Guest User


a guest
Oct 31st, 2014
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text 2.60 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. net localgroup Administrators | find /I /C "cncadmin" > cncAccount.tmp
  3. set /p cncAccount= < cncAccount.tmp
  4. del cncAccount.tmp
  5. echo Checking your system information, Please wait...
  6. systeminfo > sysinfo.tmp
  7. echo ----------------------------------------------
  8. echo SysInfo:
  9. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"Host Name"
  10. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"Domain"
  11. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"OS Name"
  12. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"Original Install Date"
  13. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"OS Version"
  14. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"System Manufacturer"
  15. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"System Model"
  16. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"System Type"
  17. echo ----------------------------------------------
  18. if "%cncAccount%" == "1" (echo ^
  19. CNC ADMIN account FOUND!) else (echo ^
  20. There is NOT a CNC ADMIN account -- PLEASE CREATE)
  21. echo ----------------------------------------------
  22. echo Local Users:
  23. wmic useraccount get name
  24. echo ----------------------------------------------
  25. echo FIREWALL STATE (Domain, Private, Public):
  26. netsh advfirewall show allprofiles | find "State"
  27. echo ----------------------------------------------
  28. echo Mapped Network Drives / Folders:
  29. REM REG QUERY "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network" /S | find "RemotePath"
  30. REM wmic /node:"PLO-PC" netuse get localname, name, username
  31. REM wmic netuse get Caption, DisplayType, LocalName, Name, ProviderName, Status
  32. echo ----------------------------------------------
  33. echo Shared Folders:
  34. net share
  35. echo ----------------------------------------------
  36. echo Service Tag:
  37. wmic bios get serialnumber
  38. echo ----------------------------------------------
  39. echo Motherboard:
  40. wmic baseboard get Manufacturer, Model, Name, PartNumber, slotlayout, serialnumber
  41. echo ----------------------------------------------
  42. echo CPU:
  43. wmic cpu get name
  44. wmic cpu get MaxClockSpeed, DeviceID, status
  45. echo ----------------------------------------------
  46. echo Disk Drives:
  47. wmic Volume get Name, Capacity, FreeSpace
  48. wmic diskdrive get Model, MediaType
  49. echo ----------------------------------------------
  50. echo Memory:
  51. type sysinfo.tmp | findstr /c:"Total Physical Memory"
  52. wmic memorychip get Description, Devicelocator, Speed
  53. echo ----------------------------------------------
  54. echo Network:
  55. ipconfig | findstr IPv4
  56. ipconfig | findstr "Subnet Mask"
  57. ipconfig | findstr Gateway
  58. ipconfig /all | find "DHCP Server"
  59. ipconfig /all | find "DNS Servers"
  60. route PRINT -4
  61. echo ----------------------------------------------
  62. echo Printers:
  63. wmic printer get Name, PortName
  64. echo ----------------------------------------------
  65. echo Startup items:
  66. wmic startup get Command
  68. del sysinfo.tmp
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