

Dec 16th, 2013
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  1. [09:06] <Rain_Drop> Makin plans, smokin dope 15 bucks lil man but that money in my hand or your gonna owe me owe me owe, my jungle love~
  2. 01[09:06] <Alerderna> waugh~
  3. [09:06] <Rain_Drop> Whay is that so catchy?!
  4. 01[09:07] <Alerderna> Wurll it's another thing for Batvillage, regarding trading. Covered that aspect in the Pastebin, but it's still up in the air.
  5. 01[09:07] <Alerderna> Two months down the line, now I'm kinda thinking trading is kind of along the lines of >godmodding.
  6. 01[09:08] <Alerderna> Ikea thoughts?
  7. [09:09] <Ikea> I think... that I've misplaced the pastebin...
  8. 01[09:10] <Alerderna> Right, one tick
  9. 01[09:10] <Alerderna>
  10. [09:11] <Rain_Drop> Well I thought having the batvillage have something to trade as a trade partner would be rather neat...
  11. [09:11] <Rain_Drop> Sorta like in those Total War games where you make alliances and such
  12. [09:11] <Rain_Drop> then trade routes for dem sheckles
  13. 01[09:11] <Alerderna> Able_Tome ya there by chance?
  14. 01[09:12] <Alerderna> Eh, with this thing I decided to leave nothing under looked and covered as many aspects as NukePone and I could.
  15. [09:13] <Rain_Drop> Provided its things that make sense for the village to have to trade then I dont see what would be wrong with it myself. Heck we could if Nukey had suggested had further villages that might have been north be having a lil rivalry between Batvillage and other village that might be even further north
  16. [09:14] <Rain_Drop> but that might be pushin it too hard with the npcs and the like
  17. 01[09:15] <Alerderna> Ah. I'm already pushing it with just the one village it seems hue. Unless they trade with the Crystal Empire secretly already.
  18. [09:15] <Ikea> hmm...
  19. [09:16] <Ikea> not seeing much of of an issue with the trade
  20. [09:16] <Grease_Lightning> Okay, what's up?
  21. [09:16] <Ikea> not sure if they'd really -need- building materials
  22. [09:16] <Rain_Drop> trade discussion on what batvillage would have
  23. 01[09:16] <Alerderna> It's about trading with the Batvillage thing Bay-kun
  24. [09:16] <Rain_Drop> realistically and all
  25. 01[09:17] <Alerderna> And if it's too much along the lines of >godmodding
  26. [09:17] <Ikea> assuming we're talking stone and wood, that would be rather plentiful for them as well as for us
  27. 01[09:17] <Alerderna> Also gunna be Pastebinning all this shiz and posting it in the thread seeing as some Anon's wanted it so.
  28. [09:17] <Rain_Drop> Well to expand for their growing numbers I would imagine having miners equipment to mine minerals for use
  29. [09:17] <Ikea> tools and metals maybe?
  30. 01[09:18] <Alerderna> I'd imagine we'd try for the fur first
  31. [09:18] <Grease_Lightning> Aren't they pretty self sustaining already though?
  32. 01[09:18] <Alerderna> They is'z.
  33. 01[09:18] <Alerderna> Ebutt it was heavily hinted in the Pastebin that they have a surplus of furs
  34. [09:19] <Rain_Drop> Self sustaining yes, flourishing no
  35. [09:19] <Grease_Lightning> So they have most down, so what they'd want it improments and vanity, pretty much
  36. [09:19] <Rain_Drop> As in the surviving but not really living, also Ale something that popped into my head
  37. [09:19] <Grease_Lightning> *is
  38. [09:19] <Ikea> well, the question is, I suppose, what would they need/want?
  39. [09:19] <Rain_Drop> member how we said they would have greenhouses?
  40. [09:19] <Rain_Drop> Where do they get glass for it?
  41. [09:20] <Grease_Lightning> Rain, where do WE get glass for it?
  42. [09:20] <Ikea> From Hearth
  43. 01[09:20] <Alerderna> Well that was also covered already in the Pastebin, Ikea. Though there could be compromises. And they live clsoe to the CE, so I'd assume there.
  44. [09:20] <Rain_Drop> from the river?
  45. [09:20] <Grease_Lightning> Hearth doesn't make glass from thin air
  46. 01[09:20] <Alerderna> Yay Sand and Furnace
  47. 01[09:21] <Alerderna> Though it'd be a bitch to sustain those high temps
  48. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Sand from river banks, sand delivered to hearth who cant make more due to being preggers
  49. [09:21] <Ikea> I'd assume that silica isn't too rare...
  50. 01[09:21] <Alerderna> With our current tech, anyways.
  51. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Fur - Food
  52. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Fur - Building materials
  53. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Fur - Tools
  54. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Wood - Food
  55. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Wood - Tools
  56. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> Food - Food
  57. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> thats the idea right for their trading abilities?
  58. 01[09:21] <Alerderna> It's an idea, though there could be expansions.
  59. [09:21] <Grease_Lightning> which side is which?
  60. [09:21] <Rain_Drop> the bats and such '
  61. 01[09:21] <Alerderna> Batvillage - Fourcannon
  62. [09:22] <Grease_Lightning> So, Batvillage: Fur, Wood, Food | 4C: Food, Building Materials, Tools
  63. 01[09:23] <Alerderna> Breddy much yeah. Though there could be expansions.
  64. [09:23] <Grease_Lightning> What's the difference between building materials and wood?
  65. 01[09:23] <Alerderna> Building materials I'd automatically assume are the tools and bits nessicary for construction.
