
[Halley] Late night Lullaby (Princess LunaxAnon)

Jul 10th, 2013
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  3. "Whine all you like, you're still going to bed"
  5. >You shift your grip on your struggling satyr as she tries to escape, not bothering to halt as you make your way to her room
  6. >Its almost sunrise and you had found her to still be up, despite your and your wife's entreats for her to turn in at a reasonable hour.
  7. >You've been trying for the better part of a month to get her to bed on time, but more often than not she finds some way past you.
  8. >Luckly shes no match for her mother
  9. >As funny as it is to watch your daughter fight against being levitated, this is getting old
  11. "This isnt fair! All my friends get to learn and play together while im stuck up in the castle sleeping away!"
  13. >You tune her out as you open the door to her room.
  14. >Taking care to avoid the countless star charts strewn about, you both make way to her bed
  15. >Reaching the foot, you hold her out from yourself and let her drop onto the sheets
  16. >Your hand give her all the direction she needs, pointing towards the pile of pillows laying at the head
  17. >Puffing up in anger, Halley makes her way up her bed in a flurry of motion
  18. >She pulls her covers up and over herself in indignation, forming a ball off childish fury
  19. >Why oh why cant Luna ever deal with this?
  20. >Oh right, the whole "ruler of a country" thing
  21. >You sigh as you sit down on her bed next to her
  22. >Running your hand over an approximation of where you think her head is, you attempt to placate her anger, keeping your tone soft
  24. "Look Halley, Whether you like it or not, you've got to start going to bed sooner. Now I'm sorry that most of your friends are up during the day, but that's just the way it goes."
  26. >She makes no indication that she heard you or cared for what you had to say
  27. >Well you tried. Not very hard, but the sentiments all the same
  28. >Yawning as you rise, you start to shuffle off to the door
  29. >You'd have to remember to ask a guard or two to keep an eye out an make sure Halley doesnt slip out as shes prone to do
  31. "Sing me a song"
  33. >The command almost misses your addled brain before you lurch to a stop
  34. >You half turn to look at your half pony princess in training.
  35. >she's sitting up against the headboard looking expectantly at you
  36. >With a longing glance at the door, you retreat to her bed and plop back down, leaning up beside her
  37. >So close, and yet so far
  39. "Ugh. What brought this on?"
  41. "Well, Mother said you sang to her all the time when she had trouble sleeping."
  43. "That I did. I can't make any claims to being skilled, but i can somewhat carry a tune."
  45. "I want you to sing to me too."
  47. >You give idly give your chin a rub as an idea strikes you
  49. "Tell you what kiddo: I sing you a lullaby, and you promise to go to bed. Deal?"
  51. >Halley adopts a feigned look of contemplation. After a moment, she lays down and pulls her covers up to her chin as she gives her answer
  53. "For the sake of diplomacy, I agree Father"
  55. >Diplomacy. Right
  56. >Whatever, you'll take what you can get.
  57. >You take a moment to go over any songs that you could make a quick lullaby out of.
  58. >Bingo
  59. >Taking a moment to relax, you close your eyes and let yourself get drawn into the nights embrace as you start
  61. "~Hear your heart beat, beat a frantic pace, and its not even seven AM...~"
  62. ====
  63. >Time seems to blur as the song continues and you let yourself slip more and more into your task
  64. >By the time you finish, you can just make out the hint of orange on the horizon from the window
  65. >Wearly you look down to make sure your ploy had worked
  66. >There lies Halley, a look of tranquilty splayed across her features
  67. >A tired grin stretches across your face as you bask in victory
  68. >Leaning down, you brush a lock her hair out of the way and place a light kiss on her forehead.
  70. "Goodnight my little comet"
  72. >Carefully you rise up once more and creep out into the candle-lit hall
  73. >Stifling a yawn, you amble off towards your own bed
  74. >You're not sure if you're the best father, not by a long shot
  75. >But sometimes, moments like these are almost worth it
  76. >Almost
  77. >...
  78. >...
  79. >Of course, had you payed more attention, you would have heard the soft, two beat clopping of hooves trailing behind you
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