
Race of the town!

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. Rain flies above her home town of Four Cannon enjoying the freedom granted to her by flight on one of the few times in the day when everything is caught up and the mare just simply wanted a damn break. Performing an aerial loop de loop the purple Pegasus glides down to a cloud nearby to land resting her wing tired wings which thrum with exhaustion. Rain takes a breath as she looks over the ripening crops over on the eastern side of home pleased to see the farms are doing well, off on the western side of town ponies mill about moving, talking, buying, haggling and just living life as well as they can with what they were honestly given. The view below brings a small smile from the mare as she enjoys the view a bit longer before feeling refreshed enough to roll off the cloud eyes closed. Hanging in the air with no regard for gravity for but a moment before the winds begin to howl past the mare’s ears braid flapping wildly like a flag before Rain opens her eyes in time for her wings to snap open grabbing onto the air like a child does to its mother. With a wild whoop Rain twists in the air as she angles her wings upwards pulling out of the dive she had began.
  3. Heart pounding and body flooded with adrenaline the mare grins recklessly before hearing something on the edge of her hearing behind her. Twitching an ear to the noise the mare pauses in her flying to hover above the town turning the mare looks to find none other than Chinook flying up to her with a worried expression on his face.
  5. “Rain, are you alright? It looked like you’d just fallen off your cloud!”
  7. Blinking in confusion as the stallion comes alongside the mare panting heavily with sweat dripping off his brow leaving streaks in his fur Rain merely asks, “What makes you think I was falling?”
  9. Doing a face fault when on the ground and tripping on nothing is impressive, doubly so when you’re able to do it in the air with no ground to slam into yet Chinook somehow manages too as he jerks back up yelling with an annoyed expression on his face.
  11. “Well gee, you think it might be the fact that you were about to hit the top of town hall before you decided to pull up!”
  13. Looking to refute that claim Rain opens her mouth only to slowly close it as she sees that the town hall below them happened to only be a few hundred feet away from them both. Adopting a chargined expression the mare looks to Chinook with a nervous smile saying, “Well, uh yeah sorry about that Chinook!”
  15. Looking down right down trodden the stallion heaves an audible sigh as a small puff cloud pops out of his mouth before replying, “It’s fine Rain, just be more careful. I thought that you had literally rolled over and off your cloud in your nap to be honest.”
  17. “Oh come on it’s not like I would accidently just do something like that!”
  19. “There have been times…
  21. “What?”
  23. “Oh nothing, nothing. Say why don’t we have a good old fashioned race for old time sake eh?”
  25. “Heh, alright your on! Get ready to eat my tail dust ‘Nooky!”
  27. With that the duo of Pegasus line up with each other hovering in place before the circuit is established, three laps in a figure eight that leads around the western side of town, under the bridge, and finally around the farms. Grinning at each other as their competitive spirits rise Rain calls out “Get set!”
  29. “On your mark!” Chinook answers in turn tail twitching excitedly.
  31. “GO!” Shout both Pegasus with a loud swoosh to follow after them both.
  33. Wings flapping and magic swirling around each racer they take off leaving a gust of wind behind them that creates a pleasant breeze for those on the ground. Rain slowly edges forward in the race only to be matched by Chinook who keeps up the pace as they start to come up on the bridge. Seeing the bridge Chinook slows as he dives down trailing mists behind him as he soars underneath the wooden bridge. Rain however grins seeing Chinook slow down to make the pass instead of following suit the crazy mare aims for the struts that help hold up the structure. Flapping her wings harder for that extra boost of speed the mare twists her wings just so as she starts to spin in her flight. Snapping her wings close to her barrel the mare threads the needle making it through the first strut, then the second and makes it free with only a bang on her back hoof on the wooden strut.
  35. Popping out her wings to catch the wind once more Rain looks down to see Chinook below her looking in shock while she pulls down an eyelid and her tounge comes out to taunt the stallion before she makes off with the lead. Not one to back down Chinook revs his own wings up and follows after the mare slipping in behind her tail stream slowly inching up behind her as the woods flash past below them both. Banking to left as the bridge pass comes up again the stallion gets a fun idea as he’s just behind the mare’s bushy tail that flutters in the air. Reaching out with his mouth Chinook bites into Rain’s tail and gives a tug making a startled squeak emit from the Pegasus as she looks back. Giving a debonair smile Chinook waggles his eyebrows before diving under the bridge again promptly followed by the mare as she won’t have her tail’s honor sullied no sire.