  66. 03[09:23] * C-com is now known as Cherenkovasdfdasf3w49rfsd
  67. 03[09:23] * Cherenkovasdfdasf3w49rfsd is now known as Cherenkovvvvvvvvv
  68. [09:23] <Grease_Lightning> Mud Huts are a thing
  69. [09:23] <Rain_Drop> Instead of buidling materials why not make it...wait no we could still do it that way, say that the greenhouses they had have broken panes and the amount of effort needed for making glass isnt worth it vs just trading it with us>
  70. 03[09:24] * Cherenkovvvvvvvvv is now known as Cheren
  71. [09:24] <Rain_Drop> Chere I think is havin a issue
  72. [09:24] <Cheren> morning everyone
  73. 01[09:24] <Alerderna> j0 Cheren
  74. [09:24] <Ikea> morning
  75. [09:24] <Grease_Lightning> So you want to give them more reason to trade with us?
  76. 01[09:24] <Alerderna> Depending on how smart the PC's are...
  77. 01[09:25] <Alerderna> Things could go swell.
  78. [09:25] <Grease_Lightning> Isn't that problematic seeing as we don't have any glass craft according to your assessment of Hearth's condition?
  79. [09:25] <Cheren> So if Mariel goes on it, will she go to try and make fried bat wings to sell to PCs back in 4c? Hue.
  80. [09:25] <Ikea> probably...
  81. 01[09:25] <Alerderna> 1,1I giggl'd/10
  82. [09:26] <Grease_Lightning> She will make enemies
  83. [09:26] <Grease_Lightning> 1,1and probably die
  84. [09:26] <Cheren> probably
  85. [09:26] <Grease_Lightning> Crossing fingers here
  86. 01[09:26] <Alerderna> And these ones are native to Equestria, not Cannonites.
  87. [09:26] <Rain_Drop> Well I would make it so there is a reason for them to want to trade with us provided we make a good impression
  88. 01[09:26] <Alerderna> So they'd fuck Mariel's shit up.
  89. 01[09:26] <Alerderna> hue.
  90. [09:27] <Grease_Lightning> Are you saying 4Cannonites wouldn't fuck her shit up?
  91. [09:27] <Rain_Drop> Also for the glass production could have a PC take over for Hearth since >Maternity leave and all that
  92. 01[09:27] <Alerderna> Equestrians > Fourcannonites IMO
  93. 01[09:27] <Alerderna> Anyways, we're getting off-topic.
  94. [09:27] <Grease_Lightning> I don't think you really thought about the purpose of the job thing, Rain
  95. [09:28] <Grease_Lightning> The entire purpose of it was to get people who have experience to do what they do best
  96. 01[09:28] <Alerderna> hmmm... I guess for the green house thing it could probably be thin sheets of Crystal, seeing as they're halfway between 4C and the CE.
  97. 01[09:28] <Alerderna> Or maybe a series of thin, broken sheets of crystal held together by some resin.
  98. [09:28] <Rain_Drop> now thers something we might want to trade for
  99. [09:28] <Grease_Lightning> If anyone can do everything, there isn't any reason for having people do things they are proficient at
  100. [09:29] <Rain_Drop> if thats true Ale I mean have the cystal sheets be possibly reflective and better than normal glass?
  101. [09:29] <Grease_Lightning> Halfway between 4C and CE is a long way away from 4C still
  102. [09:29] <Grease_Lightning> more than just the mountains
  103. [09:29] <Rain_Drop> Also Bacon >what is training others what you know?
  104. 01[09:29] <Alerderna> o. I thought the northern part of the mountains was halfway.
  105. [09:29] <Grease_Lightning> I'm sorry, did Hearth train anyone?
  106. [09:29] <Cheren> people would have to learn to do things, but it would take time and they wouldn't be as good as the instructors off the bat
  107. [09:29] <Rain_Drop> ^
  108. [09:30] <Cheren> not that I'm aware
  109. [09:30] <Grease_Lightning> So there are no trainees
  110. [09:30] <Rain_Drop> and as faar as I know not really but since Hearth is no longer wanting to play her character I could...npc her I guess...
  111. 01[09:30] <Alerderna> And as for the reflective-ness for Crystal? Iunno... Dependng on how thin they are.
  112. 01[09:30] <Alerderna> Which does gib idea again.
  113. [09:30] <Grease_Lightning> Please don't NPC other players characters
  114. 01[09:30] <Alerderna> That's what Blue's been proposing, Bacon.
  115. [09:31] <Grease_Lightning> Welcome to the world of puppetting
  116. 01[09:31] <Alerderna> I kept on saying "yyyeeeaaaahhhh that shit won't fly"
  117. [09:31] <Rain_Drop> but Hearth said she wasnt coming back to her...
  118. 01[09:31] <Alerderna> Anyways, we're getting off-track again.
  119. [09:31] <Grease_Lightning> Yes, Hearth isn't returning, so don't use her
  120. [09:32] <Rain_Drop> guh...I would ask what I am supposed to do with her then....
  121. 01[09:32] <Alerderna> brb
  122. [09:32] <Rain_Drop> Mk
  123. [09:32] <Grease_Lightning> Let her be a NPC?
  124. [09:32] <Grease_Lightning> *an
  125. 01[09:33] <Alerderna> Right... So back to the trading thing.
  126. [09:33] <Rain_Drop> mm trading thingy
  127. 01[09:33] <Alerderna> D'ya guys think it's too much along the lines of >godmodding, or d'ya think it could be expanded a bit more and a trade route could be established?
  128. [09:34] <Rain_Drop> Im all up for a trade route that relies on their atitude to our dignataries and how we act as a town myself
  129. [09:34] <Grease_Lightning> You know I'm already iffy on them being there, so it REALLY depends what they'd trade and how much
  130. [09:34] <Rain_Drop> so if the town acts retarded their is a consequnce of it
  131. 01[09:35] <Alerderna> Being in the mountains, tho, they probably have access to things we doubtlessly don't get down here.
