

Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. Which metal is heavier, silver or gold?;Gold
  2. How many legs do butterflies have?;six
  3. Which is the country with the most people?;China
  4. Which state is the biggest in the US?;Alaska
  5. Which country has the largest area of land?;Russia
  6. Which is the country hosting the 2008 Olympic Games?;China
  7. Which indoor sport is the most popular in the US?;Basketball
  8. Which golf player's mother is from Thailand?;Tiger Woods
  9. What is Aurora Borealis commonly known as?;Northern Lights
  10. Which is the non contagious disease that is the most common in the world?;Tooth Decay
  11. Which was the album the Beatles recorded the last time together?;Abbey Road
  12. Which instrument did Miles Davis, the jazz musician, play?;Trumpet
  13. What is the sport in which you could get into a headlock?;Wrestling
  14. In which country was golf first played?;Scotland
  15. Which is the sport where you could be out "leg before wicket" or "hit a six"?;Cricket
  16. When did baseball originate in the US?;19th Century
  17. Which is the sport wherein you would use a "sand iron"?;Golf
  18. What is the largest mammal in the world?;Blue Whale
  19. Which is the country where reggae music originated?;Jamaica
  20. Who was the creator of Jeeves and Wooster?;P.G. Wodehouse
  21. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?;Michelangelo
  22. Who was the writer of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?;Lewis Carroll
  23. Which famous person was the teddy bear named?;Theodore Roosevelt
  24. What is the rhino's horn made of?;Hair
  25. The world heritage site of Petra is located in what country?;Jordan
  26. How many squares/spaces on a chess board?;64
  27. Name the French cartoon skunk that is madly in love with a reluctant cat?;Neil
  28. What do Americans call a torch?;A flashlight
  29. What is the name of the BBC Teletext system?;Ceefax
  30. What would an American call a baby's nappy?;Diaper
  31. Which word can go before, meat, dog and roll?;Sausage
  32. Who is the oldest of the Seven Dwarfs?;Doc
  33. What is the name of Mickey Mouse's pet dog?;Pluto
  34. What colour do you add to blue to make it green?;Yellow
  35. What colour are Harrods's shopping bags?;Green
  36. What is the next highest prime number after 31?;37
  37. How much is three cubed?;27
  38. How many consonants are there in the English alphabet?;21
  39. At the start of a game of chess, who moves first?;White
  40. What is a nautical mile per hour usually called?;Knott
  41. What creatures body does the Sphinx have?;Lion
  42. How many legs does every true insect have?;6
  43. What kind of nut grows on an oak tree?;Acorn
  44. How many milligrams are in one gram?;1000
  45. Which fabric is made by worms?;Silk
  46. Which side of a ship is starboard?;Right
  47. What colour were ET's eyes?;Blue
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