  37. Both the Pegasus leave behind them a wake of disturbed water in the river as they pull up and Chinook glances back to see how far behind Rain is when he gulps. Rain has her gaze focused solely on the bronze haunches in front of her as her eyes burn with a righteous indignation. Not wanting to suffer his rightful punishment Chinook quickly puts the pedal to the metal as he darts ahead only to be doggedly followed behind by the mare as they make the circuit around the town. Seeing Rain still on his trail Chinook heads down to ground level dodging between alley ways and market stands trying to shake the mare off. At first the mare falters as she follows suit after Chinook as she is slowed down by the annoying things that keep getting tossed down, but Rain is nothing if not persistent as she keeps on the trail!
  38. “Hello Orange!”
  40. “Oh hello Curious, what are you doing?”
  43. “I’m selling some of my old stuff, I found some pretty sweet stuff recently check it out!”
  45. “Oh wow that is co-WAH!”
  47. A furious tornado overcomes both the mare’s leaving Curious’ zebra doo to become poufy and Orange to look like she had a losing argument with a hair dryer. In shock both ponies look after the trail of crazy that passed them by as Curious asks, “What the fuck was that?!”
  49. “Sleeves I’m telling you that you really should try to use the out houses man they’re there for a reason you know!”
  51. “Pheeew Hoof you don’t understand I usually am the one to clean those things out! Can’t a stallion just enjoy doing what nature always intended for him to do?”
  53. “Yeah, I get that but remember what that crowd of ponies had said about you being the reason why Shreck came to town?”
  55. “Pfft like they can pin anything on me, hey you hear something?”
  57. “Eh? Nah, hang up I need to use the john.”
  59. “Alright don’t take so long man!”
  61. With a click the portapotty is closed while Green Sleeves lean against it bored as he people watches. It’s only when had just settled against the wooden door comfortable did he realize his mistake. One moment Green Sleeves was leaning against the shit house the next he’s on his side and the sturdy wooden wall is gone. Groaning the green pony looks up in confusion feeling like a truck hit him when his pupils shrink to pinpricks at what he sees.
  63. “H-hoof, Hoof are you alright?”
  65. “Sleeves.”
  67. “Y-yeah?”
  69. “I now understand what nature intended now.”
  71. “O-oh, hey you want some wipes maybe?”
  73. “Please.”
  75. Regardless of the civil disorder behind them the fliers keep moving around the town as Chinook’s strength is flagging from the rapid movements he had to employ. Yet for all Chinook’s countermeasures against tail pulling the purple shaped missile continues with unerringly accuracy as the small tuft of a tail flickers like a light bulb giving it’s all not to go out in the darkness that threatens to envelope it. Rain slowly pulls closer and closer as her mouth opens to snatch up her prize. There! With a snap of her teeth the mare only clacks her teeth together as Chinook swiftly banks to the side avoiding his tail pulling as they come upon the bridge once more! Growling to herself Rain follows after the stallion as they go under the bridge, however instead of pulling up Chinook leads Rain further along near the docks.
  77. With a happy sigh High Tide sits in on his dock with a fishing bobber slowly floating in the water as the sounds of his workers haul nets into the river to catch the fish that swim by, others take up their own stance like himself poles in hand as they perform the ancient rite of all manly men. Fishing. Leaning against one of the poles that make up the docks the one eyed stallion muses on his life feeling oddly philosophical as if this is the right thing to do at this time in life. Closing his eye in solace of his rather peaceful if slightly heart ache filled past the stallion falls into a meditative trance as he waits for that one fish.
  78. Smilling happily as not too long after he enters his trance, time is a fickle thing in terms of trances after all, Tide feels his pole twitch. Quickly grabbing his pole Tide gives a gentle tug on it as it responds in kind with a more vigourous thrust. Grinning as the game is on the stallion holds fast to his pole as he quickly begins to play with it as it bends and flops left and right as the prey struggles against the enivitable. Before his very eye Tide see’s his catch pop into the air the sun making it sparkle delightfully, a large open mouth bass almost two no three pounds even!
