

Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. <RogerVer> You guys should know that earlier this week I heard Mark was already talking with the bankruptcy lawyers to file whatever legal paperwork is required for a bankruptcy
  2. <RogerVer> So there isn't much time if something is going to be done
  3. <jayez> RogerVer can you assist us in speeding up the process and getting his attention?
  4. <myrond> RogerVer: we are trying....
  5. <RogerVer> I suspect he has already looked at the letter that was posted on Reddit.
  6. <tinaivanova> is RogerVer the real RogerVer
  7. <anarchystar> RogerVer: do you think mark is willing to release the customer list to you (emails hashed, so we can do 1 way verification), with the balances plain text? - he can leave it in your hands for extra trust, and you can run it against our database every day
  8. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: does he browse reddit often, i thought he had more things to do
  9. <RogerVer> I suppose we need to have a firm plan of exactly what we want from Mark
  10. <MistaG> RogerVer: Agreed.
  11. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: and there needs to be 90% of people agreeing on it that have funds on gox
  12. <RogerVer> This will be hard....
  13. <myrond> RogerVer: I want to see from Mark: Gox succeed, Gox become solvent, debt-for-equity arrangement, Gox to continue
  14. <RogerVer> Last I heard, (about a year ago) there are only two share holders
  15. <RogerVer> I haven't heard anything from Mark since Tuesday
  16. <MistaG> RogerVer: So what do you see as the first thing to do if this has any chance?
  17. <myrond> RogerVer: things have progressed since that initial letter went out. Bankruptcy/lawsuits are not the only answer
  18. <RogerVer> 4 days ago Japan time
  19. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: if he filed for bankruptcy is pretty much over
  20. <RogerVer> yes
  21. --- MistaG gives channel operator status to RogerVer
  22. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: shareholders will get the money and use it to pay lawyers ,and in the end there will be nothing to pay out with, the most that could happen is mark and them going to jail
  23. <RogerVer> That is the best news yet if true
  24. <RogerVer> On Tuesday Mark told me via text message: Currently filing for bankruptcy and will update based on that
  25. <MistaG> RogerVer: Well that would be a problem.
  26. <MistaG> RogerVer: Is there any way for it to be rescinded?
  27. <RogerVer> Because I told him he needs to confirm the leaked documents ASAP
  28. <RogerVer> I don't know much/anything about japanese bankruptcy law
  29. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: why would japanese gov agencies say they have no juristiction over bitcoin then?
  30. <RogerVer> There are a LOT of Japanese people who lost a lot of Bitcoin in Mtgox
  31. <zoinky> RogerVer == RogerVer?
  32. <RogerVer> I don't own a cat, but I can PGP sign something with the PGP key from if people would like
  33. <rfish2> RogerVer is here....
  34. <RogerVer> Golden Times
  35. <maz0> yes thanks RogerVer
  36. <RogerVer> The segway
  37. <jayez> Okay so RogerVer bitinstant what's our next step in order to make this a reality BEFORE it's too late.
  38. <RogerVer> I already sent the tweet from @rogerkver, so it is me
  39. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: how many goxbtc did you buy before the whole thing happened
  40. <RogerVer> You guys understand that according to Gox, 500K BTC of customer funds are missing, and they only have 2K BTC?
  41. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: but what does it mean "missing
  42. <zoinky> RogerVer, thats been declared a fact?
  43. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: but what does it mean "missing""?
  44. <RogerVer> It is a claim by the guys at MTGOX
  45. <myrond> RogerVer: If only 2K BTC left, I see a pretty big haircut :P
  46. <RogerVer> I never saw their books, I only know what they told me
  47. <tinaivanova> MistaG: iu agree ,but RogerVer and bitinstant are the only people that could talk to mark and convince him to read the reddit post and come talk to us
  48. <RogerVer> 7 months ago when I made the video, I saw their bank fiat balances
  49. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: mark can't possibly be this stupid
  50. <RogerVer> and letters from the bank
  51. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: to let this go to court
  52. <MistaG> RogerVer: Can you try to get Mark on the horn and see what can be negotiated to push this forward?
  53. <Tiraspol> RogerVer: so what do you think actually happened to the funds? Are they temporarily locked? it's just doesn't seem mathematically possible that 744,000 coins just "vanished" from TM....