  132. [09:36] <Grease_Lightning> being in the mountains, I'm doubting how much wood they would have access to
  133. [09:36] <Rain_Drop> Hence access to mineral sites but >no tools
  134. 01[09:36] <Alerderna> Are pine trees a thing?
  135. [09:36] <Rain_Drop> number wise I would ask Ikea, what would make sense for a small village of say, what Ale 50-100?
  136. [09:36] <Grease_Lightning> Rain, they have lived here for generations [sic], why wouldn't they have tools?
  137. 01[09:36] <Alerderna> IIRC
  138. [09:36] <Rain_Drop> Make in terms of fur, food, and crystals and such
  139. 01[09:37] <Alerderna> I bumped it down to 30-40
  140. 01[09:37] <Alerderna> And as for THEIR current tools, I'd say think stone-age equipment. Not perfect, but do-able, but breaks easily all the same time.
  141. [09:37] <Rain_Drop> originals were broken and they didnt have enough to build new ones as they had used it in construction ? er I donna Aler had the idea of making their weaponary like the forsworn from Skyrim with made of stone and sticks and such
  142. [09:37] <Grease_Lightning> >stoneage
  143. 06[09:38] * Alerderna takes sharp rock to thing for skin
  144. [09:38] <Cheren> if they have access to minerals, the would be mining for metals like we're doing.
  145. [09:38] <Cheren> it would take ages
  146. [09:38] <Grease_Lightning> Why would they -need- minerals?
  147. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> I'm sure that, depending on what you offer, they wouldn't mind giving up some of their food and furs for more building materials.
  148. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> I'd imagine the lodge and houses would have furs pinned to the walls to act as insulation, so they'd likely have a lot of extras lying around.
  149. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> I think their trade list would look something like:
  150. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Them - You
  151. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Fur - Food
  152. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Fur - Building materials
  153. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Fur - Tools
  154. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Wood - Food
  155. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Wood - Tools
  156. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Food - Food
  157. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> They might have other stuff like wooden toys to trade off.
  158. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> If you don't have a map of their local area, I'm sure they'd have one drawn out, so you could probably trade them for that. I'd imagine an item like that would be extremely useful for scouting parties, depending on the environment.
  159. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> On the promise that you could help their town grow and expand, and even flourish, I don't see any reason why they'd decline. Especially since they may have tons of fur to trade off, which could benefit other colonies and towns during the winter.
  160. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> The >other colonies | Thing was 'cause NukePone really didn't know about the whole >muh survival thing
  161. 01[09:39] <Alerderna> Again, one of those >leave no stone unturned things
  162. [09:40] <Rain_Drop> well thats just it aint it ? they wouldnt have a need for the minerals so they wouldnt have those tools then, would that make better since?
  163. 01[09:40] <Alerderna> And I'd imagine there'd be pine trees aplenty in the mountain, too.
  164. 01[09:40] <Alerderna> er, muntains*
  165. [09:40] <Grease_Lightning> If they didn't need the minerals, they wouldn't need the tools
  166. 01[09:40] <Alerderna> FFFFFF
  167. 01[09:40] <Alerderna> HOW TO ENGLISH
  168. [09:40] <Rain_Drop> Since the whole idea would be that they were originally explorers and the like is that about right Ale?
  169. [09:40] <Rain_Drop> Spelling helps
  170. 06[09:41] * Alerderna rests his tired noggin on Rain's. "Nuuuuuu...."
  171. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> It's an NPC-village? Alright, so let's get under the assumption that it's pre-established.
  172. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> Let's say, 70-80% of them are batponies. I don't know how big the village is supposed to be, but let's go with that.
  173. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> Maybe most of the residents are refugees that get lost in the wild.
  174. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> As for the village itself, given its location, it may be hard to import and export large things, such as building materials. This could support the reason why they choose such a simple layout for their town.
  175. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> Since we are under the assumption that it's a pre-established town, there's a good chance that they do have connections to other NPC towns further north assuming there are towns further north.
  176. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> If so, I doubt they'd have a problem trading with playable characters.
  177. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> If not, then maybe the playable characters would need to work for their trust. Maybe carry out some tasks, offer them gifts such as foods or tools.
  178. 01[09:41] <Alerderna> Food supply. That's a tricky one, since most of us here can't even agree to disagree on fruit vs. blood. Maybe they do eat an abundance of fruit. Maybe their hunters capture animals and give the blood and fur to bat ponies who feast on the blood and make clothing from the fur. If they go with the "don't waste anything" motive, then the meat from smaller creatures could be used to attract larger ones if they get gutsy enough, or they could store and rot the meat and use it as a deterrent for trespassers or other animals.
  179. [09:41] <Rain_Drop> Ok then so there dont have tools to begin with to mine minerals, nad I am just saying that they have mineral sites as a temptation to the PCs to possible renact colonists on natives thing
  180. [09:41] <Grease_Lightning> chatspam pls stop
  181. [09:42] <Rain_Drop> i think Ale is doin that cuz he thinks no one reads the pasty on his idea...
  182. 01[09:42] <Alerderna> ^
  183. [09:42] <Cheren> So it's a gateway to the crystal empire then?
  184. [09:43] <Rain_Drop> Could be
  185. [09:43] <Rain_Drop> We never really decided on that to be fair
  186. 01[09:43] <Alerderna> Eh, I originally thought of it as a resting point for whom is ever lost in the mountains.
  187. [09:43] <Grease_Lightning> CE would be further away then just across the mountains
  188. [09:43] <Grease_Lightning> *than
  189. [09:43] <Rain_Drop> how far is far?
  190. 01[09:43] <Alerderna> A safe haven where p0nes can stay for a few days. Or, if they so choose, stay there and help out said village.
