
SSSS Zebra v 1.0

Oct 30th, 2013
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  1. Zebras for SSSS, pre-alpha version. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed.
  3. -Maneuver 1: Spiritual sense-
  4. Level 1: By allowing the knowledge of those who are departed to flow through them, zebras are able to discern hidden objects, features, creatures, and locations better than most. They get a +2 bonus on all checks related to searching or spotting.
  5. Level 2: The zebra learns that your eyes can be fooled, and you cannot always rely on them to uncover the truth. When searching for something that is concealed or invisible, or magically altered, they may re-roll a failed roll to find it. The +2 from “Sight beyond sight” applies to both rolls.
  7. -Maneuver 2: Friend from the other side-
  8. Requires: Spiritual sense Level 1
  9. One of the greatest assets to zebras is their ability to reach out and make friends… on the other side. Sometimes this friendship takes the form of a special beyond between a zebra and a spirit from the world beyond. Many times this spirit is an ancestor, a guardian of nature, or some otherworldly compatriot. By performing a special ritual, a zebra can summon such a spirit to aid and support them. By spending twelve hours in deep meditation and reaching out to realms beyond, the zebra summons a small, intangible spirit to her side. This spirit can offer advice and perform small tasks on behalf of the summoner open doors, hold small objects, or carry messages short ranges to others. However, spirits require life to remain in the world of the living. Upon completion of the ritual, the summoner’s maximum HP (after other perks) decreases by 1; this 1 HP is what keeps the spirit in this world. In the event that the spiritual companion is separated from its summoner (via destruction, banishment, or having their bond forcibly severed) the zebra regains this HP, but instantly drops to 0. A new spirit (or the old one, depending on the circumstances) can be summoned after the zebra regains full HP and 24 hours have passed.
  10. NOTE: The individual aspects of the spirit are up to the summoner, and functionally they operate the similar to Mary’s puppets. Individual GMs may choose if they grant any additional bonuses or penalties in their adventures, or have any specific knowledge to offer the zebra.
  11. STATS: 1 HP, AC 20, -1 to hit, acts on the zebra’s turn. Attacks: Spirit Hit, 1d2, 50% chance that the target is unaffected. Intangibility: All non-magic attacks suffer a 100% miss rate on the spirit. Magic attacks that are not force attacks or designed to hurt spirits have a 50% miss chance. Force attacks and magic attacks that are designed to hurt spirits do not suffer any miss chance (assuming they hit its AC).
  13. -Maneuver 3: Potion Craft-
  14. Level 1: Zebras are naturally gifted at alchemy, able to turn even the most basic ingredients into useful potions. They are able to identify ingredients quickly brew potions almost as fast. They gain a +3 to all rolls regarding potions. (Potion list to come soon)
  15. Level 2: With a bit more knowledge about what makes alchemy, well, alchemy, zebras are able to do more than just make some basic potions. By rolling a 15+ (with the +3 from level 1 added in) they can create basic alchemic bombs that deal 1d6 points of damage on impact. To use one, a zebra must succeed on rolling a 10+ to hit the ground where the enemy is. If they beat the enemy’s AC, the attack deals an additional 1d3 points of fire damage from the impact. Additionally, the target and all adjacent creatures (friend and foe alike) must succeed on rolling a 12+ to avoid taking 1d4 points of splash damage. A natural 1 on the attack means that the zebra drops it, and must succeed on the 12+ to avoid the splash damage. Because of the risk they generate when making them, a zebra can only make 3 of these per day, and the potency of each one wares off and they become useless after one week.
  16. Level 3: Through careful study, practice, or sheer dumb luck, the zebra has mastered the art of alchemy. They gain an additional +3 to all rolls regarding alchemy, and their potions and bombs each go up a die size; d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d8 and so on. Finally, they unlock the master-level potion list.
  19. -Maneuver 4: Halt the flow-
  20. Prerequisites: Friend From the Other Side, 6 XP
  21. All living creatures have it. Ki. Chi. Magic. Spirit. Whatever you may call it, it’s basically the same; life energy. Every being produces it, and by tapping into the inner power of the spirit you can manipulate it. Zebras, with their natural affinity for the soul, have developed a way to use their own energy to temporarily stop the flow of an opponent’s energy flow. By spending a full round focusing on yourself and the declared opponent, you align your spirits for a devastating attack. Then, on a successful unarmed strike, you halt the flow of energy in the enemy’s body, stunning them; a missed attack allows you to try again next turn. If the attack hits, the enemy must succeed on rolling a 10+Damage dealt or be stunned for two rounds. Success makes them staggered for one round, and a nat 20 negates the stunning and sends a backlash of energy to the zebra, dealing 1d3 points of damage. If the enemy is defeated before the attack goes off, the altered, unddischarged energy from the zebra hurts them and they must succeed on rolling a 12 or taking 1d4 points of damage.
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