes." )
  180. [23:32:04] : Alexei taps the lance on the ground lightly. "It would give time for prepare for trap. Maybe way for better kill clam man before he is pose too much danger. Maybe if we are know about bomb, comrade would not be missing now."
  181. [23:34:33] <~CounterBeard> "Your friend is fine she is..Visiting. I also did not exactly want you to kill him. But thos are also valid points. The next time I am aware of an ambush I shall inform you all."
  182. [23:35:56] : Alexei narrows his eyes. "You say you are see many war before. If we are not kill, then he will be back for try to kill us again. Only time in war for spare life is for take prisoner or when it is cause enemy to waste resource for try to save wounded soldier."
  183. [23:36:26] <~CounterBeard> "And what do you have now?"
  184. [23:36:51] <Tentra> "The Knight said himself he was not here to 'win.' So this makes little sense to me."
  185. [23:36:54] : Alexei shakes Rock.
  186. [23:36:59] <Tentra> "If he's not with you then what is it he wants?"
  187. [23:37:00] : Alexei shake shake shake.
  188. [23:37:03] <Alexei> "Wake up."
  189. [23:37:18] * Rock snaps awake. "...huh?" Still drunk.
  190. [23:38:36] <Alexei> "Now is not time for sleep. Can you go downstair and drag clam man up here for us?"
  191. [23:38:57] <Rock> "...down the *hic* stairs?"
  192. [23:40:02] <Tentra> "Oh for the love of Arceus," she goes to do it herself.
  193. [23:40:37] : Alexei sighs and releases Gin. "Help him down stairs. Like how you are always do it for when we are have to throw out weak man who is not able to hold liquor at Regal Relicanth."
  194. [23:40:54] <Alexei> And then bestbug ties a thread of silk to Rock to help him keep balance damnit.
  195. [23:41:25] <~CounterBeard> "He wasn't. He was sent here to gather information. Those machines of his collected data and sent it back it home."
  196. [23:41:31] <Rock> "But, but, Tentra *hic*" Tug, tug.
  197. [23:41:38] <Tentra> "Just keep him there since he's too far gone to even think straight." She goes down the stairs
  198. [23:42:04] <Alexei> "Data? So for make better strategy for fight us later?"
  199. [23:42:27] <Alexei> "Fine. Gin, make sure Rock is not fall and die on stair."
  200. [23:43:02] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
  201. [23:43:13] * Rock falls... on the floor of the throne room.
  202. [23:43:54] * Garlyle is now known as Savage
  203. [23:44:24] <Tentra> And thus Tentra goes back the way she came, probably finding Savage as well where they left Niko and the passed out knight.
  204. [23:44:50] <~CounterBeard> "Partially. The Prince has little idea of who you all are and wants to know more. The Princess wants to know how to beat you."
  205. [23:45:31] <Savage> (Anyone feel like throwing some PMs at me to explain shit and/or a log of stuff?)
  206. [23:45:38] <Rock> Zzz... and Rock sleeps again.
  207. [23:45:47] <Alexei> (Kuji if Rock is passed out again, can you do that?)
  208. [23:46:00] <Rock> ( Log coming up. )
  209. [23:46:21] <Alexei> "Are machine still in fortress? I am think we are make all robot explode easily."
  210. [23:46:59] <Tentra> "Oh, good, Savage. Help me carry this man upstairs, would you? We...found someone of interest here."
  211. [23:47:17] <Savage> (You're going to have to give me a minute because I don't even know where I am :/ )
  212. [23:47:49] <~CounterBeard> Savage was totally guarding Mr. KNight
  213. [23:48:42] <~CounterBeard> "They should be yes. But, you know how things work. If not this time, then the next. Why not do something a bit more interesting? Ensure that they get, the wrong information?"
  214. [23:50:35] <Alexei> "You are tell us when first meet to stop make glorious pokemon league. So why are you help? What are you want us to do?"
  215. [23:53:23] <~CounterBeard> "Because I can use you. It is obvious I cannot keep you from going on. So why not mutually work for our goals?"
  216. [23:53:52] <Alexei> "And then what are you do when pokemon league is finish? Are you try to take down?"
  217. [23:55:35] * Savage ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  218. [23:55:36] <~CounterBeard> "I see no reason why it cannot stay. I have no ill feelings for the league itself. I just desire new management."
  219. [23:56:50] : Alexei leans back, a skeptical look in his eyes. He stands in silence until Tentra returns.