  54. <myrond> RogerVer: which isn't the end of the world, if a haircut was agreed too the exchange would go back to solvency
  55. <RogerVer> around $100M USD
  56. <RogerVer> Liquidity != Solvency
  57. <MistaG> RogerVer: Exactly.
  58. <RogerVer> I never said gox was solvent, I simply said that the bank delays were not caused by a lack of liquidity. Even in hindsight today, I still think that was true.
  59. <myrond> RogerVer: Haircut's + debt-to-equity could equal solvency
  60. <RogerVer> I only feel bad that the video led more people to trust mtgox and lose money because of it, but everything in the video was factually true
  61. <rfish2> RogerVer: Did you look at his cold storage
  62. <rfish2> RogerVer: Or just the bank statements?
  63. <RogerVer> I only looked at fiat. there were ZERO BTC withdrawal problems at that time.
  64. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: we should stop talking about the past until theres no way to salvage this
  65. RogerVer: after that we'll talk about the past.... for years
  66. <rfish2> RogerVer: How do you know there were zero bitcoin problems. Perhaps he was taking peoples cash and buying bitcoins with them
  67. <RogerVer> * There were ZERO Bitcoin withdrawal problems from mtgox at that time.
  68. <zewelor> RogerVer: i think mtgox btc withdraw problems was for a year at least
  69. <binaryphile> RogerVer: bitinstant: thanks for your open discussions in recent days, it's helping shed what little light there is to be had
  70. <tinaivanova> bitinstant: RogerVer: kyledrake the reality is ,buying bitcoins is a risk, and they aren't fungible/interchangeable, the bitcoins on gox have a risk accounted in the price that is a different % risk on another exchange such as btc-e. third party risk. so the bid and ask can't be salvage, it will continue to be lower on gox than other exchanges. but we can and should salvage the fiat
  71. <RogerVer> No, I never offered to buy Mtgox, and I doubt there is anyone willing to do that when they realize who big the debt is. There is $20M USD and 500K BTC of customer money missing, and they only have 2K BTC in their account. No one would want to take that on.. It is too much
  72. RogerVer exactly.
  73. <Muis> RogerVer: you seem pretty convinced that the document contains the right numbers, is that because Mark ignored the question?
  74. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: kyledrake i don't think that's correct, full tilt had lost over 400 million $ as well, but they came back. everyone was equity angry
  75. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: kyledrake i don't think that's correct, full tilt had lost over 400 million $ as well, but they came back. everyone was equally angry
  76. <RogerVer> I saw it in the draft, and they told it to me. (both) 500K BTC missing
  77. <bovako-fish> RogerVer: Who told you when?
  78. <miaoux> RogerVer - how did they phrase 'missing' ?
  79. <RogerVer> 250K missing belong to MTGOX, 500K missing belong to customers... they were all held int he same wallets.
  80. <mtgox513> @RogerVer did they explain how they were "Missing" ?
  81. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: what do you mean 250k belong to gox
  82. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: belong to marc?
  83. <new299> RogerVer: what do you suggest be done? Seems like nothing much can be done...
  84. <tinaivanova> new299: RogerVer you people really need to read up on the story of full tilt and pokerstars, they lost 400 million and got bought out and salvaged, it is exactly the same story, and it needs to go that way, even if we wait months for it
  85. <RogerVer> I want to help everyone, but I honestly think that with Mtgox owing customers 500K BTC, and only having 2K BTC, we are likely to get nothing.
  86. <RogerVer> Tinaivanova, loosing $400M is totally different than losing 500K BTC
  87. <kyledrake> RogerVer seconded. It's done. Beyond repair.
  88. <rfish2> RogerVer: I want to know how the hell you lose 500,000 BTC?
  89. <McLovin123> RogerVer, when did you find out they didn't have it?
  90. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: in what way? it's the same previous value, and they should start by reembursing people with fiat balances
  91. <RogerVer> MTgox claims that someone was using the transaction malability exploit for years to steal coins, and they never noticed until they ran out of coins.
  92. <dustcoin_> RogerVer: not really, I'm sure depositors would be okay being paid back in USD at market rate for their coins
  93. <RogerVer> That is the claim as crazy as it sounds.
