
SC ch01

Jul 12th, 2012
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  1. Shepard Chronicles ch 01 In the true beginning
  2. >Robert shepard in equestria is on suspention for good reason
  3. 1 I'm lasy 2 is that their things people are probably wondering
  4. What is the traveler's union and trader's guild?
  5. Who is Robert Shepard?
  6. Why didn't i write this as a Anon in equestria?
  7. So I'm bringing it back, 948 years back to be exact
  8. I don't have a good name for this yet, but 'Big long ass backstory' didn't sound right
  9. -------------------
  10. >Sunshine: not sure if best friend or worst enemy
  11. >Waking up, you prop yourself off your and look outside
  12. >The city of Silverwill, named after your king Lord Byron Silverwill. The city was as busseling as ever, streetcars and buses being on active use since the ban on motorized vechicles was placed.
  13. >And you just stood there as the world went by until a knock came to your door
  14. >"Sir are you up?"
  15. "Yes soldier what is it?"
  16. >M'lord would like you to come for breakfast"
  17. "Tell I'll be down in a few minutes"
  18. >Byron was kind on you thats for sure
  19. >Quickly getting dressed and into uniform, you checked yourself in the mirror.
  20. >Brown hair flat againest your head as usual, beard still small as ever and uniform still shining in the light
  21. >You are Robert Kyte, Commander of the Silver Order, the black ops group outside the law and only answers to the king.
  22. (like the spectres of mass effect)
  23. "Clothes check"
  24. "Wallet"
  25. >Your reached out out your dresser and stuff it inside your vest
  26. "Check"
  27. "Ipod"
  28. >On said dresser again, coiling the wire again and stuffing it into your pants
  29. "Check"
  30. "Keys check"
  31. >You are good to go and out the door we go
  33. >Arriving at the mess hall, usually able to fit at least 2000 of Silverwill's best now has a small table with three people sitting at it.
  34. >Lord Byron silverwill, He's as glorious as his beard. Activly being both a king to the people and a dictator to his staff. To his left his daughter Emily 'Emy' Silverwill, who loves a good fight more than almost anything except her father and you. And Fonwind on the right leader of the army and one of your best friends since you joined.
  35. "Sorry for being late M'lord" you say bowing as you approach
  36. >"I've told you before Commander call me Byron."
  37. "I'll stop when you stop calling me Commander"
  38. >You both laugh as you sit next to Emily, who scoots closer to you as you settle.
  39. >" You have the day off today don't you?" Emily inquired
  40. "Indeed but I already have plans so I cannot spend time with you today Emy."
  41. >She blushes at the nickname while Fonwind just looks at you and shakes his head
  42. >Yeah Fonz I know she wants me leave me alone
  43. >Actually this might be a good time to ask
  44. "Byron when you were younger how did you confess your love to Maria?"
  45. >Fonz dropped his folk, Emy just squeals as Byron strokes his beard.
  46. >"I got on one knee and just told her my feelings."
  47. >That's it
  48. "That's it, no extravagent way of showing her?"
  49. >"Robert it's not that hard to say your feelings, gather your courage. If the Commander of the Silver order is scared of his own feelings how can I rely on him in the battle field?"
  50. >He had you there, but all you can muster in response was a sigh
  51. >"Who is she? Emy asked with sad but hopeful eyes
  52. "uhhhh no one I mean someone but..."
  53. >RUN AWAY
  54. "E excuse me sir." bowing as you quickly and not suspiously dip the scene
  56. >arriving back in your room you change into casual clothing
  57. >Today was the day you'd tell her
  58. >Katherine you loved her since you were kids but as you got older it became harder to say those words.
  59. >Now 19 and it was harder to say then the entrance exams for the Silver order.
  60. >That course broke your arm, and still you passed
  61. >Maybe you should break your arm before confessing
  62. >second
  63. "You two arn't helping."
  64. >Leon and William, the personiffication of your alter ego and your conscience and your best/worst friends
  65. >See Will he does love us
  66. >awwww
  67. "I hate you both right now"
  68. >Leaving your room now in casual clothes you leave silver keep
  69. >putting on Archie V on your ipod you partly shimmy down the streets
  70. >Yeah you're a brony converted Fonz to be one as well after he walked in on you watching Winter wrap up
  71. >We are not allowed to sing together
  72. >after ten minutes reach your destination, and favourite place to hang out
  73. >Alaine's den, karaoke bar, named after the hero of the blitz Alaine Kane
  74. >Too bad he vanished after the battle, would have liked to meet him you were four at the time, and a child soldier.
  75. >Walking n the smell of piss, vomit and scotch filled your nose. You've gotten used to it,being one of the few places you could sing at. Being childhood friends with the bartender also helped cut the pay on what drinks you ordered.
  76. >"Robert, early as ever" Nico called out, cleaning vomit off the stage. "That party isn't in what four hours what's got cha here?"
  77. "Nervousness mostly."
  78. >"Ah is today the day finally stop being a coward?"
  79. "I'll need help from liquid courage."
  80. >"Don't we all."
  81. >Nico he might be legit insane but since he provides the booze no one complaines, on the other hand most of your frined are insane in there own way.
  82. >Nico taking his place behind the counter just stares as you sit down. "What cha having today?"
  83. "Nervous on the rocks"
  84. >You never order a drink you order what you're feeling either making yourself better or worse.
  85. >"So what's been happening?"
  86. "Welll..."
  88. >be 3 and a half hours later
  89. >Be also five shots later and the party has already started
  90. >Only eight or nine people here most of them women except you and Dj
  91. >"When you gonna tell her?"