  79. Everything changed when the fish had reached it’s peak, as a violent gust of wind past by and the fish was taken along for the ride, it was thanks to this that it found freedom as Tide grasped the pole tight steadying himself only to watch in horror as the line went taunt, then snapped under all the pressure with a twang. Watching the fish flop back into the water and swim away the stallion could only watch it swim off as a single small tear welled up shinnying with regret.
  81. Beneath any petty concerns below Rain continues on her mission to get back at Chinook as the fields pass by them. Chinook sensing that his tail was in danger quickly flew in between a barn and silo trying against all hope to be free from his purple colored menance. Looking back behind him Chinook gave a sigh of relief seeing that she was gone. Slowing his panicked fueled pace the stallion continued on the track as his head swiveled looking around for the mare before suddenly he heard a terrible war cry above him!
  82. Trying to save his bacon at the last minute Chinook quickly tilted to try giving a narrow profile against the mare but it was for naught as Rain pounced upon the hapless stallion forelegs stretched out wide to catch him. More spefically his tail, as Rain’s mouth darts out and snags the waggling puff of hair in her teeth and gives it a hard yank. Then once she has avenged her honor the mare takes off using Chinook to give her a platform to jump off of. Chinook meanwhile yells out in surprise if had the air to do so as the blow had left him breathless. However the stallion soldiers on as the attack had taken him down in altitude and gamely pulled up to see the purple mare take off leaving him behind. Growling Chinook cocks his wings once more and with a shout quickly follows after the mare.
  84. Feeling inordinate pleased with herself Rain does a loop de loop to enjoy herself completely unaware that at the moment she had done so Chinook zoomed by underneath her looking up in surprise wondering how in the world she had known he was coming. Opening her eyes to continue her way to victory Rain double takes seeing Chinook twist to fly backwards and give her a teasing smile before darting off again. Not one to be outdone the mare follows after him blood singing at the race. So continues the race as they try to one up the other before the finish line comes into sight.
  86. At this last stretch of the race Rain digs deep as she won’t let this, this insufferable punk beat her!
  87. Chinook bears his teeth as the end of the line comes into sight as he won’t let the she devil take his prize as ace in the sky!
  89. Moving together the two burn through their reserves as both muscle and bone creak alarmingly at the pace the duo of fliers put them through. Rain slowly pulls ahead by a nose, and then is followed by Chinook who raises the stakes by getting ahead by an ear. Rain pants and raises the stakes even higher as she bumps into Chinook making the stallion stagger just a tad. Chinook seeing the devious tactics used against him engages in his own bumping, jostling against the mare as the end draws closer.
  91. Unaware to both of the race crazy fliers a small crackle can be heard behind them both, first it comes from Chinook, then from Rain. However both are too focused on more speed and beating the other to notice when flickers of color flash behind them almost formless in shape leaving behind only some type of trail. However as the two continue to crash into one another more crackling can be heard as they race upon the finish line, it is only on the last bump when both shove against one another that a crack of thunder resounds and both idiots crash into the ground leaving behind a trench of dirt in their wake.
  93. Steam rises up from the crash site of the two ponies as a few from town slowly approach looking nervous. As they arrive a few guards also make their way to see if anyone is hurt. Upon arrival they find both the ponies at the end of the trench passed out with scuff marks on them from the crash and the smell of ozone in the air. Both Pegasus look like they had stuck their hooves in an electrical socket as small tendrils of electricity bounce off into the ground from their manes. Nearby at the beginning of the trench is a blackened spot of dirt where it had crystallized into a strange geode. Seeing that the two are knocked out the guard form a perimeter and keep the crowd back as a couple pick up the mare and stallion inadvertently giving a yelp as the first touch makes a shock to them.
  95. Seeing the crazy one of the guards with a small slip of paper in his mouth shakes his head before looking to his portly fellow, “Man I tell ya first it’s turning into these pansy ass ponies, now we’ve got fuckin’ Pegasus fallin’ from the sky and trying to blow up the town! Make’s me wish for some recompsense you know what I’m sayin’?”
  96. His fellow guard adjusts the large over coat he had managed to get from the rather classy mare from the boutique and shrugs to his lanky compatriot before waving a hoof for him to pass the paper and takes a puff as they relax.
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