  220. [23:58:25] <Tentra> MEANWHILE IN THE THRONE ROOM - she's lugging him up, if not with the assistance of Savage, with Isaac.
  221. Session Time: Mon Feb 20 00:00:26 2012
  222. [00:00:27] <~CounterBeard> It dosen't take that long for Tentra to dragg his ass up. While he is spindly he isn't all that heavy without his armor.
  223. [00:00:36] <Tentra> "Retrieved the parcel," she places him into a random chair.
  224. [00:01:11] : Alexei carefully pats him down, looking for any bugging equipment on him.
  225. [00:03:37] * Savage ( has joined #TalentScouts
  226. [00:04:37] <~CounterBeard> There seems to be nothing well, he does have a phone and some sort of flashdrive device.
  227. [00:05:56] : Alexei takes those items and sets them on the table to examine later.
  228. [00:08:42] <Tentra> "Well, what now?"
  229. [00:08:46] <Tentra> "Taze him or something?"
  230. [00:10:52] <~CounterBeard> "You did thrash him rather well."
  231. [00:12:21] * Tentra shrugs, literally having nothing to try to shock him awake with.
  232. [00:12:49] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
  233. [00:12:56] <Garlyle> !dm9001 lastlines #50
  234. [00:13:02] * Savage ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Garlyle))
  235. [00:13:05] * Garlyle is now known as Savage
  236. [00:13:28] <Savage> !dm9001 lastlines #50
  237. [00:15:02] <Tentra> (cast? :C)
  238. [00:15:06] <Rock> "Murr... my head..." Rock wakes up, shaking his head... ", what happened?" ...okay, so he doesn't SOUND drunk.
  239. [00:15:42] : Alexei shrugs, and releases Stolichnaya. "See if you can shock awake." He doesn't seem confident as he points at Tristan.
  240. [00:17:07] <~CounterBeard> The lanturn fish goes BZZZT and it seems to atleast make the man groggy.
  241. [00:18:15] <~CounterBeard> "Wha-?"
  242. [00:19:48] <Rock> "...where are we?"
  243. [00:20:19] <Tentra> "We advise you wake up fast. Why did your Prince send you here, if not to end us?"
  244. [00:21:59] <~CounterBeard> The man looks completly blank. "Wha? Wannatedknow more about you all. Seeif you would stop. She'mademetryandkillyouorfindouweakness." He sort of slurs and rushes his speaking not all there.
  245. [00:23:21] : Alexei lightly prods him with the sharp end of his lance. "And we hear you are make machine that is report data. How much data is send off before we are explode robot? How much data is still be collect by hidden machine?"
  246. [00:23:51] <Tentra> She shakes her head, looking to Jack. "Either your words were false or unclear. It sounded as if these siblings were opposing one another. Is this not the case? Is this man of the Prince or the Princess?"
  247. [00:24:55] * Savage ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  248. [00:27:30] <~CounterBeard> The smiling face opens wider. "They are opposed. But only one of them really knows it. The Prince knows his sister lusts for power, but not to the degree in which she will go. Honestly, would you expect your own flesh and blood to undermine everything you do for their own gain?"
  249. [00:28:21] <Tentra> "And thus he's the Prince's man who has to play false for the insane Princess. Hm." She crosses her arms, thinking.
  250. [00:29:09] <Rock> "...wait... he's that snowmobile man, isn't he?"
  251. [00:30:26] <Tentra> "What will they do to you if you return alive, Glacies, was it?"
  252. [00:31:30] : Alexei prods more, still wanting an answer to his question as well.
  253. [00:31:34] <~CounterBeard> The man stares at his feet a moment. "The Prince will welcome me back, with a smile on his face and open arms. The Princess? Oh, she'll do the same. But with a dagger in each hand."
  254. [00:31:44] * Gabe ( has joined #TalentScouts
  255. [00:31:53] <Rock> "..."
  256. [00:32:09] <Rock> "What's going on?"
  257. [00:32:33] <Tentra> "Yes, Rock, this is that man."
  258. [00:32:55] <Rock> "...and why haven't we killed him?"
  259. [00:33:16] <Tentra> "Because it seems we have no reason to."
  260. [00:33:25] <~CounterBeard> "The pokebots sent your basic information. Looks, what we said all of that. When the last one was destroyed the relay stopped."
  261. [00:33:38] <Rock> "...hmph."
  262. [00:34:36] <Tentra> "Well, you'd best answer Alexei's here's question," she points to the man with the spear and wizard hat, "Before we ask anything more."
