
The Fluffy Factory: You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. >It's nearly closing time.
  2. >You and Tiffany, who has only recently been allowed back down here, are wrapping up the bedtime routine.
  3. >A pair of fluffies are still in the sex pits; a crying red and purple unicorn stallion and an angry looking orange and white pegasus mare.
  4. >”Sunkis' no wan' owwie huggies! Fwuffy dum'! No wike!”
  5. >Sunkist is not the name you gave her. She was a stray Tiffany picked up on her way here this morning.
  6. >Technically, Tiffany stole her; she had a collar and tag on.
  7. >She's never gonna get home now.
  8. >Sunkist has been a total brat all day.
  9. >Bit at your hands whenever she got picked up.
  10. >Even tried to bite the razor while you were shaving her.
  11. >Screams about her daddy and the other fluffies that lived at her house.
  12. >Tiffany just smiles and tells you not to retaliate. She'll take care of it.
  13. >Okay.
  14. >”Sunkis' wan' go home! Sunkis' wan' goo' nummies and huggies wif daddy! Miss fwuffy fwiends at home pwace!”
  15. >She screams, and screams, and screams, her shrill tone like a dental drill boring through your brain.
  16. “God damn, shut up.”
  17. >Tiffany issues a proclamation to the fluffies before you both leave.
  18. >”Get lots of sleep, kids. Tomorrow, there's going to be an example.”
  19. >Every fluffy that knows the word begins to scream and cry and defecate.
  20. >They'll have to sleep in the shit; you're not cleaning it up again.
  21. >”Sunkis' wan' nummies! Why no smeww pwetty? Wha zampwe? Zampwe nummies?”
  22. >You come in the next morning.
  23. >Bleary-eyed fluffies beg you for help.
  24. >It looks like only Sunkist and the fuck pillows got sleep.
  25. >”Dum' hooman! Wet Sunkis' go! Wan' go home! Miss daddy!”
  26. >On one of the metal examination tables is a pet carrier.
  27. >”Hewwo! New fwiend?” a voice says from within.
  28. >You look in it. A young, pale green pegasus fluffy with black hair and red eyes tries to hug you.
  29. >He seems oddly familiar.
  30. >”Why fwiends cwy? Why scawed? Nee' huggies?” he asks.
  31. >”I see you've met Sierra.”
  32. >It's Tiffany, coming down the stairs.
  33. “This is your fluffy?”
  34. >She nods. That doesn't seem right. The fluffy in this pet carrier is clean, well-fed, happy.
  35. >Alive.
  36. >She takes him out and sets him into a sex pit.
  37. >He runs around happily, bumping into the chain link sides. “See wossa new fwiends! Sewwa gif aww fwiends huggies! Why fwiends cwy?”
  38. >Next, she grabs Sunkist, who bitches and bites as usual, and puts her in with Sierra.
  39. >”No wan' huggies! Sunkis' wan' daddy!”
  40. >Tiffany steps into the pit and sits down. Sierra immediately gets into her lap.
  41. >”Mommy, why new fwiends aww wook scawed? Is munsta hewe?”
  42. >She just smiles.
  43. >You stand between the tables and watch. You've never seen Tiffany actually make an example out of a fluffy before.
  44. >She always seems to do it during lunch hour, when everyone's away.
  45. >”Sierra, do you love your mommy?”
  46. >He hugs her with all his might. ”Wuv mommy! Wuv mommy mos' of evewyfin'!”
  47. >Sunkist is just as confused as you are. “Sewwa haf mommy...Sunkis' haf daddy! Pwease wet Sunkis' go wif daddy?”
  48. >Tiffany motions the orange pegasus over to her. Reluctantly, she waddles forth.
  49. >She spends the next few minutes petting both fluffies.
  50. >You look around. A majority of the caged fluffies are still seized by fear, but are silent.
  51. >The rest are confused like you and Sunkist.
  52. >”Sierra is a good fluffy.”
  53. >He cheers, lying on his back and wiggling his legs and tail. Sunkist cheers too, because hell, why not? Nothing bad's happening.
  54. >”Sunkist, you are a...”
  55. >She waits in anticipation of praise.
  56. >What she gets is a point-blank view of Tiffany punching Sierra in the stomach.
  57. >”OWWIES! WHY MOMMY HUWT SEWWA?!” he squeals, trying to squirm out of her grip.
