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Apr 27th, 2015
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  1. /biz/ infographic
  3. "how do i get rich /biz/" "i have $300 what do"
  5. That is the whole point of business, to make money, it is pointless to ask, it is like asking /ck/ "how do i cook".
  7. There are 100s of different ways to make money, you must look at your skills and decide which area you are most likely to succeed in, research it a little and start a thread with lots of interesting points and questions for people to talk about.
  9. Scams
  10. there are a lot of shills and scammers out there, here on /biz/ we genuinely want to make it big on the stock market or business, not indulge in pipe dreams, so avoiding scams is important
  12. pump and dump scams: taking a penny stock or a cryptocurrency and making outlandish claims about how it is going to the moon to get others to bump up the price
  14. multi-level marketing scheme: People are brainwashed into thinking they can make a lot of money buying overpriced energy drinks, health foods, knives and such and try to sell them or enlist other people as "distributors".
  16. pyramid/ponzi schemes: In a pyramid scheme new members must pay a fee and people make money recruiting other members, in a ponzi scheme people are promised returns on their investment but the only money going into the pot comes from recuiting new members
  18. Gambling: the stock market can be used as a platform for gambling or to lure people into scams, people with gambling addictions should avoid trading on the stock market for the months needed for such a psychological problem to heal. FOREX scams and Timothy Sykes spring to mind.
  21. bing: huffington post learning from timothy sykes
  24. The stock market
  26. It is very difficult to beat the market, often "hot stock tips" are already priced in, for instance if someone predicts a stock will go from $10 to $15 by the time most people have figured this out the stock may already be over $15. In this way you are competing with other investors to make predictions about the stock market.
  28. Risk is as important as returns. Even if the information you have indicates the price will go up to $15 there are always things you could not possibly know which might crop up unexpectedly. Rather than put all your eggs in one basket you ought to diversify your investments, a large proportion of your investments should be in low risk stocks and funds.
  30. Investors can only valuate a company and the price of its stock to a certain degree of accuracy, for instance a conservative estimate of the price might be $13 and a liberal estimate might be $18, within this range the price will move randomly in a "random walk".
  32. There are various different kinds of financial intruments and investments besides stocks. options buy writes, commodities, forex bla bla
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