  263. [00:34:46] <Gabe> !dm9001 lastlines #30
  264. [00:35:21] : Alexei nods and flips his scarf over his shoulder.
  265. [00:35:47] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
  266. [00:35:57] <~CounterBeard> "I didn't bug this area. Just the main area. And the entrance."
  267. [00:36:31] <Tentra> "And this Prince. What is his gambit in this? To simply know us better?"
  268. [00:37:10] : Alexei taps the phone on the table. "And this? Is this bug?"
  269. [00:37:49] <~CounterBeard> "No. That is my cell phone."
  270. [00:38:06] <Alexei> "Is it have proof of princess is try to betray prince?"
  271. [00:38:22] * Garlyle ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  272. [00:38:55] * Garlyle ( has joined #TalentScouts
  273. [00:38:58] <Tentra> "It's the other way around, I think. Alexei."
  274. [00:39:12] <Tentra> "The prince is trying to foil his sister's plot for power."
  275. [00:39:12] <~CounterBeard> "The Prince, he wants to rule his people. Better than his father. He wants to return the region to how it was before the civil war, and before his fathers rule. He is a leader."
  276. [00:40:30] * Gabe ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  277. [00:40:30] : Alexei shakes his head. "No, sister is seek power behind brother's back. Is shameful travesty that must make mother spin in grave faster than staryu in ocean storm."
  278. [00:40:54] <Tentra> (I'm actually very confused OOC which way it is.)
  279. [00:40:56] <Tentra> (Either way.)
  280. [00:40:56] <Rock> "..."
  281. [00:41:09] <Rock> " I'm just confused."
  282. [00:41:13] <~CounterBeard> Glacies shakes his head. "We only have hints and whispers. Max won't belive us until we have hard proof. He, loves his sister." Jack chuckles again and whispers to the confused Rock "Told you he was naive."
  283. [00:41:15] * Rock takes out Biter.
  284. [00:41:34] <~CounterBeard> Biter yawns. <Oh, we havin a party?>
  285. [00:41:37] <Rock> "...WHO!?"
  286. [00:41:54] <Garlyle> !dm9001 lastlines #30
  287. [00:41:57] <Tentra> "Well, how about this?" She withdraws AEGIS, and gets to work on something.
  288. [00:42:14] <Tentra> Also whispers something to Alexei
  289. [00:43:37] <~CounterBeard> "Hmm?"
  290. [00:43:44] : Alexei whispers back.
  291. [00:43:45] <~CounterBeard> Jack seems interested.
  292. [00:44:06] <Rock> "...what are the sibling's last names?"
  293. [00:44:16] <Rock> siblings'*
  294. [00:44:43] <Tentra> She releases VSEV, channels him, has him project something to Jack.
  295. [00:46:35] <Tentra> Tentra herself turns to AEGIS, starting a ritual to create a doorway.
  296. [00:48:02] <~CounterBeard> Jack nods. "Not a bad plan."
  297. [00:48:39] <Tentra> "Should you inform him, or I, Alexei?" she says after the incantations.
  298. [00:49:03] <Rock> "...hey, uh, Biter, what're they saying?"
  299. [00:50:18] : Alexei walks up with Gin in tow, facing Tristan such that the portal is behind the rain waker. "Good news is, we are let you go. Bad news is fate worse than death is now be suffer in garden of zero fabulous! Gin! Show him how we are do it in motherland!"
  300. [00:50:24] <Alexei> 1d20 whirlwind THIS IS SINNOH!
  301. [00:50:29] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, whirlwind THIS IS SINNOH!: 18 [1d20=18]
  302. [00:50:33] <Rock> "..."
  303. [00:50:50] <Tentra> "Make sure to tell her a certain Chronicaller sent you. Or things might go South."
  304. [00:51:13] <~CounterBeard> "Whasaslkhasdlargh;ghg." The Ice Knight is spunspunspunspunspun and through the portal he is thrown!
  305. [00:51:52] <Tentra> She shuts the door, quite content with this. "Well at least now the Prince will know we have a sense of humor."
  306. [00:52:23] * Rock picks up the phone. "And what of this?"
  307. [00:52:25] <Alexei> "Or if he is stupid Prince will have new statue from garden of zero fabulous. Then must be very angry with us for send worst gift."
  308. [00:53:39] <~CounterBeard> (AAAAAAAAND slash session.)
  309. [00:53:54] <Rock> ( Aw. )
  310. [00:54:06] <Garlyle> (It would be :/ )
  311. [00:54:14] <Rock> ( He didn't even answer my only question~ )
  312. [00:54:38] <~CounterBeard> (Is your net finally stable Gar?)
