
Just Scratching The Surface (Supershort Oneshit)

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. >It's a lovely morning in Equestria and you're out for a stroll.
  2. >You see Vinyl Scratch at a cafe, sitting alone, and begin to walk over to say hello.
  3. >As you watch, a pony delivers a bowl of what looks like strawberry juice to her table.
  4. >She looks down at it for a moment, removes her glasses, and smiles sadly. You see reluctant tears spring to her eyes.
  5. >Before you can say or do anything, she plunges here head downwards and begins desperately breathing the stuff in.
  6. >She coughs, sputters, and a ready stream of the stuff explodes from her mouth and nose with each deep breath of juice.
  7. >She is now weeping openly into the bowl as she does this, her shoulders heaving with heavy sobs.
  8. >You rush to her side.
  9. “Vinyl, what the shit are you doing??”
  10. >She stops huffing and coughing, and looks up at you as if she's a small child.
  11. >Her face is spattered with red, and a stream of the juice still trickles form her nose and corner of her lip. The lip quivers, and fresh tears begin to fall.
  12. “A-anon...” she whimpers.
  13. >You hug her to your chest, strawberry stains and all, as she begins to tremble and cry.
  14. “I...I just miss cocaine so much!” She says between sobs. “I had to snort something!”
  15. >Only two months clean, and already trying to drink juice through her nose.
  16. >At this rate, you know she'll be back to her old habits in no time.
  18. -end-
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