  94. <analogrithems> RogerVer: He really should turn site back on and disable trading so users can at least download their history for tax loss proof
  95. <bitinstant> RogerVer, see my skype please
  96. <Muis> RogerVer: If 250k of Mark's personal holdings are missing, how can this be caused by maleability? They were never accesible that way?
  97. <rfish2> albert: RogerVer is not saying that
  98. <new299> RogerVer: overall this is positive for BTC as it gets mtgox out of the market
  99. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: CBit: well the rate for bitcoin is going to be lower obviously , just look at bitcoinbuilder, thats the real rate, that is the price of a goxbtc
  100. <miaoux> RogerVer - It IS odd to you though that Mark has still not said anything? He approaches investors to try and bail out the company from it's liquidity issues, but continues to pay JPY + SEPA withdrawals, buy (which can't have been cheap), and hint at the coins not being lost 'just yet'?
  101. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: well the rate for bitcoin is going to be lower obviously , just look at bitcoinbuilder, thats the real rate, that is the price of a goxbtc
  102. <apocasparica> RogerVer, who do you think is the new owner of the missing bitcoins? this could be an important inforamtion. or are there no suggestions?
  103. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: CBit the real price of a goxbtc is what the market says it is. so it's 8% of a realbtc
  104. <RogerVer> can we slow the room down? I can't read everything
  105. <xiando> RogerVer: Honestly, do you personally believe this "transaction malability so we lost the coins" story? just a yes/no on your guess (I personally don't but I do believe they lost them somehow)
  106. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: CBit the price of a goxbtc was 13% 12 hours ago, so they really need 100m to cover fiat ,with withdrawal delays and considering the 13% of goxbtc ,it could be only another 50-100m they need to cover their goxbtc balance sheet
  107. <McLovin123> RogerVer... okay, say they somehow didn't realize all their BTC disappeared. Why doesn't their fiat add up??
  108. <new299> RogerVer: so question is, if alll coins are probably lost what are we doing here? What is there to discuss?
  109. <odin> Hey @RogerVer what kind of proof do you have? Or are you just speculating
  110. <jayez> <new299> RogerVer: so question is, if alll coins are probably lost what are we doing here? What is there to discuss?
  111. <RogerVer> I don't know what is true or what isn't but the claim from mtgox so far is that they owe 500K BTC, and only have 2K BTC. (They are also missing around $20M) I had about 25K BTC of my own stuck in mtgox from the Bitcoinica mess, but at this point I don't hold out any hope that people will get back anything from mtgox.
  112. <RogerVer> For now, I think it may be more productive just to focus on other things and wait for MTgox to clarify what they plan to do
  113. <Luke-Jr> RogerVer: while Bitcoinica owed you 25 kBTC, I don't think it's quite fair to attribute that full amount to MtGox since Bitcoinica lost so much of its money
  114. <RogerVer> Maybe Mark is lying or under some sort of government duress, but I have no idea how we would prove that
  115. <RogerVer> Luke, agreed... I would likely have only gotten back 10K to 15K of the 25K, but that is still real money.
  116. <anarchystar> McLovin123> RogerVer, personally, do you think there is a piece of the puzzle we are missing?
  117. <RogerVer> Mark is the one with the answers of what happened.
  118. <RogerVer> sorry everyone, I need to do some other work now, but I will do my best to reply to emails. (PGP key is the OLDEST one on the key servers, I don't know who made the newer ones)
  119. <Luke-Jr> RogerVer: key dates can be faked!
  120. <RogerVer> the PGP key is also the one listed on
  121. <anarchystar> <RogerVer> On Tuesday Mark told me via text message: Currently filing for bankruptcy and will update based on that
  122. <KuDeTa> RogerVer: are you around. Confirming bankruptcy is the end (for me, at least), so can you please give us the exact verbage?
  123. <cokea> RogerVer
  124. <cokea> Can you provide that RogerVer
  125. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: i thought 700k btc were missing ,not 500k
  126. <tinaivanova> RogerVer: we need to find a way to salvage this before tommorow
  127. <bovako-afk> RogerVer: Dude, you forgot to register to NickServ,.. might want to do that. ^^
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