  191. [09:44] <Grease_Lightning> Also, I'm not sure you noticed, but this isn't the crystal mountain range that borders the town
  192. 01[09:44] <Alerderna> Though that's the Equestrian p0nes, Cannonites haven't even touched there.
  193. [09:44] <Cheren> alright, bacon.
  194. [09:45] <Cheren> besides crystal empire's towns consist of only the one in canon anyway. Everywhere else was a frozen wasteland, lel.
  195. [09:45] <Rain_Drop> gah back to the trading thing if its a village of 40-50 or so then would the number they bring in be sine where like 10 or so units of fur, and if using the food methods of 15 units perday times 50 ponies and then for calculating a months worth of food a bat village would need 22500 units of food
  196. [09:46] <Grease_Lightning> What the hell are you talking about?
  197. 01[09:46] <Alerderna> Probably gonig to cap it at 40 p0nes Rain.
  198. [09:46] <Grease_Lightning> it's not 15 units per pony per day
  199. [09:47] <Cheren> it's 15 units for 400 ponies per day
  200. [09:47] <Cheren> for 40 it's 1.5 units per day during the winter
  201. 01[09:47] <Alerderna> Also, not to mention the odd traveller that'll come passing through for rest.
  202. [09:47] <Grease_Lightning> that's ~56.25 units per month
  203. 01[09:47] <Alerderna> So it could fluctuate...
  204. [09:47] <Grease_Lightning> >the odd traveller that'll come passing through
  205. [09:48] <Grease_Lightning> that's my biggest problem
  206. [09:48] <Grease_Lightning> we're literally in the middle of nowhere
  207. 01[09:48] <Alerderna> >the odd
  208. 01[09:48] <Alerderna> Meaning once in a blue moon.
  209. [09:48] <Rain_Drop> well actually thats kinda a iffy thing for me Bacon
  210. [09:48] <Grease_Lightning> >travel through the mountains in the middle of nowhere
  211. 01[09:48] <Alerderna> >what is being lost
  212. [09:48] <Rain_Drop> if we are on the frontier right why is it that we are near the middle of the country/kingdom?
  213. [09:49] <Grease_Lightning> we're not?
  214. [09:49] <Rain_Drop> Well are we on the northern border of Equestria then?
  215. [09:49] <Grease_Lightning> pretty much
  216. [09:49] <Rain_Drop> and if so wouldnt that mean we be higher longitudly to mane haten and trotting ham?
  217. [09:50] <Rain_Drop> Oh okaay so then would CE be closer to us then Canterlot? since tey are our northern neighbor and all
  218. [09:50] <Grease_Lightning> Yes, CE is naturally closer to us than Canterlot
  219. [09:51] <Rain_Drop> Okay so about 56.25 for food units they bring in on a monthly basis right? so then gah how do I into maths liek ikea pone?
  220. [09:51] <Ikea> well, more that they consume that much
  221. [09:52] <Cheren> Hi Ikea!
  222. [09:52] <Ikea> I rather doubt that an isolated village would produce a surplus, though
  223. [09:52] <Rain_Drop> ok then, so how do I go about figuring out how they much they make?
  224. [09:52] <Cheren> or much of one anyway
  225. [09:52] <Ikea> Heya, Cheren
  226. [09:52] <Rain_Drop> Say about 5-10 units more than what they eat then?
  227. [09:52] <Grease_Lightning>
  228. [09:52] <Grease_Lightning> we are approximately at the circled area
  229. 01[09:53] <Alerderna> uuurrrrhhhh, ready for more copy and pastes?
  230. [09:53] <Grease_Lightning> pls no
  231. 01[09:53] <Alerderna> o ok...
  232. [09:53] <Ikea> honestly, I don't like that location
  233. [09:53] <Cheren> >dat map. ugh...
  234. 01[09:53] <Alerderna> D'ya have the Pastebin open at least, bay-kun?
  235. [09:53] <Rain_Drop> the one with nuke pony right?
  236. [09:54] <Rain_Drop> I got mine copy open
  237. [09:54] <Cheren> linky plz, aler?
  238. [09:54] <Grease_Lightning> That's the official map after all, Chere
  239. [09:54] <Rain_Drop> but yeah they could trade us for food too then
  240. [09:54] <Ikea> if we're meant to be a frontier town, we should probably be further out
  241. 01[09:54] <Alerderna>
  242. [09:54] <Cheren> thanks'
  243. [09:54] <Grease_Lightning> It's not to scale
  244. [09:54] <Rain_Drop> ^ thats what I thought too Ikea
  245. [09:54] <Ikea> honestly, I'd say we're -in- the frozen north
  246. 01[09:55] <Alerderna> Wanted to clarify something for Bay-kun, too. The origins. Go to #47 on the bin.
  247. [09:55] <Ikea> anyway, 1.5 units/day == 547.5 units per year
  248. [09:55] <Ikea> sooo.... an even 600 ought to be alright
  249. [09:55] <Grease_Lightning> If we were IN the frozen north, we wouldn't have nice summer weather
  250. [09:55] <Cheren> is at least part of the globe.
  251. [09:56] <Grease_Lightning> it would literally be frozen all the time
  252. [09:56] <Ikea> [citation needed]
  253. [09:56] <Rain_Drop> love how we seem to act like we game devs and shit for a game
  254. [09:56] <Rain_Drop> hue
  255. 01[09:56] <Alerderna> Weren't we based in Sweden or something/
  256. 01[09:56] <Alerderna> ?
  257. [09:57] <Rain_Drop> Canada
  258. [09:57] <Cheren> canadia
  259. [09:57] <Rain_Drop> weather wise
  260. [09:57] <Grease_Lightning>
  261. [09:57] <Ikea> scandinavia/canada
  262. 01[09:57] <Alerderna> Ah.
