
Some interesting ideas for writefags(story potential)

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. 1.(need serious ver.)
  2. >Twilight trots up to a sleeping figure on a bedroll on the library floor.
  3. >She kneels down beside as the body remains laying there, snoring away.
  4. >"Time to learn",
  5. >Twilight whispers to herself.
  6. >Her horn glows a dim shade of purple, and her world goes black.
  8. "Yaaaawn... Hey Twilight!"
  9. >You sit up out of the bedroll Twilight set up for you yesterday.
  10. >Losing your house was one thing, losing your universe was another.
  11. >Twilight doesn't respond, but is sitting at the dining table, facing away from you.
  12. "Twilight?"
  13. >You get up fully from the covers, and stand.
  14. >Walking over to her, you bend over her shoulder and look into her face.
  15. >You raise your hand to wave it in front of her.
  16. "Yoohoo- woah what the fuck!"
  17. >Twilight's pupils are dilated, her hooves shaking over a pool of sweat.
  18. >'She's seen some shit', you think.
  19. "Twilight, what happened!?"
  20. >You shake her hooves in an attempt to coax her from her current, almost vegetative state.
  21. >"Huuh, anon?",
  22. >She drowsily mutters.
  23. >A-Anon!"
  24. >She throws her arms up in an attempt to make you release her hooves.
  25. >Catching you by surprise, you let go of one hoof, but maintain grip on the other.
  26. >She tries to wrench her other hoof free, while you shout,
  27. "What the hell, Twilight? What are you freaking out about?"
  28. >"St-stay away from me!"
  29. >She finally remembered she was a unicorn, and teleported her way out from your grip.
  30. >"Get out! Get out right now!"
  31. "What the flying fucking fuck is happening? Why do you want me to get out?"
  32. >"Because, Anon...",
  33. >She says with tears in her eyes.
  34. >She casts her gaze downwards, avoiding yours.
  35. >"Because I've seen what you've been thinking."
  36. >"What you've been watching"
  37. >You stay quiet, finally realising what she speaks of.
  38. >"You've been watching Boku no Pico"
  42. 2.(need heartwarming ver.)
  43. >As twilight is trotting down the stairs towards the fireplace, the snow storm continues to rage outside the treehouse.
  44. >your eyes connect with each other from the short distance; she smiles at you with kindness.
  45. >You ask her if she wants to hear some music from the human world as you take your iPod out of your pocket.
  46. >"Of course." She blushes as she cuddles up next to you, sipping a cup of tea.
  47. > "Yahweh-U2."
  48. >"It's... Beautiful..." She says as she nuzzles into your chest.
  49. >you pull her face up to yours and kiss her snout. She looks at you with embarrassment and excitement.
  50. >"Not as beautiful as you..."
  53. 3.(need cont.)
  54. >"Now Anon, hold still!"
  55. >Twilight closes her eyes and concentrates intently on her magic, scrunching up her nose.
  56. >She charges up her horn with a mind-reading spell.
  57. >You don't know why you agreed to this, maybe because of the incessant begging over months.
  58. >Literally months.
  59. >Your vision is clouded by a haze of purple.
  60. >A tingly feeling spans across the inside of your skull.
  61. >You feel like laughing, but stop in case of distracting Twilight.
  62. >With a flash, and a gasp from Twilight, the spell breaks.
  63. "Twilight, you alright?"
  64. >Twilight pants and drops to her knees.
  65. "Twlight!"
  66. >You rush to her side and prop her up.
  67. >It's clear she's shocked at something.
  68. "Twilight? Can you hear me?"
  69. >"Ah- Anon..."
  70. >She shifts around to face you and shakily rises from the ground.
  71. >"R-radiation... treatment... h-hospital"
  72. "Twi, what are you talking about?"
  73. >She passes out.
  75. >"Rise and shine, Twi"
  76. >You wake up in a hospital bed, with Anon sitting across you.
  77. >He's waving his poor, traumatised hands.
  78. >Did he have to kill people with his bear hands?
  79. >Celestia-knows what he's been through.
