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Mar 3rd, 2014
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  1. ​Morning. It was morning again. At least I was mostly sure it was. Always hard to tell with the cloud cover. I turned my head to the right, seeing the mare from that I seduced into bed last night still sleeping soundly. Wait, did I seduce her, or was she a whore I paid for? Eh, either way she was decent enough. I'll leave her some caps for her efforts.
  3. ​I rolled out of bed as quietly as I could so my companion wouldn't be disturbed. Both happy and sad to be out of bed -it's a nice bed- I began my morning routine. I stretched and twisted my body as far as I was comfortable with going, sighing in relief at the satisfying quiet pops that came from my joints. Stretches, check. I trudged over to the bathroom to do my business. It was pretty small, but I couldn't complain. At least I had indoor plumbing. Gargle with water because I don't have any other way to clean my mouth and teeth, and I was ready to move on. Use bathroom, check.
  5. ​I stood in front of the full length mirror I was able to get from some traders, ready to do the final check before heading out. Still a unicorn? I tapped my horn for good measure. Check. Still a stallion? A quick peek between my legs confirmed that. Check. Still have a purple coat? Check. Still have a purple and teal mane? Check. Still as sexy as ever? I grinned at the mirror. "Double check, you handsome devil, you!" I quickly clasped my hands over my mouth, forgetting about my guest for a second. Hearing no noise suggesting she was awake, I moved on to the part of the checklist that wasn't me ogling at myself in the mirror.
  7. ​Barding. I slid into the old slightly tight security vest, thankful for having scratched out al the lettering and for the pockets it gave. Check. Long black coat. I dressed in said coat, the black fabric covering everywhere the vest didn't and hiding my very stand outish colors. Check. Boots. I hopped into them, all four landing perfectly on my hooves. Check. Hat. The black cowponys hat floated onto my head, lining up with the hole I made for my horn. Check. Saddlebags? Their weight settled in on my sides. Check. Guns? The revolvers floated in front of me, and I took the time to check over every detail of my money makers.
  9. ​They were a deep black with intricate silver patterns running along them. Each one held six high caliber bullets and could even fire different types of ammunition. They were unique, they were deadly, and they were mine. I loved these little moneymakers of mine... Both were slid into their holsters, the added weight feeling like the hug of old friends returning. Guns? Check.
  11. ​Alright- Oop, I almost forgot. I pulled about fifty caps out of my saddlebags and returned to my bedroom, setting them next to the mare. Alright, NOW I'm ready to start what I hope is the day.
  13. Time to get to work, Gunslinger.
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