  263. [09:57] <Ikea> more cananda since no based gulf stream
  264. [09:57] <Grease_Lightning> notice the weather in the first scene
  265. [09:57] <Grease_Lightning> go 7 minutes in
  266. [09:57] <Grease_Lightning> notice the weather
  267. [09:57] <Grease_Lightning> sorry, 8 minutes in
  268. [09:58] <Rain_Drop> lotsa snow
  269. 01[09:58] <Alerderna> Right. Friendly reminder, I will be Pastebinning this entire conversation and posting it in the thread, seeing as some of the Anon's wanted it so.
  270. [09:58] <Grease_Lightning> You see the change in weather?
  271. [09:58] <Grease_Lightning> from nice day to snow storm?
  272. [09:59] <Rain_Drop> yeah
  273. 01[09:59] <Alerderna> >nice day to snow storm
  274. [09:59] <Rain_Drop> well could argue the fact that Canterlot is a hell of a long ways away from CE
  275. 01[09:59] <Alerderna> Wendigo's pls go
  276. [09:59] <Ikea> well, 1. we don't know the season. 2. just because part of the frozen north is all frozen all the time doesn't mean that it's all that way...
  277. [09:59] <Grease_Lightning> Aler pls stop
  278. 01[09:59] <Alerderna> 1,1pls
  279. [10:00] <Grease_Lightning> I wonder why it's called the FROZEN north then
  280. [10:00] <Grease_Lightning> not just the cold north
  281. 01[10:00] <Alerderna> urrrhhhh, I kinda lost my train of thought. What topic are we on now?\
  282. [10:00] <Ikea> why is iceland called iceland and not volcano island?
  283. [10:00] <Ikea> >implying names have meanings
  284. [10:00] <Cheren> because Vikings
  285. [10:00] <Cheren> They switched greenland and Iceland names around
  286. [10:01] <Rain_Drop> Topic wise I think we still on the trade things that bats could give us
  287. [10:01] <Grease_Lightning> Yes, I bet that whole snowstorm was just a big coincident
  288. [10:01] <Rain_Drop> and what they can give
  289. [10:01] <Ikea> why is Greenland called Greenland when it's mostly glaciers?
  290. [10:01] <Grease_Lightning> Because they wanted people to come live there
  291. [10:01] <Grease_Lightning> History pls
  292. [10:01] <Rain_Drop> I would also argue that Sombra pulled some kinda pull shit with the "Freezing" of the crystal empire
  293. [10:01] <Ikea> ...
  294. 01[10:01] <Alerderna> Anyways, brb. gunna smoke and grab a couple things.
  295. [10:01] <Ikea> bacon, pls
  296. [10:02] <Grease_Lightning> Sombra wasn't around for hundreds if not thousands of years
  297. [10:02] <Grease_Lightning> he made the CE disappear, not live in snowstorm
  298. [10:02] <Ikea> well, regardless, we should probably be closer to the crystal mountains than that map assumes
  299. [10:03] <Ikea> if not north of them then at least at the foot of them
  300. [10:03] <Grease_Lightning> Which part of NOT TO SCALE don't you get?
  301. [10:03] <Ikea> which part don't you get?
  302. [10:03] <Ikea> the area is empty
  303. [10:03] <Rain_Drop> Words were frozen the CE but eh, I can let it drop thouhg it does seem a bit weird that the citty and surounding areas looked to be in the middle of freakin summer inside the bubble shield Candyass had made
  304. [10:03] <Grease_Lightning> I know what not to scale means
  305. [10:03] <Ikea> there is nothing between canterlot and the crystal mountains
  306. [10:04] <Grease_Lightning> Our location was near Neighagara Falls but south of the mountains
  307. [10:04] <Grease_Lightning> that's why we were located approximately there
  308. [10:04] <Ikea> if the map is only meant to be symbolic, then that part of the map woulnd't be there
  309. [10:04] <Rain_Drop> BUt Ikea Food numbers for bat village and what they could trade is more or less finished righ t? 1.5 per pony or so?
  310. [10:04] <Ikea> No, Rain, that's what they need to survive
  311. [10:05] <Rain_Drop> ah so we still need to figure out what they could make then
  312. [10:05] <Ikea> I don't think they'd be able to trade any food. Maybe food - food, but no excess
  313. [10:05] <Ikea> also, that's circular logic, Bacon
  314. [10:06] <Rain_Drop> hm...well using the same methods we used for farmin could we modify it to show orchards that way and make a formula for what they could hunt then?
  315. [10:06] <Ikea> we're close to the falls because that spot was picked, not the other way around
  316. [10:06] <Grease_Lightning> No, Ikea, near Neighagra and south of the mountains support that location
  317. [10:06] <Grease_Lightning> that was decided BEFORE the location was chosen
  318. [10:06] <Ikea> nope
  319. [10:06] <Grease_Lightning> yes
  320. [10:06] <Rain_Drop> so would heading east then mean we hit Neighagra then?
  321. [10:06] <Grease_Lightning> south east
  322. [10:06] <Ikea> I remember it, map was posted and people talked about how we were close to the falls
  323. [10:07] <Ikea> that was never mentioned before that
  324. [10:07] <Grease_Lightning> [citation needed]
  325. [10:07] <Ikea> actualy, you're arguing that it was said earlier, that means burden of proof is on you
  326. [10:07] <Ikea> can't prove a negative
  327. [10:08] <Rain_Drop> so we argiuning over where we are in relation to CE then that right?
  328. [10:08] <Grease_Lightning> if the worldmap was posted but no location was chosen BEFORE THAT, and people decided that they wanted to be near it, that means that people wanted it to be near it BEFORE the location was decided
  329. [10:09] <Ikea> >the location was arbitrarily decided, therefore all implications of the choice are true
  330. [10:09] <Ikea> circular. logic.
