
Stars in the Sky (Proofread)

Feb 12th, 2013
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  1. >"I can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen," the minty blue-colored mare said.
  2. >"There's nothing to worry about. Trust me."
  3. >"What if this condition that I have doesn't go away?" she sobs.
  4. >"Somep0ny will help you on the other side. I promise."
  5. >The minty colored p0ne closes its eyes and becomes enveloped in darkness
  6. >A magic aura surrounds her as she slowly starts to levitate from the ground
  7. >The p0ne that is using the magic begins to cry as she begins to recite the magical words to cast the spell
  8. >The ground starts to shake and woodland creatures flee the area
  9. >The stars above start to shape a perfect circle around the mint p0ne
  10. >Beams of light shine down on her
  11. >The p0ne casting the spell looked away from the blinding lights
  12. >As she turned back, not a trace of the mint p0ne was to be found....
  13. "One day I'll come for you and we will live together again, my dear Lyra..."
  14. >Heavy tears fall as the p0ne retreats to the town in the most darkest of shadows
  16. >You see a bright shining star up above
  17. >"If only you were here.."
  18. >The star seemed closer and closer until it hit the ground
  19. >With various scenarios running through your head, you decide to check it out
  20. >You can see that it didn't leave much of a mark on the ground, but a black residue surrounds the fresh little crater
  21. >Knowing that it can possibly be an alien of some sort, or just a rock from space, you take a closer look at what was in the hole
  22. >....
  23. >It took your eyes a while to adjust to the darkness
  24. >Is... it's a p0ne?
  25. >You see that it's still breathing, but it seemed faint
  26. >You look left and right to check for any witnesses
  27. >You take off your coat and lift the creature into your arms and carry it home.
  28. >You made it home without anyone seeing the p0ne
  29. >You enter your house and flicked on the lights and see that, to your surprise, the p0ne was of a strange color
  30. >"A blueish minty lookin' p0ne?" you murmur to yourself
  31. >You set strange looking thing on the couch and venture to the kitchen to make some tea.
  32. >After a couple of hours of staring at the p0ne, it begins to move and slowly opens its eyes
  33. "W-where...?"
  34. >You give it a smile and say, "Don't worry, you're safe."
  35. >It faintly smiled before falling back to sleep.
  36. >"I wonder where this deranged little thing came from? Well, I suppose that can wait. Time to clean things up for when it regains consciousness"
  37. >Thoughts run through your head like a speeding bullet
  38. >two or so hours of sprucing up the place you retreated to the bedroom
  39. >Before you drift off into sleep you hear a faint sound, it sounded like the p0ne was...sniffling.
  40. ---------------------------------
  41. >The next morning you hear the sound of the smoke alarm
  42. >Wide-eyed, you hurry to the kitchen
  43. >You see the minty p0ne trying to cook waffles
  44. >More like burned tires
  45. >"Whoa!? What in the falling stars is going on in here?"
  46. >It looked at you uncertainly
  47. >It was mouthing words, but you couldn't understand them
  48. >It stopped everything it was doing and then trotted toward you
  49. >An aura slowly surrounds its horn
  50. >You feel a tugging sensation on your body
  51. >Your body moves on its own and before you knew it you were kneeling down to meet its height
  52. >The minty p0ne looked at you for a short moment and said something
  53. >Then, it swiftly kisses you for a short, but seemingly long, moment
  54. >The p0ne broke the kiss off and you didn't know how or what to feel
  55. >This was your first kiss
  56. >It begins to speak
  57. I'm sorry, I really am. The words-well, you can't-it's just. Well, the thing is, uh....I had to kiss you to speak the same as you!
  58. >Guessing from the voice it's a "she"
  59. >"..."
  60. >She looks around trying not to make any kind of contact with your eyes while blushing
  61. >You clear your throat
  62. >"Well, I WAS going to make breakfast, but since you destroyed all of my cheese and batter.. I suppose it's time to go to the grocery store"
  63. >A little tick tock from from your internal brain started to go off until you realized
  64. >"Oh, crud! You can talk?! B-BU-BUT!...mph mph MMMph"
  65. >Her horn glows again and your mouth suddenly shuts. p
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