

Feb 17th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::F} to true
  3. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::C} to true
  4. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::S} to true
  6. command /alertar [<player>] [<text>]:
  7. trigger:
  8. if player has permission "alertar.p":
  9. if arg 1 is set:
  10. if arg 2 is "flood":
  11. if {Alertas.%arg 1%::F} = 2:
  12. broadcast " "
  13. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fFlood"
  14. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f3/3 Final Do Alerta"
  15. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  16. broadcast " "
  17. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 10 m Flood"
  18. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::F}
  19. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::F} to 0
  20. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  21. stop
  22. else:
  23. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::F}
  24. broadcast " "
  25. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fFlood"
  26. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f%{Alertas.%arg 1%::F}%/3"
  27. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  28. broadcast " "
  29. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  30. stop
  31. if arg 2 is "spam":
  32. if {Alertas.%arg 1%::S} = 2:
  33. broadcast " "
  34. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fSpam"
  35. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f3/3 Final Do Alerta"
  36. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  37. broadcast " "
  38. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 10 m Spam"
  39. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::S}
  40. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::S} to 0
  41. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  42. stop
  43. else:
  44. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::S}
  45. broadcast " "
  46. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fSpam"
  47. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f%{Alertas.%arg 1%::S}%/3"
  48. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  49. broadcast " "
  50. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  51. stop
  52. if arg 2 is "capslock":
  53. if {Alertas.%arg 1%::C} = 2:
  54. broadcast " "
  55. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fCapsLock"
  56. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f3/3 Final Do Alerta"
  57. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  58. broadcast " "
  59. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 10 m CapsLock"
  60. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::C}
  61. set {Alertas.%arg 1%::C} to 0
  62. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  63. stop
  64. else:
  65. add 1 to {Alertas.%arg 1%::C}
  66. broadcast " "
  67. broadcast "&c(!) O Player &f%arg 1% &cfoi alertado Motivo: &fCapsLock"
  68. broadcast "&c(!) Alerta: &f%{Alertas.%arg 1%::C}%/3"
  69. broadcast "&c(!) Pelo Staff: &f%player%"
  70. broadcast " "
  71. send "&eAlerta ao %arg 1% aplicado!"
  72. stop
  73. if arg 2 is not set:
  74. send " "
  75. send "&e&lPunições Permitidas:"
  76. send json of "&e&l>> &fSpam" tooltip "&e&l* &fAlerte o player por Spam %newline% &c&l> 3 Aletas Tempban !" run "/alertar %arg 1% spam" to player
  77. send json of "&e&l>> &fFlood" tooltip "&e&l* &fAlerte o player por Flood %newline% &c&l> 3 Aletas Tempban !" run "/alertar %arg 1% flood" to player
  78. send json of "&e&l>> &fCapsLock" tooltip "&e&l* &fAlerte o player por CapsLock %newline% &c&l> 3 Aletas Tempban !" run "/alertar %arg 1% spam" to player
  79. send " "
  80. stop
  81. else:
  82. send "&cUse /alertar NICK"
  83. stop
  84. else:
  85. send "&c(!) &fEsse comando &4não &fexiste"
  86. stop
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