  331. [10:10] <Ikea> anyway... Food probably wouldn't be produced enough to trade. Might be able to trade our foods for their foods, to get access to foods that we can't grow
  332. [10:10] <Ikea> I think mangos were mentioned?
  333. 02[10:11] * Rain_Drop ( Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
  334. [10:13] <Ikea> not sure if I like the stoneage bit, but if that's true then tools would be very good to trade with them
  335. [10:13] <Grease_Lightning> No Ikea, the map was posted first [citing you] and people decided that they wanted to be near the falls and south of the mountains after looking at the map [citing you]. A location that fits BOTH descriptions was decided. That is that location
  336. [10:13] <Ikea> nooo...
  337. 01[10:13] <Alerderna> Aaaand back.
  338. 03[10:13] * Rain_Drop ( has joined #fourcannon-plan
  339. [10:13] <Grease_Lightning> You can try to buzz is all you want, but that doesn't make it right
  340. [10:13] <Grease_Lightning> *buzz it
  341. [10:14] <Ikea> map was posted and people decided on that location because it was north of canterlot and had a river
  342. [10:14] <Ikea> no other considerations were taken
  343. [10:14] <Grease_Lightning> Citation please
  344. [10:14] <Ikea> again... burden of proof...
  345. [10:14] <Rain_Drop> sorry Dced what I miss?
  346. [10:14] <Grease_Lightning> No, this is something YOU are trying to prove
  347. [10:15] <Ikea> can't prove a negative...
  348. [10:15] <Ikea> *anyway... Food probably wouldn't be produced enough to trade. Might be able to trade our foods for their foods, to get access to foods that we can't grow
  349. [10:15] <Ikea> *I think mangos were mentioned?
  350. [10:15] <Ikea> *not sure if I like the stoneage bit, but if that's true then tools would be very good to trade with them
  351. [10:15] <Grease_Lightning> YOU are trying to prove that "map was posted and people decided on that location because it was north of canterlot and had a river. no other considerations were taken"
  352. [10:15] <Cheren> That German customs is a pain in the ass. Said they couldn't reach Lucy today and the deadline's tomorrow. Also promised to try and get back to me with the prices of sending the stuff back.
  353. 01[10:16] <Alerderna> Mango's were mentioned, yes, but as the Pastebin said, it'd be too far from the Equator to grow.
  354. 01[10:16] <Alerderna> That being said,
  355. 01[10:16] <Alerderna> Discussed the greenhouse thing aformentioned with Rain through PM's, seeing as she's Ms. Agriculture n all.
  356. [10:16] <Ikea> riight... so I'm argeing that there were no other considerations. you're arguing that there were...
  357. [10:17] <Ikea> which of these has a negative statement?
  358. [10:17] <Grease_Lightning> Please, Ikea
  359. 01[10:17] <Alerderna> Possibility for mango wine, yes, but 3/4's of the attempt to grow mangoes in the greenhouse would flop, and leave them a limited supply.
  360. 01[10:18] <Alerderna> So, mango wine for a rite of initiation/celebration type thing. But used sparingly, seeing as supplies would be very limited.
  361. [10:18] <Rain_Drop> Also CE is in Artic, so I have to ask why they would set up shop there unless the artic hadnt gotten that cold in the first place and a 1k years had cuased a global climate change or something to that affect
  362. 03[10:18] * Rain ( has joined #fourcannon-plan
  363. [10:18] <Rain> A tech upgrade we could possibly try to finagle from them, provided we try to become their best friends would be that cyrstal sheets that I want to try to explore more in depth with
  364. [10:19] <Rain> god damn it net stop being kill
  365. [10:19] <Rain> waht I said before;Yeah Mangos where mentioned if they were able to use cystrals as a means of making the greenhouses to make the exotic fruit grow, but that would be something simlair to their rarest resource food wise vs the cherries, apples and shit what was the last...
  366. [10:19] <Rain> [09:19] <Rain_Drop> Pears
  367. [10:19] <Rain> [09:20] <Rain_Drop> We dont have access to those as they tend to require a retarded amount of time to grow and the like so we could do trade with them for some of those kinds of food
  368. [10:19] <Rain> Sorry
  369. [10:20] <Ikea> hmm, ok
  370. [10:20] <Rain> So does that make sense so far?
  371. [10:21] <Ikea> yeah
  372. 01[10:21] <Alerderna> That being said yet again,
  373. [10:21] <Ikea> ok, so they an excess of Furs and Wood?
  374. 01[10:22] <Alerderna> some hand picked PC's I wanted to bring is >one with deductive reasoning >one extra flier >and one that could act as an Emissary for 4C so to speak
  375. 01[10:22] <Alerderna> They'd have a surplus of furs, yes.
  376. [10:22] <Rain> Food that they can spare/commonplace apples cherries and pears , something they consider good friends with; Mangos and close allies would be the tech thing with the crystals that, hm I have an idea of them using their bat screeches to shape the cystals by utilizing the sonic qualities of the crystal for it to break off the main cluster in rough shapes that they then use resin to bind
  377. [10:22] <Rain> it together
  378. 01[10:22] <Alerderna> Wood, it's still trying to be established, seeing as my question hasn't been answered yet.
  379. 01[10:22] <Alerderna> Question is >wouldn't there be an abundance of pine trees in the mountains?
  380. [10:22] <Rain> Pine wood for them ? Yeah I can seee that
  381. [10:23] <Ikea> yeah, ofcourse
  382. [10:23] <Rain> heck if they are north of the river of us we could start a logging river thing
  383. 01[10:23] <Alerderna> And juniper bush twigs for tying things up.
  384. [10:23] <Rain> would they be near the begining of the river Ale?
  385. [10:23] <Ikea> as long as it's below the tree line
  386. [10:23] <Rain> Mm sounds good to me
  387. 01[10:23] <Alerderna> Hmm... Does anyone have the map IMGUR'd?