  80. "Anon...",
  81. >You mutter.
  82. >Teleporting next to his, weak, tormented body, you let Anon know your concerns.
  83. "Why didn't you tell me you've been in a nuclear war! You might be irradiated! Quick, we need to get you to a decontamination ward. Oh my, oh my! Celestia help you if you got radiation poisoning. Oh my!"
  84. >You bite onto Anon's sleeve and tug towards the direction of the door.
  85. >All the while, he pulls this stupid face.
  86. >"Twi, What are you doing? What radiation?"
  87. >This, this... nincompoop!
  88. "You're sick, Anon! Wandering around that nuclear wasteland"
  89. >"Whuh?"
  90. "You shot people!"
  91. >"I own a gun, but-"
  92. "You even drank toilet water! Come with me to the bath house! Wash off that blood!"
  93. >"But I- oooh"
  94. >A smile grows on Anon's face as he lets out a snicker.
  95. >Why is he laughing!?
  96. "This isn't funny, anon!"
  99. >Does she really think Fallout is your world?
  100. >Pffft...
  101. "This isn't funny, anon!"
  102. >She turns down a hallway with an arrow pointing to "Radiation Treatment Ward".
  103. >Come on, put a straight face.
  104. "I- I don't think I can make it...",
  105. >You say, sounding as dramatic as possible.
  106. >You even fake tripping, and Twilight levitates you unto her back.
  107. "Woah, Twi?"
  108. >"Unf... I can do this for you, Anon. Nopony deserves what you've been through"
  109. >She cuts across the Senior Ward, and runs full speed.
  110. >Maybe you should tell her now that's it's just a game.
  111. >Just then, Twilight charges through a corridor of ponies.
  112. >"Out of my way! I got a sick, dying human here!"
  113. >You can even see an old pony on a wheelchair nearly tipping as Twilight pushes through the crowd.
  114. >Welp, autistic role-playing it is.
  116. >"No, he's not irradiated"
  117. >"Check again!"
  118. >"Ma'am, for the last time, that human is not and never was irradiated!"
  119. >"Bah, I'll go to Celestia herself to find out then!"
  120. >You watch as the Doctor and Twilight argue.
  121. >No popcorn, unfortunately.
  122. >Twilight horn glows to encompass you.
  123. >You are lifted straight unto her back once again, and a bright white flash blinds you.
  124. >"Princess Celestia!"
  125. >The floor meets your face as you flop off Twilight's back.
  126. "Ow, fuck!"
  127. >"Twilight, and the human. To what do I owe this pleasure of meeting you both?"
  128. >"Princess, Anon is dying. In his homeworld, radiation and death cover his lands. Anon had faced challenges that would kill even the strong. I fear he may have contracted some form of poisoning through his struggle for survival. Please, Princess, heal him"
  129. >"I will do my best, Twilight"
  130. "Wait! I was actually- ",
  131. >You attempt to confess while holding your nose.
  132. >A pale blue coating of magic surrounds you, and everything feels so... nice
  133. >You feel your nose which was just hurt feeling better.
  134. >The magic dissipates from your body, and you are gently levitated back to the marble floor.
  135. >"Thank you, Princess"
  138. >"Twilight, you should take Anon home to rest. Leave his past as is. I expect reports about his condition if it changes. See you soon, Twilight"
  140. >Oh shit oh shit, now even the Princess thinks you're sick.
  141. >You can't just say "Welp, it was all a prank lol".
  142. >Twilight is reading a shit ton of books about radiation sickness.
  143. >Sneak over to the door to get out of this mess
  144. >Twilight spots you.
  145. >!
  146. >"Anon, where do you think you're going? You need rest, here",
  147. >She levitates you to her bed.
  148. >"You can take my bed, I'll sleep on the couch".
  149. "Twilight, I'm not-"
  150. >"Ah ah, Anon, just go to bed. You need the rest".
  151. >She tucks you into bed and moves her books to the next room.
  152. >"Sleep tight, Anon",
  153. >She says, with tears in her eyes.
  154. >Now you fucked up
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