  313. [00:55:43] <Garlyle> (Possibly, I don't know; more that there was actually something to do finally and time to react maybe and :/ )
  314. [00:55:46] <Garlyle> (But clearly I wasn't meant to get involved today)
  315. [00:56:31] <~CounterBeard> (I'm sorry ;_;)
  316. [00:57:12] <Garlyle> (Don't worry about it, I'm just really, really frustrated with shit right now and probably being a little unfair to things)
  317. [00:57:41] <Tentra> (Well if we're ending here I'd imagine next week we'd still be talking to Jack before heading out?)
  318. [00:58:06] <~CounterBeard> (I mostly ended it here cause I thought your net was still being bad and wanted Savage to be able to talk with jack."
  319. [00:59:01] <Tentra> (I mean yes we did the silly THIS IS SPARTA thing but for an ultimately good intention rather than a coup de grace.)
  320. [00:59:11] <Rock> So, yeah, what WERE the siblings' last name?
  321. [01:00:18] <~CounterBeard> You'll find out next week or in a minute if we go on.
  322. [01:00:27] <Rock> Alright.
  323. [01:00:36] <Garlyle> (I don't really have proof it's not being bad because god only knows what the fuck was going on with it in the first place. I could TRY but)
  324. [01:02:36] <Tentra> "Anyway," Tentra puts a few items on the table. "These are his armor and shield. Also have his firearm, but far as we know none of us but Alexei have even fired a gun before."
  325. [01:03:21] * Rock takes the firearm and unloads it, throwing it behind him in a random direction. "And that's a good thing."
  326. [01:04:02] : Alexei frowns and retrieves the pistol along with its ammunition.
  327. [01:04:21] <Rock> "Don't you DARE use that in front of me."
  328. [01:04:39] <Alexei> "You are use sword. Is made for killing, all the same." Alexei starts examining the weapon.
  329. [01:05:14] * Tentra stares at him a bit, sighs. "Well, then it's apparant you want nothing to do with it. If nothing else I wouldn't mind holding onto it. Had always planned to join the military until The Collective came to me."
  330. [01:05:43] <Rock> "..." Rock grimaces but drops the subject. " who does that armor fit?"
  331. [01:05:52] <~CounterBeard> It is a fairly standard .45 revolver. You do find a few special rounds. Fire, Ice, and Steel. Three of each and ten normal rounds.
  332. [01:08:24] : Alexei picks a spot on the wall and slowly moves into a trained shooting stance, testing the weight of the pistol and how it feels. "Tentra, are you have learn how to shoot pistol before?"
  333. [01:09:59] <Tentra> "Well, no. But before The Collective...well, I'd planned to join the army. The Collective taught us more martial self defense, not marksmanship."
  334. [01:11:11] <Alexei> "Are you want to learn?" Alexei starts to pocket the rounds and shoves the pistol into his jacket as well. "I can teach, but I will take gun for now."
  335. [01:12:02] <Tentra> She nods. "If possible. You could probably use it best practically, though."
  336. [01:12:19] <Tentra> (I'd imagine the armor is MALE SIZE)
  337. [01:12:29] <Tentra> (as for the shield lulIdunnoItsACloyster.)
  338. [01:12:53] <Rock> k/me picks up and examines the armor.
  339. [01:13:00] <~CounterBeard> (Armor is indeed Male sized. It is rather Spiky looking though and will grant you funyn looks. You could not wear all of it of course.)
  340. [01:13:40] <Rock> "...Alexei. You want this or is it for me?"
  341. [01:14:30] <Tentra> (And the shield is like, literally half a cloyster shell or something? hah)
  342. [01:15:05] : Alexei takes a look at the spiky armor. "You can wear. Old comrade in Sinnoh would laugh me out of bar if I am show up and wear that."
  343. [01:15:36] <Rock> "..." Rock dons the armor, then, trying it out.
  344. [01:15:47] <~CounterBeard> The shell is some sort of half mechanical shell that encases the user partially.
  345. [01:16:39] <Tentra> "This shield seems unwieldly...but maybe you could find something of use from it part wise, Rock. You build things, yes?"
  346. [01:16:54] <Alexei> (are the shield and armor separate? I got the impression he was just in a big shell thing that encompassed both)
  347. [01:17:20] <~CounterBeard> (The can be used seperate.)