  58. >Sunkist scrambles away. “Munsta! Munsta huwt fwuffy! No huwt Sunkis'!”
  59. >Tiffany makes no effort to grab her; instead, she punches Sierra in the stomach again.
  60. >Blood streams from his nose and mouth. He bucks desperately at Tiffany, but can't make contact with anything but air.
  62. >Sunkist is huddled in the corner now, staring at Tiffany with fearful eyes.
  63. >”You made me do this, Sunkist.”
  64. >”Nuuuuu! Sunkis' no huwt fwuffy fwiend, munsta huwt fwiend! Sunkist goo' fwuffy!”
  65. >”You're a bad fluffy, Sunkist. When fluffies are bad, I feel sad. When I feel sad...”
  66. >She throws another punch. A loud crack rings out. Shit begins squirting.
  67. >Sierra, ribs now broken, gurgles for mercy.
  68. >”...this happens. Why are you making me sad, Sunkist? Why are you hurting Sierra?”
  69. >”No am huwt Sewwa! Munsta huwt! Sunkis' no bad fwuffy!”
  70. >She punches Sierra in the eye. He wails frantically, legs kicking and wings buzzing for dear life.
  71. >”Stop hurting him, Sunkist.”
  72. >”No am do dat! Munsta do dat!”
  73. >She punches him in the eye again. He jerks violently. The eye is beginning to swell shut.
  74. >”Stop hurting him, Sunkist.”
  75. >Tiffany punches Sierra's eye until it becomes a bloody, gooey mass. He has shit himself dry, but his anus still twitches reflexively.
  76. >With each strike, she asks Sunkist to stop hurting him.
  77. >When she finally stops punching, the orange pegasus is reduced to a trembling, blubbering wreck.
  78. >”Fwuffy no huwt otha fwuffy, fwuffy am good fwuffy, fwuffy no huwt anyfin',” she hiccups, so fearful she no longer remembers her name.
  79. >”If you were a good fluffy, then why did this happen?” Tiffany asks, holding Sierra in front of her by the scruff.
  80. >”Fwuffy no huwt...fwuffy...fwuffy sowwy...”
  81. >Tiffany stands up, still holding the bloody, sobbing Sierra by the scruff.
  82. >”Look. Look!” she yells. Sunkist raises her eyes.
  83. >Tiffany shifts her grip, placing one hand on each side of Sierra's head.
  84. >Her palms rest just below his dropped ears.
  85. >She begins squeezing. Sierra doesn't really notice at first.
  86. >He sobs quietly, asking why he can't see very well now, asking why he's being hurt, apologizing.
  87. >When he finally detects the pressure, he becomes still.
  88. >Sunkist doesn't understand.
  89. >”Wh-wha munsta doin' to fwuffy?”
  90. >Sierra begins squirming like a hooked fish, squealing and sobbing and shooting out a stream of piss.
  91. >You can see Tiffany's arms trembling with the pressure she applies.
  93. >There is a wet, solid crack, followed by a series of sharp little noises.
  94. >Sierra's head deforms into a tear-soaked, bloody clump of skull and fluff and brain.
  95. >Sunkist shrieks and blasts a torrent of shit out through the side of the pen. Out of instinct, you step aside.
  96. >Tiffany, now holding Sierra's corpse by the scruff and spine, crouches and shows it to Sunkist.
  97. >”This is an example of what happens when fluffies are bad. Are you going to be bad anymore?”
  98. >”Fw-fwuffy am...fwuffy sowwwy, no wan' zampwe, no 'wan, sowwy zampwe, sowwy, sowwy...”
  99. >She knows the word now.
  100. >Around you, caged fluffies huddle together for comfort.
  101. >Even the fuck pillows are crying.
  102. >After the shock subsides, it suddenly hits you.
  103. “Wait, isn't that the foal you bought a month ago?”
  104. >Tiffany drops the corpse, gazing at her bloody hands. “Huh? Oh, yeah.”
  105. >She buys the foals.
  106. >She takes them home and raises them, cares for them, shows them affection.
  107. >Then she brings them here and executes them because a fluffy they've never met pisses her off.
  108. >She picks Sunkist up and takes her back to her cage.
  109. >”Now shut the hell up and do what we say.”
  110. >Sunkist is absolutely silent now, but tears still flow down her fluffy cheeks.
  111. >You don't know it yet, but it will be over two months before she dares utter a word again.
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