  92. "When I leave, best time and great excuse to flee in terror."
  93. >"Running from your feeling, that's not healthy"
  94. "Says the homosexual who doesn't have a date either."
  95. >A punch to the shoulder "Shut up"
  96. >Love the greatest and most dreaded feeling in the world
  97. >Getting dragged off your seat you and Dj are now sitting in a circle with everyone
  98. >Being buzzed doesn't help your eyes as you are now starting at te chests of everyone here
  99. >"Okay now play truth or dare?"
  100. "Not playing!" you shout before falling backwards
  101. >"Come on Robbie"
  102. "No this game is a trap, deviously trying ferret secrets from me."
  103. >"You are playing wether you like it or not or else!"
  104. "Or else what?"
  105. >Or else... something?"
  106. >Turning >Yeah that was threatening
  107. >Katherine's giving you the doggy eyes "Please?"
  109. "Fine"
  110. >And thus the game began
  111. >chossing dare alomst everytime, you were now sitting your uniform showing the disappiontment of at least three of the girls there.
  112. >Wear my uniform under my casual clothing like a soldier... and you forgot to take them off
  113. >It was always truth with Katherine, she never pryied into anything much to the displeasure of others
  114. >As the night rolled on It was soon time to depart
  115. >liquid courage active!
  116. >pulling Katherine aside before leaving, breathing deep
  117. "Kath I want to tell you something before I go."
  118. >Pull a Byron
  119. >no
  120. >DO IT
  121. "I... I love you, I have for a long time and I really care about you and "
  122. >Thats as far as you got before she put afinger on your mouth
  123. >uh oh
  124. >"Rob I'm happy you care for me
  125. >Thank the
  126. >"But
  127. >OH GODS
  128. "We've been friends for so long if we started dating I feel it might get wierd especially if we broke up.
  129. "But I.. we don't"
  130. >"I sorry Robbie but I think we should just stay friends."
  131. >Willaim began comforting mode RIGHT NOW
  132. "I..I see ok."
  133. >"Are you ok?"
  134. turning as you walk out the door
  135. "I'm fine"
  137. >You were not fine
  138. >Anger sadness depression rage
  139. >All these feelings and what you did was run
  140. >Ran out of the city and to your place of isolation.
  141. >A small lake with little trees surrounding it on a hill
  142. >Found the place as a soldier, and it's become a place where you go to think or in this case hide
  143. >Tears had formed by the time you got there, depression sinking in fast
  144. >Emotions were now out of your control as you stared at the water
  145. >Feelssadman
  146. >All thoughts had stopped as you stared at the lake enjoying the quiet the area gave you
  147. >minutes felt like hours as you stared at the water, trying to spy the fish underneath.
  148. >All of that broken by a voice
  149. >"Hello"
  150. >Started by the noise you turn your head back and forth, the only other living creature you spot is a small horse. It's coat silver and it's mane a very light blonde
  151. "Uh you taking to me?"
  152. >It turned its head back and forth like you did before before smiling at you, "Do you see anyone else here?"
  153. "Well no but"
  154. >Hold on
  155. >You are having a conversation with a horse, this is not D&D Robert you can't speak horse!
  156. >Oh wait actually you can, augmentation and stuff right nevermind ignore me
  157. >I've been trying for years Leon
  158. "So uh how can I help you miss horse?"
  159. >It starts giggling
  160. >You made a horse giggle well done
  161. >"My name is Starshine and I'm a p0ny not a horse"
  162. >Getting up and pulling a small bow
  163. "Well met Ms. Starshine. I am Robert Kyte and this may be odd to ask but what are you doing here?"
  164. >"Travleing until the stars showed me here."
  165. "The stars told you to come here?"
  166. >"Not told showed"
  168. >Starshine made her way over and sat down next to you, "Why so glum?"
  169. "Why do you care?"
  170. >She didn't answer she just simled up at you.
  171. *sigh* "I got friendzoned into Oblivion and now I'm thinking of what to do now."
  172. >"And what are you going to do?"
  173. "Most likely ship myself to the frontlines and get myself killed in a depressive assult."
  174. >"Sounds interesting and stupid orrr"
  175. "Or?"
  176. >"You can come with me."
  177. >uhhhh
  178. "Where would you take me?"
  179. >"To a place that you might fit in better with then the Silver order."
  180. >Well I was never o wait how does she
  181. "I never mentioned the Silver Order."
  182. >" Your uniform gave it away, I've seen it before."
  183. >Oh ok that makes sense
  184. >Concil is now in session
  185. >What do you guys want to do?
  186. >She seems nice
  187. >Our alternative is let Robert go and die thus killing us as well. I vote we go
  188. >second
  189. "Alright fine I'll go with you"
  190. >She got up and gave you a phone
  191. >"There's a chance you may never come back here make your call then follow me"
  192. >One person to call
  193. >only one person to call
  194. >typing in the number you wait
  195. >This is Emily I can't come to the phone right now leave a message"
  196. "Emy... I'm sorry I'm leaving my feeling are well I'm sorry tell that to Byron too and tell Katherine I wasn't fine. You love me and you'll be angry when you here this, if I figure out a way to return you can hit as much as you like. I may never see you again bye."
  197. *click*
  198. >Following after Starshine you see what looks like a gate
  199. >"This is it, last chance to change your mind."
  200. >You look back seeing the lights of Silverwill
  201. >Breathe in
  202. >and out
  203. "Let's go"
  204. >And through the portal you go
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