  348. [01:17:57] <Tentra> (Beard speficially asked me in PM's earlier if Tentra picked up the shield, so I wasn't sure but)
  349. [01:18:01] <Rock> '"Yeah..."
  350. [01:18:07] <Rock> "..."
  351. [01:18:51] <Rock> "...yeah, this feels too weird. Probably be better if I took it apart." Rock takes off the armor. "Or at least removed the spikes..."
  352. [01:19:42] <Tentra> "Though I am curious," she has AEGIS return to normal and then inscribes him into the spikey shell shield. Because the only thing that could make it more eye drawing, is eyes.
  353. [01:20:12] <Rock> "?"
  354. [01:20:25] <~CounterBeard> AEGIS floats in the armor. and floats around a bit. It blinks for a moment. An lets off a Heal Pulse
  355. [01:20:40] <Alexei> (well, ain't that nifty?)
  356. [01:20:43] <Tentra> "..."
  357. [01:20:51] <Tentra> "Well, that is...something."
  358. [01:21:01] <Rock> "...huh?"
  359. [01:21:13] <Alexei> "...I am thinking you should be keep do that."
  360. [01:22:27] <Rock> "...yeah. Keep that. I'll work with the armor or something." (Jack is camouflaged, right?)
  361. [01:22:30] <Tentra> She tries to manhandle the shield off the armor. "Very...interesting."
  362. [01:23:05] <~CounterBeard> Tentra easily removes it. It seems like it does have some sort of connection to the armor though. Wires and tubes and junk.
  363. [01:23:24] * Librarian (--@836F2153.D169461.203F4555.IP) Quit (Quit: )
  364. [01:23:33] <Rock> "...want me to cut that off for you?"
  365. [01:23:56] <Tentra> "This is...rather sophisticated."
  366. [01:24:10] : Alexei checks out the rest of the room in the meantime, looking for other things like the tapestries he picked up earlier.
  367. [01:24:59] <Tentra> She slings it over her back for now. "It seems like our Knight Glacies took a personal touch to this armor."
  368. [01:25:43] <~CounterBeard> Alexei you don't really see anything but...Everyone roll me perception oooone more time
  369. [01:25:47] <Alexei> 1d20-2
  370. [01:25:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, 1d20-2: 15 [1d20=17]
  371. [01:25:55] <Rock> "..." Rock just nods, not even sure, before starting to work on the armor.
  372. [01:25:56] <Alexei> (yes, wizerd vision!)
  373. [01:25:58] <Rock> 1d20-2
  374. [01:25:59] <DiceMaid-9001> Rock, 1d20-2: 7 [1d20=9]
  375. [01:26:30] <Tentra> 1d20+6
  376. [01:26:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Tentra, 1d20+6: 19 [1d20=13]
  377. [01:28:19] <~CounterBeard> Both Tentra and alexei see something on a mantle. Some sort of ornate box.
  378. [01:28:38] <Alexei> Fabulous box is fabulous. It is time for open it.
  379. [01:29:16] * Librarian (--@836F2153.D169461.203F4555.IP) has joined #TalentScouts
  380. [01:30:39] <~CounterBeard> There are Five apricorn balls. The first one is dyed blue and red, with ornate yellow trim in the center. The center is made of silver and gold, its button is a clear quartz or crystal. The threed is crusted with ruby and saphire with an emerald button the fourth is studded with diamon and perl, the base made of platinum. The last is just made of Onyx and what looks like Donphan ivory.
  381. [01:31:59] <Alexei> (well then, balls for each generation, huh?)
  382. [01:32:34] * Tentra :O's at the pretty Apricorn Balls
  383. [01:32:38] <~CounterBeard> (Yep)
  384. [01:33:03] : Alexei is having a hard time deciding which one is most fabulous. He furrows his brow and...
  385. [01:33:05] <Alexei> 1d5
  386. [01:33:07] <DiceMaid-9001> Alexei, 1d5: 1 [1d5=1]
  387. [01:33:13] : Alexei pushes the button on the first one.
  388. [01:33:32] <~CounterBeard> It opens. Nothing inside.
  389. [01:34:09] : Alexei closes it.
  390. [01:34:46] <Alexei> "Hrm, well, should make sure rest is empty too." And he jabs the four other buttons in quick succession.
  391. [01:35:35] <Tentra> (in before an onix)
  392. [01:36:04] <~CounterBeard> They are all empty except for the last one. The Onyx and Ivory ball. A little Pawniard pops out. Looking very confused.
  393. [01:36:09] <~CounterBeard> AND NOW WE /SESSION
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