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Aug 13th, 2013
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  1. Name: Comrade Ivan the Strong
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Earth Pony
  4. Class: Knight
  5. Skills: Slam, Super Heavy Profficiency, Sentry, Supress
  6. Talent: Undying Loyalty: +2 to Supress
  7. Hits/Wounds: 7 Hits/6 Wounds
  8. Weapon/Catalyst/Armor: Fine Great Sword, Shield, Bulky Iron Armour
  9. Character Traits: The gigantic earth pony is stubborn, dimwitted, and brutal. He has a pale red coat and a light brown mane. His cutie mark is a raised hoof to show his strength.
  10. Tough: passive; Earth ponies take 1 additional hit before becoming helpless as well as 1 extra wound once they become helpless, for a total of 6 hits and 6 wounds without other modifiers. They can also lift, carry and move heavier objects than unicorns or pegasi.
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