  388. [10:24] <Ikea>
  389. [10:24] <Rain> no but i can go and do that, tho I have to check and see if Sparky has sent me map segment to do labeling...
  390. [10:24] <Rain> oh hey thanks Ikea!
  391. 01[10:24] <Alerderna> uuuurrrrrhhhh
  392. 02[10:24] * Rain_Drop ( Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds)
  393. 01[10:24] <Alerderna> y dis have no grid letter number combination thing
  394. 01[10:25] <Alerderna> But anyways, was thinking in between the two rivers.
  395. 01[10:25] <Alerderna> Who knows, a small river might run through it.
  396. [10:25] <Grease_Lightning> So, Ikea when did you join, just a curious question
  397. [10:25] <Rain> North of the hillside caverns?
  398. [10:25] <Ikea> thread 9
  399. [10:26] <Grease_Lightning> Right, Part 3 (technically 2nd thread.) Was when we discussed location of the town
  400. 01[10:26] <Alerderna> Yes north of there Rain, gib sec, will make a mark to be more specific
  401. [10:27] <Rain> Small river could work Ale by the way, have it be melted snow from the mountains to as that would make sense I think plus have a bit of the flooded...oh cripes hahaha I just realized that the vault is going to get flooded
  402. [10:27] <Rain> when the spring thaw comes in the river is gonna get swollena dn flood the banks
  403. [10:27] <Rain> which means almost submerging the catacombs entrance and flooding it I think haha
  404. 01[10:29] <Alerderna> Potential locations marked with red dots, whilst still trying to stick with BIR's landscape arts.
  405. [10:30] <Grease_Lightning> you might wanna use a bigger brush in future
  406. [10:31] <Rain> i would go for the one on the southern most of the bunch
  407. [10:32] <Rain> as the lines there look simlair to a river line if you played it right
  408. [10:32] <Cheren> There was talk of the catacombs entrance being further north of the town
  409. [10:32] <Cheren> since the hole there wouldn't make sense
  410. [10:32] <Rain> you mean at y9?
  411. 01[10:32] <Alerderna>
  412. [10:32] <Rain> or that lil hillside off to the west of MIstveil sorry
  413. [10:33] <Rain> wooooow
  414. [10:33] <Rain> BIR is really good at landscape
  415. 01[10:34] <Alerderna> aye. He really likes doing it, too.
  416. [10:34] <Rain> that reminds me i should try drawing something again...
  417. [10:34] <Rain> when i have the time...
  418. [10:34] <Rain> bah anyway was trade options ofthe bats finalized?
  419. 01[10:34] <Alerderna> There's more to come, too.
  420. [10:34] <Cheren> Not that far north Rain, in the woods somewhere between the town and y9
  421. 01[10:34] <Alerderna> Kind of like a ground-level view of the entrance and inside of the village, too.
  422. 01[10:35] <Alerderna> Ahm, I think we established that trade with village would be beneficial for both sides. We get fur, they get better materials for labor.
  423. [10:35] <Rain> Alright that sounds good to me Chere
  424. [10:36] <Rain> Beneficial yeah I meant like the details of the trade as I think thats what a lot of folks are going to argue about
  425. 01[10:37] <Alerderna> That and they were arguing wether or not it would be a visitable thing. Which I don't think so, 'cause realistically, it'd probably take 2-3 days of travel by walking.
  426. [10:37] <Rain> I offered up the whole food thing thanks to based Ikea for number crunchin it out and the things that they would react culturally wise and a tech thing they could trade us if we were close friends
  427. [10:37] <Rain> good point mountainous terrain n all
  428. 01[10:38] <Alerderna> brb
  429. [10:38] <Rain> mk
  430. [10:39] <Rain> So food and tech upgrade settled I guess? Whats next the pinewood and such which is what they have a lot of, if thats the case how much you think they make vs what they burn for firewood or construction means?
  431. 01[10:39] <Alerderna> back
  432. [10:39] <Rain> that was fast
  433. 01[10:39] <Alerderna> I stand up to go to the bathroom hue.
  434. [10:39] <Rain> nice
  435. [10:39] <Rain> okay so Ikea would it be something along the lines of .5 worth of lumber brought in per pony?
  436. [10:40] <Rain> or .25 if we going with NPC < PC worthwhile work/motivation to get shit done?
  437. 01[10:41] <Alerderna> Not to mention travel time/.
  438. [10:41] <Rain> Mm in the case of travel time could sneak in minievents, like seeing a new fuana or a bear coming by to say allo
  439. 01[10:42] <Alerderna> muh squidbears
  440. [10:42] <Rain> then end the day and start up anew next day, with a bit more on the traveling again and then another event then ending it up for another day of travel
  441. [10:42] <Rain> then have the whole reveal of Baitvillage
  442. [10:42] <Rain> er batvillage
  443. [10:42] <Rain> heh
  444. 01[10:42] <Alerderna> >Baitvillage
  445. 01[10:42] <Alerderna> I giggl'd/10
  446. 01[10:43] <Alerderna> hmmm
  447. 01[10:43] <Alerderna> Believe it or not, I have begun IC hype kinda.
  448. [10:43] <Rain> also did the number crunch with the amount of lumber pones would make suing he .5 numbers they appreantly would make 750 units of lumber...does that make sense for 50 ponies?
  449. [10:43] <Rain> Sweet!
  450. 01[10:43] <Alerderna> >be me >patrolling outer perimiter >seeing hoofprints and bone morsels not left by me >I dare not go any further north without someone else with me
  451. [10:45] <Rain> seems like good IC reasons for a quest! at least tome at anyrate
  452. [10:45] <Rain> alsoseems awfully ded
  453. [10:45] <Rain> Cheren Ikea Bacon you all go to sleep?
