
The Mindreaver's Shop

Dec 5th, 2016
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  1. While looking for the man known as the Mindreaver, a pamphlet flutters from the air in front of you. You pick it up, and it reads:
  3. Ohohoho, Welcome to my shop! Well, it's less of a shop and more of a pamphlet, but rest assured I can get you whatever you want to buy! I offer many services with many different rates, all detailed on this pamphlet. Now, just lower your eyes and tell me what you would like to buy (When you're ready to buy, I'm in the corner. The dark one. Yes, that one.)
  6. The first service offered is titled 'Persuasion,' and rightly so. The cheapest service I offer, simply name a person and tell me what you want them to believe. Things like unbelievable truths are allowed, as well as simple lies, but I won't make someone give you their extra favor or make them believe you're their long lost lover, and I won't do anything that'll cause me trouble.
  8. The next service I offer is titled 'Spellbreaker,' and rightly so. If someone has used illusions or psionic abilities or what-have-you on your friend or acquaintances mind, for a relatively low price I can cure them.
  10. My third service offered is titled 'Interrogation,' and rightly so. Seeing as you've managed to find my pamphlet, you probably know that I have a reputation as a torturer, which is unfortunate really. This is where I got that reputation, as it is easily my most purchased service. Still relatively affordable though by no means cheap, If you need to convince someone of something or you need information dragged from their mind, this is the option you pick.
  12. My final service offered is titled 'Completely Immoral,' and for very good reason. If you are really a monster merely disguised as a monster hunter, this is the option you pick. Extraordinarily expensive, I only offer this because I can obtain a large amount of money from the monsters that pick it. If you're a fan of bending people to your will and making them slaves, making people go insane, and other extreme reprehensible acts, I will accept. Keep in mind that I am not above removing these effects if I am paid to do so.
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