
Valentines new feast on life

Jan 12th, 2017
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  1. She took a good long and judge mental look at herself in the mirror. There was no hiding it, Valentine was getting old. No one was laughing at her jokes and it seemed like the world was moving on without her. She couldn't ask about the latest trends because to her it would make her seem even more out of the loop. Not even her work was engaging to her anymore as machines were now doing the visceral jobs she loved to do best. She had to escape this looming dread, but how could she do it? Valentine walked the rain laden streets of new meridian, in a sulk about her current situation. In a self-deprecating jab she hazarded a look at the local minimum wage job postings for some degree of excitement, any degree that would rekindle her old vital spirit. She skimmed fast assuming she would not find anything of interest when she saw a listing that made her do a double take. "SCHOOL NURSE NEEDED. INQUIRE AT MAPLECREST HIGH SCHOOL." read the poster with various marquees and not one of the tabs had been ripped off. Valentine put a hand to her face, how could she have been so stupid to not think of this earlier? A high school would be the perfect place to find out what all the hip kids are into, provided they got injured of course. She ran to the highschool and applied so fast that she didn't bother to read the fine print on the contract. She would start on monday, so for the time being she slept soundly, dreaming of the opportunities this new lease on life would bring.
  3. Unfortunately, maplecrest had some of the healthiest kids around, so Valentine was forced to suffer through the bad jokes and idle chatter of the school secretaries. She didn't want to be like them, no, she wanted to be young again. That was when Valentine got an evil idea, she would create a few dangers that involved the popular kids at school in hopes that one would be injured and have to come to her office. Of course from being out of the loop for so long, Valentine had no idea who was in what kind of clique, so she went reckless and wild by eenie meanie Minie moeing a crowd of kids passing by her office. After the tiger had hollered and let go, the moe settled on a plump girl with active hair. She readied some caltrops and while the girls back was turned she scattered them below her feet, then leapt back into her office with ninja reflexes. She counted the seconds before hearing a scream of pain and a whump sound. Valentine picked up the poor pudgy girl and brought her into her office. "What happened girl?" "Owwwwch... I stepped on some sharp metal things and slipped...I think my foot is bleeding..." Valentine performed her typical medical procedures, but not before making small talk about the girl’s choice of clothes. "Does the school make you wear those clothes?" "Yes, ouch......they do, why do you ask?" "Well to me it seems something like that for a high schooler seems like it would be ummm... Gnarly?" "Oh we make it by just fine, people here find their own styles, some get quite a bit more popular than others. I hope you don't mind me asking, are you from around here?" "Umm, no I'm from...GHYTVFTY." Valentine hoped that the girl didn't have 20/20 vision. "Huh, well I'm feeling better already, I should get goin-". The girl was interrupted by Valentine, " Oh please before you go, what styles do you like to follow? Are they popular?" "Well there's something I read online that the more weight you have in your thighs, the more boys will like you, although for me it's going to my stomach as well..." "Alright, get better soon, and take better care next time." The girl thanked Valentine and then left, but not before grabbing a handful of lollipops from valentine’s candy tray. "So being thick was the new "In" thing now was it? I guess as a doctor I should know the absolute opposites of food to eat, so I should just follow that and maybe people will notice me again..." Glancing at a food pyramid she turned it upside down and started writing down details for her shopping list. But as she was just finishing it up she realized that the amount of time it would take to gain weight could be done much faster if she just ate fast food.
  5. She scanned the town for any shamelessly caloric restaurants and XXXXXL burgers caught her attention. Normally she would avoid these places but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Congratulations madam! You are our 1 millionth customer so please enjoy unlimited food on our behalf." Valentine had really done it now, there was no way she was going to eat that much food, but she took a tiny bite of a fry and was hooked. Her ways of eating became more slovenly as she stuffed the greasy burgers into her gob, sucking down gallons of triple thick milkshakes for the chaser. Her face grew messy with sauce as she devoured chicken nugget after nugget, and was already starting to feel the effects working, as her previously flat stomach grew into a paunch. She stopped for a little bit, thinking that the hotdogs were missing something, before she reached into her already considerable cleavage which was now larger and deeper, and produced a bar of dark chocolate which she put on the hotdog and promptly ate. As for her clothes, her piggish display was wreaking havoc on them already, as small seams on her shirt began to tear and expand, leaving rounded holes where her soft doughy fat spilled out of. Her strained top was about to give way to the pressure, as the rest of valentine’s body filled up and threatened to rend her clothes. Her buttons were stretched wide, exposing her skin in diamond shaped intervals between the buttons which was awfully tight as it restrained her now bulging pot belly. Valentine took a particularly large bite of some gooey cheese curds, and the buttons on her stomach were the first to go.
  7. PING!The button flew past and collided with the restaurant wall. After being relieved from the pressure, valentines doughy gut flopped out in full display with rolls in all of its wobbly gluttony glory. Next her breast buttons broke with a zing, exposing her enormous milk jugs with a heavy flump, her tits still jiggling for 30 seconds after the initial disturbance. Looking at the mirror, Valentine was thrilled with her new weighty appearance, and spent some time admiring her flabby gut, enjoying feeling the weight of it as she lifted it up and let go, watching intently at the jiggle. She couldn't wait to get back to work and display her new hip and in style body to everyone at maplecrest. She would have had a more restful sleep if her bed didn't break down during the night, but she was extremely excited anyway. She walked by the crowds at school and heard laughter and whispers. No one got near her and kept their distance, which confused Valentine. She bumped into Filia and asked why her popularity plan didn't work. Filia explained that her group had lost membership recently due to a certain restaurant going out of business. She thought that she couldn't be chasing one trend after another, so she should just stick with being tubby.
  9. It was at this point where Valentine got it into her head that she would enjoy her new body to the fullest, and prepare her body for a special someone out there that would enjoy her company. But that would have to wait until Valentine discovered all of the merits of her new body by herself. Every day she performed self-examination experiments on herself and tried to enjoy it to the fullest. She discovered on accident that her now deepened navel had become an erogenous zone for her, so she lubed up two hands with burger grease and stuck her fingers and hand into her belly button and felt it around slimily. She gave alternating attention to her fat cheeks and tatas, as she smacked her fat ass which the fat enveloped the sides of her hand, and stimulated her nipples enough to lactate in long milky and creamy streams. Shrrlup went the steady rhythm of valentine’s hand reaching into her navel. Her fat ass wobbled and jiggled in response to her belly and breasts, as Valentine increased her pace. She stuck her hand into her pussy and started getting wild, each thrust of her arm brought another wave of wetness which seemed to only increase and increase. Her ninja like movements went faster and faster, valentine thought her mind would explode from the pleasure, and only could think of more, MORE, MOOOOORRRRREEEEEEE. Valentines girlcum hit the wall in a wide arc, as she furiously fingered herself. She laid back and moaned in exhaustion and pleasure, slowly removing her sticky and sweaty hands and fingers from their respective crevices. With a cum covered hand she grabbed a pen and wrote down on a poster, "WANTED. MAN TO BE A CONNISEUR OF MY BODY FOREVER. INQUIRE AT THE LOCAL HOSPITAL".
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