  454. [10:45] <Grease_Lightning> Not yet
  455. [10:46] <Grease_Lightning> Dunno about Ikea, he seems to have gone to bed early lately
  456. [10:46] <Ikea> I sort of have, yeah
  457. [10:46] <Grease_Lightning> How far north/south are you thinking, Aler?
  458. 01[10:46] <Alerderna> Oh, right. Along the topics of grown things, hang on
  459. 01[10:46] <Alerderna> I assume you guys go for hyper-realism, so magic wouldn't work.
  460. 01[10:46] <Alerderna> Apples, pears, cherries. All three are good choices for local fruits.
  461. 01[10:46] <Alerderna> Mangoes would probably have to come from somewhere closer to Hollow Shades or the Everfree Forest, maybe even farther south in the forests north of the Badlands.
  462. 06[10:47] * Grease_Lightning pets numberpony
  463. 01[10:47] <Alerderna> And, regarding the location, bay-kun?
  464. 01[10:47] <Alerderna> Or the IC hype?
  465. [10:47] <Grease_Lightning> Where you noticed stuff
  466. [10:47] <Grease_Lightning> I doubt hunters would fare too far from the town
  467. 01[10:47] <Alerderna> uuurrrrhhhh, one tick. Time to mark stuff off yet again on the map.
  468. [10:48] <Grease_Lightning> because even with 1.5 days travel from batville, it'd still be 3 days return trip
  469. [10:48] <Rain> hey actually could explain that via culture
  470. [10:49] <Ikea> hmm...
  471. [10:49] <Ikea> slight issue with the lumber...
  472. [10:49] <Grease_Lightning> Thing is, Rain
  473. [10:49] <Rain> Every year or so the bat ponies in wanting to still find their old home send out there best hunters to map out the area and try to find the way back given only a few days to look they tend to do it on a tradition type thing
  474. [10:49] <Grease_Lightning> They'd have to bring food out there, and if they are hunters, they'd have to already have enough food in town
  475. [10:50] <Ikea> assuming that each building counts as a medium recidence, that's 7*8*36.2 units of wood per year of firewood
  476. [10:50] <Grease_Lightning> 2k units of firewood
  477. [10:51] <Grease_Lightning> that's a lot of firewood
  478. [10:51] <Ikea> and even counting them as PCs, that's 40 ponies just to get the lumber...
  479. [10:52] <Rain> to be fair they started out as like what 20 or so origin story wise and the buildings could be added in over generations as they went
  480. 01[10:52] <Alerderna> 9000 hours is MS Paint
  481. [10:52] <Rain> since the whole mead hall thing might have been a way to conserve heat n do the thing with what they had
  482. 01[10:53] <Alerderna> Lines = hoof prints, lame ass circles = resting spots discovered
  483. [10:53] <Ikea> mmm, I'm going by Ruby's number of 15 cords per Inn-sized building
  484. [10:53] <Ikea> 1 cord ~= 3.6 m^3
  485. [10:53] <Grease_Lightning> that's a lot of resting spots and far from town (thinking of mountain terrain)
  486. 01[10:54] <Alerderna> Again, I dare not go further unless I have someone with me.
  487. [10:54] <Grease_Lightning> Do you mean resting spots as in overnight?
  488. 01[10:55] <Alerderna> Resting spots as in, spots I've seen that have obvious evidence of them taking a break and just surverying the land.
  489. [10:55] <Rain> think he ment more like they sat down
  490. [10:55] <Rain> also Ikea did the numbers go through?
  491. [10:55] <Rain> Or do they need some tweakin?
  492. [10:55] <Grease_Lightning> They'd have to be rather heavy to leave much mark, if there's snow falling
  493. [10:56] <Grease_Lightning> Or you'd have to miss them by mere minutes
  494. 01[10:57] <Alerderna> brb
  495. [11:00] <Ikea> ok
  496. 01[11:00] <Alerderna> uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  497. 01[11:01] <Alerderna> And it doesn't nessicarily snow all the time.
  498. 01[11:01] <Alerderna> All the while, even if there's fresh powder on the ground, there'd still be specific formations in the snow.
  499. [11:01] <Ikea> so, if every bat counts as 6 PCs, which isn't too improbable considering how skill affects the output of workers, we're down to ~7 lumberjacks
  500. [11:02] <Ikea> assuming that a stone axe is a third as efficient as a metal axe, that's 20 lumberjacks to stay aloat
  501. [11:02] <Ikea> afloat*
  502. [11:03] <Rain> half the village as lumber jacks and other havf is farmers or hunters... yeah that makes sense i think
  503. [11:03] <Ikea> well, then there would be elders and children...
  504. [11:04] <Ikea> though, they'd probably work into old age and start working early
  505. [11:04] <Ikea> so, should be ok
  506. [11:05] <Rain> nothin lik e good hard work to make honest folk
  507. [11:05] <Rain> and dicipline too
  508. 01[11:05] <Alerderna> Muh diciprine
  509. [11:06] <Rain> he y it kinda blurry now, it ok i go 2 bed?
  510. 01[11:06] <Alerderna> Maybe little shop-booths settled in front of the houses. Not a lot, maybe one for every house. Six houses? Eight? Maybe they're family homes, maybe they're community houses, kind of like dorms.
  511. 01[11:06] <Alerderna> Some of the citizens are loggers, some hunters and gatherers, maybe scouts to alert the rest of the town of any danger.
  512. [11:06] <Rain> i mena I helped out and gave lots of feedback right?
  513. 06[11:07] * Alerderna petpats the Rain. "Yes. Yes you did."
  514. 01[11:09] <Alerderna> Alright... So trading with said village has now been established that it isn't >godmodding?
  515. [11:10] <Ikea> yeah, I'd say that's a safe assumption
  516. 01[11:11] <Alerderna> Aite, Pastebinning all this.
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