
(10) Gaynon heals

Jan 8th, 2015
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  1. >I went to my friend's house, told him I was moving and packed my things
  2. >The cab came, I gave my friend our little handshake, then I hugged him
  3. >"Later Anon, maybe I'll see you again"
  4. >I let go
  5. "Yeah, maybe."
  6. >I got in the cab
  7. >Went to the airport
  8. >And I got on a flight to Mareami
  9. >When I arrived there, I stayed in a hotel for a while
  10. >I reported to my job on monday, and it was surprisingly easy.
  11. >Just the same as my old one, taking phone calls and such, but I had to supervise the other operators, help them with whatever problems they had, keep them on track, etc.
  12. >It payed pretty well
  13. >I managed to find an apartment pretty quickly
  14. >I bought new furniture, some appliances, and got settled in quickly
  15. >All I could think of was Applejack
  16. >No amount of alcohol or drugs could numb the void
  17. >Huh, guess partying can only get you so far in life
  18. >I kept this going for about 4 months
  19. >Then something happened
  20. >I was walking down the emergency exit stairway at work, and my bad leg cracked
  21. >Something happened to it, maybe I put too much pressure on it and it refractured
  22. >As I was falling, my face hit the very bottom step
  23. >And I was knocked out cold
  24. >Man, I'm getting tired of being unconscious
  25. >I woke up and my body felt warm
  26. >There was a puddle of blood coming in front of me
  27. >What time was it?
  28. >Maybe I can call for help
  29. >I reached for my phone and pulled it out of my pocket
  30. >My hand was shaking so bad that I dropped it
  31. >I managed to see the time.
  32. >9:00
  33. >I passed out again
  34. >I woke up in the hospital
  35. >Man, this is getting boring
  36. >There was a huge bump that made me go airborne
  37. >I picked my head up
  38. >Nope, not the hospital, in an ambulance
  39. >"Woah there, keep your head down buddy, just remain calm."
  40. >There's those painkillers again
  41. >I must've been hurt pretty bad, I felt so high it was like I was floating
  42. >I layed my head down and waited for them to wheel me into the hospital
  43. >They put me under and prepped me for emergency facial surgery
  44. >That's always nice to hear
  45. ---
  46. >After surgery, the doctor told me what happened.
  47. >I fractured my face in a few place on my brow, my cheekbone, and my jaws and teeth. Some of them were knocked out
  48. >My leg had to be settled again
  49. >They managed to fix my face with a little plastic and screws.
  50. >Man, anymore accidents and I'll be more machine than man
  51. >I may need dental surgery to get fake teeth implanted where I lost them
  52. >The entire time I was at the hospital all I could think of was Applejack
  53. >I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes after I got knocked out.
  54. >I saw everything
  55. >My childhood
  56. >My highschool years
  57. >Moving out to live alone
  58. >The girls
  59. >Me going back to church
  60. >And Applejack
  61. >Man, I don't want to feel this feel anymore
  62. >It's called love, right?
  63. >After I got out of the hospital I went home
  64. >I looked in the mirror. I had a real bad shiner on my right eye, some of my bottom teeth were gone, and my right cheek was splotched blue and black
  65. >That was a real crazy fight, huh?
  66. >Yeah, right. If I was in a fight I would still have my teeth
  67. >Probably
  68. >I went back and took a seat on the couch
  69. >I thought, and thought, and thought
  70. >I looked at my phone
  71. >2 new voicemails
  72. >1 from work
  73. >"Hey anon, heard about your accident. Just take as much time off as you need, come back when you're ready, get well soon."
  74. >Next one
  75. >From
  76. >Applejack?
  77. >"Listen anon.... We've been apart for a while. I know I'm gonna sound kinda silly telling you this, but... I miss you. I knew you were being honest when you said you didn't want to hurt me. I've been thinking about you quite a bit, and I wish we could get back together somehow. But, you've already settled yourself somewhere else."
  78. >She paused
  79. >"I wish there was some way we could fix this." She said, sounding like she was sobbing
  80. >"I miss you. Bye anon. I love you."
  81. >My heart skipped a beat
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